Showing 12 results for Eghbali
Volume 1, Issue 1 (10-2011)
Considering the vast changes in different aspects of life and various ways of earning livelihood, flexibility in contemporary housing design can be regarded as an appropriate solution in order to prevent from discreteness in interactions within the society and environment and among people. That is because a residence must be designed according to the changing needs of modern human. Traditional houses in Iran have already contained this concept, in modern era however, such viewpoint towards housing cannot be seen so often. Flexibility refers to the idea of adaptation throughout the time. Therefore it can be said that a flexible settlement is a house that can be adapted with the needs of the users and will lead to understanding the users’ expected demands with their own cooperation. Peoples’ cooperation in this process will increase the possibility of adaptation of housing with their needs which will eventually increase the general satisfaction of the housing. This research discusses the issue of flexibility and the related concepts in the field of housing with emphasis on some residential projects. Every settlement is depended on its user and the ground for its adaptation. Therefore, in terms of general design, we can say that settlement is dependent on both the environment and the user. Since human beings normally demand variety and monotonous environmental conditions make human beings unsatisfied and bored; they usually have a favorable and positive view towards changes in their living environment. These varieties can range from some minor changes up to basic ones such as a change in the residential house itself. Flexibility in architectural design indicates variety. Such variety includes the possibility of adjustment and compatibility of a residential unit throughout time. It will eventually lead the building to show new varieties of its own. In order to demonstrate flexibility, the architects have to put the probable needs of the users into consideration in the process of designing. In other words, a “long-term thought” is required in designing.Flexibility in housing can be investigated from two points of views: first, from users’ point of view and secondly the innovative construction. Designing consists of four main issues: (1) structural system; (2) servicing spaces; (3) architectural design; and (4) facilities for environmental flexibility. The present study tries to express the concept of flexibility as a “new form of challenging architecture”. This is done using some examples and instances. From such viewpoint, the goal this study tries to attain is to survey the limitations and boundaries of flexible designing. This is done by analyzing the selected items. This way, the architect can turn flexibility into an opportunity and produce creative options in his/her work and design. The present study was conducted using library-based method and case study with the aim of studying and discussing the conceptual and operational grounds of housing design in different countries. The structure and main framework of the present study stands on the idea that flexibility can be used for housing development in all eras and periods as a general concept and includes different types itself.
Volume 3, Issue 11 (Autumn 2022)
Although creating special value in professional sports teams is popular, the process of shaping the brand equity of the sports team in the sports marketing literature is still relatively unknown and not fully understood. This study provides a dual identification model to examine how to build the brand value of a sports team. This study aims to investigate the role of team identity antecedents and team brand identity in constructing the brand equity of Traktor football team fans. The research method is descriptive-correlation and is applied based on the purpose. The statistical population is all the fans of the tractor manufacturing team. The sampling method is unlikely and available. The sample size was estimated based on sample power software. Two hundred and sixty-four people participated in this study. The face validity and content of the questionnaires were confirmed by a survey of 5 sports management professors, structural validity was confirmed using convergent and divergent validity, and reliability was confirmed by using α and CR. The results showed that market characteristics (including social experience, outstanding group experience, history, and fan etiquette) and symbolic stimuli (including similarity, distinction, and brand credibility) significantly correlated with team and brand identity. In addition, identification with the team identity and brand identity of the sports team are significant predictors of the brand equity of the sports team. These findings emphasize the dual identification study's importance in forming the brand equity of the sports team for sports team managers.
Volume 5, Issue 3 (9-2017)
Aim: The objective of this paper is to design nutrient-adequate, varied and cost-efficient diets for diabetes patients.
Methods: A new multi-objective mixed integer linear programming model under uncertainty is developed to design diet plans for diabetes patients.
Findings: The analysis is conducted on the population of 30 years old men and women in 24.99 and 18.5 body mass index, 1.50, 1.65 and 1.80 (m) height categorized in 4 physical activity levels (sedentary, low, active and very active). The objectives of the model are the minimization of the total amount of saturated fat, sugar and cholesterol and the total cost of the diet plans. The constraints of the model are fulfilling the body's nutrient requirements and the diversity control of each patient’s diet. In order to get closer to the real world, fuzzy parameters are considered in the model. To solve the model, a new hybrid solution methodology (Jimenez and epsilon-constraint method) is used to offer the optimal Pareto of non-dominated solutions. Each optimal Pareto of the model consists of diet plans that each patient can choose the proper food based on the taste, availability and cost.
