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Showing 14 results for Farhangi

Volume 3, Issue 3 (12-2014)

The effect of a probiotic containing five species of bacilli at four levels of 0 (control), 1×106CFU/ml (T1), 1×107 CFU/ml (T 2) and 1×108CFU/ml (T 3) per 100g of feed on the growth performances, resistance and survival of rainbow trout fry, Oncorhynchus mykiss (463±32 mg) were compared in a  60-days feeding trial. Growth parameters, such as ADG, SGR, RGR and TGC, were significantly enhanced (p<0.05) by the probiotic at all levels, and the performance in T2 was significantly better than T1. The fish under the probiotic treatments also showed higher resistance (p<0.05) to such Environmental stresses as alkaline pH, heat and ammonia (p<0.05). No significant difference in tolerance to acidic pH stress was observed between the control and treatments. In conclusion, the probiotic bacillus highly increased the growth performances, feeding efficiency, resistance and survival in rainbow trout fry.
Soheyla Farhangi, Masumeh Bastani Khoshkbijari,
Volume 7, Issue 25 (Spring 2014)

Semiotics is an approach that studies the signs and their hidden meanings. This article is a social semiology of Bivatan—amodern novelwritten by Reza Amirkhani. The novel struggles with fundamental issues such as identity, culture, and social traditions. Like most other postmodern novels, Bivatan is a combination of reality and imagination. Most parts of the story happen outside of Iran and show the conflict between Islamic-Persian culture and the Western culture. The conflict between humans and their surrounding is another major aspect of this novel. This article elaborates on the identity-related signs such as religion, food, costume, job, social relations, and so forth. The fundamental role of religion, drawing on Quranicverses, identity crisis, and differences in social class are among the other subjects which will be discussed in this paper.  

Volume 8, Issue 1 (winter 2023)

Aim: The pain and disability caused by chronic diseases such as fibromyalgia disrupt physical, mental, and social activities and job performance. These factors, in turn, diminish mental health in such patients. The present study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP) in improving mental health and mitigating alexithymia in fibromyalgia patients.
Method and Materials: This quasi-experimental research adopted a pretest-posttest design with a control group and a three-month follow-up. The statistical population consisted of all females with fibromyalgia in the rheumatology clinic of Rasoul Akram Hospital in Tehran, Iran. Thirty-six of them were selected via convenience sampling based on inclusion criteria. The participants were randomly divided into a control group and two experimental groups, one receiving eight 120-min MBSR sessions and the other one receiving eight 120-min ISTDP sessions. The research instruments included the Mental Health Inventory (MHI) and the Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20). The data were analyzed via repeated measures ANOVA.
Findings: It was found that MBSR and ISTDP interventions were effective in mitigating alexithymia and improving mental health in fibromyalgia patients (P<0.001). There was a significant difference between MBSR and ISTDP, which ISTDP having higher effectiveness and more extended durability in the follow-up stage (P<0.05).
Conclusions: The MBSR and ISTDP interventions effectively mitigate alexithymia and improve mental health in fibromyalgia patients. Therefore, it is suggested that clinical psychologists use such interventions to improve the Quality of Life (QoL) for patients with fibromyalgia

Volume 9, Issue 3 (9-2023)

The family Chrysolampidae Dalla Torre, 1898 and the genus Chrysomalla Foerster, 1859 (Chalcidoidea, Chrysolampidae, Chrysolampinae) are recorded for the first time from Iran where it was represented by one species, Ch. roseri Foerster, 1859. Studied specimens were collected with sweeping net in three localities: Kerman, South-Khorasan and West-Azarbaijan provinces in the east and northwest of Iran, respectively. A brief diagnosis, with illustrations of the morphological characters and geographical distribution is provided for this species.

Volume 9, Issue 20 (Supplementary Issue (Tome 42)- 2005)

Study of the relationship between two important variables, emotional intelligence and leadership style, has been the main purpose of this research. The population under study consists of 266 marketing and sales managers from Mashhad food and automobile industries from which a sample of 73 peaple was drawn. Data was collected by means of two questionnaires, including Weisinger’s emotional intelligence questionnair and Barak’s leadership style questionnair. Face validity and split half method were used to determine the questionnaires validity and reliability respectively. The result of split half reliability for emotional intelligence and leadership style questionnaires was known to be .083 and .079 respectively, which the results of the research revealed that there is a positive and meaningful relation between emotional intelligence and transformational leadership style, and a negative relation between emotional intelligence and transactional leadership style of the population under study.

