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Volume 1, Issue 1 (4-2014)

Background:Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a sight-threatening microvascular complication of diabetes in which the vascular endothelium is damaged due to oxidative stress and inflammation, and vitreous VEGF concentration becomes elevated. The aim of the present study was to assess the association of DR with genetic variations of the MnSOD, a major antioxidant enzyme, and VEGF, an important mediator of neovascularisation, in northern Iran. Methods: 70 patients with DR and 70 healthy control subjects matched for age and sex was recruited for this study. PCR-based RFLP assay was used to determine the genotypes of MnSODA16V and VEGF+405 C/G polymorphisms. Results and Conclusions:A higher frequency of the AV genotype (71.43%) of the MnSODA16V polymorphism was found in the patients compared with controls which had a 8.33-fold increase in risk of DR (OR= 8.33, 95% CI= 2.56-27.13, P= 0.0004). The frequency of GG, GC, and CC genotypes of VEGF +405 C/G polymorphism in controls were 42.86%, 45.71% and 11.43%, respectively, while in DR patients were 18.57%, 48.57%, and 32.86%, respectively.The +405C allele was considered as a high risk factor of DR (OR= 2.55, 95% CI= 1.57-4.14, P= 0.0001). In conclusion, It is suggested that the MnSODA16V and the VEGF+405 C/G polymorphisms may be associated with the risk of DR in northern Iran.

Volume 3, Issue 4 (12-2015)

There are many reports of serious problems of dust storm events in the western parts of Iran. Based on many researches, Iraq is one of the main sources of dust storms in western parts of Iran. The Radial Basis Function Network (RBFN) model has been used to assess wind erosion hazard in Iraq as a main source area of dust storms over several western cities of Iran. The percentage of vegetation is the only changeable factor of RBFN model. The wind erosion hazard map in two time periods (2003 and 2012) verified the vegetation changes over time. The results showed that the vegetation percentage index in all land use types of 2003 was higher than those of 2013. In addition to drought as a natural parameter, overgrazing, dam construction on Tigris and Euphrates Rivers (in Turkey) and high amount of water for crop production are human and policy factors causing loss of vegetation cover in source area and wind erosion exacerbation.
Kavoos Hasanli, Shahin Haghighi,
Volume 4, Issue 16 (Winter 2011)

Drawing on modernist techniques, the play Az poshte shisheha by Akbar Radi expresses an unrelenting challenge of the intellectual with the new-fangled, vulgar modern trends. In order to express his view, Radiemploys doubles in his characterization. He creates two female characters that stand in opposition to each other; one represents modernity without originality while the other is an ordinary woman with the same intellectual and psychological concerns. In a way, almost all characters of this play, especially the women, symbolically represent different social strata and ideologies. Considering the central role of women in this play, theanalysis of their characterscan reveal the author’s outlook towards the major conflict of the play.

Volume 5, Issue 2 (summer 2024)

Problem: In a two-way relationship with the surrounding environment, human affects the environment on the one hand and is also under the influence of the environment on the other hand. The quality of the physical environment affects the mental health of individuals, and decreases or increases depression, stress, liveliness, vitality, and other states of individuals.
Objective: This study aims to explain and evaluate the effectiveness of physical factors of open space of residential complexes on the mental health of elderlies.
Method: The method of this study is quantitative, and is among descriptive-analytical studies with correlation type in terms of objective.
Results: Findings indicate a direct and significant relationship between physical components: place desirability, appropriateness with cognitive-perceptual abilities, permeability, geometry, location, and mental health of elderlies. Moreover, all components identified in this study could affect the liveliness, vitality, and mental health of elderlies although the effect levels are different between various studied buildings.

Volume 6, Issue 2 (Spring 2020)

Aims: Acinetobacter baumannii is an opportunistic pathogen that is resistant to many antibiotics including beta-lactams. Production of β-lactamases is the main mechanism of β-lactam resistance in A. baumannii strains. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of blaTEM and blaVEB genes in clinical isolates of A. baumannii and the relationship between the antibiotic resistance and the presence of ESBL genes in strains isolated from burn wound infection in Isfahan.
Materials & Methods: In this study, 123 MDR A. baumannii strains were isolated from burn wound infection. After antibiotic resistance evaluation using the Kirby-Bauer disc-diffusion method, all the isolates were evaluated with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique to detect ESBL genes, followed by statistical analysis by the end.
Findings: Out of 123 A. baumannii isolates, 77 (62.60%) strains were ESBL positive according to the PCR results. The frequency of blaTEM and blaVEB genes was 52 (42.3%) and 67 (54.5%), respectively. There was a significant relationship between the antibiotic resistance and the presence of ESBL genes (blaTEM and blaVEB) in A. baumannii strains.
Conclusion: The high prevalence of blaTEM and blaVEB genes in A. baumannii strains found in this study is the major concern about burn wound infections in Isfahan and Iran because of the complexity in treating infections caused by these strains. This study results highlighted the need for infection control measures to prevent the spread of resistant isolates and ESBL genes, especially in burn hospitals.

