Showing 94 results for Ghaffari
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
Translation Studies seems to have succeeded to establish itself as an area of enquiry for scholars. Patterns of flourishing this discipline with its diverse audience is not well studied, though. The present study used scientometric and bibliometric analyses to identify and assess topics and trends of Translation Studies over time, as evidence of evolution over the course of time. Documents (from 1931 to 2021) were extracted from Scopus to examine relevant indicators; document types, top journals, authors’ networks, institutes/universities, organizational support, countries and interdisciplinary contributions. In addition, VOSviewer, network and cluster density visualization and word co-occurrences were utilized to analyze and evaluate the development of the field. Trend analysis was considered at three intervals. The analyses showed that over a 90-year time span (1931-2021), 13916 documents were published by 21509 authors from 16323 institutes/universities that contributed to the scientific mobility of Translation Studies. Authors’ cooperation from 124 countries emerged in four clusters led by the US, the UK, Spain and China. In its course of development, Translation Studies witnessed a remarkable proliferation of documents since the 2000s onward. Relevant topics were shown by keywords analysis, and interrelationships of Translation Studies with other disciplines were explored. The findings offer analyses of trends and topics in Translation Studies, as evidence of scientific evolution, attested by the interdisciplinary contributions and bibliometric findings.
Volume 1, Issue 1 (3-2013)
Volume 1, Issue 2 (6-2013)
Volume 2, Issue 1 (3-2014)
Aim: Evidence indicates that demographic factors such as age, gender, and mother's literacy are important predictors of fruit and vegetable consumption among adolescents. So, this study was conducted in order to survey the relation between socio-demographic factors and fruit and vegetable consumption among Tehranian adolescents in 2013. Methods: This cross-sectional study (descriptive-analytic) was carried out for surveying Tehranian adolescents, socio-demographic factors and fruit and vegetable consumption. The total of 500 adolescents (11-14 years old) was included in the study using multistage random sampling method. Being at the age of 11-14 years, giving informed consent, and voluntary participation were criteria for students' selection. Data were gathered using questionnaire encompass socio-demographic characteristics (11 items) and Frequent Fruit and Vegetable Questionnaire (FFQ). Data were analyzed using statistical software SPSS 18 (descriptive statistics, and tests of independent t and one way ANOVA). Findings: There was no relationship between age, gender, family size, parent’s job, and fruit and vegetable consumption. Based on one way ANOVA test, there was a significant relation between vegetable consumption and mother’s and father’s literacy, as well as between home size and fruit and vegetable consumption. Conclusion: The finding that economic factors and parent’s education level have a strong association with the adolescents’ intake of fruits and vegetables in this sample concurs with other research findings regarding the importance of family environment to promote healthy eating behaviors among adolescents.
Volume 3, Issue 3 (9-2017)
Background: Cryptosporidiosis is one of the most important parasitic diseases infecting a broad variety of animals and humans. In the present study, Nested PCR-RFLP-based assay was applied for genotyping of sheep cryptosporidiosis. The target of amplification was the 18S rRNA gene used to identify Cryptosporidium species
Materials and Methods: In the first step, 1300 faecal samples were collected from sheep in Tehran province, then the samples were examined for the presence of Cryptosporidium using modified acid fast staining. In the second step, DNA was extracted from the positive samples. Next, 18S rRNA gene was amplified by Nested-PCR in order to differentiate between the species. The PCR product was digested by Ssp1 restriction enzyme.
Results: Twenty two positive sheep samples were detected by modified acid fast method. The results were confirmed by molecular techniques. The 845 bp fragment of 18S rRNA was digested by restriction enzymes. Twenty samples showed a similar band on 2.5% agarose gel whereas 2 samples demonstrated different pattern. The sequences of two patterns indicated two species of C. andersoni and C. parvum.
Conclusion: In spite of other studies results introducing C. parvum as the major agent of cryptosporidiosis in sheep, in our study, C. andersoni was found to be dominant.
