Showing 78 results for Emami
Volume 0, Issue 0 (1-2024)
Land use severely affects the carbon and nitrogen stock and the soil's physical, mechanical, hydraulic and chemical characteristics of the soil. This study aims to investigate the effect of land use type on some soil characteristics, including carbon stock (CS), nitrogen stock (NS), S-index, structural stability index (SSI), soil pore size distribution, soil shear strength (τ), internal friction angle (φ˚), shear cohesion (C), soil water characteristic curve (SWCC), relative field capacity (RFC), available water (AW), aeration porosity (AP) and effective porosity (Pe) in Shandiz city, Khorasan Razavi province (northeast Iran) was studied. For this purpose, 60 soil samples were taken from the surface layer (0-20 cm) in pasture and agricultural land uses. The results showed that S-Index, SSI, RFC, AW, Pe, Cs, and Ns in pasture land use were significantly higher than agricultural land use. The values of τ, C, and φ˚ in the pasture land use were significantly (p<0.01) less than the pasture land use. The relationship between soil organic carbon stock index and bulk density (r=-0.69), coarse fragments (r=-0.73), cohesion (r=-0.70), and internal friction angle (r=-0.52) were significant and negative. The amounts of carbon and nitrogen stock indices in pasture land use were 61.6 and 33.1 % greater than agricultural land use, respectively. Therefore, it can be concluded that as a result of land use change, the carbon and nitrogen stock, S-index, relative field capacity, structural stability index, available water, aeration porosity, effective porosity, and consequently, the soil quality decrease, and soil degradation increase in agricultural land use.
Volume 1, Issue 1 (3-2013)
Rainfall is recognized as one of the main triggering factors of landslides. Researchers have long attempted to determine the amount of precipitation required to trigger slope failures. One of the landslide zones in Iran is Chaharmahal & Bakhtiari province where many landslides cause high casualties in recent decades. It is significant that most of these landslides occur after a rainy period. Thus, determination of rainfall thresholds in this province seems to be necessary as the first step to present an effective landslide warning system. In this research, we tried to introduce some antecedent rainfall thresholds for deep-seated landslides. The antecedent periods considered for the events examined in this study were 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 28 and 30 days. Since most of landslides occurred by cumulative rainfall for more than 10 days, the results of 5 days and shorter time periods appear not logically connected. We have also established rainfall thresholds for the 15-day antecedent period and 2, 3 and 5 days rainfall events. Results indicate that for 10 to 30 days antecedent periods, mean total rainfall needed to induce landslides varies between about 140 and 280 mm. Finally, we recommend more research on relation between rainfall characteristics and destabilization of different soil classes in the study area (especially clayey-marly deposits).
Volume 1, Issue 1 (2-2016)
Background: we aimed to evaluate the effect of body weight and Body Mass Index (BMI) on Bone Mineral Density (BMD) in healthy postmenopausal Iranian women. Material and Methods: Two hundred postmenopausal women (age between 51 and 69 years) who had presented to the nuclear medicine center at Shariati Hospital in Tehran, Iran between April 2012 and August 2013 were included in this cross sectional study. Of these 46 healthy women who met the study criteria constituted for evaluation. After recording weight and height of individuals, Body Mass Index (BMI) (kg/m2) was calculated as weight (kg) divided by height square (m2). Bone Mineral Density (BMD) in Femoral Neck (FN) and lumbar spine sites (L1-L4) were measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). Results: We observed statistically significant negative correlation between BMD measurements at femoral neck and lumbar1-4 spine with age and significant positive correlation with weight and BMI. Stepwise multiple linear regression analysis showed that only weight and age, after adjustments to BMI determined lumbar1-4 spine BMD (R² = 23%) and femoral neck BMD (R² = 28.6%). Conclusions: These results suggest that the relationship between body weights and BMD is Stronger than the relationship between BMI and BMD. Therefore, in comparison with body mass index, body weight alone is a better predictor of bone mineral density.
