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Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)

This study investigated the construct validity and measurement invariance of the Teacher Emotion Questionnaire to introduce a valid and reliable instrument for assessing English-as-a-foreign-language (EFL) teachers’ emotions inside the classroom. Second language (L2) teacher emotions have been largely neglected, despite the fact that Educational Psychology has long recognized and researched the role of teacher emotions in different aspects of teaching and learning. To bridge this gap, the current study had 208 Iranian EFL teachers in private language institutes fill out the Teacher Emotion Questionnaire (TEQ), which assessed six emotions teachers experience in their classroom, i.e., Joy, Pride, Love, Anger, Fatigue/Exhaustion, and Hopelessness. The preliminary analysis of the data showed that six items from the TEQ had a factor loading below the minimum recommended level of 0.3, meaning that they contributed to the total variance in the participants’ score less than expected. The collected data were then submitted to confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) for the purpose of construct validation and establishment of the factorial structure of the TEQ. The CFA results indicated that the hypothesized six-factor analysis had more favorable goodness-of-fit indices than both a one-factor structure and a two-factor structure (e.g., positive versus negative emotions). Multilevel CFA revealed that the tested six-factor structure of the TEQ was invariant across male and female EFL teachers. The implications for the use of TES in EFL teaching contexts are discussed, and some suggestions are proposed for further validation of the TEQ in language teaching contexts.
‌ M. Behshti, Zahra Davari ,
Volume 2, Issue 6 (Summer 2009)

There is an inevitable relation between philosophical hermeneutics and Literary theory, especially Reader-Response theories. It springs from phenomenological approach in philosophical hermeneutics and phenomenological predecessor of these theories. Indeed, in this point of view, philosophical hermeneutics is an Existential philosophy on the interpretation of the text. Philosophical aspect of philosophical hermeneutics is based on the Existentiality of it. Furthermore the Existence that Gadamer and Ricouer consider, is an interpreted Existence; as a result, the interpretation of text, is in the center of hermeneutical views of Gadamer and Ricouer. The difference between their sights is a subsidiary difference pertaining to the main difference which is their ways towards Existence. The most important difference is related to Ricouer's epistemological model and Gadamer’s ontological view in the process of interpretation. The main difference is in fact the base of the other subsidiary differences: temporality; linguistic; dialectical and objectivity. In this article I'm going to discuss the relation between philosophical hermeneutics and literary theory and then describe the views of Gadamer and Ricoeur on text I will compare the interpretation models in Gadamer’s and Ricoeur’s point of views on text in accordance with the four differences mentioned. Finally I will draw a total conclusion form all the discussed matters.

Volume 3, Issue 2 (6-2014)

The severe epidemics of Fusarium head blight (FHB) as a devastating disease of cereal crops has occurred on wheat in North and Northwest Iran in recent years. The in vitro production of Deoxynivalenol (DON) was qualitatively evaluated in 41 Fusarium isolates collected from wheat heads associated with the scab disease, in Moghan area/Northwest Iran. Infected wheat heads were collected during 2004-2007. The isolation of causal agents was carried out using standard methods. According to morphological characteristics and using valid descriptions, all isolates belonged to Fusarium graminearum species complex and F. culmorum of which the former was dominant. In order to evaluate the potential of DON production in isolates, this mycotoxin was extracted and qualitatively examined by TLC method. The quantification of DON was achieved using HPLC method. TLC results indicated that 54.5% of studied isolates produced DON but there was no significant relationship between this property and cultivars or sub-regions or years. Also based on HPLC analysis, maximum content of DON was detected in F. graminearum isolated from cv. Izen green from Moghan Agro-industry company fields in 2004 at the rate of 5827.11 µgkg-1. The results of present study show that DON mycotoxin is produced at various contents by F. graminearum isolates on different cultivars and from different origins/ years. Since DON plays a role in pathogenesis and is of paramount importance in contamination of wheat grains, these results give a better insight into the significance of this disease in Northwest Iran.  

Volume 3, Issue 5 (Supplementary Issue - 2014)

The Erysiphaceae are obligatory parasitic fungi that cause powdery mildew disease of green space plants. During this study, powdery mildew fungi were collected and identified from different localities of Ardabil landscape, Iran. Erysiphe rayssiae (on Spartium junceum), Erysiphe robiniae var. robiniae (on Robinia pseudoacacia) and Euoidium cf. agerati (on Ageratum houstonianum)are new records for mycobiota of Iran. Jasminum sp. is reported as Matrix nova for Erysiphe syringae-japonicae. Also this is the first record of Golovinomyces montagnei on Cirsium arvense and Golovinomyces orontii on Antirrhinum majus in Iran. The taxa including Erysiphe astragali on Astragalus sp., Erysiphe crucifearum on Brassica elongata, Erysiphe polygoni on Rumex sp., Golovinomyces cichoracearum on Cichorium intybus and Golovinomyces sordidus on Plantago sp. are newly found in Ardabil province. Furthermore, some specimens belonging to Podosphaera fusca s.l. were assessed. According to the new species concept, concerning these taxa, Podosphaera fusca s.s. was redescribed, and Podosphaera erigerontis-canadensis on Taraxacum sp. is reported for the first time, although previously reported from Iran under the Podosphaera fusca.  

