Showing 27 results for Ghasemzadeh
Volume 0, Issue 0 (in press 2024)
The use of pozzolans is very necessary and inseparable for the sustainable development and better performance of the concrete industry. In the production of concrete, the combination of iron powder, fly ash, metakaolin and limestone powder under the name of fracking is used as materials and substitutes for cement in different percentages. The compressive strength of this concrete is higher than normal concrete. This type of concrete is a very new concrete that few tests have been done on it in the world, so there is not lot of information available about it. According to the studies, the most important features of this concrete are the use of iron waste, reduction of air and environmental pollution, cost savings and higher compressive strength than ordinary concrete. In this research, in order to protect the environment and reduce environmental pollution, fracking has been used as a relative substitute for cement. After obtaining the appropriate proportions, the frac mixture with percentages of 0, 3, 6, and 9 was considered as a substitute for cement. There were 8 tests in this research, 4 tests of the first category were carried out with the mentioned percentages of frac and 0% of steel fibers, but in the 4 tests of the second category, the volume of 1% of steel fibers was considered in the mixture. In this research, a total of 16 concrete samples were made, of which 8 of the first batch were used for pre-heating tests and 8 of the second batch were used to collect the results and performance of the concrete after heating. took After making the concrete samples and performing the necessary processes, the concrete samples were molded and placed on the vibrating table in order to make them denser and prevent voids in the concrete. After vibrating for a sufficient time, the samples were placed in the open space for 24 hours and then placed in the water basin for the processing process. A group of samples was taken out of the pond after 7 days to perform compressive and tensile strength tests (at the age of 7 days, due to the freshness of the concrete, exposure to high heat was not done) . After 28 days, the second batch was removed from the water and prepared for testing. The tests performed on these samples include compressive strength before and after heating, bending strength before and after heating, ultrasonic before and after heating, and water absorption before and after high heat. To test the performance of the samples after heating, the samples were placed in the furnace at a temperature of 450 degrees Celsius for 60 minutes (one hour) and after one hour, the samples were removed from the furnace and The samples were cooled at a temperature of 24 degrees Celsius. After the cooling of the samples, the tests were conducted on the samples, and the results indicated that the increase in the amount of frac leads to a 16% increase in the compressive strength before heating and improving its mechanical properties compared to ordinary concrete.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (in press 2024)
Fire can not only lead to many human and financial losses, but also can cause structures to collapse and destroy them. For this reason, it is necessary and inevitable to protect buildings against fire and conduct more research in the field of better understanding the effects of combining different materials with each other and obtaining materials with greater resistance to fire. Concrete and concrete structures are always used by construction engineers due to their resistance, availability and resilience against fire. Ordinary concrete loses its strength at high temperatures, and the use of unreinforced concrete is not very useful due to its brittleness and weakness in tensile strength. In concrete, the tensile strength is lower than its compressive strength, and for this reason, researchers are trying to increase the resistance to fire and heating by improving the tensile strength of concrete. Reinforcing concrete with rebar is always a solution to increase the tensile strength in concrete parts, one of the most important weaknesses of using rebar in concrete is that the reinforcements form a small part of the concrete cross-section and actually cause the concrete to be inhomogeneous. In this research, double-bent steel fibers have been used to overcome the mentioned weakness and reinforce the concrete. It should be noted that concrete containing steel fibers has favorable compressive and tensile strength due to the high tensile strength of steel fibers. In order to achieve this goal and achieve fiber concrete that has good fire resistance, we defined seven different mixing plans with different percentages of steel fibers and lubricants. Concrete samples were produced using double-bent steel fibers in amounts of 0.5, 1, and 1.2 percent by volume of concrete and superlubricant in 0.5, 1, and 1.3 percent by weight of cement, and then in Cubic molds with dimensions of 10x10x10 cm and cylindrical ones were sampled as standard, and after setting the cement, the 28-day-old concrete samples, after heating and placing inside the electric heater with different temperatures, were divided into two The method of gradual cooling with ambient air and fog spraying (water spraying) is similar to what firefighters do when extinguishing a fire, after measuring the amount of weight loss of the heated samples, the weight loss values were presented in the form of a diagram, then the samples were subjected to tests Compressive strength, tensile strength (Brazilian test) and ultrasonic wave speed (ultrasonic test) were placed, and the results and data of each of them for each mixing design were presented in the form of a diagram after examination and classification, so that the effect of high heat on Concrete containing steel fibers and super-lubricant should be determined. The results clearly showed the improvement of the tensile strength in three volume percentages of fibers by 14.6, 16.8 and 64.5%, respectively, compared to concrete without fibers, and also the compressive strength of concrete after bearing the heat of 250 degrees Celsius and cooling to the fogging method had 44.5, 31.6, and 9.3 percent, respectively, and in the gradual air cooling method, the compressive strength was 43.3, 44.9, and 50 percent, respectively.