Volume 3, Issue 4 (12-2015)
Aim: The importance of osteoporosis is on its relationship with disability, mortality, adverse effects on quality of life, and also the imposed costs on individuals and society. Osteoporosis begins in early adolescence. Therefore, educational programs should begin at an early age. The present research evaluated the effect of designed pamphlet on the knowledge of female seventh grader students in city of Andisheh, Shahriar County, Iran.
Method: This RCT (Randomized Clinical Trial) study included experimental and control groups, each 70, which were attributed randomly. All participants completed the knowledge part of the questionnaire as pre-test. Then the experimental group received designed osteoporosis pamphlets, and post-test was carried out two months after the intervention, which was conducted on Jan 2016. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS 21.
Findings: The studied groups were similar in terms of demographic characteristics such as educational background, age, job and income. The results of paired t-test showed a significant difference before and two months after the intervention (p<0.001). Independent t-test showed a significant difference between the two groups (≤0.001) after two months.
Conclusion: Pamphlet as an educational tool has a significant effect on the knowledge of osteoporosis on seventh grade girl students. Therefore, being easy and cost-effective, this educational tool can be put on the top priorities of educational interventions.
Volume 3, Issue 4 (12-2017)
Background: Enterobious vermicularis (E. vermicularis) is one the most common parasitic infection among children.
Objectives: The present study aimed to determine the prevalence rate of enterobiasis among preschool children in Mazandaran province, northern Iran.
Materials and Methods: In this cross–sectional study, 653 preschool children were recruited via the cluster sampling method during April 2013 to Feb 2014. A questionnaire was administrated to parents by an interviewer and determined children’s socio-demographic characteristics, personal hygiene, and healthy behaviors. The Graham technique was applied for diagnosis. Data were analyzed using logistic regression model and chi-square test.
Results: In a total of 653 examined subjects, the prevalence rate of E. vermicularis was 19.4%, among which 40.9% were male, and 59.1% were female. The highest and lowest prevalence rates of E. vermicularis were found in Neka (61.4%) and Tonekabon (1.6%) districts, respectively. A significant association was found between infection and residency, parental occupations, parental education, number of family members, changing underwear, sterilization of linen clothing, taking daily bath, boiling or ironing clothes.
Conclusions: The high prevalence rate of E. vermicularis infection in this study proves the stability status of enterobiasis in this area, posing a risk for children there. Systematic control of infection in children is proposed.
Sahar Ghaffari,
Volume 3, Issue 9 (Spring 2010)
The novelty in typography coupled with narrative techniques has turned Bivatan (Tehran, 2008) into a quasi-metafiction, i.e. a story which explores the process of its own construction. While in Bivatan the author is supposedly trying to produce a metafictional effect, a closer investigation into the novel will prove this claim void. In fact, Amirkhani’s novel fails to step into the realm of postmodernism.
Volume 4, Issue 4 (No.4 (Tome 16), (Articles in Persian) 2013)
In recent decades, processing relative clauses (RCs) and studying their complexity in different languages had an important role in linguistic and psycholinguistic researches. This study is to compare the complexity of two types of Persian RCs: Subject-Subject (SS) type and Subject-Object (SO) type. This complexity is assessed on the psychological criterion of the preschool children’s understanding of the sentences in which these types of RCs are used. 96 Persian native children in three different age ranges of 3-4, 4-5, and 5-6 (each range 32 children) took part in this study. They were presented by the fore-mentioned types of sentences in two different forms of declarative and interrogative sentences, in different ways of showing pictures and realties, and also asking them to follow the order. Then their understanding of these sentences was tested. The results showed that SO type RCs, both in declarative and interrogative forms, were clearly more complex than SS type RCs.
Volume 4, Issue 4 (12-2016)
The moisture flux convergence (MFC) and relative humidity in dusty days at different times and levels over the Alvand Mountain was investigated. The required basic data for the years 2009-2012, including relative humidity, visibility and synoptic codes, were gathered from Hamadan synoptic station, while sea level pressure, uwind, vwind and specific humidity data were gathered from NCER/NCAR site. The dusty days were categorized into four groups, according to WMO protocol. Sea level pressure (SLP) patterns were classified using cluster analysis (CA). MFC function, jet stream and omega maps were computed using special moisture and horizontal and vertical components of wind, SLP and omega data in various levels and times for each sea level pressure pattern. The results showed 6 categorized patterns of sea level pressure. The highest values of MFC were observed at 1000, 925 and 850 hPa levels and at 12:00 and 18:00 UTC. MFC value strongly decreased in dusty days at the 700, 600 and 500 hPa and at 06:00 UTC. The relative humidity significantly decreased at 12:00, while the maximum increase was recorded at 18:00 and 00:00 UTC.