Volume 6, Issue 4 (Fall 2024)

Elections, as a political behavior, are the most important arena of political participation and play a fundamental role in determining the fate of society. Participation in elections and the act of voting are also the crystallization the will of public opinion and voters. Accordingly, analyzing electoral behavior of different periods can provide a more accurate understanding of the political, social and economic developments of each period. The present study aims to investigate, explain and analyze the factors affecting electoral behavior of the tenth and eleventh periods of the Islamic Consultative Assembly elections in the constituencies of Qasr-e-Shirin, Sar-e Pol-e Zahab and Gilan Gharb. The importance, necessity and motivation for choosing the subject, on the one hand, goes back to the fundamental position of the legislative branch, whose function has a fundamental impact and role on the fate of the people and the country. On the other hand, it is related to the constituency, which has not been researched in this field so far. This work is the first study and a response to this necessity.
The theoretical framework of the research is a combination of electoral behavior models and, based on this, it analyzes the role of tribal-ethnic divide, religious divide, and city-based orientation as long-term factors and political factionalism and economic factors as short-term factors in shaping the voting pattern of the constituency.
This constituency includes three cities with a population of 165,602 people and one representative. It also has specific geographical, cultural, and historical characteristics, a diverse population, and different economic and social conditions. The people of these areas are Kurds and are formed from different tribes and clans. Culturally, they are also a mixture of Sunnis, Shiites, and Ahl al-Haqq. These characteristics have been able to leave significant and noticeable effects on political and electoral orientations over time and in different periods.

The data gathering procedure is based library and field finding method. The number of sample is 395 people who are 20 years old and more. T-test and paired t-tests are used to compare variables in the 10th and 11th elections of the Islamic Consultative Assembly in the study area. The statistical method is used to compare the nature of the analyses.

Discussion and Results
The results showed that the long-term and short-term variables of the research have had an effect on voting behavior in both election periods. However, there are differences in the extent and manner of the effects of the aforementioned factors between the two periods. In such a way that the role of the tribal-clan divides and county orientation has increased in the 11th period compared to the 10th period, which indicates the strengthening and attention to ethnic and local identities. In contrast, the role of religious divide has decreased compared to the tenth period, which could indicate a change in voters' prioritization or a change in the approach of influential individuals in this field. The role of political factionalism and the economic factor has also been greater in the 11th period which could be due to voters' increased attention to economic and livelihood conditions and political affiliations. However, the presence of candidates as voters with special political, social characteristics and financial capabilities at unconventional expense should not be ignored in voters' behavior.

The analysis of the voting pattern in the constituencies of Qasr-e Shirin, Sar-e Pol-e Zahab and Gilan Gharb in the tenth and eleventh periods of the Islamic Consultative Assembly shows significant changes in voters' priorities. The results of the analysis of the voting pattern in the social, political and economic space indicate the importance of paying attention to local, ethnic, religious and cultural needs. Therefore, the analysis of the findings indicates both the change and stability of some factors in the voting pattern. Overall, the analysis of these two periods shows that voting patterns were influenced by a combination of long-term and short-term factors. While some factors, such as religious divides, have remained stable, others, such as tribal-ethnic divides, city-state orientation, and political factionalism, have seen significant changes with increasing trends. The increasing importance of economic issues in both periods also indicates that livelihood problems and obstacles have remained at the center of voters’ decision-making.

