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Volume 3, Issue 2 (, (Articles in Persian) 2012)

The reason or cause of doing something, in most cases, differs in Persian and Russian Language. These differences will be revealed when the reason is explained using prepositions. In Russian, the prepositions, in addition to position and purpose, have causal features that are very important when talking in Russian and translating from Persian into Russian. Further Iranian language learners become superficially familiar with them when learning the language but they (language learners) are not taught enough as they ought to be. In Russian language, a definitive preposition is used for expressing a special reason in a way that the other preposition can not be replaced with it. The meaning of nouns and verbs, which are used with causal prepositions and also the reason of creating that, are really important in finding the causal preposition and that's why Iranian language learners have trouble in expressing the reason. This article examines Iranian language learners' problems and tries to prove it based on evidence.
, Farzane Gholamy,
Volume 9, Issue 36 (Winter 2016)

In recent years in Iran, Aiden Chambers’ theory called “The Reader in the Book” has greatly attracted researches in the realm of children literature. The purpose of such studies has been to read various works of Iranian children literature writers based on Chamber’s theory. In order to recognize the specifics of the child reader in the text, Chambers introduces the four essential elements of style, point of view, taking sides and tell-tale gaps. The fundamental question of this study is to examine whether the theoretical elements and concepts chambers names as essential to create the child reader in the book are practically used in his literary works? The examination of “Cindy’s Day Out” from his collection, Kissing Game, represents that Chambers has created an active and critical child reader in his work through the proper application of different methods, such as the shift from narratorial-descriptive style to dramatic-objective style, Various but fluid and friendly diction, few but understandable literary figures, third person narrator focalized through the main character, taking sides through style shift, superficial and cultural gaps along with gaps in characterization and narrative structure.

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