Seyed Ali Ghasemzadeh,
Volume 6, Issue 24 (Winter 2013)
One of those fictional streams is the tendency of women writers towards independence in writing and their attempt for establishing a kind of feminine writing style. According to some of its claimers, this style would be acquired through reconsidering patriarchal narratives and attempt to form a protest-critical movement with an approach of rereading mythical narratives. The novel “Welcome to the Hades” written by Belgheys Soleimani is a mythical-critical novel, in which the author as a representative of women population, has tried to present a kind of mythical model. Through this model, she tries to illustrate the ignored stand of women in society by some mythical narrations.It seems as if, according to her, ignorance of the role of women in patriarchal narratives such as war narratives, corresponds to the ignorance of goddesses in myths. Since mythical novels, as a result of following the mythical model, are character-based, the research has tried to focus on the main character of the novel and her spiritual-psychic status through the events of plot, and has based its theoretical framework on a consolidated approach towards theories of Transtextuality by Gerard Genette and archetypal analysis by Pearson. The result shows that the writer, by integration of Iranian mythical narrations like Rostam & Sohrab and Rostam & Esfandiar, and focus on Greek myth “Persefone & Hades”, tries to protest against the patriarchal process of mythical narratives in eastern and western parts of the world, and as a result to show that human society is only rescued by deconstructing male/female contrast and also revival of women rights. Representation of Rodabe in archetypal character of “Orphan” and her conversion to unsuccessful “Terminator”, shows the structural congruence of text and character with the theme of protest in the novel.
Volume 7, Issue 2 (summer 2019)
Nature and its elements play a critical role in the intellectual system of the first man. The plant is one of these natural elements that has appeared in parallel and with similar functions in the mythology of different nations. Hence, it has been transmitted to the next generations as an ideological heritage, and due to its symmetry with human nature, they have found a same and sometimes identical form in the of nations. The comparative review of mythological plants and their functions among the myths of various nations can illustrate the role of nature, especially the familiarity with its common source in human mythology making. The results of the research show that the range of plant function, from the myth of creation and its manifestations in the mythology of the plant goddesses, the process of birth and rebirth of mythical heroes and even their function in the transformation or giving a divine nature to human beings; like the attachment of invulnerability and immortality to human beings up to the myths of death and plant resurrection of the holy super humans belong to the perception of human-plant relationships in the mythology of nations and their relation to the worldview of the triple social systems of the mythical age. Based on this pattern, most of the mythical traditions of the plant world are based on the insight of the clerical class that has been created for the subconscious to preserve their birth, life, and ritual continuity in the form of sacred philosophy of life.
Volume 7, Issue 3 (Summer 2018)
Golden grey mullet (Liza aurata) and leaping mullet (Liza saliens) are two species from Mugilidae which inhabit the Caspian Sea. Despite the difference in the number of Pyloric caeca, lateral line scale, and gill rakers, diagnosis between two species regarding morphological plasticity is relatively difficult. In this experimental study, in addition to access previous morphological diagnostic characters, 31 morphometric and 10 meristic characters were surveyed. Also, COI gene sequence used to confirm accurate identification of these two commercial species in the Caspian Sea. In this way 25 samples were used for biometry. Samples were collected from Nur and Anzali cities beach sein fishing center in autumn and winter 2016. Among surveyed morphological characters, 3 meristic and 15 morphometric characters revealed a significant difference (p<0.05), respectively. Regarding the principal component analysis (PCA) results, Pre-pectoral fin length, Pelvic fin length, Anal fin base length, Caudal peduncle width, Anal fin height and Head width, within Morphometric characters and Second dorsal fin rays, lateral line scale number, number of Gill rackers and Pyloric caeca were among meristic characters which reveals highest load factor (>0.7) in discrimination of two species specimens. Regarding genetic distances, the between-group distance estimated 40bp (6.8%) or 0.078 K2P that well agreed with morphological identification. Results revealed the application of more morphological characters in the diagnosis of two Mullet species in the Caspian sea which could be useful in completing identification keys.