Volume 2, Issue 4 (12-2013)
The present checklist is a compilation of the eupodoid mites of Iran using published records and original data from recent researches. It contains 19 species belonging to 13 genera and five families. Family Cocceupodidae Jesionowska, 2010 (because of moving the genera to a new family) and two species i.e. Foveacheles (Foveacheles) cegetensis Zacharda, 1983 and Linopodes antennaepes Banks, 1894 are new records for Iranian mite fauna. In addition to some corrections to specific identities which have been previously reported in Iranian literature, we report here the known geographical distribution and habitats in Iran and distribution in the world as well.
Behrouz Mehdizadeh Fard, Nasrollah Emami,
Volume 2, Issue 8 (winter 2009)
The narratology, with a relatively vast domain, is the center of attention for many circles of literary criticism. Besides, the relation between narrative elements with other fictional elements has introduced various new perspectives in the field of literary criticism. The aim of this article is to explain and analyze several narrative techniques, and also to show some instances of these techniques in the Masnavi’s tales. The focus of this paper will be on four major concepts, namely narrative past, Material and mental process verbs, narrative proceeding and intercalated narration. In the part devoted to narrative past, the different functions of the tense of the verb in fictional and factual texts is explicated. In the next part, it is discussed that the reporting of the persons’ external verbs like eating wearing running and the like can occur in nonfictional texts; yet, explanation of the internal verbs like thinking, hoping, and etc., is possible only in fictional texts. In the third section of the paper, the linear narrative and interruption of linear narrative will be dealt with. Finally, in the last part of this paper, the concept of intercalated narration is explored. It should be noted that the intercalated narration involves tales in which the narrative framework proceeds alternately between fictional acts and characters’ dialogues.
Volume 3, Issue 5 (Supplementary Issue - 2014)
Anthocoris nemoralis (F.) (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) is one of the most prominent predators of the pear psylla, Cacopsylla pyricola (Forster) (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) and is considered as a biological control agent against this pest. In order to investigate the effects of plant varieties on predation of C. pyricola by A. nemoralis, the functional response of both the sexes of A. nemoralis to pear psylla nymphs was studied on three pear varieties including ‘Shahmiveh’, as a susceptible host plant and ‘Sebri’ and ‘Coscia’, as partially-resistant host plants. Different densities of C. pyricola nymphs were offered to single A. nemoralis and predation proceeded for 24 h. The experiments were carried out under constant environmental conditions (27 ± 1 °C, 70 ± 5% RH and L: D 16: 8 h). Logistic regression and nonlinear least-squares regression were used to determine the type of functional response and to estimate attack rate (a) and handling time (Th), respectively. The results showed a type II functional response on all varieties. The asymptotic 95% confidence intervals, estimated by the model with indicator variable revealed that there was no significant difference between either the attack rates or between handling times of same sex of the predator on the tested varieties. However, when sexes were compared, the females of A. nemoralis had a shorter handling time and higher searching efficiency than the males on all varieties. The maximum predicted daily prey consumption by a female predator (T/Th) was the highest on the susceptible variety. Based on the type of functional response and its parameter values, the effectiveness of A. nemoralis was not affected by plant resistance; these findings may be promising for the integration of the partially-resistant varieties and A. nemoralis in sustainable pest management programs against the pear psylla. The implications of the results for biological control of pear psylla are discussed in a tritrophic context.
Volume 4, Issue 1 (9-2016)
Written about a variety of topics related to comparative literature emerged, but so far has not done independent research in the field of comparative literature studies course. With an overview of the work that has emerged in connection with the subject of adaptive, can be a turning point in his third decade as a comparative study. The third decade comparative studies emerged in the decades after witnessing a boom for many reasons and sometimes comparative literature studies have been declining.The author of an extensive research project for nearly two years to identify introduce and review all work is paid until the end of 1330 in relation to comparative literature in 1390 has emerged. What is discussed in this article studied the records of comparative literature is presented in tables and graphs when the subject is represented and ascending or descending research and analysis are their strengths and weaknesses.
