Showing 248 results for Ebrahimi
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
The question of research is to what extent the translator has reflected the function of source text in the system of target text, and has followed the style of source text in conveying the meaning? The authors used a descriptive-analytical method based on the Systemic Functional Approach of Halliday and Matthiessen. They aimed to compare the thematic structure of one poem in Rumi's Masnavi and its English translation and answer the following questions:
1. According to Halliday’s Functional Theory, how were the theme types used in this poem of Masnavi
and its translation?
2. Considering the comparative analysis of thematic structure in the source and target texts, what changes occurred in the textual meaning of the translated text? And to what extent has the translator been successful in transferring the concepts?
According to Halliday's model, the application frequency of topical and multiple themes as well as the marked and unmarked types in the clauses of two poems were calculated. The translator has been successful in translating 90% of the clauses containing unmarked themes and has been less successful in translating 66.6% of the clauses with marked themes and in conveying the meaning and emphasis intended by the author because of not considering the style of source text in theme markedness. Considering Halliday’s Approach of Equivalence in Translation, similarity in using the theme types in source and translation texts can indicate translator's adherence to the style of source text in conveying the textual meaning and achieving functional equivalence in translation process.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
As a trigger to communication, motivation still includes undiscovered aspects which require further investigation. Hence, considering the newly proposed dual continuum model of motivation, this study investigated the relationships among willingness to communicate (WTC), active/passive motivation, and foreign language achievement (FLA) among 216 high school English as a foreign language (EFL) learners. The modified version of the active/passive motivation scale (APMS) was revalidated using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Structural equation modeling (SEM) revealed significant relationships among active/passive motivation, L2WTC, and FLA. Additionally, six models were proposed for the prediction of learners’ L2WTC and FLA. The findings indicated that socio-cultural and sensory-perceptual active motivation as well as cognitive and sensory-perceptual passive motivation significantly predict learners’ L2WTC, while only cognitive active motivation predicts FLA. Furthermore, passive motivation predicts FLA in all sub-constructs. Finally, active motivation is a negative predictor of FLA if mediated by L2WTC. Overall, the study highlights the importance of passive as well as active motivation in promoting WTC and improving FLA among EFL learners.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
Waitance is a cognitive and psychological concept that reflects the tendency to anticipate the occurrence of good or bad events without the need for effort or specific activity in Iranian culture. The aim of this qualitative and applied research is to examine the waitance cultuling in light of the conceptual model of cultuling analysis in Iranian culture. To this end, 435 individuals were asked in April 2024 to express their views on sentences that represent the cultural aspects of waitance through semi-structured interviews. The results showed this cultural aspect is used with high frequency in both public and private formal and informal settings among individuals with informal relationships, by both genders, and more by middle-aged and elderly individuals and individuals from lower and middle social classes. Individuals with tones such as friendly and intimate, hopeful, desperate and hopeless, caring, angry, serious, humorous, and pragmatic use this cultural aspect with goals such as attracting attention, providing hope and comfort, encouraging patience, avoiding responsibility, seeking comfort, advising, referring problems to higher authorities, and so on. This mentioned cultural aspect, with high frequency and positive/negative emotions, indicates patterns of low trust, collectivism, short-term planning, idealism, and high waitance among Iranians. By analyzing these linguistic utterances, individuals can be made aware of the hidden culture within them and take steps toward euculturing and understanding the flawed genes of society.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (ARTICLES IN PRESS 2024)