Volume 8, Issue 1 (6-2018)

One of the methods to create loyalty among customers is presenting a value through customer clubs which is beyond the intrinsic value of the product or service. In order to achieve this aim, a new perspective of customer club’s basics that is based on findings business model is needed. As a result, the purpose of this study is to explore customer club Hafez Insurance business model as the first private insurance in free zones of Iran, with an emphasis on"innovation"and" customers block ".In this research, we try to find out the answer of questions such as customers segmentation in the insurance industry, Identifying distribution channels, the type of services and products that offered in the club correspond to the target of customers and the type of value which is created for customers to increase loyalty. From the data collection method standpoint, current study is a qualitative research and was conducted through in-depth interviews and semi-structured focus group. This focus group meeting is consist of 12 experts of Hafez Insurance Company that have been selected based on purposefully sampling method. Finally, by analyzing the findings from focus group research and using the Atlas.ti software, basics of "innovation" and " customers blocks are explained. The content of qualitative data suggests that components of customers block include three themes of customers segmentation, distribution channels and communication with customers, 11 sub-components and 40 items. Components of innovation include the proposed theme for value, eight sub-components and 29 items.

Volume 9, Issue 4 (8-2020)

Wheat is one of the strategic products and has rich nutritional value. Plant diseases are major limiting factors that reduce the yield and quality of wheat, and yellow rust Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici causes considerable damage to wheat production. The most reliable way to control this disease is the use of resistant varieties. Plants have different mechanisms to defend against pathogens, one of which being proteomics employed to examine defense mechanisms in both sensitive and resistant plants. In this research, in order to identify the expression pathways and proteins involved in the mechanisms, resistant (Gaspart) and sensitive (Morvarid) wheat varieties were inoculated with P. striiformis, followed by the examination of peroxidase, catalase enzymes, intracellular osmoprotectants. The results showed that the amount of protein, carbohydrates, proline concentration, and peroxidase and catalase activity significantly increased by rust in the resistant variety. Also, results of the electrophoresis of two-dimensional proteins with stripes of IPG = 17 cm and pH = 4-7 showed that expression changes of proteins could be divided into two groups in response to P. striiformis. The first group included the proteins that directly reacted to pathogens such as peroxidase and PR10 proteins. The second group consists of the resistance proteins as transcription factors or proteins involved in signaling pathways or chaperons in determining proteins' partial structure such as molecular chaperone protein Hsp90.

Volume 9, Issue 38 (5-2021)

Lullabies are one of the most important and valuable branches of popular culture in any ethnic group. The theme of lullabies is the reflection of thoughts, beliefs, spiritual reflections, social and political concerns, emotions, prayers and individual and social aspirations that can affect the geographical, cultural, social, and political conditions of a society. Because lullabies are not specific to a particular culture or country, they can have a lot in common, which may be in terms of rhythm, theme, concepts, as well as religious topos, natural, social, geographical, and political motifs and themes. In this descriptive-analytical study, 40 written Sabzevari lullabies have been collected by the library method to be examined. While identifying the method of the motif formation in them, the most commonly used motifs are presented in order to introduce the native lullabies of Sabzevar and to understand the reflection of religious ideas, social conditions and personal concerns of mothers of that time. After examining the various motifs in these lullabies, we were able to divide them into four categories: religious motifs, nature, places and relatives. Among the motifs used, the motif "flower" (the name of different types of flowers) with 26 items and the motif "Baba" with 16 items had the highest frequency. The results of this study show that the speakers of these lullabies have used a variety of motifs to enrich the theme of their lullabies because their poets have based the existing images and themes on various motifs, most of which form a network of images, their intellectual and emotional themes. Without analyzing them, recognizing the main peculiarities of the concepts in these lullabies could not be understood.

Volume 10, Issue 2 (Fall & Winter 2006)

Abstract Soil erosion is one of the most important factors causing decline of soil fertility, siltation of different kinds of waterways, reduction of reservoir capacity, increase in destructive risk of flooding and other environmental degradations. In order to mitigate the negative effects of soil erosion and sediment production in watersheds, determining amount and source of sediment is imperative. Since most of Iran’s watersheds are ungauged, use of erosion and sediment estimation models are needed. But for selection of applicable model the models first have to be tested and/or evaluated. In order to achieve to this goal, a research study was carried out to evaluate MPSIAC model in GIS environment based on the observed data of sediment of the Nojian sub-watershed located in southeast of Khorram Abad city in the Lorestan province-Iran. In so doing, to run the selected model after introducing the information layers into the GIS program and combining the layers in MPSIAC model, the given catchments were divided into 527 homogenous units. Then, erosion rate and sediment yield were estimated in these homogenous units. The amount of estimated sediment yield by using MPSIAC model was 489372.2 T/y. For comparison of the model results, the amount of measured sediment in hydrometric station was considered as the control level, which was 812410 T/y. The outcome of the research showed that estimating sediment by using MPSIAC model in comparison to measured sediment was 0.602. The results of the assessment on observed differences show that calibration of the empirical models is needed first to resolve the limitation of the models in correspondence to the existing condition of the watersheds. It can be concluded that in order to accept or reject the result of the sediment yield estimation using the MPSIAC model with high confidence, the model first should be calibrated based on the existing condition of the Iran’s watershed.