Volume 6, Issue 24 (12-2018)

The study of popular culture in literary works is one of the approaches that may be useful for interdisciplinary studies such as the social sciences, ethnology, cultural research etc. In addition to represent the ancient culture of a society, these studies reveal the differences and distances between today's society and the past. Reflections on traditions, science and popular belief can also be found in literary texts. Thus, literary texts can potentially transfer these socio-cultural propositions to readers of next generation. The goal of the present study was to determine the frequency and the manner one can apply these beliefs to Rumi’s Ruba’i. The research has been organized in two areas: "Reflection of social customs and habits in Rumi's Rubai “and "Reflection of popular beliefs in Rumi's Ruba’i. The results showed high frequency of these beliefs in Rumi’s Ruba’i. In addition, the present study showed that the poet was not only the narrator of certain rituals and beliefs of his time; but also he has concentrated on the artistic thematization by rendering the current thoughts mystic, religious and anthropological for his addressee.

Volume 7, Issue 2 (Spring 2021)

Backgrounds: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is considered as a global health challenge, and Iran is among the top ten countries with the highest mortality rate. This study aimed to analyze epidemiological, clinical, and laboratory features of hospitalized SARS-CoV-2 infected patients and identify the risk factors of mortality among them to facilitate the prioritization of resources and vaccine allocation in the population using data available in a large university hospital in Tehran, Iran.
Materials & Methods: From February 20 to May 14, 2020, a total of 684 COVID-19 confirmed cases were admitted to Imam Hossein University hospital in Tehran and enrolled in this retrospective observational study.
Findings: The mean age of the participants was 59.48±16.65 years, and 55.8% were male. Compared to survivors, non-survivors (n=127, 18.57%) were older (69.09±14.16 vs. 57.29±16.40), had higher average number of comorbidities, and more frequently suffered from dyspnea, convulsion, loss of consciousness (LOC), tachycardia, tachypnea, and hypoxia. They also had higher levels of leukocytes, neutrophil count, C-reactive protein (CRP), creatine phosphokinase (CPK), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), international normalized ratio (INR), prothrombin time (PT), partial thromboplastin time (PTT), urea, and serum creatinine (p<.05). Serum potassium (K), lymphocyte count, hemoglobin, HCO3, and serum sodium (Na) were significantly lower in non-survivors. Multivariable logistic regression analysis results revealed that nine variables were positively associated with mortality.
Conclusion: Among COVID-19 patients admitted to the hospital, having more than two or three comorbidities, loss of consciousness, SpO2 < 90%, increased CRP, CPK, urea, and serum potassium, were associated with mortality.

Volume 7, Issue 4 (Fall 2018)

This study was carried out to evaluate the effects of dietary protein levels on growth performance and body composition of Caspian Roach (Rutilus caspicus) fingerling. Four experimental diets were formulated to contain protein levels of 30, 35, 40, and 45%. Triplicate groups of 300 Roach (Average weight, 2.65±0.17g) were stocked in 100L-fiberglass tanks (25 fish/tank) and were fed based on 3% of their biomass for 57 days. The results showed that weight gain (WG%), specific growth rate (SGR), food conversion ratio (FCR), condition factor (CF) and survival (SR%) were not affected by dietary protein level but the protein efficiency ratio of protein levels containing 30 and 35% CP was significantly higher than other dietary treatments (p<0.05).The body compositions were affected by dietary protein levels. Body protein significantly decreased with increasing dietary protein levels but body lipid increased when protein increased to 40% level. The results of the present study indicated that growth enhancement of fish was not significant when the diets protein levels were increased from 30 to 45%, but fish fed a diet containing 30% CP had greater protein efficiency values when compared to those fed with other diets.

Volume 8, Issue 1 (Winter 2020)

Aims: Affecting factors on runoff generation in mountainous areas, where the hydrological processes are complex, play an important role in the recognition of hydrological phenomena. The aim of the present study was to simulate the water balance of Farsan Basin using the SWAT model.
Materials & Methods: In this semi-distributed research, SWAT model was used to simulate the monthly runoff the basin of interest. The study area was Farsan watershed, it is the part of Beheshtabad Basin. Basin's curve number was estimated using a remotely sensed NDVI. The calibration and validation of the model were carried out by using the SUFI2 Algorithm (sequential uncertainty fitting) for two periods, one from 2001 to 2011 and another from 2012 to 2015.
Findings: The threshold depth of water in the shallow aquifer to start evaporation (REVAPMN) had the least sensitivity, while the soil evapotranspiration (ESCO), the time delay of the transferring water from the last soil profile to the groundwater level (GW_DELAY), and curve numbers in normal condition (CN2) were the most sensitive factors, respectively. To evaluate the simulation, R2 (coefficient of determination), bR2 (weight correlation coefficient), and NS (Nash Sutcliffe model efficiency) at the calibration stage were 0.63, 0.33, and 0.57, respectively. Whereas at the validation phase, these coefficients were found to be 0.69, 0.68, and 0.52, respectively.
Conclusion: A proper specification of these sensitive parameters may be the key factor for runoff simulations. The impact of change in surface parameters may have a great influence in both generating runoff and mountain hydrology.