Volume 7, Issue 25 (5-2019)
The metaphorical and symbolic structure of the myth and its ancient foundations always provide the basis for the return of mythology in peoples' minds and languages. Ritual beliefs and ceremonies in different regions reveal the powerful presence of human thoughts and aspirations. The symbolic presence of mythical plants and animals in contemporary era is one of the characteristics of the mysterious nature of the past and of life, which refers to the hierarchy of life, that is to say, the passage of time from immortality to the universe of incarnation. Stone engraving is one of the neglected dimensions to trace this stage. The engravings of animals or plants on the tombs of different tribes may be proof of the presence of these mysterious phenomena of the human mind. They are mysterious attitude to life and death and always suggests the survival of mythological views and beliefs. In this research, the authors have tried to explain and study the cemeteries of the village of Souran using the method of mythical criticism and field observation. The results of the research showed that most mythic beliefs persist in the form of the symbolic presence of animals and plants along the signs of the foundation of myth, which testify to the resurrection and survival of early doctrines in general beliefs of the region; By moving through history and reaching the present age, it continues to affect the image and belief of people in the region.
Seyed Ali Ghasemzadeh,
Volume 7, Issue 26 (Summer 2014)
One of the procedures of criticism is the combination approach of sociology-psychology in analyzing the literal texts, especially a drama and mental situation of a traumatized and terrified person in an autocratic society that is realized from storied writings, particularly novels. Tanab Keshi, written by Majid Gheisari, is a realistic novel about the holy defense. This novel depicts the living conditions of a traumatized Persian origin family, away from the imposed war between Iran and Iraq. This study has clarified the intertexual relation by Rolan Barests` theory—intertexuality reading—; then, base on Ervin Gaffman`s theory – stigma—and the theoretical approach of Adler—inferiority complex—has tried to find a remedy to retrieve the blemished identity of a traumatized character. This study indicates that the novel`s text has a hidden intertexual connection with the three of the previous texts: Quran, stigma, and Masnavi Molana.Ethnic-religious stigma that involves other family members is a sign of mental-cultural problems of an autocratic society. One of the consequences of this kind of stigma for family members is having disappointment about being accepted by the society; moreover, the feeling of having an ominous destiny, unsafety, and also being stranded in perilous mental obsessions such as, inferiority complex which has affected Fares (the narrator) and made him to have a defensive and forcible reaction, so that it has brought malice and vengeance.
Volume 8, Issue 1 (Spring 2018)
Abstract: One of the root causes of the current problems of urban construction is the overwhelming epidemic of lawlessness. In uncontrolled expansion of today's cities, there is a lack of planning and necessary measures regarding the tourist and urban axes, and the lack of attention in this area has led to the creation of crowded and crowded urban spaces. The question is whether the public open spaces of the city, while being one of the most important urban elements, can attract tourists with the goals of restoring urban identity? In this context, with new methods of research into the role of sustainable architecture, the creation of smart tourism settlements will provide a division into a platform for grading and using new technologies In order to achieve the goals of urban development, considering the Islamic culture of Iran and the proper utilization of regional weather conditions, based on the needs of recent climate change (taken in research methods and research findings), consideration should be given. In the development of today's global architecture, the results and achievements of new urban development have been achieved, which should include specific methodologies for optimizing and using existing community facilities in Iranian architecture. In this research, based on the provision of renewable energies, the use of advanced technology and modern materials for faster production of higher quality and with specific innovations compared with existing construction methods are considered Native methods of natural heating and ventilation are also unveiled, and the reuse of materials, the exploitation of renewable energy and human waste, and the continuous reduction of fossil and non-renewable energy consumption, reduce environmental damage; According to the results and research findings of the innovations, the availability of suitable sources of sustainable energy and intelligent settlements along the Silk Road has addressed the future needs of the development of tourism. The physical structure of buildings and all elements of urban architecture is characterized without threats and by meeting the requirements of environmental conditions relative to climatic features. 