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Volume 5, Issue 2 (8-2014)

Analysis of signed biological networks has been an interest of some researchers in recent years. We consider communities and balanced clusters as two structural patterns that may reveal different structures in the networks. Although biological networks tend to structural balance, this study clarifies adhesive communities in some transcriptional networks of ecoli and yeast differ from the balanced clusters and have significantly more negative links in their structure. This difference may be used as an index in categorizing various systems' structure and function. Also we study the important role of the positive links between balanced clusters, even though the links between these clusters are mostly negative. Analyzing data of some Gene Regulatory Networks, shows that perturbing the genes located at these links, has a larger effect on the system and causes more distance from the initial equilibrium state. So, signed clustering and detecting the links between these clusters can be considered as an effective approach in detecting the functional units and the key components in the system. This can be useful in applications like gene targeting in drug synthesis.

Volume 5, Issue 3 (9-2017)

Background: Grazing intensity has a major effect on soil and biomass organic carbon storage (C). Various plants and ecosytems with deiffernt charactristices have their unique responses to the grazing. Recognizing the effects of grazing intensity on C in various envrionments dominated by Halocnemum strobilaceum, such as Incheboron salt land of Golestan province, helps plannig the grazing startegies.
Materials and Methods: Three grazing sites, viz. heavy grazing (in vicinity of resting point), moderate grazing (at a distance of 650 meters from resting point) and light grazing (at a distance of 2050 meters from resting point) were selceted. Sampling of soil and H. strobilaceum species was carried out with systematic-random method in Nov. 2012. In this regard, fifteen plants along the five 100 meters transects (with distance of 30m) were randomly selected and underground and abovegrond organs were extracted. The amount of biomass C was determined by combustion method. Also, soil sampling with five repetation was carried out in two depths (0-20 cm and 20-40 cm) and the amount of stored C was determined by Walkly and Black method.
Results: The sum of underground and aboveground biomass C in light grazing site was more than the heavy and moderate grazing sites, which were about 1.17, 1.07 and 0.567 ton/hectare respectively. The amount of soil C for the mentioned sites were 162.56, 137,39 and 80.76 ton/hectare, respectively. Besides, the depth 0-20 cm in all sites had a higher C. The soil C comprised more than 99 percent of ecosystem total stored C (biomas and soil C) in each site. In terms of total ecosystem C, the heavy and moderate grazing site had about 84.37 and 32.20 ton/hectare less C compred to light grazing site.
Conclusions: From a management perspective, it is concluded that light grazing intesity in saltalnd region can lead to maintenance of C in high level and grazing systems should avoid high stocking rates because it may adversely affect soil C. Heavy grazing has more negative effects on C compared to moderate grazing. Both soil and biomass respond similarly to different grazing intensities. The soil, especially first depth as the main resourcse of C, should be protected from detrioration to prevent C decling. In view point of C sequestration, it is suggested to plan grazing intesity in light level and protect the soil of rangelands.the five 100 meters transects (with distance of 30m) were selected and underground and abovegrond organs were extracted. The amount of biomass C was determined by combustion method. Also, soil sampling with five repetation was carried out on two depths (0-20 cm and 20-40 cm) and the amount of stored C was determined by Walkly and Black method. The results showed that the sum of underground and aboveground biomass C in light grazing site is more than the heavy and moderate grazing sites. This value is about 1.17, 1.07 and 0.567 ton/hectare for light, moderate and heavy grazing, respectively. The amount of soil C for the
and soil C) in each of sites.