This study aimed to determine the effects of energy levels and sources on growth performance, antibody titers, and the gene expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines in broilers exposed to heat stress. 450 one-day-old Ross chickens were assigned to six dietary treatments and five replicates in a completely randomized design. Chickens have received diets differentiated by main energy source (corn grain and soybean oil) and energy level (equal, 3 or 6% lower or higher than Ross 308 recommendation). Treatments were as follows: corn grain and equal as control (CON), corn grain, 3% lower (T1), corn grain, 6% lower (T2), corn grain and soybean oil, equal (T3), corn grain and soybean oil, 3% higher (T4), corn grain and soybean oil, 6% higher (T5). The room temperature was increased to 34 °C (6-h daily) from day 12 to 42 of age to induce heat stress. The highest corticosterone level was observed in the T1, T2, and T5 groups. The lowest antibody titers were observed in the T2 group and the highest expression levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines genes were in chickens receiving T5 diet. The highest feed conversion ratio (FCR) during the grower and finisher periods was observed in T2, and the lowest FCR was observed in T3 and T4 groups. It was recommended to feed Ross broiler chickens with a diet containing oil instead of a part of grain based on energy recommended by the strain recommendation.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (ARTICLES IN PRESS 2024)
Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata Wiedeman (Diptera: Tephritidae), is one of the most important pests of horticultural crops in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. In this study, the developmental rate of Mediterranean fruit flies was studied at 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 25, 27, 30, 32, and 35°C. The results showed a nonlinear relationship between temperatures and developmental rate. The best nonlinear models were Perfomance-1 and Performance-2 in the Mazandaran and Fars provinces, respectively. These models simulated the developmental rate of Mediterranean fruit flies accurately at temperatures ranging from 15 to 35 and 20 to 30°C, in Mazandaran and Fars provinces, respectively and the estimated optimal temperature of total immature stages was 31.94 and 31.8°C, respectively. The lower and upper temperature threshold the total immature stage in Mazandaran and Fars provinces were estimated at 11.23 and 13.15 °C, and 38.1 and 37.74 °C, respectively. The two linear models, the Ikemoto linear model showed better-fit data compared with the ordinary model.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted for Publication 2024)
Aim and Introduction
After the global economic recession in 2008-2009, the discussion about countercyclical and procyclical fiscal policies and their effects on the economy began. Countercyclical fiscal policy is applied to reduce economic fluctuations by adjusting government spending and taxes against the business cycle. The aim of this policy is to stabilize the economy and flatten its fluctuations. On the contrary, procyclical fiscal policy strengthens economic fluctuations in the direction of business cycles. On the other hand, fiscal sustainability refers to the government's ability to maintain expenditures, income and public debt at a certain level in the long term without jeopardizing economic stability or facing a fiscal crisis. A sustainable fiscal policy ensures that the government's debt in the long run is at a level proportional to the size of the economy. The main questions of this research are as follows:
- Is Iran's fiscal policy countercyclical or procyclical?
- Is Iran's fiscal policy sustainable?
- What is the effect of cyclical fiscal policy and fiscal sustainability on the Iranian economic growth?
- How is the mutual relationship between fiscal sustainability and cyclical fiscal policy in Iran?
The evaluation of fiscal policy cyclicality and fiscal sustainability and their determinants have been previously researched. However, the effect of cyclical fiscal policy and fiscal sustainability on economic growth and their mutual relationship has not been covered. This research, has utilized Iran's 1970-2021 annual data and a state-space model with time-varying parameters and an autoregressive distributed lags model as well as Kalman filter method. Moreover, to evaluate Iran's cyclical fiscal policy and fiscal sustainability, the effect of cyclical fiscal policy and fiscal sustainability on economic growth have been investigated. The research also deals with the mutual effect between cyclical fiscal policy and fiscal sustainability in Iran.
In this research, in order to evaluate the cyclical behavior of Iran's fiscal policy and obtaining the index, a state-space model with time-varying parameters, is estimated in which the real GDP logarithm coefficient varies over time. Then, in order to assess Iran's fiscal sustainability and obtaining the index, a state-space model with time-varying parameters is estimated. Finally, an autoregressive distributed lags model is utilized to estimate the effect of cyclical fiscal policy index and fiscal sustainability index on economic growth, as well as estimating the mutual effect between cyclical fiscal policy index and fiscal sustainability index.