1-Introduction: This article attempts to achieve sustainable objectives in the creation of tourist complexes in small town in the North West of Iran show use of the scientific method. Today, architecture and urban development play an important role in social and economic development, create jobs and wealth and increase in the cities; many urban areas are inefficient and indiscriminate use of the product so that only a major role in the creation of poverty and place to what they produce. Today, it is in the management is supposed very hard. In all the studies, surveys and research within the field of tourism and social economy is a common associated with specific climatic zones. By determining the desirable and undesirable effects of the geographical , ecological and limit study on how to design and adopt policies and doing tourism optimized in accordance with the Postmodern patterns, can reduce urban and industrial pollution and restoring the environment, and protection of natural resources human and as a way of better urban design of them. A- Importance and urgency of the problem: The importance and necessity require the issue to be considered basic problems it is thought management in today's very importance: {7} Overall, the present study, the results of this study in the field of tourism economy and social profile of climatic zones a shared connection. By determining the favorable and unfavorable effects of the geographical, ecological and limit tourism and studies on how to design and adopt optimal policies, under extensive research to develop a permanent set of methods and standards can be achieved in this regard. B-Literature Review: Under the extensive research of permanent development can be achieved in a number of ways Standards extensively in this area of research, fieldwork, and standards and existing information and articles, library resources, the Internet has been sent to the following: 1. Stability of green architecture, how ecotourism planning and positive or negative effect. 2. Resources 3. The feasibility of ecotourism in Iran. C - Question issue? How well the development of tourism in the North West of Iran, using the energy potential of the region and ecosystem, sustainable development of tourism was Silk Road? And what proportion can be green innovations and achievements in contemporary Iranian architecture used, is. With the aim of finding appropriate solutions in the development of methods and models that can be used in the field of tourism to the development of sustainable tourism , in terms of ecosystems , climates to achieve economic and social conditions . D- Hypothesis and research objectives: With the aim of finding appropriate solutions in developing methods and models that can be used in the field of tourism The development of sustainable tourism, in terms of ecosystems, climates to achieve economic and social conditions. D1 - basic hypotheses: whether in the complex and local tourist resorts in the North West, the Silk Road and functional space patterns appropriate to the climate? (B) Secondary hypotheses: D 2: Does the space cold and dry climate regions of the Silk Road features reorganization and tourist resort areas affected by the climate? D 3: Does use in cold and dry and tropical architecture for functional space or comfort level in the promotion of tourism resorts? The results show that , local features , natural resources , environmental protection issues , the proper use local energy resources to the climate of the place is the use of different methods in tourist function effectively. In order to conserve energy, environmental construction, the perfect solution to identify and analyze the details of the information they will access. The main subject of our study environmental field, to build healthy urban, by providing facilities is silk. In the new neighborhood with zoning in independent building blocks, can be used with renewable energy from wind and solar energy, appropriate solutions in a variety of community spaces required to be provided. With savings in energy storage and clean, with a safe and convenient location, provides the conditions for the tourists. Sample spaces in this area as a specialized scientific campus that appeal to attract tourists, researchers and provide scientific basis for the introduction of a pilot project as we will in the country. E-Meddle theatrical: Due to the limited market, lack of social and cultural tourism, leisure tourism in the sense of the potential of ecotourism, much more than other tourism sectors. F- Ideal tourist sites in the North West Iran Iran temperature more than 50 degrees. Journal of mineral water in 1385. The best option is to use solar energy as renewable energy is fashion. The figure in the North West to 45 degrees. Using new technology can be used in solar energy parks and solar energy equipment and used dominant energy. This method of power generation equipment, compared with less damaged in the earthquake crisis. In fact, heating the main factor shaping the architecture in the North West. In a human habitat due to climate cooling mechanisms, heat increases the feeling of relaxation, and improve living standards and ultimately lead to stability. G-Discussion & Conclusion:: . Strategies for tourism development in order to exit the recession include: Use of renewable energy, green architecture- To promote communication between cultures, people -Upgrades Experiences of civil society - Introduce Islamic culture to other countries. Protection and maintenance of natural heritage, environmental and historical different areas increased public areas and the development of sustainable cities in Mansour reduce damages and losses
Volume 8, Issue 31 (3-2020)
In the archetype of sacrifice, the element of sacrifice is chosen according to the type of culture, religion, livelihood, etc. Cow, as an ancient myth in the mythological story of genesis in Iran is a prominent element of sacrifice and this was an important part of the ritual. Through shedding cow's blood, the earth was revived, and through eating his flesh, the followers of the religion could be immortal. However, after Zoroastrianism, several reasons such as opposition to symbols of Mythraism propagating monotheism, and the necessity of settlement and development of civilization, the sacrifice of cow was opposed, and Zoroastrianism respected its life, but there have been reports of sacrificing cows in Zoroastrianism, suggesting the need to carry out this ritual, to help the fertility of the land and reviving the life cycle. Nevertheless, the reaction Zoroastrianism showed to the sacrifice of cow shifted the myth of immortality and protecting earth to a new level, and rationalized the mythological themes. This study, accordingly, analyzes the archetype of sacrificing cow in Mithraism and Zoroastrianism borrowing Jung's theory and a descriptive-analytic research method.