Volume 4, Issue 4 (Fall 2018)
Aims: The aim of this study was species identification and analysis of species of Leishmania isolated from clinical samples.
Materials & Methods: The samples were collected from patients that were infected from different parts of Iran. After microscopic examination, we used PCR method for the ITS1 (internal transcribed spacer 1) RFLP method (digestion with and for phylogenetic construction, DNA sequencing of
Findings: Two samples from Khorasan province (Mashhad) were Leishmania (L. ), while others were Leishmania major (L. ). L. more variable compared with L. . The molecular sequencing differences between L. to geographical distribution. Based on the results of PCR product in the gel electrophoresis and DNA sequencing for L. L. , the DNA sizes were between 350 and 369bp. The RFLP for L. L. and one respectively. The sequences all samples from central parts are the same, but there is difference with the samples isolated from of Iran.
Conclusion: The sequences of of Leishmania major separated from Damghan and Esfarayen are different from other samples. Similarity of DNA sequences of North-East part of Iran of L. from central parts was 99%. The similarity of two isolates of L. 96%. The most similarity of Leishmania isolated was 95% with Indian isolate and the most similarity for Leishmania major was 99% with Friedlin strain.
Volume 5, Issue 1 (Winter 2020)
Aim: In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in workplace health-related problems. The issue of Musculo Skeletal Disorders (MSD) has received considerable critical attention. Taking healthy posture has a pivotal role in prevention of MSD. In this study the management roles in taking proper sitting posture in workplace were assessed.
Method and Istruments: A Semi-structured interview according to purposive sampling was conducted with a convenience sample of office workers working in Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences (SBUS). Interviews were recorded and transcribed into MAXQDA software version. Content analysis was used to establish the presence of certain themes and concepts within the text.
Findings: This study revealed that there are four determinants as management role related to taking healthy sitting behavior among workers in workplaces. These determinants including: role modeling, setting policy, management support and manager healthy mindset.
Conclusions: The identified factors provide organizational managers with a list of factors by which they can encourage their employees to use healthy postures in the workplace leading to significant reductions in job absenteeism and insurance fees associated with health problems.
Volume 5, Issue 2 (6-2017)
Volume 6, Issue 1 (Winter 2023)
In the present study, the political dimension of the current underdevelopment situation and how it is tied to the economy as well as its consequences in Kurdistan province have been explored. Undoubtedly, the study of how all aspects of Iran's political economy work and analyze requires extensive research, and sometimes due to lack of data, it is not possible to get an accurate picture of the monopolies that govern it. The arrival of hydrocarbon resources has added to the complexity of this structure, so that many consider the abundance of resources and the emergence of the rentier government as the main cause of the current situation, unaware that the defective structure of Iran's political economy without oil revenues is able to provide a minimum welfare. It also did not have the current limited infrastructure. In the present study, using a qualitative method, we will seek to answer the question of whether there is a significant difference in the development levels of Kurdistan province and the country as a whole or not. Comparing the indicators of human development in 1977 and 2017, it was concluded that in general, Kurdistan province in terms of human development has a lower rank than the national average, the main reason for which can be introduced in the form of political economy of monopolies whose roots It goes back to the period before the Islamic Revolution in 1978.
Volume 7, Issue 1 (Winter 2019)
Aims: Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) with social isolation, treatment rejection, and negative perception of the health status of patients. One of the methods to detect these problems is evaluating the quality of life. This study aimed at determining the effect of self-care behavior education on quality of life of patients after CABG based on Pender’s health promotion model.