Conclusion: Mathematical modeling of diet planning and study of its optimal solutions can be considered as a decision support tool for the professionals to design the most proper diet plans.
Volume 9, Issue 17 (Spring & Summer 2022)
Ignoring the precise meaning and implications of Quranic lexicons appended to its text in various styles or registers may cause misunderstanding and inaccuracy in determining the connotation of the holy Quranic verses. The same problem has driven many Quranic commentators and translators to disregard the original meaning of the Quranic phrase Alqa al-Alwah [Tossed the Tablets] (Al-A'raf/105) and instead conceive it as a phrase that relates to Moses' (PBUH) violence and rebellion. However, this misinterpretation vividly contradicts the chastity of the holy prophets, and as a result, some scholars, following the Israiliyyat hadiths, have portrayed Moses as an impatient and furious prophet. Using a descriptive-analytical approach and dictionary and commentary resources, this research seeks to reveal the true meaning of this Quranic phrase and correct misconceptions about the holy prophet as someone who disregards God's commandments. The findings demonstrate that the root "La-qa-ya" does not have the connotation of "throwing," and the meaning retrieved from employing it in the pattern of If'al (Alqa) does not necessarily give it the sense of "throwing." The underlying practical meaning of Alqa al-Alwah is "to put down or toss," which refers to putting something from up to down in a non-insulting manner. This Quran phrase has a metaphoric connotation of "refusing to explain The Ten Commandments." An accurate translation may include both of the above-mentioned meanings. However, many Quran translators have failed to reflect both meanings simultaneously.
Volume 13, Issue 0 (kongore 94- 2015)
Volume 13, Issue 1 (March & April 2022 2022)
Nowadays, Cognitive semantic approach plays an important role in learning second/foreign language. However, a few experimental investigations have applied a cognitive perspective to instructed L2 learning. The main purpose of the present research is comparing impact of cognitive approach to the traditional approach in learning some frequency concepts of the preposition "be" in Persian language. First, different meanings of preposition "be“ were selected from Farhang Sokhan Anvari (2002) and then some sentences and phrases containing this preposition were investigated according to the Farsi Biamoozim (2010) in the middle level. Prior to begging the instruction, 50 non-Persian learners (woman) were selected by proficiency test at Jamee-Almostafa of Mashhad center. This group were randomly divided into control and experimental groups and then, pre-test and post-test was applied between these groups. By using SPSS, comparison of the pre-test in control and experimental group revealed that there isn’t significant difference between prior knowledge of two groups before treatment, whereas the post-test showed that there is statistically significant difference between two groups. The results indicated that experimental group which was under the training of cognitive method showed significant gains than control group who received the traditional training methods.
1. Introduction
Persian Language learning is one of the most complex issues in teaching foreign languages. One of the most important issues in language is teaching and learning prepositions. Rote learning lacks comprehensive analysis of the different senses of prepositions. Compared to other approaches, cognitive linguistics offers the aspects of meaningful learning (Song, 2013: 1). Cognitive approach to language and grammar is shown a systematic form. Accordingly, in this paper, we are going to examine the impact of traditional approach compared to cognitive approach in learning different concepts of the prepositions "Be" for non-Persian speakers. So :
- According to Toylor and Evans creteria (2003) what's Prototype meaing of preposition "be"?
- According to Langackers' theory of domains (1987), how we can teach abstract meanings of preposition "be"?
- What’s different between groups (control and expremental groups) in improvement after teaching preposition "be"?
2. Literature Review
The present study is concerned with a Cognitive Linguistics meaningful approach to teaching prepositions. This study attempted to examine the impact of cognitive approach compared to traditional approach in learning different concepts of the preposition"Be".
2.1. Theorival researchs
In the interaction between human beings and their environment, human experience is imposed on a structure in terms of natural dimensions of the kind. In some studies (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980; Toyler & Evans, 2003; Langacker, 1987) there are theoretical definitions to explain Cognitive Linguistics and its impacts in teaching language and prepositions.
2.2. Experimetal researches
Other researches (Song, 2013; Tyler, Mueller & Ho, 2011; Golfam & Yoosefi Rad, 2010;Vahidi, Badamdari 2016) investigated experimental method to teaching different prepositions by Cognitive Linguistics approach. Their findings shows applying cognitive method had significantly improvement in teaching different concepts of the prepositions.