Volume 8, Issue 3 (Summer 2022)

Backgrounds: Uropathogenic Escherichia coli is a Gram-negative bacillus that is the most common cause of urinary tract infection. E. coli has the ability to produce biofilm as an important virulence factor. Due to the lack of sufficient information about ESBL resistance genes in this geographical area, this study aimed to investigate the prevalence of ESBLs in E. coli isolates to increase our knowledge about the role of these genes and biofilm formation in inducing resistance.
Materials & Methods: 139 E. coli strains were isolated from urine samples. Antibiotic susceptibility testing was performed for the isolates by disk diffusion method. ESBL production was confirmed using double-disk synergy test. Molecular detection of ESBL genes was performed using PCR. Biofilm formation assay was performed by microtiter plate method.
Findings: The most effective antibiotic against this bacterium was nitrofurantoin. Multidrug resistance was observed in 119 (85.6%) isolates. ESBL phenotype was detected in 93 (66.9%) isolates. The PCR test results showed that blaCTX, blaVEB, and blaTEM were positive in 45 (32.4%), 87 (62.6%), and 10 (7.2%) isolates, respectively. The biofilm formation assay results revealed that 65 (46.8%), 58 (41.7%), 10 (7.2%), and six (4.3%) isolates were non-, weak, moderate, and strong biofilm producers, respectively.
Conclusions: The high prevalence of ESBL genes is a public health concern in this region because they could be transmitted to other susceptible bacteria and induce resistance. This study showed that biofilm production could increase antibiotic resistance.
Farzam Haghighi,
Volume 8, Issue 30 (Summer 2015)

Tarikh-e Adabiyat-e Dastani-e Iran[1] by Hassan Mirabedini has been essentially the result of his study on the evolution of fiction writing during his years in the Academy of Persian Language and Literature. This institution has already published another version of this book in two volumes in 2008 and 2012. After some time, a new version of this book in one volume was published with drastic changes by Sokhan Publication, edited by Ahmad Samiei (Gilani). This book has examined the formation and various incidents of Persian fiction from its inception to 1953. Here, I briefly examine the structure, methodology, innovations, and the relevance of this book to the future studies. This investigation examines less discussed subjects such as the influence of travelogues and folklores on the formation of Persian fiction, the preface of the first Persian novels, religious novels, detective and criminal stories, etc.
[1] The History of Iranian Fictional Literature

Volume 8, Issue 35 (11-2020)