Volume 10, Issue 4 (1-2011)

This paper gives a detailed analysis of direct torque control (DTC) strategy in a five-level drive and proposes a 24-sector switching table. The overvoltage problem due to high dv/dt is reduced compared to the 12-sector DTC. Using all vectors leads to better flexibility and reduces speed oscillations. Simulation and experimental results for a 3kVA prototype confirm the proposed solutions. A TMS320F2812 is used to implement the above strategy.

Volume 10, Issue 4 (12-2021)

In this study, the effect of different amounts of rainbow trout bone micropowder (concentrations of 0.5, 1 and 2%) on the shelf life (the rate of formation of secondary fat oxidation compounds, total volatile nitrogen compounds, water holding capacity, color parameters) and the gel quality (hardness, chewing, cohesiveness and folding characteristics) of the largehead hairtail (Trichiurus lepturus) were examined during 15 days of refrigeration. Addition of bone micropowder to the gels prepared from hairtail fish, affected some of the gels properties. The results showed that with increasing the amount of bone micropowder in surimi gels, the amount of thiobarbituric acid (as the most important indicator of advanced degradation due to fat oxidation) was lower than to control group, which indicates the inhibitory effect of micropowder on lipid oxidation in the prepared surimi. In terms of color parameters, the results showed that horsetail fish gels containing bone micropowder had a darker color than the control. In the Folding Test, the horsetail gel containing bone micropowder with a concentration of 2% received the highest score. In the characteristics of texture profile (hardness, chewiness and cohesion indices), it was found that with increasing the amount of bone micropowder, the texture properties in the prepared surimi were significantly improved (p <0.05). Findings from the present study showed that bone micropowder due to its positive effect on the main indicators can be used to improve the texture properties of horsetail fish surimi gel.

Volume 11, Issue 3 (8-2022)

 Biofloc technology is considered as a culture system for fish production reduced environmental impacts. In the present study investigated the impact of zeolite nanoparticle on water quality, growth performance, digestive enzymes and immune response of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) reared under biofloc conditions. Fish fingerlings (initial weight of 7.99 ± 0.36 g) were divided into four treatments and fed four levels of zeolite nanoparticles in the following 0 (control), 50, 100 and 200  mg kg−1 diet in biofloc system (NZ1, NZ2 and NZ3) for 60 days. Carbon to nitrogen ratio (15:1) was provided using sucrose. Water quality parameters such as nitrogen compounds were measured during the test period. At the end of the experiment, the highest growth indices and the lowest feed conversion ratio were obtained in 50 mg kg−1 diet (NZ1). Intestinal protease activities in NZ1 and NZ2 treatments were significantly higher than in the other treatments, and the highest lipase and amylase activity was related to the NZ1 treatment. The 50 and 100 Zeolite diets in biofloc conditions significantly enhanced fish immune system activity. The present study suggests that dietary supplementation with 50 and 100 mg Zeolite nanoparticles in biofloc system significantly increases growth performance, digestive enzyme, and immunological response in common carp in fish culture tanks.

Volume 13, Issue 1 (9-2021)

The purpose of this study is to investigate the emergence of new phenomena in the field of politics and power relations in Iran. Analyzing the history of political developments in contemporary Iran, based on Ernesto Laclau's account of "politics" and "people-based politics" and through the method of discourse analysis, we came to the conclusion that despite the multiplicity of movements, riots and resistance In the cities and villages against the local rulers and the central power, it is in the "tobacco movement" that we are confronted with a new kind of political action that calls for the demands and demands of the "people".