Volume 10, Issue 2 (Spring 2022)

Aims: This research aimed to study the effect of virtual social networks on self-care of the users concerning COVID-19.
Instrument & Methods: This survey research was conducted from April to June 2020. The study sample included social network users (WhatsApp, Instagram and Telegram) in Hormozgan province who were selected by convenience sampling. The measuring instrument was an online questionnaire extracted from Dorthea E. Orem’s self-care model, Gerbner's cultivation theory and Kaplan and Haenlein's media-richness-theory. Modeling was carried out using SPSS 28 and Amos 26 software.
Findings: The results of explanation and modeling in the present research not only indicate a significant and direct relationship between the independent variables of Presence and interaction in the social networks and user orientation to the type of social network with the dependent variable of users concerning COVID-19 self-care (p<0.0009), but also, 45% of changes in COVID-19 self-care variable was covered by a set of social networking indices. Structural equation modelling in the self-care variable also showed that independent variables; Presence and interaction in the social networks and user orientation to the type of social network had the highest and lowest effects on the psychological support dimension with a standard coefficient of 0.99 and the dimension of awareness and attention to COVID-19 effects and outcomes with a standard coefficient of 0.95, respectively.
Conclusions: As a result, we suggest that health officials and disease control and prevention centers use the potential of social networks such as WhatsApp and Instagram in self-care of users concerning COVID-19.

Volume 11, Issue 4 (September, October & November (Articles in Persian) 2020)

Affixation is one of the two main word-formation processes in Persian. The suffix ‘-ɑr’ is a nominal (or adjectival) suffix in Persian which is believed by most researchers to express the subject/agent (like xæridɑr ‘buyer’), object/patient (like gereftɑr ‘captive’) or infinitive (like ræftar ‘behavior’) meaning. In Cognitive Grammar (Langacker, 2008, 2009) and Construction Morphology (Booij, 2010, 2016) word-formation patterns are considered to be constructional schemas, i.e. schematic representations of morphological constructions. Constructions are pairings of form and meaning. The form pole of a construction includes morpho−syntactic and phonological properties. The meaning pole of a construction comprises semantic properties (conceptual structure), pragmatic properties and discourse properties. Cognitive Grammar posits that an expression invokes a set of cognitive domains as the basis for its meaning, i.e. as the content to be construed. Therefore, the meaning of a linguistic expression depends on two key notions of ‘cognitive domain’ and ‘construal’. A cognitive domain is a coherent area of conceptualization which provides the conceptual base for the meaning of a linguistic expression. The term construal refers to human manifest ability to conceive and express the same situation or event in alternate ways.
Purpose: The present research aims to explore the suffix ‘-ɑr’ within the framework of Cognitive Grammar and Construction Morphology and tries to identify its various constructional schemas and subschemas. Furthermore, it attempts to investigate cognitive domains that underlie the meaning of each subschemas and to analyze the role of construal in formation of each subschemas.
Study questions: the study questions are: (1) what are constructional schemas and subschemas of the suffix ‘-ɑr’ and how is hierarchical relationships among them?
(2) What cognitive domain(s) underlie the meaning of each subschema?
(3) Which cognitive processes do play determinant role in formation of these (sub) schemas?
Methodology: Empirically, the paper adopts corpus-based method and theoretically, it adopts cognitive and construction-based approach. The data include a corpus of 38 derivational words having the suffix ‘-ɑr’ extracted from the authors own morphological corpus (including more than 10000 complex words) and Farhang-e Zansoo (Keshani, 1993).
Analysis: Analysis of research data showed that derivatives of the suffix ‘-ɑr’ belong to different constructional schemas. The schematic-constructional network of the suffix ‘-ɑr’ is represented in Figure 1. As is shown in the figure, ‘-ɑr’ appears in six different subschemas, in five of which the base of derivation is past stem of a verb while in the other the base is a noun. The conceptual base of the five subschemas that have a verb stem as their base is the cognitive domain of ‘processes. The difference among these subschemas is that each subschema profiles a different aspect of the conceptual base. In other words, the difference among them is due to the key notion of ‘profiling’. In the subschema with a noun as the base of derivation, the conceptual base is the cognitive domain of ‘relation’.