Many manuscripts and editions of Mush-o Gorbeh [Mouse and Cat] have been listed or published as the most famous work of Obaid Zakani; however, its comparison and examination clarifies that these various editions of Mouse and Cat are significantly different in terms of language, style, and even story. These narrations are largely considered as belated and folkloric compared to Obaid Zakani’s era and language. Therefore, many people have hesitated to attribute Mouse and Cat to Obaid. In order to investigate this attribution, these works should be compared, so that their shared roots can be identified. This paper merely follows this in three phases. In the first section, different editions of Mouse and Cat are compared and grouped based on the ending verses of the story. In the second section, the ending of the story is examined in all narrations. In the final section, some hypotheses are given regarding the relationship of these narrations, their origins, and other possible narrations based on the verses recorded in these editions of Mouse and Cat. They are, then, compared with the incomplete but older manuscripts. These editions of Mouse and Cat can be grouped in nine categories in terms of narration, and in two general classes in terms of story, based on the style and language. These very differences and a few ancient recordings that can only be seen in some of the belated and folkloric manuscripts indicate that none of these editions of Mouse and Cat can be attributed to Obaid.
Research Background
Unfortunately, we cannot find an ancient, complete edition of Mouse and Cat today. The oldest manuscript can be found in the Anthology of Ali Ibn Ahmad No. 3528 (written in the ninth century AH) which is kept in the Central Library and Documentation Center of the University of Tehran, and the other manuscript is Obaid’s generalities of works (written in the ninth century-the early tenth AH century) which is kept in Mahdavi Library, and microfilm No. 1547 kept in the Central Library and Documentation Center of the University of Tehran. Both works are incomplete.
Since ancient manuscripts cannot be found, there are lots of debates over the attribution of this work to Obaid Zakani. Many studies have been conducted on Obaid, and some researchers, such as Mahjoob and Mohades have tried to reject the attribution of Mouse and Cat to Obaid in the introduction on Obaid Zakani’s Generalities of Works (Obaid Zakani, 1999), and the introduction on Mouse and Cat (Uppsala, 2011), respectively. 
However, no study has been conducted on different Mouse and Cat narrations so far and this study is going to fill this gap.
Aims, questions, assumptions
Dozens of manuscripts of Mouse and Cat are attributed to Obaid. However, a comparison reveals that these manuscripts of Mouse and Cat are significantly different and cannot be considered as a single work. This paper tries to answer three main questions on this issue.
Although there are dozens of manuscripts and printed editions of Mouse and Cat, a comparison manifests that these editions are to a large extent different and cannot be considered as a single work. A thorough understanding of Mouse and Cat can be achieved by examining these editions, examining whether this work can be attributed to Obaid Zakani. This paper tries to answer three main questions.
1. How many narrations of Mouse and Cat are identified?
2. How are these narrations different from each other?
3. Do these different narrations share a common ground?
Results and discussion
The most ancient, complete manuscript of Mouse and Cat which is kept in the National Library of Tunisia was written in 1153 AH. Comparisons made between this manuscript and the other manuscripts as well as the lithography and prints that date back to the Qajar era reveal that there are various narrations of Mouse and Cat that can be classified into nine categories. These narrations differ in terms of the number of verses and vocabularies as well as the story.
Some of them are more difficult while the others are weak and folkloric. The handwritten narration which is kept in Tunisia can be considered more intact compared to the other narrations in terms of story and language. The manuscripts and the printed copies manifest the popularity of the Tunisian narration in the 12th, and particularly in the 13th and 14th centuries. However, it (or it could be said the other narrations of Mouse and Cat) cannot be considered as an ancient narration attributed to Obaid Zakani due to its linguistic distinctions with the eighth-century poetry. However, some conclusions can be drawn after reflecting on some of the ancient elements of other narrations that cannot be seen in the Tunisian narration, and some similarities could be found between this edition and the manuscript that can be found in the Anthology of Ali Ibn Ahmad and the edition which is kept in Mahdavi Library. If a narration can be attributed to Obaid Zakani, it should be one of those two incomplete manuscripts. Although some other narrations of Mouse and Cat were released in the interval between the release of these two manuscripts and the 13th century, none of them have survived.
There are various narrations of Mouse and Cat which are attributed to Obaid Zakani, but none of them can be considered as a work from the eighth century. The differences in these narrations are the results of the interferences that scribes made in collecting this work. Nine narrations of Mouse and Cat are available. The most ancient one is a narration originating from the Tunisian manuscript and since some manuscripts and prints of the 13th century are based on this version, it can be concluded that the Tunisian manuscript was the most popular narration in the 13th and the early 14th centuries.
In addition, there is a narration in the printed editions of Mouse and Cat that should be considered as an independent narration despite its general similarities with the Tunisian narration. This narration has been published frequently during the current century and today everyone recognizes it as the Mouse and Cat attributed to Obaid Zakani. Seven other narrations were released in the interval between the release of the Tunisian narration and the printed narrations, which were abandoned and less read for some reasons such as weak verses, weak plot, etc.
Obaid Zakani. (1999). Generalities of works (in Farsi) (edited by Mohammad Jafar Mahjuob). Bibliotheca Persica Pres.

Volume 9, Issue 18 (Fall & Winter 2023)

The examination and critique of translation involve addressing various dimensions of translation, identifying its strengths and weaknesses, and presenting a new style that expands critical strategies and provides a basis for enhancing the quality of translation. Today, there are various theories for critiquing and evaluating translations, one of which is Joseph Malone's theory. Malone introduces strategies such as equivalence (substitution and matching), expansion and reduction, recombination (scattering and condensation), alternation (divergence and convergence), fresh arrangement or encryption, and bridging for translation. In this study, using a descriptive-analytical method, the translations of Arfaʻ, Ostad walī, Āyatī, and Barzī of selected vocabulary and combinations from the Holy Quran are critiqued and examined based on Joseph Malone's pattern. Since the structure of Quranic verses is created based on linguistic, cultural, social, and other criteria, the selected translations are amenable to critique and evaluation based on Malone's approach, which is based on the aforementioned criteria. The research findings indicate that divergence and convergence in different elements of style, emotion, and figurative language are the focus. In the divergence section, most translators, except for Arfaʻ, have determined a suitable equivalent for each interpretation and expression, taking into accounts these elements, and has attempted to create coherence, connection, and convergence of meanings between the original text and the translation. In the convergence section, Quranic expressions, in accordance with this rule, are not reflected in the translation of any of the translators.