Materials & Methods: This semi-experimental was conducted on cardiac surgery candidates, who underwent CABG in the cardiac center hospital of Mazandaran, Iran in 2017. Subjects were selected and divided into two intervention and control groups, using block randomization. at 220 individuals (110 cases per group), and data were collected, using interviews with subjects, the self-care questionnaire based on Pender’s health promotion model in cardiac surgery candidates, and SF-36 quality of life questionnaire. Moreover, the patients were followed-up and trained for 3 and 6 months after the intervention.
Findings: In this research, ANOVA results demonstrated that the different structures of quality of life significantly changed at 3 periods, including before, 3, and 6 months after the intervention (p<0.001). Furthermore, the mean total score of quality of life was higher in the intervention group (56.244±1.474), compared to the control group (48.120±1.508) in all 3 periods.
Conclusion: According to the results of the study, it is recommended that the model designed and used in the current research be applied to perform healthcare behaviors, so that the quality of life of patients can be improved after cardiac surgery.
Volume 7, Issue 3 (2-2000)
Volume 7, Issue 4 (Fall 2019)
This article has no abstracts.
Sahar Ghaffari, Soheyla Saedi Saedi,
Volume 7, Issue 25 (Spring 2014)
Most Iran-Iraq War novels are considered to be an ideological device for the “Holy-Defense” genre; however, in the recent years,a number of distinct polyphonic novelshave emerged, one of the most important of which is Ahmedzadeh’s Chess with the Doomsday Machine. Bakhtin’s distinction distinguishes between monologue and carnivalesque novels. Polyphonic novels, like carnivals, act as a centrifugal force supporting nonofficial dimensions of the society. Images of food and carnal elements, cursing, reciprocal relation between characters and settings according to the double aspects of carnival, and rebellion against a victorious closure by postponing the narrator’sactions distorts the linearity of narration common in in the Holy-Defense novels.
Volume 8, Issue 1 (6-2006)
Purpose: The present study was conducted to evaluate the frequency of human hydatidosis in Ilam Province using Dot- ELISA techniques.
Materials & Methods: Three thousands sera, collected from different cities of Ilam Province in the west of Iran were examined. The serum dilution of 1:400 was selected as the cut off and the results were confirmed by the ELISA technique.
Results: Results indicated that, totally 37 individuals (1.2%) show positive sera. There were significant differences among various age groups of infected individuals. The most percentage of infection was found to be in the 20-30 age group. Among the sera tested, 0.56%, 1.57%, 10.77% were found to be positive in individuals living in cities, villages and migratory tribes respectively. Twenty two individuals of the infected people (1.47%) were female and 15 individuals (1%) were male. Most infected individuals were found to be in Mehran city (3.11%) and less infected individuals were found to be in Ilam city (0.79%).
Conclusion: Most of the people living in migratory tribes were sheep keepers and were actually involved in animal production, wich can be regarded as a risk factor for their higher infection rate.
Sahar Ghaffari Bijar,
Volume 8, Issue 32 (Winter 2015)
There seems to be a strong dualism throughout the novel, Chess with the Doomsday Machine, both in the images of the text and its narrator’s viewpoint. The story revolves around the eight-year Iran-Iraq War and purportedly follows the typical novels of the “Holy Defence” genre in which the most significant theme is the human choice of divine sacrifice; on the other hand, there are elements of an absurd worldview in the text in which wars and the entirety of the creation are viewed fatalistically. This dualism gets stronger in the paratexts of the novel. Paratexts, in Genette’s theory, are the surrounding elements of the text by which the text proposes itself as a book to its readers, and more generally to the public. While inner paratexts of the studied novel, like the title, the cover, and its appendages and epigraphs show an absurd viewpoint, its outer ones, such as the dedication of the work, notes of the author and the publisher’s propaganda, try to misrepresent it as a work with a “Holy Defence” discourse. Some of this dualism is because of the open ending of the story and some is due to the authorial out-of-text decisions such as choosing the publisher, Sure-ye Mehr, that is famous for its ideological books. It seems that the dualism of the paratexts of Chess with the Doomsday Machine is a result of the author’s insight into the different types of readers whose satisfaction has been at the center of the author’s attention.