Volume 9, Issue 6 (No. 6 (Tome 48), (Articles in Persian) 2018)
The purpose of this paper is to examine the structural elements of narrative based on theoretical model of actional –manipulative regime of discourse in Persian classical and contemporary Literature. Investigating the narrative structures of Persian fiction literature, both classical and contemporary, indicates specific narrative rules in the plot structures of these works and have led to their categorization in actional regime of narratives with different approaches. The hypothesis of the present research is that each story begins with a kind of imperfection and actor’s efforts to liquidate this imperfection and to achieve the object of value in the chain of narrative and discourse. Now, the question of the current research is as follows: what are the underlying mechanisms of actional – manipulative and narratives in Persian fictional literature, based on examples drawn from classical and contemporary stories? The results indicated that in this narrative structure the actor is in the quest of achieving something worthy by referring to convincing and persuasive approaches with various features such as encouragement, threats, flattery, bribe, provocation and rebellion.
Volume 10, Issue 2 (Number 2 - 2008)
In order to increase grain yield, nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and nitrogen apparent recovery fraction (NARF) in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), this experiment was carried out with 5 or 6 treatments and 3 or 4 replications in 14 locations at 22 different sites in Iran during the 2004-05 growing season. The experiment was designed as a completely randomized block. The effect of N sources and timing on the grain yield, protein content, NUE and NARF of the current best adapted cultivars of different regions were evaluated. The treatments included T1= the control; T2= 150 kg ha-1 of N as urea in 3-split applica-tions; T3= 150 kg ha-1 of N as urea in 2-split applications; T4= 150 kg ha-1 N as SCU as the base fertilizer; T5= 1/3 N as SCU as the base fertilizer +2-split urea applications and T6=1/3 N as complete fertilizer as the base fertilizer +2-split urea applications. Protein content, NUE and NARF were calculated by measuring grain yield, N% and N-uptake. While the average grain yield and protein% for the control plots were 2,840 kg ha-1 and 10.03%; the yield and protein for T2, T3 and T4 were 4,160 kg ha-1 and 11.66%; 4,278 kg ha-1 and 11.78%; and 3,921 kg ha-1 and 11.60%, respectively. Grain yield and protein content for T5 were 4,330 kg kg-1 and 11.89%. Yield of 4,674 kg ha-1 and protein content of 12.01% were ob-tained by substituting complete fertilizer with 1/3 urea (T6). The grain yield for T6 was significantly different from T2 for various reasons, including higher levels of available P, K, S, Zn, lower N-leaching and appropriate N-timing. NUE for T2, T3, T4, T5, and T6 was measured to be 8.8, 9.6, 7.3, 9.9, and 12.2 kg kg-1, respectively, and NARF were calculated to be 23.2, 25.3, 19.4, 26.3 and 31.6%, respectively. While the superiority of complete and SCU fertilizers over pre-plant urea has been proven, especially in the light-textured soils, it is highly recommended that the experiment be further tested and evaluated, since this practice has been increased the grain yield up to 12%, NUE up to 39 kg kg-1 and NARF up to 36% in comparison with the best wheat growers’ N-fertilization practice.
Volume 11, Issue 51 (August and September 2023)
In the political-social thoughts of Iranians, since ancient times, the belief that the king and the royal family are the owners of God's majesty has prevailed. During many centuries, this belief has shaped an aspect of the Iranian ethnic spirit in such a way that the worthiest person to obtain the position of ruler is someone who is from the royal family and of Iranian descent. In such an intellectual atmosphere, the families that intended to rule in Iran, even at the non-national and local level, should have benefited from ethnic legitimacy and eligibility; otherwise, they would not be accepted in the public mind. In this research, with the help of the theory of the history of popular mentality - which deals with the influence of popular ideas on the actions of rulers - in a descriptive-analytical way, the influence of the Iranian worldview and their attitude towards the role of genealogy in the legitimacy of the government in the mind and language of the Ghaznavid and Seljuk sultans - which is symmetrical with the emergence of the Shahnameh and the spread of national epics - was shown. From the results of the research, it appears that this simulation of foreign rulers (Turkish and Arab) to the heroes of Iran's national epic is influenced and inspired by public mentality and public opinion. Ghaznavid and Seljuq sultans took advantage of the native and collective memory of Iranians by confiscating Iranian mythological-epic heroes for the acceptability and legitimacy of their rule and in the meantime, the centrality of Shahnameh and its narrations is completely obvious.