Volume 10, Issue 2 (Spring 2019)

Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is a malignant blood disease with a particular chromosomal aberration and it is known as a common form of leukemia. Chromene family exhibit strong anti-cancer effects. Therefore, in this study, the effect of two derivatives of dihydro-pyrano [2, 3-g] chromene family is investigated on cell toxicity and apoptosis induction in K562 cancer cells and compared them with Peripheral Blood Mononuclear (PBMC) normal cells. The K562 cell line was cultured in the presence of the mentioned chromene derivatives at a concentration of 40-200µM for 24-72 hours. The effect of these compounds on growth and viability of K562 cell line and PBMC cells were studied via MTT assay and apoptosis induction was investigated by flow cytometry. The results showed that these chromene derivatives inhibit K562 cell line growth. Moreover, increasing the chromene concentration and the time of exposure to it increase the cell toxicity. Among these compounds, 4-No2pgC was known as a compound with high toxicity (IC50=129±2.75) and 4-MePgC recognized as a compound with low toxicity (IC50=214±3.42) after 72 hours exposure to the K562 cell line. Furthermore, the results of flow cytometry demonstrated the effect of apoptosis induction of these compounds on the K562 cell line. According to the obtained results from this research, chromene derivatives can induce apoptosis in the K562 cell line and these compounds have a less toxic effect on normal cells than cancer cells. In conclusion, these derivatives can be considered as a proper candidate for the treatment of leukemia.

Volume 10, Issue 2 (10-2020)

In recent years, technology has been constantly changing and all organizations are forced to change with new technologies in order to maintain competitiveness and survive in business environments. Online Social Networks (OSNs) are new platforms for user-oriented websites/apps and they have been increasingly noticed by various businesses. Applying these new interactive technologies bring several benefits to businesses. There will be a need for new types of managerial and social skills as well as a new type of decision-making process that will not be acceptable by the existing organizational structures.
Given that one of the main concerns of managers is to measure the performance of organizations in order to optimal consumption of resources (inputs) to generate products (outputs), hence method of this study is a mathematical programming technique based on performance measurement using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). One of the most interesting methods in DEA literature for measuring the efficiency of organizations is the slack-based measure (SBM) model. In this paper, the performance of printed newspapers as Decision Making Units (DMUs) on Instagram has been measured to identify the inefficiency factors of units using SBM method. The findings show that two DMUs was efficient and others was inefficient. Finally, the practical patern has been presented in order to improve the performance of inefficient units to decrease on inputs and increase on outputs using SBM model.

Volume 10, Issue 2 (Spatial Issue on Persian Gulf 2021)

Oil pollution of waters, in addition to disrupting the physiological function of fish, leads to irreparable damage to human health during transmission through the food chain. Therefore, the possibility of accumulation of petroleum hydrocarbons in the edible tissues of fish is of particular importance. In this study, samples of yellowfin seabream (Acanthopagrus latus; Houttuyn, 1782) were collected from the Khowr-e Musa area in the Persian Gulf using bait traps. after twenty days of adaptation to the laboratory conditions (South of Iran Aquaculture Research Center), the fishes was divided into five groups with two replications in tanks containing 300 liters of seawater. The groups were then exposed to concentrations of 0, 2, 4, 8 and 16% water associated fraction (WSF).
The results of the study of the amount of total petroleum hydrocarbons in the gills and kidney tissue showed a significant increase on days 10 and 20 of the experiment, which increased slightly with increasing WSF concentration (P <0.05). While liver and muscle tissue, considering exposure time and WSF concentration, no significant difference was observed (P> 0.05). The results of the present study showed the possibility of accumulation of TPH in the gill and kidneys of yellowfin seabream, under the influence of concentration and duration of exposure to WSF. Therefore, considering the high economic value of the Sparidae family, it seems necessary to provide appropriate management methods to control oil pollution in the Persian Gulf.