3. Methodology
In this paper, first of all, based on Tyler and Evans' prototype criteria (2003), we have determined the prototype and different meanings of the spatial and prototype meanings of preposition "Be" according to Farhang Sokkan (Anvari, 2002). Finally, sentences and phrases including these prepositions were chosen according to Farsi Biamoozim (2010) in the intermediate level. Data collection, took place among 50 non-Persian learners at Jame-e-Almostafa of Mashhad. Sample groups were selected randomly, then they were divided into control and experimental groups. Data analysis were estimated by spss (Independent T-Test) in control and experimental groups.
4. Results
The results of the study will enrich our understanding of reconceptualization and learning by a cognitive approach. In this study, we taught the spatial as well as other senses of this prepositions:
Table 1
Table1. Independent t-test in the pre-test of the control group with the experimental group
گروه |
mean |
Standard deviatin |
Levene's test |
t-test |
F value |
meaningfulness |
T value |
degree |
Meaningfulness |
control |
58/18 |
06/2 |
459/1 |
249/0 |
208/0- |
24 |
799/0 |
exprimetal |
85/18 |
13/3 |
According to table 1, data analysis in Independent T-Test (comparison of pre-tests in control and experimental groups) displayed that there isn’t significantly improvement between prior knowledge of learners before teaching.
Table 2
Table2. Independent t-test in post-test of the control group with the experimental group
group |
mean |
Standard deviatin |
Levene's test |
t-test |
F value |
meaningfulness |
T value |
degree |
Meaningfulness |
control |
08/19 |
92/1 |
129/1 |
299/0 |
848/0- |
24 |
000/0 |
exprimetal |
64/24 |
76/2 |
According to table 2, data analysis in Independent T-Test and comparison of post-tests showed there is significantly more improvement between experimental groups compared to control groups.
Figure 1
- Discussion
The results indicated that compared to traditional approach, applying cognitive method had significantly improvement in teaching different concepts of the preposition.
- Conclusion
The present study was concerned with a cognitive approach to provide an instructional methods for Non-Persian speakers to learn prepositions “Be”. The results of the study will enrich our understanding of reconceptualization and learning by a cognitive approach. In this study, we taught the spatial as well as other senses of this prepositions. Data analysis in Independent T-Test (comparison of pre-tests in control and experimental groups) displayed there isn’t significantly improvement between prior knowledge of learners before teaching, whereas comparison of post-tests showed there is significantly more improvement between experimental groups compared to control groups. The results indicated that compared to traditional approach, applying cognitive method had significantly improvement in teaching different concepts of the preposition. The findings open up an effective perspective strategies in teaching prepositions for language teachers.
Mehdi Loni, Parviz Eghbali, Farideh Davoudimoghadam,
Volume 15, Issue 58 (Summer 2022)
One of the key motifs in Shahnameh is the struggle between evil and good. Motifs serve a unique and essential role in the text’s visual and narrative networks because of their distinctive repeating feature and characterization. As a result, they assist in enhancing the text’s semantic layers. In Shahnameh and epic literature, the struggle between evil and good permeates human social interactions and appears as motifs in heroic and epic stories. Motifs are used by the painter to create visuals throughout the text visualization process, and visual elements are placed in the composition in line with the motifs employed in the literary text and take on the function of symbols and signs. This study examined the roles that literary motifs play in the visualization of an epic narrative and in shaping the visual narrative. The main research question was: What functions do the literary motifs from Rostam’s Seventh Labor play in rendering paintings and transforming the text of Shahnameh into a visual text, and what techniques does the painter employ to visualize such motifs. A descriptive-analytical methodology was used in this qualitative study. A desk study was used to collect the data. The results showed that the motifs of the text are represented in the visual symbols and signs of the paintings. Paintings can be composed and planned utilizing these aspects in accordance with the priority of motifs employed in the literary narrative thanks to this visual translation from the literary text.