Figure 1: The schematic-constructional network of the suffix ‘-ɑr’ in Persian
Conclusion: Results of the study show that the suffix ‘-ɑr’, which is added to past stems of verbs or nouns, can appear in six different constructional subschemas to indicate the cognitive domains of process, agenthood, aspect and relation. These subschemas are:
1) <[[x](Vpast)i -ɑr]Nj ↔ [The human agent who perform the process of SEMi]j>
2) <[[x](Vpast)i -ɑr]Nj ↔ [The non-human agent (or instrument) which perform the process of SEMi]j>
3) <[[x](Vpast)i -ɑr]Nj ↔ [The act of doing the process of SEMi]j>
4) <[[x](Vpast)i -ɑr]Nj ↔ [The result of the process of SEMi]j>
5) <[[x](Vpast)i -ɑr]Aj ↔ [The property of being affected by the process of SEMi]j>
6) <[[x]Ni -ɑr]Nj ↔ [The thing closely related to SEMi]j>
The findings reveal that the cognitive process of ‘construal’ and especially its two aspects of ‘profiling’ and ‘specification’ have a determinant role in the formation of these constructional subschemas.

Volume 11, Issue 4 (September, October & November (Articles in Persian) 2020)

After the approval of the Document on the Fundamental Transformation of Education and the implementation of the National Curriculum, we have witnessed the implementation of a new curriculum on English in the education system. The program, with a change in the teaching approach, as well as the preparation and compilation of newly developed textbooks, has had a major difference with the previous traditional and inefficient program. Due to the fact that practically all first and second levels of high school textbooks have been developed and taught, the necessity of critical analysis and evaluation of the program, with due attention to its strengths and weaknesses from different perspectives is inevitable. To achieve this, the present paper, using the language-in-education policy and planning framework and through a qualitative analysis has attempted to assess and analyze the new English language program, through delving into attitudes of five experts in the field of English language planning. The findings indicate that the new program, along with its strengths, suffers from deficiencies in teacher education, curriculum period, and especially student evaluation; such ignorance leaves of the new program with serious challenges. In the end, based on the findings of the research, suggestions are made to reduce potential and actual weaknesses of the program as well as strategies are introduced to improve it.
1. Introduction
The post-revolutionary system of English language education in Iran has undergone various changes; the last one dates back to 2013. Following the approval of two significant higher-level educational documents known as the Document on the Fundamental Transformation of Education and the Document of the National Curriculum, the English language education in the Iranian formal system has experienced its most fundamental, and of course, controversial reform (Alavi-Moghaddam & Kheirabadi, 2013). In fact, the program, with a change in its approach, as well as reform in the preparation and compilation of new textbooks, has experienced a major difference with the previous traditional and inefficient program (Davari et al., 2018).
Conceiving the importance of this reform and the necessity of its evaluation at this stage, which has been mostly neglected in the available research on the topic, the researchers attempted to critically evaluate the program. In a more precise word, using the language-in-education policy and planning framework, they attempted to assess and analyze the new English language program.
2. Literature Review
The story of English education in Iran has been described and documented in a grwing number of works including Farhady et al. (2010), Borjian (2013), Atai and Mazlum (2013), Davari and Aghagolzadeh (2015), Aghagolzadeh and Davari (2017) and Iranmehr and Davari (2018).
Despite the difference in their points of view, the point in common in these works is the belief that English education in Iran suffers from serious shortcomings for which the necessity of a thorogh evaluation is perceived. Despite this fact, reviewing such works reveals that the English curriculum in Iranian education system, especially the new curriculum, intending to reform the education of this language in schools, has not been studied and analyzed from a policy and planning framework of evaluation. In doing so, this study is an attempt to critically evaluate the new program of English education through integrating an efficient policy and planning-based framework.
To serve this purpose, Kaplan and Baldauf's (1997) language-in-education planning (LEP) framework was adopted as the point of movement. Their framework presents a rather comprehensive platform for evaluating educational programs through five dimensions (curriculum policy, personnel policy, methods and materials policy, community policy, and evaluation policy). The study would try to keep a critical eye on the evaluation of the new Iranian program of English language education with respect to these five dimensions so that the shortcomings and limitations of the policies and practices could be highlighted.
3. Methodology
The sampling method used in this study was that of criterion-based selection. In this form of sampling, the researcher creates a list of attributes essential to the study and then seeks out participants to match these criteria. The criteria in this research were: a) Having PhD in applied linguistics; b) Having expertise in ELT curriculum development and evaluation; c) Being familiar with the English language education in schools. Then, eight specialists with such criteria were contacted, out of which five accepted to take part as participants in the research. Among the different types of the interviews, the semi-structured one was selected (Dörnyei, 2007) and the findings were thematically analyzed.
4. Results
Regarding the first policy, namely the curriculum policy, findings revealed that the new program suffers from two serious shortcomings. First, the reduction of seven years of English education in the previous program to six years in the new program is in contrast with the essence of the communicative approach. Second, the crowded classes, leading to less exposure of students to English, cannot meet the curriculum objectives. Such findings are in line with Aghagolzadeh and Davari (2017).
Concerning the second policy, i.e. the personnel policy, findings showed that setting new criteria in teacher selection and holding teacher education courses seem necessary. In specialists' views, due to differences in teachers' abilities and skills as well as tangible lack of professional knowledge among them, the implementation of the new program is faced with challenges. In their attitudes, the teachers' awareness of such changes in the curriculum is of upmost importance, though its absence is quite evident. Such findings are in line with Alavi-Moghaddam et al. (2018).
With regard to the third policy, namely methods and materials policy, the specialists' attitudes were positive. In their views, this reform in approach, teaching method and especially textbook development has been essential. However, they clearly asserted that due to the significant position of textbooks in Iran, as the main source of input in education system, their constant revision and update are necessary. In doing so, considering the views of materials developers as well as paying attention to teachers' feedback were emphasized.
Concerning the fourth policy, namely community policy, findings revealed that they had two concerns. At first, the reconstruction of the society’s view toward English language is necessary. Secondly, supplying the financial needs of implementing a nationwide program like this must be considered. In their views, the accompaniment of students along with their families with the new program can guarantee its success.
Regarding the last policy, i.e. evaluation policy, the participants had a negative attitude. In their views, the current university entrance exam imposes heavy burden on the new program. In a more precise word, in their views the successful assessment of learners' knowledge and skills cannot be achieved by the current exams.   
5. Conclusion
In all, the findings indicate that the new program, along with its strengths, suffers from deficiencies in teacher education, curriculum period, and especially student evaluation; such ignorance leaves the new program with serious challenges.
The findings also promise some principal implications. First, they will redound to the benefit of language planners integrating the latest innovations in the field of curriculum development as well as considering the specialists' attitudes with regard to the program. Since the ever developing world of educational arena calls for a curriculum which meets the objectives, the findings of the present research can provide the language planners and material developers with an approach in which a thorough evaluation of the new program can be achieved.
Another possible line of research is investigating the teachers' attitudes and perceptions about the recent reform in the Iranian ELT program and the above-mentioned policies. Through such research, undoubtedly a more comprehensive evaluation of the program is provided.