Discussion and Conclusion
The findings of this research show: First, Iran's cyclical fiscal policy index estimated in all years is positive and has not recorded a negative number in any year, which means that the fiscal policy implemented in Iran during the period 1970-2021, was procyclical. In other words, the fiscal policy implemented in Iran has increased the range of fluctuations of cycles and for this reason, it has made the Iranian economy vulnerable to the economic shocks. Second, the estimated Iran's fiscal sustainability index is negative in most years so that the average fiscal sustainability index in the entire period is -0.068. This indicates the unsustainability of Iran's fiscal policy in the period 1970-2021. The trend of the smoothed changes of the time-varying parameter related to the fiscal sustainability index is also downward, which means that Iran's fiscal sustainability has been weakening over time and has moved in the direction of unsustainability. Third, Iran's cyclical fiscal policy index has had a negative effect on economic growth. In other words, procyclical behavior of Iran's fiscal policy has slowed down the economic growth rate. Fourth, Iran's fiscal sustainability index has a negative and significant effect on economic growth. Based on the estimated fiscal sustainability index, unsustainability is evident within Iran's fiscal policy. Therefore, unsustainability of Iran's fiscal policy has weakened economic growth. Fifth, Iran's fiscal unsustainability has increased the procyclical behavior of fiscal policy and as a result, exacerbated the fluctuations of economic cycles. Sixth, the increasing Iran's cyclical fiscal policy index reduces the reaction of the primary balance to the government debt. In other words, the increase in the procyclical behavior of the fiscal policy weakens Iran's fiscal sustainability
Volume 1, Issue 4 (Fall 2023)
Aggregation and concentration of industries and the production of more complex products due to economies of scale can cause technology spillover. The development of industrial and complex processes requires energy, and the use of energy causes carbon emissions. Now this question arises, what are the effects of technology and industrial agglomeration on the environment? The purpose of this research is to evaluate the effect of economic complexity and industrial agglomeration on carbon emissions in a panel of emerging economies during the period 1990–2022. For this purpose, first, the industrial agglomeration was calculated based on the location entropy index, and then, in the new panel approach, the method of moment quantile regression (MMQREG) was used to investigate the effects of economic complexity and industrial agglomeration on carbon emissions. The results showed that increasing the economic complexity index has different effects on carbon emissions. The results of parameter estimation showed that industrial agglomeration increases carbon emissions in high quantiles. The results show that economic growth and energy consumption increase carbon emissions in all quantiles, and urbanization helps to preserve the environment. The results of Dumitrescu and Hurlin's panel causality test show a two-way relationship between industrial agglomeration and carbon emissions and a one-way relationship between economic complexity and carbon emissions.
Volume 2, Issue 2 (Summer 2018)
Fiber production in nanoscale prepares high surface contact for fibers and leads to the improvement of their properties with respect to other fibers. A convenient and effective method for nanofiber production with different diameters is electrospinning. Various effective parameters on electrospinning processes, including environmental, equipment, and solution variables can produce fibers with different morphologies. PVA has been used in various fields of applied research because of its high thermal stability, biocompatibility, non-toxic and solubility in water. The published reports indicated that properties of the PVA are improved with the addition of bentonite. In this research, to prepare PVA/nano-bentonite nanofiber membrane, the optimum amounts of three effective variables on the above-mentioned processes were determined. According to the obtained results, the voltage of 11 kV, the feeding rate of 0.5 mL/h and bentonite concentration of 3% w/w were optimum conditions for the process of PVA/nano-bentonite nanofiber composite production. In this condition, the average diameter of produced nanofibers was 243 nm with the standard deviation of 0.0551 and the tensile strength of 7.64 MPa. The results showed that the addition of bentonite to PVA increase intensity of nanofibers and decrease the diameter of nanofibers from 308 nm to 243nm.Therfore, the produced PVA/bentonite nanofiber composite is a good membrane for water treatment.