Volume 5, Issue 4 (winter 2024)

Aims: Recent advances in landscape ecology and satellite data have provided an opportunity to change approaches in sustainable urban planning and have created a high potential for enhancing resilience in the interactions of social-ecological systems. In this research, by using the concept of spatial resilience and measuring the critical components and relationships of the socio-ecological landscape over time, the thresholds related to identity were quantitatively extracted to provide a solution for linking concrete management objectives and the theory of resilience.
Methods: By evaluating the ecological landscape of Qom city using PLAND, CA, NP, AREA-MN metrics and satellite data, the changes in landscape resilience of this city during thirty years based on the theory of spatial resilience were analyzed.
Findings: By defining and extracting identity thresholds, identity changes in the city landscape were predicted concerning resilience in the coming years. Then, by identifying the spatial-identity patterns of the city in different periods and measuring them based on resilience dimensions, measurable suggestions were presented to policymakers and planners to place the urban landscape in a new, resilient, and sustainable balance.
Conclusion: The landscape of the city of Qom in 2009 and 2019 has crossed the first and second thresholds of identity, and with the continuation of the current trend, in the next 20 years, traveling the third threshold (complete transformation of landscape identity) will happen, and if the process of reducing the green area structures continues, the landscape will reach an irreparable stage in terms of resilience.

Volume 8, Issue 15 (Spring & Summer 2021)

Given the significant number of allusions in cultural themes, recreating and matching them in target language is one of the challenges for translators. Translation theorists have proposed different ways to meet such challenges. Peter Newmark is one of the theorists who has proposed strategies for restoring cultural concepts by providing a five-fold division. The purpose of the present study is to identify the challenges that the translators of Nahj al-Balaghe face in finding the exact equivalent for cultural concepts. Researchers have attempted to explain the correct meaning of the metaphorical interpretation of "Haik Ibn Haik" in the nineteenth sermon, using a descriptive-analytical method and a critical approach. Therefore, while examining the meanings and the application of this interpretation in different narrations, five contemporary translations of Nahj al-Balaghah, by Fayz al-Islam, Shahidi, Faqihi, Dashti and Ansarian were selected, criticized and evaluated based on the Newmark model. The result of the research showed that in addition to the baselessness of some narrations in which the above-mentioned interpretation has been used, the cultural aspect of this ironic interpretation has been neglected by the translators. Also, they have not succeeded in transmitting the meaning and concept and the cultural connotation hidden in it by taking the above-mentioned interpretation, so they have provided many explanatory footnotes, and have misunderstood it. Concerning the historical books and glosses written on Nahj al-Balaghe and the familiarity with cultural context of this phrase “ablah nadan/ idiot” is a better choice.

Volume 8, Issue 16 (Fall & Winter 2022)

 One of the most widely used words in the Quran that has been considered by lexicographers and commentators is the root "Fakeha" along with its derivatives. Because of this semantic difference, the translators of the Quran have also acted in expressing the meaning of the word "Fakeha". The present study is performed in the descriptive-analytical method, and in order to obtaining and finding the correct view on the meaning of the root  "Fakeha", has collected, analyzed and evaluated the views of lexicographers and commentators And then, based on the final results, has evaluated the translations of Ayati, Elahi Ghomshei, Khorramshahi, Rezaei, Safavid, Fooladvand, Meshkini, and Makarem Shirazi in terms of success or failure in finding the equivalent of this root. The result of the present study was that the semantic principle and lexical meaning of this word were "opening between something with the filling of something delicate" and "great joy with pride", respectively, which has been used in various cases such as "fruit" and "humor". The ability of the mentioned translations is also different for  various derivatives of the root "Fakeha"; In some cases, such as choosing the meaning of "fruit" for "Fakeha", their performance is successful; But in others, such as the meaning of "Fakeha", the performance of translators is poorly evaluated.
Hossein Razavian, Vajiheh Ehsani,
Volume 8, Issue 29 (Spring 2015)

Scholars have different methods for grouping or determining the style of the literary works. So it sounds inevitable to have disagreement on how to determine the style of a work. In this paper we do not seek to confirm or reject common stylistics methods; rather we are proposing a new criterion as an indicator of style, namely, the metaphor of transitivity as a grammatical metaphor. To this end, Al-e-Ahmad’s Modir-e Madrese and Golestan’s Asrar-e Ganj-e Darreye Jenni are studied through a descriptive-analytical method. The metaphors of transitivity from these works are extracted and compared. The frequency of such metaphor in Asrar-e Ganj-e Darreye Jennicompared to Modir-e Madrese is much less. In Golestan these metaphors represents the conversion of mental processes to the existential ones and then the mental to the relational processes. In Modir-e Madrese, however, there is a unique employment of the metaphors of transitivity that represents the conversion of relational processes to the material ones and then the verbal processes to material.  Our study presents a model for using grammatical metaphor as a stylistic unit. In the chosen works, there is a significant difference between both the frequency and the type of metaphors of transitivity.        