Volume 13, Issue 3 (12-2024)

Tetranychus urticae Koch is one of the most important vegetable pests in greenhouses. Due to the high reproduction rate and rapid development, T. urticae has a propensity for developing resistance to many classes of pesticides. One method for delaying the occurrence of pest resistance is the application of pesticides with different modes of action. The present research was performed to compare the efficacy of some acaricides against this notorious worldwide pest. The treatments were bifenazite (Kanecide 24% SC at 200 and 300 ppm), spirodiclofen + abamectin (Envidorspeed® 24% SC, 500 ppm), spiromesifen (Oberon® 24% SC, 500 ppm), bromopropylate (Neoron® 25% EC, 1500 ppm), and control (water spraying) based on randomized complete block design with three replications during the summer of 2018 in three provinces of Iran. To determine the spraying time, 30 leaves were collected randomly from each treatment, and if there were an average of 5 active mites under leaves, spraying was done. After spraying, sampling was performed in 3, 7, 14, and 21-day intervals by collecting 30 leaves from each experimental unit. In the laboratory, different developmental stages were recorded using a stereomicroscope. Results showed that the highest efficiency was on the 7 and 14 days after spraying with Envidorspeed® 500 ppm in all provinces. However, this difference wasn't significant in Tehran. In Kerman, Kanecide® 200 ppm, with an efficiency of 94.3% after 21 days, and Envidorspeed® 500 ppm, with an efficiency of 96.19% after 14 days, were the most effective chemicals. Results of these three provinces demonstrated that the efficiency of all five treatments after 14 days was more than 72%. The main purpose of this experiment is to compare the efficiency of these acaricides. All of them provided significant control in the greenhouse, and it could be recommended for population management of T. urticae. However, Envirospeed® in Tehran and Qazvin, as well as Envidorspeed® and Kanecide® in Kerman, are more suggestible based on mortality.


Volume 15, Issue 3 (11-2015)

The cascaded H-bridge (CHB) converter is one of the viable options for large-scale power conversion. Owing to the increased number of components involved in this topology, converter reliability and fault-tolerant control are important issues. This paper proposes a new short-switch fault protection scheme and a post-fault modulation (PFM) strategy to keep the performance of a CHB converter in a static synchronous series compensator (SSSC) application. The SSSC is a series converter to the transmission line, which controls the power flow in the line. Acting as a series converter, any abnormal action of SSSC can affect the whole line reliability. So following the fast fault detections and protections, remedial actions have to be considered to extend normal operation of the SSSC and, in some cases, derate the system to prevent unexpected shutdowns. The new method of short switch fault protection can eliminate the fault in the proper time, while the novel proposed PFM strategy guarantee the continuation of converter operation. This method is based on the application of increasing dc bus utilization techniques in conjunction with the phase shifted pulse width modulation method, which generates the balanced grid currents. Take the advantages of this method; the converter is able to control the transmission line power flow with the remaining healthy H-bridges. Simulation results validate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

Volume 17, Issue 2 (6-2014)

Objective: Aminoglycosides are highly potent, broad-spectrum antibiotics with many desirable properties for the treatment of life-threatening infections. Escherichia coli (E. coli) is the most common cause of urinary tract infection (UTI). Antibiotic resistance has recently become prevalent. Enzymatic inactivation of aminoglycosides by aminoglycoside-modifying enzymes is the main mechanism of resistance to these antibiotics in E. coli. The main purpose of this research is to evaluate the presence of the 2'-aminoglycoside nucleotidyltransferase)ant(2′′)-Ia( gene in E. coli isolates sensitive to mannose and hemolysin production. Methods: After collecting 276 E. coli isolates from patients that referred to Tehran Heart Center, we used the disk diffusion method to determine the resistance patterns of isolates toward Gentamicin, Tobramycin, Kanamycin, Amikacin and Netilmicin antibiotics according to the CLSI principles. We evaluated hemolysin production by assessing the ability of the isolates to grow on sheep and human blood agar media. Chromosomal DNA of the isolates was extracted using DNA extraction kits and PCR method used for the detection of the ant(2′′)-Ia gene.In order to study mannose sensitivity we used human RBCs. Results: Results obtained from antibiotic resistance determination tests showed that the highest rate of resistance was observed against tobramycin (24/63%). Of those resistant, 6% could produce hemolysin in both sheep and human blood agar media. Mannose sensitivity was observed in 14% of isolates during agglutination. There were 24.63% of E. coli isolates resistant to Tobramycin, 23.18% resistant to kanamycin, 21.01% resistant to gentamicin, 6.15% resistant to netilmicin and 3.62% resistant to amikacin. ant(2′′)-Ia gene was detected in 47.88% of E. coli isolated from urine. Conclusion: Due to the high prevalence of urinary tract infections caused by uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) strains and the increasing rate of antibiotic resistance, periodic evaluations should be conducted for outbreaks of resistance in order to select the most suitable treatment to prevent routinely increasing antibiotic resistance.