Volume 13, Issue 6 (January & February 2023 2022)

Based upon diachronic-cognitive linguists, language structure is the product of our interaction with the world around us. The way we build discourse and develop linguistic categories can immediately be derived from the way we experience our environment and use that experience in specific communication. Thanks to recent works on the evolution of grammatical categories e.g auxiliaries, we now have a sizable knowledge of the main patterns of grammaticalization which allows for fairly reliable linguistic reconstructions and hypotheses on genetic evolution through main cognitive processes e.g semantic bleeching. Following the doctorines of cognitive semantics, the present proposal bears an attempt to discover and define which aspects of meaning of a lexical source are lost and which are preserved through grammaticalization. Analyzing a specific grammaticalized product, namely the auxiliary verb xâstan, the future marker, through the lexical xâstan ‘to want’ in Persian, we will suggest that the evolution of the target grammatical meaning, the future, through grammaticalization process occurs applying semantic bleaching by way of which the entire idiosyncratic semantic features are vanished but the image-schematic structure. This must mean that an image-schema is abstracted from the earlier lexical sense since it would be potentially much more immanent and pervasive than the fully fleshed-out lexical meaning.

1. Introduction
This paper is an attempt to unify our understanding of semantics change and in particular to treat the semantic change attendant on grammaticalization, the process through which the development of grammatical forms by progressive deterioration of previously autonomous words is made possible by weakening of the pronunciation, of the concrete sense of the words, and of the expressive value of words and groupings of words. The ancillary word can end up as an element lacking independent meaning as such, linked to a principal word to mark its grammatical role. We will argue that the semantic phenomenon known as “bleaching”, recognized as the core or the embryonic stage of grammaticalization, may well fall out of ordinary trends in semantic change, taken together with an independently motivated understanding of lexical and grammatical meaning domains. The main question of the present research is to find out if the senses are totally evaporated or are partially weakened during grammaticalization and what in fact happens to them as the weakening or loss of meaning is considered as a way of describing the meaning-change often seen accompanying the process of grammaticalizing a lexical item.  We shall attempt to define which aspects of the meaning are vanished and which will be preserved when a lexical items transforms to a grammatical item. Far apart the concept of generalization proposed by Bybee and Pagliuca (1985), our chief claim is that, an analysis of meaning-transfer as metaphorically structured based upon a cognitive semantic approach, for the case of the Persian lexical verb xâstan ‘to want’ which is grammaticalized to the future marker, will enable us to foretell which inferences are kept across transfer of sense. Bybee and Pagliuca (1985) demonstrate that generalization is an immanent dramatization of grammaticalization sense-shifts. Their analysis would be straightforwardly comprehensible in terms of conventional “bleaching” through which and in an objectivist feature-structured theory of meaning, the lexical sense depicts more generality by losing features. However, with the xāstan-future in Persian and probably many other instances of grammaticalization as Sweetser (1988) claims, it seems that we can no longer talk about generalization in the wonted sense. In actual fact, and regarding the Persian future marker, it is hard to see the emergence of future meaning through the lexical verb xāstan connoting wanting something or even someone (here it literary means to love someone), or to wish or intend to do something, as a process of generalization thanks to the fact that the volition sense encoding through the lexical xâstan does not, in truth, embrace the future sense. Neither futurity nor volition is an instance of the other, nor is it recognizable that meaning is “lost” in the emergence of one of these senses through another. What, afterwards, gives rise to the emergence of futurity through the volition sense of xâstan?  In other words, losing which semantic seeds and preserving which semantic features in the lexical form leads to the creation of the grammatical form? We will try to answer this question which was basically raised by Millet (1912) tackling the new subject of grammaticalization and which is still with us through the cognitive declarations of the words’ semantic architecture in the theory of cognitive semantics. In line with Talmy (1985 and elsewhere), we will portray that since grammatical meanings are inherently topological and schematic, the development from lexical to grammatical function accompanies projecting the image-schematic topological structure of the source lexical domain, which indeed bears schematic structure in addition to the other aspects of the rich lexical semantic content. In the next part we will turn to the specific example of the xâstan-future and will use this illustration to clarify what is meant by the transfer of schematic structure through the journey of grammaticalization.