Volume 9, Issue 1 (Winter 2021)

Aims: Biochar is a soil amendment used to improve soil quality and plant productivity in an agricultural application, and there were fewer researches to use it in rangeland species. This study aimed to determine if lignite and wheat straw biochar (WSB) could be used to promote Astragalus podolobus growth, inclusive Plant height, crown diameter, canopy cover, the volume of cover, leaf area, and leaf perimeter. In this study, it is assumed that WSB and lignite’s use will increase the growth of A. podolobus species. A. podolobus, as a palatable shrub from the Leguminosae family, is a native species of Turkmen Sahra.
Materials & Methods: A greenhouse experiment was designed with (WSB) and lignite, at 1.25%, 2.5%, and 3.75%w/w of soil in six replications. The soil texture was clay loam. Statistical analyses were performed by two-way analysis of variance using the SPSS16 statistical software.
Findings:  In lignite application, the highest height, crown diameter, canopy cover, and volume of cover were observed for a 3.75% application rate after the 4th month and were 25.03cm, 23.52cm, 528.65cm2, and 15581cm3, respectively. While the highest values of these parameters for WSB were obtained for 2.5% of the application rate after the fourth month and were 22.62cm, 20.66cm, 401.66cm2, and 11318.3cm3, respectively.
Conclusion: Plant height, crown diameter, canopy cover, the volume of cover, leaf area, and leaf perimeter were promoted by increasing lignite dosage (3.75%) in the soil while nearly all parameters decreased at the same WSB incorporation dose.

Volume 12, Issue 1 (5-2012)

Fluctuations in fiscal policy affect monetary policy and the central bank, because the government’s general budget is highly dependent on oil prices and its fluctuations. Therefore, this paper designs a New Keynesian model for Iran with nominal rigidities (prices and wages) and analyzes the impact of technology, oil price, government spending and money supply shocks on macroeconomic variables (inflation, output) in economy of Iran. The data in this article are related to the fixed prices in the year 2004 and run annually from 1966 to 2008 on a per capita basis. Having logarithms taken, the variables are de-traded through Hodrick - Prescott filter. The final model equations are linearized around the steady state and using Uhlig (1999) approach, accidental equations are also linearized and are specified as space state pattern in Matlab software. Finally, the calibration of parameters are assessed, variables are simulated and compared with real data. The results show that the recommended model can simulate the impact of shocks on macroeconomic variables. It also shows that inflation rises in response to all shocks except that of technology. As the figures show, it is also revealed that non-oil output increases in response to technology, oil price, government spending and money supply.

Volume 12, Issue 3 (1-2005)

The aim of this study is to carry out an empirical study of constraint factors in recreational sporting activities. More specifically it tests the model of constraints (intra-personal, interpersonal, and structural), as proposed by Crawford et al. (1991), and its relationship with actual participation levels in specific recreational sports activities in Iran. Although there is a growing body of study in the USA, Canada, and United Kingdom into gender differences in leisure opportunities and behavior, Little is known about leisure activities in Iran. The maim purpose of this study is about the factors prohibiting female student at Khorasgan Azad Islamic University to participate in recreation sporting activities. This paper presents the findings of an exploratory investigation into factors influencing the recreational sporting activities. The data was collected by means of a self-administered questionnaire among three hundreds (300) female students who were participated in recreational sporting activities (102 individuals once or more per week, 129 individuals once or more per month, and 69 individuals once per year or more). Leisure constraints factors used in this study named as lack of time, lack of money, lack of facilities, transportation, social relations, lack of interest, unawareness, lack of skill and ability, and health and fitness problems. The findings showed that significant differences was found among constraint factors such as lack of time, lack of money, transportation, lack of interest, unawareness, lack of skill and ability, and health and fitness problems. These findings have theoretical and practical implications, which are discussed.