Volume 12, Issue 1 (3-2012)
For extraordinary properties of carbon nanotube (CNT), a lot of research has been done about its
application to reinforce different materials such as electronic and building materials, and good effects
of CNT have been observed. Experimental approach for determining the properties of composites
containing fibers, especially carbon nanotubes, needs using of complex experimental methods and
expensive laboratorial equipments. Theoretical approach can lower the cost of predicting properties of
these composites. So, in this paper, an analytical relation is presented by continuum mechanics method
to predict the compressive strength of cement composite reinforced with carbon nanotube. For
simplicity of computations, carbon nanotubes were assumed to be isotropicand firstly oriented
unidirectionally and uniformly in the cement composite. Representative Elementary Volume(REV), as
anindicatorelement of this nanocompositeis, was chosen and analyzed by continuum mechanics
method. A fiber embedded in a cylinder of cement with certain radius is named REV. The strains
under loads were calculated and the stresses were obtained by Hook’s law. Then, for prediction failure
of composite, von Mises’ yield criterion was applied and by that, the compressive strength of cement
composite reinforced with unidirectionally oriented carbon nanotubes was obtained. For real cases, the
results of this analysis should be generalized to cement composites reinforced with random orientation
of nanotubes, since there is no control on the distribution of fibers in the laboratory and they are
oriented randomly in composites, although researchers are studying on production of CNT/cement
composites with arbitrary orientation of fibers.To apply the random orientation effect, Cox’s method
was used. For this purpose, the fibers' distribution function f ( ) was assumed and it was observed
that the random orientation of fibers reduces the effect of fiber reinforcing with respect to
unidirectional orientation. Therefore, an orientation factor 1 was used considering random
orientation in comparison with unidirectional orientation. As a suggestion, this factor can be
experimentally obtained too. Experimental method was used to determine the orientation factor of
fibers incomposites and good results were obtained. Then the presented analytical relationship was
compared with experimental data. Matches and differences between the analytical method and the
experimental data were studied and the suggestions were presented to lower the differences between
the analytical and experimental methods. The effect of some parameters such as compressive strength
of cement and the amount of carbon nanotubes added on the compressive strength of CNT/cement
composite were obtained too. Accordingly that an ideal nanocomposite with regard to economical
considerations can be obtained.
Volume 12, Issue 1 (12-2022)
Today, the continuous release of environmental pollutants into aquatic ecosystems has made these environments extremely vulnerable and turned them into a storage sites for these toxic substances, so it is necessary to investigate the effects of these pollutants on aquatic life. The present study was conducted with the aim of determining the toxicity of silver nitrate and observing the behavioral changes of Litopenaeus vannamei during its exposure. To determine the toxicity, the standard method of OECD was used. At first, the viability and survival of Litopenaeus vannamei were checked after two weeks of acclimatization to laboratory conditions, then by conducting preliminary tests, the actual lethality values of silver nitrate were obtained. In order to determine the median lethal concentration, shrimps were exposed to concentrations of 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.8 mg/L of silver nitrate for 96 h and their mortality were recorded daily every 24 h. The LC50, LOEC, NOEC and MATC were calculated based on shrimp mortality. During the viability and survival test, no mortality were observed up to 96 hours, and the survival rate of shrimps was 100%. The value of LC50, NOEC, LOEC and MATC were determined as 0.084, 0.02, 0.025 and 0.0084 mg/liter, respectively. In different concentrations of silver nitrate, shrimps showed behaviors such as abnormal swimming, fast movements of swimming legs, coming to the surface of the water, twisting the body around itself and eventually losing balance.
Volume 12, Issue 4 (October & November 2021 2021)
The aim of the present study is to analyze the two-way interaction of stress and tension in the discourse of the narcissist. Nafteh al-Masdoor, which means "sighs of a painful chest", is a glorious work and a painful complaint written in AH by Mohammad Munshi Nasavi, influenced by the tragic tragedies of the Mongols, which begins with a sharp tone and rhythm. The discourse of this work becomes a discourse with two aspects of tension due to the interaction of external tension (multiple wounds caused by the Mongol invasion) and internal loneliness (burning and regret of the author) and their relationship with each other. Therefore, the results of the present study showed that although at the beginning of the discourse of this work, we see a gradual increase in content tension and linguistic excitement, but gradually the initial energy and excitement calms down and the book structure follows a downward pattern towards discontinuity. The creation of a distributed counter-discourse has observed as well.