Volume 2, Issue 3 (12-2013)
The effect of Artemia urmiana nauplii enriched with flaxseed oil on growth performance, survival and fatty acid composition of severum, Cichlasoma severum, larvae (0.3 mg initial weight) was investigated through a completely randomized block design with two treatments, viz., (1) larvae fed with plain nauplii, (2) larvae fed with nauplii enriched with flaxseed oil, in three replications. Results of the first biometry (day18th), showed a significantly higher survival rate in treatment 1 (81.87±0.29%) than treatment 2 (68.83±1.62%) (P<0.05), but there were no significant differences in the specific growth rates, the average weight and length gains between treatments (P>0.05). At the end of the second period of the experiment (day36th), significant differences in growth performance and survival rate was recorded between treatment 1 (97.82 ± 1.09%) and treatment 2 (91.16± 1.34%) (P>0.05). The larvae was also found to convert n-3fatty acids to EPA and DHA.
Volume 2, Issue 3 (Issue 3 - 2014)
One of the newest and the most comprehensive models for the behavior change is Information- Motivation- Behavioral skills (IMB) model. It is both simple and economic, and is of proper efficacy in the studies. IMB model as a health behavior change model is based on integration of the theories in social psychology and health education and promotion, emphasizing on information, motivation and behavioral skills as the basic determinants of the health-related behaviors The purpose of this article is to introduce the IMB model and by review of some studies based on this model; suitability of the model for health education and promotion interventions to be discussed. Iranian and foreign studies conducted using this model reveal the model's effectiveness in various health education disciplines. Although the IMB model has restrictions and disadvantages as any other health education and promotion model, IMB model-based interventions' advantages show that it is an applied model for changing health behavior.
Volume 2, Issue 3 (Summer 2020)
The 21th century has been confronted with wonderful changes in the dimensions of technology, social, economic, and political, perhaps no organization and settlement be safe from their changes and events. In recent decades, strategic management is one of the important organizational and institutional issues that has attracted researchers and experts. In addition, this strategic management has expressed among many new theories and approaches in developed countries and, consequently in all over the world including Iran, which in turn created a lot of new theoretical and practical challenges. This research has been tried by using a descriptive method, discourse analysis, and critique of the framework, that propose strategic management as new management in the service description of spatial planning. Therefore, in the first step, examined the constituent parts of the management spatial planning in the description of the services and then described planning and strategic management and strategic management process as the integrated and practical and at the end, presented suggestions for achieving strategic management in the description of the services of spatial planning with the achieve of integrated management, in the service description of the spatial planning, we will see the operational of the spatial planning oriented programs in the territory of Iran.
Volume 3, Issue 1 (3-2015)
The study was carried out to investigate the effective soil and topographic features on distribution of plant types in Sanib Taftan Watershed in Sistan-and-Balouchestan Province, Iran. Initially, land units map was specified by combining three maps of slope, aspect and altitude. Five types including Artemisia santolina- Hammada salicornica, Artemisia sieberi- Amygdalus lycioides, Artemisia lehmaniana- Amygdalu slycioides, Amygdalus lycioides-Amygdalus scoparia, Pistacia atlantica- Amygdalus scoparia were identified. Sampling of vegetation in the land units was conducted using linear transect method, so that presence and absence of the plant species, canopy cover, stone and pebbles, litter and bare soil percent were catculated in 50 or 100 m transects (2-4 m2 plots) in a randomized systematic method. Soil sampling was done with respect to the width of each land unit (from 0-30 cm depth). Principal component analysis (PCA) was conducted on vegetation and plant type-environmental variables matrix. The most important and effective factors in vegetation distribution of the studied area were slope, altitude, soil texture (silt and sand) and total nitrogen and the factors related to topography (slope and altitude) were more effective than those related to the soil.
Volume 3, Issue 2 (11-2012)
Botulinum neurotoxins are the most known toxic biological compounds, which cause neuroparalysis. The enzymatic activity of these enzymes causes the inhibition of acetylcholine release. The aim of this study is the recombinant production and high purification of BoNT/A light chain and evaluation of its enzymatic activity. The sequence of this target gene was obtained from NCBI. After codon usage optimization for E. coli, the final gene sequence was ordered for the synthesis on pET28a (+). The recombinant expression vector was transformed into host cell E.coli BL21 (DE3). The expression process was performed under standard conditions. In order to the protein production in a soluble form, optimization of host cell culturing and protein expression was carried out. The expressed protein was purified by Ni-NTA affinity chromatography, and confirmed by specific antibody.In this study, the high yield expression in soluble form was obtained at OD = 0.5, in 0.5 mM IPTG at 18°C in 18 hours. Western blot and ELISA analyses confirmed the BoNT/A light chain.The results indicated that the light chain of BoNT/A was produced in soluble form, and the purification process was performed with high quality so that the final protein was acquired with 98% purity index.