Volume 12, Issue 4 (11-2012)

In most cases, the place of producing and using hazardous materials is not the same and such materials should be transported from the production line to the consumption place. Because of the dangerous nature of such materials, safety indicators and criteria should be considered. More than 90% of hazardous materials transportation in Iran is by road. This shows the importance of attention to the safety factors. Although transportation departments or local governments are responsible for allocating acceptable paths that reduce risk, transportation companies usually look for some paths with lower travel times and fuel consumption. So many methods have been presented for designing the paths of hazardous materials transportation based on the trade -off between costs and risks of the transportation. Almost in all of them the national hazardous materials transport routing has been a decision for the matter in two levels, the government allocates a subset of the transport network to hazardous materials and the transportation corporations, choose their paths from this subset. However, the issue of justice in the distribution of risk is highly regarded in the states because feeling Injustice in received level of risk, might lead to public opposition to the routing of hazardous materials. Therefore in this research some routing models have been proposed. In the first mathematical model, we just consider the safety of paths and two major goals would be pursued. First we seek ways of minimizing risk in the whole studied path networks, and then this matter would be considered that the risk does not increase in each link more than certain amount, and in fact justice in the distribution of risk be established. This model was bi-level linear and transformed into a single-level mixed integer linear program by replacing the second level by its Karush–Kuhn–Tucker conditions and by linearizing the complementary constraints. Then we solve the MIP problem with a commercial optimization solver In the second model, in addition to the safety, the economic efficiency of the routes is considered. In fact, in this model, the results of the safety model will be used in a mathematical model with economic-safety approach. The real case study then has been used to evaluate mathematical In most cases, the place of producing and using hazardous materials is not the same and such materials should be transported from the production line to the consumption place. Because of the dangerous nature of such materials, safety indicators and criteria should be considered. More than 90% of hazardous materials transportation in Iran is by road. This shows the importance of attention to the safety factors. Although transportation departments or local governments are responsible for allocating acceptable paths that reduce risk, transportation companies usually look for some paths with lower travel times and fuel consumption. So many methods have been presented for designing the paths of hazardous materials transportation based on the trade -off between costs and risks of the transportation. Almost in all of them the national hazardous materials transport routing has been a decision for the matter in two levels, the government allocates a subset of the transport network to hazardous materials and the transportation corporations, choose their paths from this subset. However, the issue of justice in the distribution of risk is highly regarded in the states because feeling Injustice in received level of risk, might lead to public opposition to the routing of hazardous materials. Therefore in this research some routing models have been proposed. In the first mathematical model, we just consider the safety of paths and two major goals would be pursued. First we seek ways of minimizing risk in the whole studied path networks, and then this matter would be considered that the risk does not increase in each link more than certain amount, and in fact justice in the distribution of risk be established. This model was bi-level linear and transformed into a single-level mixed integer linear program by replacing the second level by its Karush–Kuhn–Tucker conditions and by linearizing the complementary constraints. Then we solve the MIP problem with a commercial optimization solver In the second model, in addition to the safety, the economic efficiency of the routes is considered. In fact, in this model, the results of the safety model will be used in a mathematical model with economic-safety approach. The real case study then has been used to evaluate mathematical

Volume 12, Issue 46 (5-2015)

Volume 13, Issue 1 (9-2021)

Shah Abbas of Safavid dynasty, with a powerful government as the result of the sharing of slaves in power, and giving them military posts; suppressed the force and elements of violence, and gradually strengthened security throughout his realm; roads were fairly safe , theft , killing and robbery was reduced and Trade and transport prospered. Accordingly, some historians describe Abbas's era as golden age and the economic flowering of the Safavid period. this conception is directed towards the institutional changes of shah abbas in the political and Social sphere which led to political centrality, road security, construction of Caravanserais and markets, the creation of cities and the establishment of trade relations with foreign countries. although these measures were favourable to the development of trade, and as a result of the reforms, great development occurred in business and The trade boom followed in the short - term but, however, was the kind of economic reform that led to the long - term accumulation of capital and stable economic growth. this is due to institutional barriers which North are divided into formal and informal constraints. this study examines the institutional changes and business conditions and the position of merchants in Shah Abbas I first regarding the theory of Douglas North and tries to examine the economic situation in Iran in the age of Shah Abbas with the theory of New Institutionalism and based on the theory of Adaptition with Linda Hutcheon.