Extended Abstract
Recurring and salient in pictorial and narrative networks of the text, motifs have a prominent and fundamental role in literature. They foreground the literary text, adding layers of meaning. Good versus evil is a major motif in Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh where the struggle eventually surfaces in humans and social life, manifested in the form of heroic stories and epics. The battle of Rostam and Div-e Sepid (the White Demon) is one of Shahnameh’s stories illustrated frequently in the miniatures of different periods, spotlighting the importance of its illustration. The general theme of the “Haftkhān” (known in English as the “Seven Labours of Rostam”) is the hero (good) saving Iran and the king from the demon (evil) and ultimately, his victory over evil after undertaking seven difficult tasks. The major motifs in the literary text used in this narrative network include real human characters (hero or good or Rostam), real-bestial characters (Rakhsh), mythical-legendary elements (evil force or Div-e Sepid), events encompassing the main actions in the story (slaying Div-e Sepid, overcoming evil, and dropping the blood of the demon’s liver in Kay Kavus’s eyes to restore his sight), symbolic objects (the blood of the demon’s liver), natural elements (black cave), unusual incidents (the seven labours). In the process of illustration, the miniaturist uses motifs to produce the images. Therefore, pictorial elements become symbols when they are placed in the composition according to the motifs. The contribution of literary motifs to shape the pictorial narrative in the illustration of an epic was a central discussion in this article. This study attempted to answer the following main questions: What is the role of literary motifs of the “Haftkhān” in the illustrated miniatures of the story and the process of turning the text of Shahnameh into pictorial text? What techniques have miniaturists used to manifest these motifs in the illustrations?
Bound and free motifs, which form the narrative network of the text, were extracted and compared with the illustrated versions of the stories in miniatures. The purpose of this study was analysing the place of the literary motifs of the “Seven Labours of Rostam” in the formation of illustrated miniatures of this story. In this qualitative descriptive-analytical study, the data were collected through documentary and library research.
The results showed that pictorial signs and symbols in the miniatures appear in congruence with the manifestation of the motifs in the text. Such an illustrated translation of the literary text has led miniaturists to utilize motifs used in the plot based on their priority in the composition and framing of their works.
Volume 17, Issue 3 (Fall 2013)
Sunnpest is the main pest of wheat and it is the most important plant medical problems in Iran. In this research, we analyzed the relationship between temperature characteristics (Min, Max, Ave Tem Peratmre, as wall as the number and degree of frost), precipitation and drought-wet years with attacking date in Isfahan during the years 1999-2000 to 2009-2010. The research results showed that the attacking date of sunnpest is depended on the climatic conditions before attacking date of the pest. If the Autumn and Winter temperatures at are higher than the average temperature, and S.P.I. indices are normal, the sunnpest attacking date begins to take place sooner. There is a strong and significant correlation between the yearly and seasonal frost numbers, different frost thresholds, minimum, maximum and average temperature, and the attacking dates of sunnpest at 0.05 and 0.01 significant levels. The R2=97 % shows that 97% of variance depended variable (attacking dates of sunnpest) corresponds with the independed variables (min. and max. temperature, total precipitation during the cold period (Autumn and Winter), and the number of annual frost). This shows that these parameters are important in predicting the attacking date of sunnpest in the regression model.
Volume 17, Issue 6 (12-2017)
Due to the increasing use of concrete and the use of additives in it , research in this direction is very important . Resistance is one of the effective values in the design and control of concrete quality that numerous factors and parameters affect it . Perhaps increasing in concrete mixing time is one of the parameters that are considered less attention and in this research ; the effect of mixing time on compressive strength of Nano - silica concrete with pozzolan rice husk was studied and were compared with concrete without Nano - silica and pozzolan rice husk .Therefore the effect of sulfate to reduce the resistance of this type of concrete was studied and compared . So , a number of pieces of concrete cube with sides of 15 cm contains %1 Nano - silica and 20% pozzolan husk Rice with a time of mixing varies between 10 to 40 minutes , that every 5 minutes , 3 samples of concrete were taken and made in the days 3 , 7 and 28 under the stress test and ultimately the results of mixing different compressive strength by the time was drawn and reported . Rice husk also tested and its components determined and compared with the standard . Nano - silica concrete and concrete pozzolan rice husk and without Nano – silica and pozzolan was also photographed to compare the density of particles , and at the end testing plan was written by Taguchi testing of concrete . The results show that for the most compressive strength of concrete pozzolan Nano comes with rice husk , the right time (optimal) 25 minutes with a Taguchi test results differ by about 9 percent lower than the margin of error is permitted , that at this time the concrete maximum compressive strength shows the maximum compressive strength at 28 days after the concrete 415 kg/cm2 and then does not show significant strength concrete . Pozzolan concrete without silica and rice husk increasing mixing time increases the compressive strength of concrete 375 kg/cm2 in 28 days from the time the concrete mixing process increase the resistance of shows . Ash consumption in the non - crystalline silica , which is 88% of the project , has shown its high pozzolanic activity . Physical and chemical (XRF) examination showed that rice husk ash used in this project within the requirements of ASTM C-618 for pozzolan is located . XRD results show that the consumer is fully amorphous silica from rice husk ash . As the electro - microscopic pictures (sem) is observed in samples without Nano - silica and pozzolan rice husk , the concrete has uneven texture and large crystals are clearly visible which are connected with needle - shaped crystals and large pores are clear in concrete . However , the concrete samples with Nano - silica and rice husk pozzolan , concrete has a more amorphous structure which are homogeneous and integrated together . And the porosity of the concrete is significantly reduced , which increases the resistance of concrete.