2. Methodology
Our supported clarification will draw essentially on the work of Talmy (1985, 2000, 2003). Talmy has declared that grammatical meaning is intrinsically topological and schematic, whereas lexical meaning is not. It implies that one can anticipate to discover grammatical morphemes marking, for example, topological relations on a linear scale (A is greater than B), but not actual distances between points on the scale, or relative spatial position of the two objects, but not the colors of the objects. Lexical meaning, needless to say, can bear topological aspects as well, besides the other aspects of rich lexical semantic content, be that as it may, grammatical meaning is restricted to the schematic structuring of meaning. With that in mind, Lakoff (1987) has also asserted that metaphorical mapping hereditarily projects the image-schematic topological structure of the source domain (notwithstanding, we also reckon that, across a metaphorical mapping from one domain to another, other meaning features may be preserved). Scrutinizing the data submitted in the present contribution from the body of written texts from Old, Middle, Early New Persian and New Persian on the development of the peculiar case of the lexical verb xâstan ‘to want’ to the axillary future marker, and reviewing our 10 participants’ answers with reference to their envisaged schema of both the “wanting” and the future tense scenarios, we epitomized that the image schema for xâstan ‘to want’ which in essence inheres a displacement along a linear path from a source proximal to or compatible with ego towards a goal distal as depicted in the following cline.
             Source                     Path                     Goal
It is discerned that the “wanting” storyline initiates with the source “wanter”, the one who wants something, and terminates with the goal “wanted”, the thing which is wanted, and at long last the path which implies the process of “wanting” and is undeniably stretched over time. Fascinatingly, if we take a deeper look at the whole plot of the future tense, commensurate with our participants’ future image schema, we will come across the similar image schema: the representation of a journey from a source in the time of speaking to a goal in the time later than now, or the time of speaking, expressing facts or certainty in future.  In actual fact, there is a perceived partial correlation between the experience of “wanting” and the insight into the time ahead: in all probability, our experience of wanting has given us the idea that we will get to the wanted points more remote from the path-source at upcoming times than points neighboring the path-source. Therefore, logically, we can encode futurity through the image schema of “wanting”.

3. Results
In the present research, with respect to a diachronic analysis of the grammaticalization of the verb xâstan to the future marker in Persian in addition to evaluating our Persian speaking participants’ related image schemata of both wanting and futurity affairs, a novel speculation will be put forward which copes with the semantic bleaching through grammaticalization in reference to a cognitive semantics approach. Within this interpretation, the metaphorical mapping of “wanting” onto “futurity” puts in the shade any correspondence between the future time and the certain features of lexical xâstan ‘to want’ namely the animate subject or the obligatory object, rather it transfers the internal schematic structure of “wanting” to that of “futurity” predominantly. According to the hypothesis articulated in the present contribution, the inferences preserved in mapping “wanting” onto “futurity” are as follows: (1) The linearity of the interdependence between the loci: the present time that we wish for something in the time ahead and encoding the time ahead at present time. (2) The position of ago at the source of the linear path: the present is proximal in time, to such an extent that our current position is proximal with regards to our desires which are going to be embodied in coming times. (3) Resettlement away from the proximal source-path on the road to a distal goal, on the grounds that both “wanting” and “futurity” stories cast round for something far-flung. On account of this, we apprehend that the metaphorical mapping of the image schema from “wanting” to “futurity” preserves this topological structure, meaning to say, the topologically structured image schema (passing over such particulars as the animate subject or the obligatory object) is abstracted from the lexical xâstan and convincingly mappable onto the domain of futurity with preservation of the topology. In this mapping, and through what we know as semantic bleaching in grammaticalization, we lose the sense of the obligatory physical object or the animate subject of the lexical verb at the moment that a novel grammatical function of future tense arises. Accordingly, we cannot be supposed to have lost the whole particles of meaning, we have rather substituted the embedding of the image schema of a concrete space of “wanting” in an abstract domain of time.