Esmaeel Golrokh Masuleh, Ebrahim Khodayar, Seyyed Ali Ghasemzadeh,
Volume 14, Issue 56 (Winter 2021)
In this article, the critical works of Poornamdarian are analyzed and read with a philosophical hermeneutic approach. The question is whether hermeneutic philosophy has been the basis for the interpretation of literary works in this author's critical works. And if so, what hermeneutic concepts and themes form the basis of his work? Hermeneutic philosophy has penetrated in literary criticism with many of its themes and concepts. It seems that Poornamdarian has also used many of these concepts in his works, and many of the manifestations and ideas derived from this philosophy have been the basis of his works in the critique and analysis of literary works. But in utilizing these concepts, however, he has not merely placed himself in the realm of an imitative critic who has been influenced by one of the thought approaches related to philosophical hermeneutics, but, in addition to, his knowledge of the universal knowledge of critique in the field of hermeneutics, relying on the legacy of interpretation, introduces the audience to a new perspective on methodical literary criticism. The titles and layers of this article that are influenced by these concepts are: interpretation, semantic pluralism, symbol and allegory, demythologization in symbolic texts, deconstruction, grammatology, author death theory, intertextuality, ambiguity and meaninglessness (ambiguity), apostrophe and multifaceted, deconstructive and multifaceted connection with didactic and theological poetry, multifaceted and social commitment in poetry and literature. In his critical works, he has sometimes directly analyzed and studied these issues, and sometimes, as a special approach, he has absorbed and digested these concepts in his works that it could be said that .zhe has appropriated them as a discourse.
Extended abstract
Problem statement: The theoretical foundations of this research are based on "philosophical hermeneutics". Hermeneutics has a history of analyzing and interpreting the holy books of religions, including Christianity, Islam, and even surviving writings in the Persian language. Hence, interpretation, as an ancient ritual, is rooted in the belief in the "sanctity of the text." Influenced by the philosophical theories of Heidegger and Gadamer and their followers, Poornamdarian have created works in the field of literary criticism and interpretation of classical and contemporary Persian texts. One question is whether the opinions and ideas of literary criticism of critics such as the Poornamdarian, which are evident or hidden in his works, can be explained on the basis of philosophical hermeneutics. Another question is that in what fields and subjects does hermeneutics have the capacity to analyze and recognize in his system of thought - by digesting and absorbing their opinions in his works and not by following and mechanically imitating them? And can it be said that in this way he has tried to include some hermeneutical approaches in his critiques "through self-appropriation"?
Research findings
Poornamdarian considers interpretation (hermeneutics) as the search for truth to reveal the coherence of the text. The goal he pursues in interpreting the works of the Persian poems is to harmonize and create an agreement between traditional interpretation and modern hermeneutics. In this alignment, he combines three approaches of traditional and hermeneutic interpretation of Gadamerian and Eric Hersh's thinking, that is, the semantic validity of the text, and thus demonstrates his belief in the coherence of the text; However, he does not believe in a single meaning for the text; Because it does not find consistency and single inference with the situational context of multiple individuals and readers. Through the combination of these three fields of thought, he has "adopted" the hermeneutic critique approach and adopted a pluralistic approach. This discourse requires a kind of moderation in interpretation. It has an influence on the deconstruction of the text as well as on the issue of the author's death. He also equates the former with polysemy and the latter with uniqueness in terms of meaninglessness and meaning. He considers texts such as theological and didactic texts to be single-meaning or meaningful, and cryptographic texts to be meaningless and to imply a plurality of meanings. The issues of hermeneutics in his critical works have, in some cases, been directly analyzed and studied, and are sometimes so absorbed in his works that it shows that he regarded them as discourse. Another issue is that he has undergone a kind of transformation from cryptography to deconstruction in the production of his critical works; But the truth is that this metamorphosis does not have a fixed and absolute process, but rather lies in deconstructions and cryptocurrencies in his works.
The critic in this article, Poornamdarian, to achieve a moderate and coherent interpretation, without believing in a single meaning for the text, chooses an approach of harmonization and agreement between the three areas of traditional interpretation and Gadamerian hermeneutics and Eric Hersh's thinking the semantic validity of the text. And in a relative, rather than absolute, metamorphosis that governs the process of producing his critical works, he uses this moderation in most of his works.
Volume 15, Issue 1 (Spring 2011)
Nowadays, the fundamental role of information in contracting process, particularly in consumer contracts, is persuaded the national legislators to protect the less informed contracting party. However, there are some controversial doctrinal views including positive, negative and neutral view, about imposing general duty to inform. England’s common law does not recognize any general duty to disclose material facts. However, dominant judicial doctrine of European countries imposes general duty to inform. This paper is trying to study and analyze the mainsprings of these controversial views. Our supposition here would be that positive view has more reasonable mainsprings comparison whit the negative and neutral view.