Volume 17, Issue 7 (9-2017)
In this investigation, for the first time, used from Cross Accumulative Roll Bonding to produced Al/Cu/SiC composite. Microstructure and mechanical properties of produced composite were evaluated by using of optic microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, uni-axial tensile test, microhardness, respectively. Results of microstructure showed that after eight pass, has a perfectly uniform distribution of reinforcing and strong bond between particles. Tensile strength fell at the first and then continuously increased. Also trend of tensile strength and elongation was similar. Microhardness value for aluminum and copper layers of produced composite 1469% and 163% enhanced compare to annealed samples, respectively. Investigation of tensile fracture surface after eight pass showed that the mechanism of fracture in shear ductile for Al matrix.
Volume 18, Issue 118 (December 2021)
Coliforms, especially Escherichia coli, are one of the most important causes of gastroenteritis and microbial index of water and food contamination. Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli strains are considered to be the most important intestinal pathogens due to hemorrhagic diarrhea and hemolytic syndrome, of which E. coli O157: H7 is the most important and common. The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of E. coli O157: H7 contamination in traditional and homemade ice creams and compare the efficiency of chromogenic media with standard media for its detection. In this study, 90 samples of traditional ice cream from the production and distribution centers of this product were collected from three urban regions of Bandar Abbas, in two warm and cold seasons and in order to count the coliforms and detect E. coli and E. coli O157: H7, two standard and chromogenic methods were used. The results indicated that 81.8% of samples had more than the standard number of coliforms, and 28.9% of the samples were contaminated with E. coli. E. coli O157: H7 contamination was detected 2.2% and 4.4% using standard and chromogenic methods, respectively. Analyzes showed that application of media containing chromogenic substances, E. coli O157: H7 could be detected with the least possible error. It was found that the use of chromogenic culture media to identify E. coli O157: H7 was better than the standard method. The results of the present study also indicate that the quality and health status of traditional and handmade ice creams should be more closely monitored.
Volume 23, Issue 3 (8-2023)
Wharf is an engineering structure which is constructed generally for loading or unloading of goods. The structure may be constructed on the weak layers like gravel and sand with respect to the bank conditions. In case of incorrect design of this type of structure and its failure, the wharf activities may be stopped for a long time due to damage to adjacent facilities. For this reason, investigating the behavior of coastal structures against failure factors such as earthquake and the liquefaction due to it, is of great importance. Analysis of wharf performance against liquefaction is done generally using the numerical methods. In this article using the Flac2D software which has the capability of nonlinear analysis of effective stress and generation of excess pore water pressure in the soil continuum, the liquefaction phenomenon in the soil surrounding the wharf is simulated using the behavioral model Finn. In continuation, the impact of different earthquake parameters on the wharf behavior is investigated. Finally, the results of the excess pore water pressure, horizontal displacement, soil settlement and bending moment of piles are presented. Then, the correlation between these parameters and different earthquake parameters is investigated. As the earthquake intensity criteria have great importance in terms of statistical assessment of seismic demand of various types of structures, therefore, in this study in order to investigate the quality of earthquake intensity criteria, the determining indices such as being optimal and applicable, efficiency index, sufficiency with respect to the earthquake magnitude and distance to the center of earthquake propagation are investigated. The results show that compatibility between the earthquake parameters and soil settlement is generally better with respect to other parameters.
Keywords: Wharf, liquefaction, dynamic analysis, finite difference method.