Volume 18, Issue 111 (May 2021)

Bread has an important role especially in the nutrition of the low income population. Daily increased consumption of industrial breads has led to the use of different methods to fulfill the different deficiency of nutrients especially minerals in such breads. Minerals are necessary for different biological activities and their deficiencies lead to various physiological disorders in the human body. Fish protein concentrate is a rich source of minerlas. In this study, the effect of using different dietary inclusion levels of silver carp protein concentrate (SCPC), 0 (control), 2, 3 and 4 percent (in treatments A, B, C and D, respectively) on the mineral profiles of the toast bread including Ca, P, K, Na and Mg and trace elements such as Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn was studied through implementing a completely randomized design. Results showed that the highest and the lowest Ca levels in 100 g bread belonged to treatment D (118.44 mg) and control (45.77 mg), respectively. The highest and the lowest Zn levels in 100 g bread belonged to treatment D (2.77mg) and treatment B (1.84 mg), respectively. The levels of K, Na, Cu and Mn were significantly increased (P<0.05), when SCPC was added in the bread, whereas the levels of P and Mg were not changed. None of the organoleptic variables were changed in the enriched breads. In conclusion, by increased inclusion levels of SCPC, the levels of most minerals were substantially increased in the enriched breads. Due to the highest inclusion levels of useful minerals for the body in treatment D, this treatment is recommended for enrichment of various foods including pasta, biscuits etc. It is suggested to use more SCPC for the enrichment of industrial breads in the future.

Volume 19, Issue 5 (12-2019)

The tubular structures are having the capability of resisting wind and earthquake loads with the exterior tube system. Tube systems consist of closely spaced exterior columns and deep beams around the corner of the plan that provides sufficient rigidity and stability for tall/high-rise buildings. Another advantage of the tubular system is the significant reduction in the building materials and increasing the architectural space in the internal plan. The mentioned cases have increased the popularity of this kind of structural system. But the most important problem in the tube system is the shear lag. Shear lag is the non-uniform distribution of stress on the face columns when the tube system is subjected to lateral loads. Shear lag can occur in any box-shaped structural system that is loaded laterally.  Shear lag increases structural displacement, limiting the use of maximum structural capacity and causing warping of the floors.
The purpose of this research is to study the effects of shear lag on the tube system and find how to reduce shear lag. In order to do this, a tubular structure is analyzed and designed based on the Capacity Design Approach and Performance Base Design with the LATBSDC, ASCE 7-16, and AISC 360-10. To evaluate the seismic performance of the tubular structure and braced tube structure, the Nonlinear Dynamic Procedure (NDP) for two ground motion intensity levels based on LATBSDC is used. Nonlinear dynamic response analyses for two earthquake ground motion intensities done and acceptability criteria demonstrated. In the next step shear lag in the designed structures is investigated. Also, the relationship between shear lag and the stiffness of the peripheral beams is studied. The result shows that increasing peripheral beam stiffness is not a good way to reduce the effects of shear lag because of economic issues. Also, other proposed methods, such as the addition of core or internal tubes, are not a suitable solution to reduce the effects of shear lag, given the high cost they impose on the project.
Due to the development process and the effect of shear lag on tubular structures, adding braces to one-fifth of the height of the structure in lower floors have been proposed to reduce the effects of shear lag. In order to calculate the shear lag, the distribution of axial stress in the tubular structure columns is considered as the basis and compared with the axial stresses of the columns in the proposed system. The proposed tube system and tube system have been analyzed by different levels of earthquakes and compared for performance purposes. In all the analysis and evaluations carried out in this study, the performance and behavior of the proposed systems were better than the tubular structure. With the addition of braces to one-fifth of the height of the structure in lower floors, the stress in the corner columns has been significantly reduced. The proposed system has been able to significantly reduce the shear lag. Therefore, in order to reduce shear lag and achieve proper behavior in tube systems, it is recommended to use the proposed systems in this study.

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