4. Conclusion
It has long been established that independent lexical content words can change their status in sentence being reanalyzed and grammaticalized as more bound, functional, and grammatical words. Since the earliest attempts to more recently works on grammaticalization, meaning change which has been believed to be of bleached characterization has been of responsibility for the development. However, “bleaching” in meaning change, related to grammaticalization, is not as inevitable as “bleaching” if you think about dresses in your washing machine, in other words, the bleaching puzzle raised in grammaticalization does not precisely reveals why and in what sense do meanings bleach in grammaticalization? The present contribution was undertaken to evaluate the process of semantic beaching during grammaticalization in terms of the vanished angles, those causing the result of meaning change come into sight paler than the original meaning, and the preserved ones. In this paper, we have developed an account of the image schema in meaning change. Analyzing the instance of gradual development of the Persian future marker, namely the axillary verb xâstan through the lexical counterpart xâstan ‘to want’, as a typical case, we illustrated that the bleached parts of meaning are related to the detailed, concrete, physical and full content while the preserved part relates to the image schema. Evaluating the image schemata of both lexical and grammatical, (the future marker), counterparts, and the participants’ answers regarding the image schemata of the lexical and the axillary verb, we portrayed that both image schemata share similar pattern namely source-path-goal.   The hypothesis built in this paper validates that meaning bleaching during the emergence of future marker through the lexical verb xâstan ‘to want’, we regard as the heart of meaning shift in the diachronic process of grammaticalization, involves bleaching of rich semantic features of the lexical counterpart namely the subject animacy, the subject volition or the obligatory presence of thing or event object. However, the source-path-goal image schema which subsists of the lexical is preserved in the new construction, the future marker.


Volume 20, Issue 5 (May 2020)

In this research, airfoil turbine blade airfoil Darriues vertical axis selected from three airfoils NACA0015, NACA0018 and NACA0021. The maximum ratio of the lift coefficients to the drag coefficient was determined in the Q-Blade software, and finally the airfoil NACA 0015 at speeds of 5 and 10M/s has the maximum value of the lift coefficient to the drag coefficient at an attack angle of 13 degrees equal to 2.58 and an attack angle of 6.5 degrees equal to 15.3. Then airfoil NACA 0015 was selected for numerical analysis and the turbulence method K-ω SST was used for numerical analysis and the results were verified using laboratory results. The wind turbine was designed and developed in CATIA software. Four wind fans were used to create wind power. The instruments used in measuring, testing and fabricating were calibrated. The results showed that the Self-Starting power of the porous blade in the speeds of 3, 4, 5, 7, 8m/s was %35, %33, %31, %37 and %48 less than the direct blade wind turbine, respectively.

Volume 20, Issue 6 (June 2020)

In this study, multipurpose testing equipment with a sub-scale model of a specific tandem rotor helicopter constructed to conduct a number of experiments to accurate understanding from the tandem rotor's outwash in ground effect. The experiments conducted as measuring rakes were positioned at two distances equal to 1.5 R and 3R from the rotor(s). Unlike the experiments that have been performed in wind tunnels or in special hover chambers, these experiments were performed in an open environment with fewer side walls effects. The results show that when the single rotor operates in a fixed altitude, and the blades tip velocity of 0.2M, the outwash velocities reduces as the flow moving away and vice versa, but for tandem rotors, increasing the rack distance from the model does not have a noticeable effect on the average values of the flow velocity. A comparison of the results of these measurements with the CH-47D helicopter outwash patterns confirms the accuracy of the obtained patterns and showed that the overlap between the rotors increases the velocity values and causes to the occurrence of maximum outwash velocity at lower altitudes. No overlap between the tandem rotors makes the outwash flow pattern of each of them similar to a single rotor. Increase in ground effect as the height of the rotor(s) decreases to 1R, changes the flow pattern in the forward and aft of the model helicopter. In this altitude, unlike their operation in altitude of 2R, the outwash flow increases when moving away from the rotor(s).

Volume 20, Issue 8 (August 2020)

In the present study, the instantaneous velocity profile behind an airfoil at two different Reynolds numbers has been measured experimentally. Data are used to study the wake profile and the corresponding drag coefficient force of the airfoil in different conditions. In the conventional and common methods for calculation of the drag force coefficient through the velocity measurement behind an airfoil, turbulence velocity terms of the momentum equation are ignored. However at moderate to high angles of attack where the flow becomes turbulent and separation occurs, the nature of the flow becomes three dimensional and disregarding the components of the fluctuation of velocity (in three dimensions) in calculation of the drag coefficient of airfoil may result in erroneous information. In the present study, in order to increase the accuracy of the experimental drag coefficient of the airfoil for moderate to high angles of attack, turbulence velocity terms in experimental drag coefficient calculation are considered and this causes an acceptable compatibility between experimental and numerical results whereas for low angles of attack, disregarding the effects of turbulence velocity terms in experimental drag coefficient calculation will improve the accuracy of the experimental drag coefficient and a desired compatibility between experimental and numerical data will be established.