Volume 5, Issue 1 (Winter 2023 2022)
Conflict is defined as a situation in which one human group is at involvement with another owing to aims that are incompatible. Due to their features and capacities, the Islamic Republic of Iran and Saudi Arabia are two decisive and significant countries in the area. The Islamic Revolution of Iran has created a field of rivalry and conflict between two countries, which has impacted other surrounding areas. Yemen is one of the most important areas in the sector, owing to variables such as closeness to Saudi Arabia, the Arab Spring, a large Shiite population, the emergence of Shiite organizations and movements, geostrategic location, and so on. The two regional powers' geopolitical interests are located. The purpose of this descriptive-analytical research is to learn more about the nature of the war in Yemen between Iran and Saudi Arabia. What reasons have contributed to the emergence of conflict and rivalry between Iran and Saudi Arabia in Yemen? That is the major subject of the study. The study's results suggest that the war in Yemen is rooted in geopolitical and ideological cases.
Key Words: Iran, Saudi Arabia, Conflict, Geopolitic, Yemen.
Volume 5, Issue 4 (Fall 2019)
Aims: Influenza A virus subtype H1N1, known as H1N1 influenza virus, could cause moderate to severe swine influenza in humans. H1N1 influenza is associated with high mortality rate. Effective symptom management could significantly reduce the mortality rate. This study aimed to determine the clinical manifestations, outcomes, and predictors of mortality in patients with H1N1 influenza, admitted to hospitals during January to September 2016.
Materials & Methods: This retrospective descriptive-analytical study was conducted during January to September 2016 in eight hospitals located in Razavi Khorasan province, northeastern Iran. The medical records of 65 patients were retrieved, and the necessary data were extracted from the records using a demographic questionnaire and a clinical manifestations checklist. The SPSS software Version 23.0 was used to analyze the data via the measures of descriptive statistics and the logistic regression analysis with odds ratio.
findings: The most common clinical manifestations of H1N1 influenza were headache (70.8%), numbness in the extremities (63.1%), myalgia (60%), cough (58.5%), fever and shivering (53.8%), and nausea (53.8%). In total, 14 (21.53%) patients had died due to H1N1 influenza. The significant predictors of death were dyspnea (OR: 13.91, p: .032), myalgia (OR: 0.04. p: .010), and age (OR: 1.05, p: .024) so that dyspnea and myalgia were associated with 13.9 and 0.04 times higher odds of death, respectively. Moreover, each one year increase in age was associated with 5% increase in the odds of experiencing death.
Conclusions: In the case of H1N1 influenza epidemics, care services need to be allocated more to patients who have higher age and suffer from myalgia and dyspnea.
Volume 6, Issue 4 (Winter 2022)
Research subject:
The kinetics of xylene isomerization reaction on Mo-Pt @ZSM5 catalyst has not been investigated so far. In this research, the single reversible reaction of meta-xylene to para-xylene has been studied to model this process. Considering that the feed of the industrial unit has only small amounts of non-xylene compounds, it seems reasonable regardless of other reactions and the results of this research also confirm it.
Research approach:
The desired reaction was carried out in the gas phase and constant temperatures of 375 oC and 378 oC on Mo-Pt @ZSM5 catalyst. The feed is taken from an industrial unit. In each test, the temperature is considered constant. In this research, in order to obtain a simple model, only the reversible reaction of meta-xylene to para-xylene is considered. The forward speed constant is considered as an adjustable parameter, and the backward reaction speed constant is calculated from the (meta-xylene)-(para-xylene) equilibrium constant reported in the literature. Since other reactions are neglected, the total mole fraction of meta-xylene and para-xylene is assumed to be constant and equal to their sum in the feed, and the mole fraction of ortho-xylene is calculated from the (meta-xylene)-(ortho-xylene) equilibrium constant reported in the literature. Using the mass balance and performance equation of the packed column as well as Ergun's equation to estimate the pressure changes along the column, a suitable differential equation system was proposed in this research and solved numerically using the ode45 function in MATLAB.