Volume 3, Issue 2 (summer 2022)
Aims: The purpose of this article is to address the issue of Qazvin Space Organization in the Safavid period with the approach of cultural studies.
Methods: The present study has been carried out with the approach of cultural studies and exploratory-documentary method, with the aim of describing and interpreting the historical data of Qazvin city in the Safavid period and its analysis. In this regard, first-hand sources, documents were collected, studied and analyzed. In parallel with the library studies, field surveys were conducted and the signs were surveyed and studied.
Findings: In the present study, three views result from the approach of cultural studies, namely: 1- Regulation of the city- 2- Homogeneity and heterogeneity of neighborhoods and 3- Use of urban spaces and their rational concepts in the analysis of Qazvin spatial organization used during the Safavid capital it placed. The result of the research indicates that the structural changes of Qazvin city in the Safavid period in accordance with the newly created culture and is closely related to a set of several factors, including the "space" dimension which is a subset. It regulates the city, it plays a more prominent role, and because it is expressed through the body and by the designers, it is more tangible, and the other dimensions are related to it.
Conclusion: The "space" originated from the power of the government at that time in the city of Qazvin and the royal complex was not just an urban design but a tool to achieve political, economic and religious goals and the city's culture is based on the same structure. Has appeared.
Volume 3, Issue 3 (12-2014)
In a completely randomized design, the effects of two probiotic bacteria, Bifidobacterium animalis and B. lactis at four concentrations of 0 (control), 1×109 (T1), 2×109 (T2) and 3×109 (T3) CFU 100g-1 on nutritional parameters of rainbow trout fry (0.538 ± 0.197 g body weight) were compared for 60 days, with each treatment carried in three replications. A significant difference was observed between treatments and the control in protein and lipid gain and also body composition (p<0.05). Despite a significant difference of metabolic growth rate in T1 and T2 with T3 and the control, no significant difference was observed between T3 and the control. The results demonstrated that the use of thesebacteria could improve nutritional parameters and metabolic growth rate of rainbow trout fry.
Volume 3, Issue 3 (Summer 2018)
Osteoporosis, which is known as a silent epidemic, the most common bone disease in humans, representing a major public health problem worldwide. At least, 1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 men over the age of 50 will suffer a fracture resulting by weak bones impacting the quality of life and the independence of millions of people. Osteoporosis is considered a health problem in the Middle East countries including Iran. The level of awareness about osteoporosis among people and health care professionals are estimated not enough in many countries. Considering the importance of awareness about prevention and self-care behaviors of osteoporosis and in order to promote people's health literacy about this issue, the World Osteoporosis Day (WOD) was launched on October 20 International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF). The WOD marks the launch of a year-long campaign to raising health literacy and awareness of the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of osteoporosis and metabolic bone disorder. It aims at putting bone health on the global health agenda and reaching out to policymakers, health providers and experts, the media, and the public. These campaigns involve patient societies around the world and have played an important role in raising public health literacy and awareness of bone health and the importance of preventing osteoporosis and fracture. Despite recording WOD in Iranian official calendar and public awareness programs regarding the prevention, self-care, diagnosis, and management of osteoporosis and fragility fractures of it in our country, they need to be strengthened.
Volume 3, Issue 4 (12-2017)
Background: Enterobious vermicularis (E. vermicularis) is one the most common parasitic infection among children.
Objectives: The present study aimed to determine the prevalence rate of enterobiasis among preschool children in Mazandaran province, northern Iran.