Volume 13, Issue 61 (3-2016)

Volume 16, Issue 12 (2-2017)

In the present work, a novel electromagnetic actuation flexible-valve micropump using the fluctuating elastic wall is proposed, based on one-way lymph transfer mechanism. A time dependent magnetic field is used for actuating the magnetorheological elastomer (contractible) wall. Two flexible valves are located in two terminals of microchannel in order to filter bidirectional flow and generate one-way fluid flow. Water properties are used for simulation and the maximum Reynolds number is not exceeded from 30, Womersly number is lower than 1 in all cases. Knudsen number is much less than unity, therefore no-slip condition is valid at walls. A fully coupled magneto-fluid-solid interaction approach using time dependent study of two-dimensional incompressible fluid flow is performed. All solid parts follow Hook’s law and simulation is carried out using finite element approach by COMSOL Multiphysics software. A parametric study is conducted and the effect of key geometrical, structural and magnetical parameters have been examined on the net pumped volume. Present micropump is able to generate unidirectional flow and propel net volume of fluid left to right, and the net pumped volume of fluid is affected by design parameters. The proposed design can serve in a wide range of microfluidic applications for example, flow rate and total mass transfer are completely controllable. At the end of the study, an optimum geometrical design based on initial model is proposed. The final design is capable to transmit nearly two times of net volume compare to initial model and more than three times of the previous design.

Volume 17, Issue 3 (5-2015)

 The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the addition of commercial lipase in various forms on the acceleration of the ripening of UF-Feta cheese. Commercial lipase from Aspergillus niger was encapsulated by using silica composition based on Sol-Gel method. Lipase was then added to cheeses in three forms, namely, free lipase, encapsulated lipase, and encapsulated lipase with Arabic gum. Lipase was added to the retentate in the ratio of 4 g:100 kg. The effects of free lipase, encapsulated lipase, and encapsulated lipase with Arabic gum on lipolysis, quantity of free water, bounded water, and chemical compounds were studied during the 60 days of ripening. Based on FTIR analysis, encapsulated lipases were completely released from the capsules during the first 15 days of ripening period. The greatest amount of lipolysis was detected in free lipase samples, compared to encapsulated and encapsulated with Arabic gum treatments. Thermal analysis of all treatments indicated that lipolysis could affect the free and bounded water content by decreasing both of them from the 15th to 60th days of ripening. The amount of salt, moisture, and fat changed during the first 15 days of ripening significantly (P< 0.05). In comparison with free or encapsulated lipase, the encapsulated lipase with Arabic gum caused more changes in types of water and chemical compositions because the produced emulsions were uniform.

Volume 17, Issue 4 (1-2014)

Football is an industry that Branding and its foundation, brand identity, it has extremely important in. so that researchers have proposed specific brand models in countries with football. In this research, using descriptive analytic methods and with the purpose of application, data was collected in two qualitative and quantitative phases. The statistical population consists of 10 professionals and experts in related to research and Spectators of six teams in the Premier League that would be present in the stadium. Sample size was 300 cases in Phase I and 720 in Phase II. which using simple random sampling method and equally, the fans selected. Accordingly, researchers found need of new theoretical insights based on brand identity(Koo(2009), Schilhaneck(2008), Zucchermaglio(2011), Silveira(2011)&Richelieu(2010), and considering the brand identity models, in few countries with football brand (Germany, Spain, France and S.Korea), and with the use of experts and fans perspectives, the brand identity model of teams in the league in season 92/91 offer and Finally using CFA and SEM model provided a new perspective on the dimensions of the country football brand identity, that are on the basis of factor loading as following: Success(./97), Delivery(/.92), Native Region(/.89), Star Player(/.88), Logo, Fans, History, Traditional Rival(./87), Tradition(./85), Team performance (./82), Stadium(./72) and Non -Player personnel (./51).