Main results: both the experimental data and the simulation results with the Aspen HYSYS software show that the temperature has little effect on the obtained results in the investigated temperature range. The optimal value of the reaction rate constant of metaxylene to paraxylene for the forward reaction is 1340 cm3 of product per gram of catalyst per hour. For the reverse reaction, it is obtained from the equilibrium constant data in terms of temperature. The results and the proposed simple kinetic model give a good prediction of the experimental data.
Volume 6, Issue 12 (Fall & Winter 2020)
Translation of the Holy Qur'an is a way to establish a connection to Holy Qur'an for non-Arabic people, therefore analyzing and criticizing the translations of the Holy Qur'an is necessary to understand the merits and shortcomings of previous translations and to obtain a favorable translation. One of the common languages for the translation of the Holy Qur'an is the Russian language. Using a descriptive-analytical approach, this paper examines five prominent translations of the Holy Qur'an into Russian including the first verse of Surah Alaq by “Mohammed Nuri Usmanov”, “Valeria Prokhorova”, “Ignati Krachkowski”, “Elmir Kuliyev” and “Betsy Shidfar”. In this study, in addition to presenting a history of the translation of the Holy Qur'an into Russian, these translations were examined on the first verse of Surah Alaq, and their strengths and weaknesses were explained with reference to interpretive, literary, and historical evidence and finally, a relatively appropriate translation of the verse mentioned is presented in Russian language using the appropriateness of the verses in Surah Alaq.
Volume 7, Issue 3 (Summer 2021)
Backgrounds: This study aimed to analyse hybrid Entroaggregative/Uropathogenic Escherichia coli (EAEC/UPEC) isolates. To do so, the antibiotic resistance pattern and virulence genes were investigated in E. coli strains isolated from clinical specimens of patients hospitalized in Isfahan, Iran.
Materials & Methods: Disc diffusion method was used to determine the antibiotic susceptibility pattern of EAEC/UPEC isolates. Also, virulence determinants of these isolates were determinated by singleplex and multiplex PCR.
Findings: Overall, a total of 148 E. coli isolates were collected, of which 12 (8.1%) isolates were hybrid EAEC/UPEC strains, then antibiotic susceptibility examination was operated on these strains. The higest antibiotic resistance rate was related to ofloxacin (42%), followed by trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (41%), ceftriaxone and cefepime (33%), and cefoxitin (17%). All the isolates showed susceptibility to fosfomycin.
Conclusion: According to the current study, since resistance to fluoroquinolones has increased in hybrid strains, monitoring the drug susceptibility of hybrid strains seems critical in Iran. Fosfomycin is considered to be the drug of choise for infections caused by multidrug-resistant (MDR) Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Fortunately, 100% of the strains were sensitive to fosfomycin.
Volume 7, Issue 4 (Fall 2021)
Backgrounds: Neonatal sepsis is a clinical syndrome in neonates, which is an uncommon but significant cause of morbidity and mortality in infants. The aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence of sepsis caused by Escherichia coli and its antibiotic resistance pattern as well as to assess the potential risk factors in neonates and maternal characteristics in Shiraz.
Material & Method: This retrospective study was performed on infants with sepsis in the first three days of life during February 2019 to March 2021. Patients' information was obtained using their hospital records and a questionnaire. All statistical analyses were conducted using SPSS software Ver. 18.0. A p-value <.05 was considered as statistically significant
Findings: During this study, a total of 250 positive blood cultures were reported for infants less than 3 days old. Of these, 21(8.4%) E. coli strains were isolated from 14 preterm and 7 term neonates. In all patients, the most effective antibiotic was meropenem, and the highest resistance was observed to cefoxitin.
Conclusion: Base on the present study results, E. coli is the most prevalent Gram-negative bacterium isolated in Shiraz. Premature birth and very low weight are the most important risk factors for developing early-onset sepsis.