Volume 10, Issue 3 (9-2024)

The study of insect morphology has recently benefited greatly from the emergence of new digital imaging and analysis technologies such as X-ray Micro-computed tomography (μ-CT), digital 3D reconstruction, and animation. Through interactive gaming and virtual reality, the external morphology of insects can be studied by a broad audience of both entomologists and non-specialists. EntomonVR is a serious game designed to investigate the external morphology of insects with adequate quality for the virtual reality platform. In this research, we discuss the advantages of virtual reality, introduce the EntomonVR new educational game, and conclude about future perspectives, validations, and cost-effectiveness. We tested this game on 25 participants with an entomological background for assessment and improved it based on their feedback. This study demonstrates the efficacy of virtual reality technology for an experimental learning environment in teaching the morphology of insects and the crucial need for advancing an efficient and interactive educational program.

Volume 11, Issue 1 (Vol. 11, No. 1 (Tome 55), (Articles in Persian) 2020)

Language learning is not just the learning of vocabulary and grammar. Idioms are the useful structures between language speakers, especially in spoken language.  Maybe the mysterious nature of these structures makes the speakers to be interested in using them. It was said mysterious because they do not have combinational meaning. Idioms have their own context of use and it motivates speakers to use them because the proper use of idioms shows the high level of communication skill of a foreign language learner. But due to the special structure of idioms, it is so hard to learn them.
Besides, cartoon is a kind of image which is simple, attractive and borderless.
It seems that the interaction between idiom and cartoon results in revealing connotational meaning of idiom and in this way, cartoon develops the literal meaning of idiom.
There are various studies on the relationship between text and image in book illustration, teaching language and different sciences and they have confirmed the positive impact of image especially in the form of cartoon or caricature in learning but there is no research about the role of cartoon in learning English idioms to Persian native speakers from the semiotic point of view.
This paper aims to evaluate the effect of interaction between speech and cartoon and achieve the effective features of cartoons in revealing the covert meaning of idioms, in the process of English idioms teaching to Persian speakers from semiotic point of view.
 In this paper, the main problem is how the cartoon, in relation to idioms, changes the space of sense-making from an unpredictable semiotic space to a creative one and how this interaction causes a creative semiotic space to develop the concept of idioms. To evaluate this paper`s hypotheses, we used visual semiotics approach and discourse analysis method. The statistical population of this research includes 60 English language learners in intermediate and advanced level including 30 girls and 30 boys from north and south of Tehran. The hypotheses of this study are that: firstly, cartoons can cause the semiotic development via the sign spaces interaction, inducing a new cognition and developing the scope of imagination. Secondly, speech and cartoon can cause creative usage of idioms via making referential space, using the discourse dimensions and developing the linguistic game in inter-semiotic space.
The results show that, cartoons with the appropriate functions of cognitive, sensory- perceptual, emotional and aesthetic dimensions of discourse in which there are maximal transdiscourse relationship with idioms and make an effective interpretation or metadiscourse, cause a creative process and transcend the denotational meaning of idioms to connotational one. So, they can be considered as prosthesis for idioms. As a result, the hypotheses of this research are confirmed.


Volume 12, Issue 4 (10-2010)

Objective: Endothelium is a selective and permeable membrane for transferring nutrients and vital components to arterial wall. Endothelial damage might lead to altered biological function of endothelium and clinical consequences such as atherosclerosis. Blood pressure pulse always exerts circumferential tension to the arterial wall. Hence, such tension together with other loads, play important role in functional properties of endothelial cells. Previous studies verify effects of cyclic loading on adaptation and remodeling of endothelium. This study investigates structural properties of cultured endothelial cells subjected to uni-axial cyclic loading. Materials and Methods: Human umbilical vein endothelial cells, prepared from national cell bank of Iran (NCBI-C554), were cultured on silicon membrane, and then subjected to cyclic tension with 10 % amplitude and 1 Hz frequency, and 2,4,6,8 hour durations utilizing a custom made tensile device. Viscoelastic properties of endothelial cells were examined by micropipette aspiration technique. Results: Results show increase in elastic modulus (E) of cells due to tensile cyclic loading which results in stiffening of cell body. Also results show primary increase then subsequent decrease in viscose modulus. Conclusion: Previous studies verify generation of stress fibers due to accumulation and increase in actin fibers in endothelial cells after tensile cyclic loading. Since mechanical and structural properties of endothelial cells depend on actin fibers, results of this study show tensile cyclic loading causes increase in stiffness of endothelial cells through generation of stress fibers.

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