Materials and Methods: In this cross–sectional study, 653 preschool children were recruited via the cluster sampling method during April 2013 to Feb 2014. A questionnaire was administrated to parents by an interviewer and determined children’s socio-demographic characteristics, personal hygiene, and healthy behaviors. The Graham technique was applied for diagnosis. Data were analyzed using logistic regression model and chi-square test.
Results: In a total of 653 examined subjects, the prevalence rate of E. vermicularis was 19.4%, among which 40.9% were male, and 59.1% were female. The highest and lowest prevalence rates of E. vermicularis were found in Neka (61.4%) and Tonekabon (1.6%) districts, respectively. A significant association was found between infection and residency, parental occupations, parental education, number of family members, changing underwear, sterilization of linen clothing, taking daily bath, boiling or ironing clothes.
Conclusions: The high prevalence rate of E. vermicularis infection in this study proves the stability status of enterobiasis in this area, posing a risk for children there. Systematic control of infection in children is proposed.
Volume 3, Issue 4 (Winter 2020)
Research subject: Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegnerative disorder with no treatment due to the blood brain barrier (BBB) existence. The cure for this disease is Dopamine a chemical molecule.
Research approach: This study investigates biodegradable naoparticles (NPs) carrying dopamine (DA) across the blood–brain barrier. Ion polymerization and solvent methods were used to achieve this goal. Particle size, zeta potential, entrapment efficiency and in vitro drug release behavior, at pH 7 were examined.
Main results: The empty nanoparticles and drug-loaded nanoparticles were found to be spherical in shape and fluffy exterior, with mono-modal size distribution and negative zeta-potentials of increasing average sizes 90 to 120 nm simultaneously. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra demonstrated the polymerization of nBCA monomers and encapsulation of DA inside poly (butylcyanoacrylate) (PBCA).Thermal characteristics of the copolymer were investigated by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Drug loading efficiency was around 25%.The in-vitro drug release profile of DA -loaded PBCA nanoparticles prepared from ion polymerization following solution techniques exhibited a gradual release; more than 20 ٪w/w of the drug was released after 51 h. The results showed that the DA–PBCA nanocapsules could be an effective carrier for hydrophilic agents. In this study, PBCA-NSPs were successfully generated as a delivery system for DA, providing a promising approach to improve the therapy of PDs.
Masoume Ebrahimi ,
Volume 3, Issue 11 (Fall 2010)
Abstract The essential aim of this study is mythologic review of supernatural creatures in one of the well –known Persian tales as named Salim Javaheri tale. In this article at first is tried to present main theories about myths and legends, then analyzed each of them based on mythological as well as folkloric aspects and to discover mutual relationships, because some theoretician believe mythologic review of folk tales is inappropriate and has no any credibility. On the other hand, literature review, specially mythologic review in texts of oral literature is not common in our country, so in some parts of the article extended capacities of oral literature, as an appropriate ground to use mythologic review, have been described. At last, a well-known Persian tale, Salim Javaheri, as an example has been used for a sample of mythologic review for first time. The elements of such review have derived from this text of oral literature. The new idea of this study, can be a beginning of later long studies for interdisciplinary recognition of oral literature texts. Keywords: mythologic review, folk tales, Salim Javaheri tale, hamzad, ghoul, pari, davalpa, nasnaas, gav-e daryaee
Volume 4, Issue 1 (10-2012)
Leisure includes all activities people do after work, family and social obligations. These activities may be done in order to have a rest or hobby, or in order to expand non-profitable training or voluntary social participation. Since leisure time is a modern concept emerged after industrial revolution, this article attempts to study the difference between modern and traditional leisure: In todays modern time, what kind of leisure do people have? Which kind of leisure (modern or traditional) do people have more of? Which kind of social factors (income, gender, marital status, education rate, socio-economic status, residency and age) influence leisure time? Sample size (510 cases) of this survey was determined through Cochran’s formula out of 49967 statistical populations.The samples were selected through stratified multi-step cluster sampling method. The results showed that modern leisure is lower than traditional leisure. All the mentioned social factors, except income, influence leisure time activities.