Volume 7, Issue 30 (12-2019)
A significant part of Persian poetry is epic, and its domain has extended to the realm of folkloric literature. Local J
angname are poems with epical features that have been specifically written to imitate Shahnameh. These poems are in the form of masnavi, motaghareb and sometimes hazaj, describing exaggerated narratives, tales and heroic stories of persons or historical individuals from a geographical area
. They are preserved for a long time in the area and could be used to resolve local and tribal conflicts. Depending on their subject matter, Jangname sometimes narrates the war between tribal leaders and the feudalists (khavanin) of the region, and at times narrates the war of a group with the central government, or the battle of a group of regional people with foreign forces. The element of war and the celebration or degradation of the local and regional characters and events are the basics of these poems. The works focused in this study are Jangname of Raeesi Delavari, Jangname of Hayat Daboud and Nightshift, and Jangname of on the light of Liravi which are studied stylistically and typologically. These poems influenced by the linguistic and literary style of the Shahnameh and other epic texts, as well as their tone and dialogue, have substantial differences with the epic genre; there is no indication of aspects such as myth, fiction, heroism, national spirit, and defamiliarization in these poems. They suggest no national spirit, because their heroes often seek to achieve their personal goals and objectives. It is concluded that these poems should be called ‘quasi-epic’.
Volume 8, Issue 1 (Winter 2022)
Backgrounds: A common problem among diabetic patients is foot ulcers and infections, impacting up to 15% of diabetic patients over their lifetime. The aim of this study was to investigate the frequency of bacterial agents and their antimicrobial resistance pattern in patients with diabetic foot infection in Namazi and Shahid Faghihi hospitals in Shiraz.
Materials & Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in Namazi and Shahid Faghihi hospitals in Shiraz. The collected samples were transferred to the laboratory for culture and biochemical tests. After accurate identification of bacterial agents, antibiotic susceptibility of all isolated bacteria was evaluated by disk diffusion method based on CLSI guidelines. Data were analyzed using SPSS software (Version 19).
Findings: In this study, 166 patients with diabetic foot ulcers were evaluated. The mean age of patients was 55.8± 13.2 years, and 109 (66.4%) cases were male. Also, 62% of patients had an underlying disease, while most of them had hypertension (27%). The most prevalent isolated bacterium was Staphylococcus epidermidis. The most effective antibiotics against isolated Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria were vancomycin and amikacin, respectively.
Conclusion: In this study, it was concluded that the frequency of Gram-negative bacteria in diabetic foot ulcer infections was higher than that of Gram-positive bacteria.
Volume 8, Issue 3 (10-2004)
Seyyed Mehdi Enjavi Nezhad
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, Shiraz University
Mohammad Emami
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, Shiraz University
Pious endowment, as a behavior that makes possible the continuity of charity has been common among various nations from long ago; however, in Islam because of the emphasis of the Holy Quran and the Muslims' care on charity affairs, it has got a more significant place, in the manner that it is discussed and scrutinized by the jurists and it's various dimensions have been taken under the juristically rules and principles. Compiling the Civil Law and allocating the articles No. 55 to 91 to it, endowment is formed as a legal foundation subject, and through the establishment of "Endowment Organization", it would be controlled by the government and Law. Expansion of the government activities in affairs such as adopting policies toward restricting the private ownership due to the fulfillment of various purposes has led to the compiling of laws that contain endowment cases, the most important of which is supervising the sale of ensoment properties and changing them to the better. In this article, the process of changes in law has been surveyed and the principles of endowment sale and changing to the better bas been clearly explained. In addition, considering the interests of endowment, the way for optimum use of endowment in the framework of full filling the real purpose of those who do it, would be prepared and the way for compiling suitable laws in this case would be paved.
Volume 8, Issue 3 (Summer 2022)
Backgrounds: Infection is one of the major threats to liver transplant patients and significantly affects associated mortality and morbidity. Serious infections are likely to occur a few months after transplantation, and most of them are bacterial. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) bacteremia in liver transplant patients.