Volume 15, Issue 4 (Winter 2011)
Judicial penalties (including punitive damages, nominal damages and aggravated damages) have a punitive effect and an uncompensatory nature in England law and, unlike Iranian law, England¢s common law has drawn a definite boundary between liquidated damages and penalty clause, and nullifies penalty clause, and the promisee can only recover actual damage that incurred. Impossibility of punishment by contractual parties is the most important reason of this nullifying. In the current paper, the authors are trying to analyze the nature, basis and requirements of judicial penalties and penalty clause. Also the most important criteria of distinction among the penalty clause, liquidated damages and other similar concepts have been studied. In addition, the position of Iranian law toward judicial penalties and penalty clause has been investigated briefly. It was concluded that judicial penalties are forbidden or at least are much restricted at present, and judicial penalties have a limited dimensions in Iranian law.
Volume 15, Issue 62 (3-2019)
Today, one of the challenges of academic research in the field of language and literature is the frequency of using the theory in conducting fundamental research in the field of theoretical and practical critique. Adherents of such an approach, due to systemic and coherent interdisciplinary nature, consider the need for such recursive tools for literary research to be essential as synchronous as the literary researches of the Western world. And adherents of such an approach insist on stereotypes, artificial, superficiality, reductionism and westernization of these researches and according to the policy of negation of theorist, they believe it is necessary to return to the traditional methods of past critics or pioneers in this field.The author believes that at the intersection of the two aforesaid, a moderate route can be found, Therefore, this descriptive-analytical essay emphasizes that While avoiding any kind of extremism in the pursuit of the theory-based research, There are two great ways to retrieve literary texts: First is the combination of scientific and interdisciplinary methods to analysis and evaluation of literary texts And the second is a deep acquaintance with the principles of theorizing and philosophical approaches to produce indigenous theories compatible with the worldview prevailing on Persian literature.
Volume 17, Issue 6 (12-2017)
The use of recycled materials in Portland cement concrete (PCC) has become more and more popular in recent years. Most recycled materials applied in PCC are used to replace coarse aggregates, fine aggregate, or act as cementitious additives. When using recycled materials in PCC, it is desirable that the properties of the concrete can also be improved. Plain PCC, while typically having high strength, generally possesses very low post failure toughness, which may cause abrupt failure of structures and short pavement life. Reclaimed or recycled asphalt pavements (RAP) have been routinely used in the construction of pavement granular bases and hot-mix asphalt concrete. RAP is the removed and/or processed asphalt pavement materials containing both aged asphalt and aggregates. The asphalt coated on the surface of the aggregates typically forms a film with a thickness between six to nine microns. The use of RAP in PCC, though seems to be a viable solution to improve the toughness, has received little attention by research communities. Cementitious systems incorporating polymers have received considerable inter- national attention, especially over the last 30 years or so. The reason for this interest can be attributed to the improved engineering properties when compared to the unmodified materials, e.g. tensile/flexural strength, toughness and durability, the latter including resistance to carbonation, chloride penetration, and frost damage. Additionally, these systems may be used as repair materials where a good bond with the existing concrete or steel is required. Many polymer concrete combinations are available. Polymer-modified cement mortar and concrete (PMC): polymer particles in the form of a latex or redispersible powder are added to a fresh cementitious mix which is then cured. The most commonly used latexes are aqueous suspensions of styrene- butadiene-rubber (SBR) and various acrylics (Ac) containing 45±50% polymer solids. In SBR, the ratio of styrene to butadiene governs the properties of the polymer, with 60±65% styrene giving a good balance. Higher styrene contents would improve compressive and tensile strengths but reduce adhesion and raise the minimum film-forming temperature (MFT). In this study, the effect of SBR latex and silica fume on the mechanical strength (compressive, bending, and splitting tensile strength, elasticity modulus, toughness index), permeability (water penetration, rapid chloride penetration (RCPT), electrical specific resistivity) and microstructure of concrete made with recycled asphaltic aggregates to replaced with natural coarse aggregate (33%, 66% and 100% by weight) were studied. Results showed that the adding of latex and silica fume significantly increased mechanical strength and decrease permeability of concrete mixes. quality and microstructure of interfacial transition zone (ITZ) between aggregate- cementitious matrix by use of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy analysis (EDX) was evaluated. SEM images showed that the mixtures containing latex and silica fume had uniform and smooth structure at surface aggregate- cementitious matrix, and also EDX analysis represents reducing the thickness of ITZ and the calcium to silicon ratio. For assessment of latex effect mechanism on compressive strength, three different type of curing on cube mixtures were applied. The results showed that compressive strength of specimens cured at temperatures significantly increased, which indicates of heating- help to formation polymeric membrane in specimens containing latex.