Volume 17, Issue 99 (May 2020)

The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of extracted inulin from chicory root and commercial inulin on synbiotic yogurt properties during 21 days at refrigerator storage. Inulin powder from chicory root (0, 1.5, 3 and 4%) and commercial inulin (0, 1, 2 and 3%) were used in synbiotic yogurt containing Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium lactis. The addition of commercial inulin and the extracted inulin powder increased acidity and consequently decreased pH. Adding commercial inulin to milk increased the viscosity and reduced the final product syneresis. The extracted inulin powder at low concentrations had a positive effect on these properties. By increasing storage time, the acidity and syneresis of the synbiotic yogurt increased and pH decreased. The presence of these compounds in milk had a positive effect on the viability of the probiotics bacteria in yogurt, which the effect of commercial inulin on the survival of probiotic bacteria being greater than that of the extracted inulin. Addition of commercial inulin had no significant effect on the color properties of the yogurt samples, while the addition of the extracted inulin powder significantly reduced the brightness index (L*) compared to the control sample and increased the redness (a*) and yellowness (b*) indexes. All sensory properties improved by increasing commercial inulin, whereas 1.5% of the extracted inulin powder had no negative effect on sensory properties of the synbiotic yogurt compared to control.

Volume 18, Issue 2 (6-2015)

Objective: This study evaluates the effect of a mouse fallopian tube cell co-culture on the proliferation of human endometrial stromal cells. Methods: We used hysteroscopy to collect the endometrial cells from the uterus. The cells were isolated with collagenase type 3 and passed through 150 µm and 40 µm filters, respectively, after which the isolated cells were cultured in DMEM/F12 medium. At the end of the fourth subculture we used flow cytometry to evaluate the percentage of CD90 positive cells. The endometrial cells were co-cultured with mitomycin C-treated cells from the mouse fallopian tube as the experimental group. Those cultured without the feeder layer were considered the control group. The proliferation rate of cells in both groups were compared by the MTT assay Results: The endometrial cells adhered to the floor of the plate after 24 hours. After 72 hours, they had a spindle shape which was similar to fibroblasts. The rate of CD90 positive cells at the fourth passage was 94.26 ± 0.08%. The proliferation rate of the co-culture experimental group was 1.1 ± 0.02 and for the control group, it was 1.17 ± 0.17 which was not significantly different. Conclusion: Co-culture of mouse fallopian tube cells with endometrial stem cells did not affect the proliferation rate of endometrial stem cells.

Volume 18, Issue 112 (May 2021)

Nowadays, due to the spread of diseases and their complications as well as the high cost of treatment, the use of functional and healthy foods has been considered by the scientist. In this context, more attention is paid to complications such as infection and disease development due to the spread of free radicals. One of the options currently considered in the prevention, treatment and reduction of disease complications is biologically active peptides extracted from plant and animal sources. In the present study, peptides derived from milk hydrolysis, including peptides derived from whey and lactoferrin combined with vanillin flavors, were investigated in the laboratory to reduce infection and increase the potency of the antioxidant system. Antimicrobial tests against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli were performed after the preparation of milk hydrolyzed proteins and food supplementation with vanillin flavoring. The antioxidant effects of these peptides individually and along with a mixture of also tested. The results showed that the peptides derived from lactoferrin and whey protein concentrate alone and in combination, had antimicrobial effects at concentrations of 2000, 4000 and 1000 μg / ml, respectively. Also, the results of antioxidant tests in DPPH, ABTS and Reducting power system showed the appropriate ability of these components at 400 mg / ml concentration and the highest antioxidant activity was related to the hydrolyzed whey protein among the components participating in the supplement. Based on the results, it can be concluded that milk-derived peptides with vanillin can be used as an effective supplement to reduce the therapeutic effects in diseases, which will be complemented by animal and clinical studies.

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