Materials & Methods: In this systematic review and meta-analysis, Preferred Reporting Items for systematic reviews and meta-analysis guidelines were used. International databases including PubMed, Scopus, Web of Sciences, Embase, and Cochrane were searched by related MeSH terms and keywords for studies published until July 26, 2020. The current study was registered by a pre-defined protocol in PROSPRO.
Findings: After a comprehensive literature search, 11 articles were selected for inclusion in the analysis. The prevalence of MRSA in liver transplant patients was 75% (95% CI: 58% - 89%); however, an evident heterogeneity was observed between the studies (I2= 87.84%, p< .001).
Conclusion: In conclusion, this study results demonstrate that the prevalence of post-transplant MRSA colonization bacteremia is high among liver transplant patients. This should be considered seriously, and efforts should be made to prevent mortality in this group of patients.
Volume 9, Issue 1 (Winter 2021)
Aims: The increasing rate of divorce has turned it into an important social dilemma, and this necessitates the need to pay attention to the factors related to adjustment after divorce. This study was conducted to determine the relationship between social exclusion and post-divorce adjustment in women.
Instrument & Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 474 divorced women in Rasht City participated. Sampling was performed in a convenience and Snow Ball method. Data collection tools were a three-part questionnaire including demographic information form, social exclusion questionnaire, and post-divorce adjustment questionnaire. Data analysis was performed by descriptive and inferential statistical tests at a significant level (p<0.05).
Findings: The highest and lowest scores of social exclusion were related to exclusionary marital status (3.50±0.66) and discriminative marital state (3.9±0.6), respectively. The highest and lowest adjustment scores were related to the areas of self-worth (3.34±0.40) and anger (2.90±0.43), respectively. The areas of horror (β=-0.067; p=0.008) and discriminative marital state (p=<0.001; β=-0.188) were predictors of adjustment. Also, lack of history of physical illness (p=0.024; β=0.145) and increased number of children (p=0.07; β=0.053) had a positive and direct effect on the adjustment.
Conclusion: There is a statistically significant inverse correlation between social exclusion and post-divorce adjustment of women, and therefore the study and development of educational-counseling intervention programs to increase social support can increase women’s adjustment after divorce.
Volume 9, Issue 2 (6-2023)
The iolinid mite Coccalicus clavatus Willmann, 1952 was collected during a survey from the soil of Gilanegharb, Kermanshah, Iran in 2022. This species was first described in the family Alycidae by Willmann in 1952 and then André and Uusitalo transferred it to the family Iolinidae in 2006, accompanied by transferring species from the genus Paratydaeolus to the genus Coccalicus. Some challenges about species characters of this mite are discussed in this paper and the synonymy of C. lukoschusi and C. clavatus is proposed. The genus consists of 12 species with clavate trichobothria, and is related to various habitats like soil, stored products, under barks, on leaves of different plants, and on birds. They have been reported from Europe, Antarctica and North America and this is the first record of the Coccalicus mites from Asia.
Volume 10, Issue 3 (Summer 2019)
With urbanization expansion, application of concrete and construction materials is widely increasing throughout the world. Therefore, the use of a mechanism that can effectively extend the life of concrete structures is essential. Durable reinforced concrete structures are generally affected by the crack. Cracks in concrete are caused due to various reasons such as an environmental attack, overloading or accidental damage. Surface cracks in concrete facilitate the penetration of chemicals and corrosive chlorine, so as a result of these factors steel rebars corroded and caused the destruction of concrete structures. Calcium carbonate precipitates have proved their ability as a microbial sealant to fill the cracks and the gaps in Granites and sand. In this method, urea is hydrolyzed by the urease secreting bacteria and calcium carbonate is formed in the presence of calcium ion, which improves the stability and properties of concrete in the long term. Therefore, the use of microbial precipitation in concrete restoration can be considered as a natural and environmentally friendly strategy. This paper reviews current progress and potential of this technology.