Volume 20, Issue 9 (September 2020)

Wind turbines are one of the most important renewable energy production devices and improving their efficiency leads to more effective exploitation of clean energies. Flow separation on wind turbine blade is one of the major reasons of performance loss in wind turbines. The present paper investigates the effect of single dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuator (SDBD) placement on a critical section of wind-electric wind turbine blade (660kW)) designed inside country. An experimental investigation for assuring the validity of the numerical simulations has been performed. Then, two dimensional simulations were extended to evaluate the effect of plasma actuator performance on flow characteristics. Numerical simulations are based on the latest enhanced electrostatic plasma actuator models. The fluid flow is incompressible and the free stream velocity is about 20m/s. The results clearly indicate that frequency and voltage increase can significantly correct the flow pattern in post stall condition. A linear pattern has been achieved between the frequency and aerodynamic coefficients variations. The best improvement for the range under investigation is more than 800% for aerodynamic performance and approximately 50% for separation point delay.

Volume 24, Issue 2 (February 2024)

Composite materials are of great interest due to their exceptional strength, hardness-to-density ratio, high corrosion resistance, and low weight. One of the suitable methods for making composite pipes is using the extrusion process. Extrusion is a plastic deformation process that due to the compressive state of stress in extrusion, materials with low plasticity can be formed by this method. This article deals with the experimental-numerical investigation of extrusion, from various methods of forming process. Extrusion is done on a composite tube using aluminum and magnesium alloys. Aluminum is used due to its strength compared to high weight, excellent malleability, and magnesium due to the lightest structural metal, the lowest density among structural materials, machining, welding and casting capabilities, as well as high specific strength. The mentioned process was tested at different extrusion ratio, temperature and speed, and the effect of different process parameters on the properties of the extruded product was investigated. Then the process was simulated in the software and the experimental results obtained from the laboratory work and the numerical results obtained from the simulation were compared and validated with each other and the error percentage between the graphs of the experimental and numerical results was examined.

Volume 24, Issue 4 (10-2024)

Due the limitations and lack of access to fresh water resources, groundwater is recognized as an important source. In this research, a novel method called Dual Discrete Finite Volume (DDFV) has been developed for modeling flow and contaminant transport in saturated and unsaturated porous media. In this method, structured and unstructured grids have been used to handle complex geometries. Flow and contaminant transport equations have been accurately modeled for each triangular element in the grid. This modeling process yields contaminant concentrations at the center and vertices of each element. First, the flow equation in an unsaturated medium has been solved. Parameters such as moisture content and hydraulic head have been calculated. Then, based on the obtained results, the water velocity in the soil was estimated. Finally, the contamination equation in an unsaturated medium was extracted, and the concentration values at the vertices of each element were calculated. This model has been validated for transient flow conditions with high accuracy. By comparing the two-dimensional case with the one-dimensional case, it was determined that there are no numerical oscillations in the two-dimensional case.

Volume 24, Issue 4 (Winter 2024)

Aim and Introduction
Today, with the expansion of globalization and increased economic competition, capital accumulation has been proposed as one of the main factors of the economic growth process of the countries, which can be provided through domestic or foreign sources. Meanwhile, inadequacy of internal resources and the need for high technical knowledge in some countries that seek economic growth have required a serious approach to this issue. Furthermore, countries with limited domestic resources are not able to expand exports and acquire shares from new markets, and they need stable resources to provide capital and their needs, among which attracting foreign capital is one of the economic solutions. Indirect foreign investment includes investments made by foreign natural and legal entities in the form of buying securities of a financial institution and company and providing them to the host country during a process. Due to the important role of foreign direct investment, the global market for attracting these funds has become really  competitive. Such competition has been formed especially among developing countries due lack of financial resources on the one hand, and the need for achieving rapid development on the other. Therefore, it is crucilaly important to identify the factors affecting the flow of foreign direct investment. As a result, the aim of the present study is to investigate the relationship between foreign investment and crimes committed in 31 provinces of the country during 2001-2021 using panel data regression models and unit root stationarity tests of Levin, Lin and Chu, Im, Pesaran and Shin, Fisher and Fisher.
According to the theoretical foundations of foreign direct investment and crime and the study conducted by Daniele and Marani in 2008, regression model (panel data) and static test have been considered to investigate the relationship between foreign direct investment and crime. In other words, in the estimation of regression models in the form of time series, it is critically important to check the stationarity of the variables, and for this purpose, Levin, Lin and Chu, Im, Pesaran and Shin, Fisher and Fisher tests were used in this study. The variables investigated in this study include foreign direct investment as a dependent variable and population variables, GDP per capita, industry index, degree of openness of the regional economy, infrastructure index and crime variable as an independent variable.
The results indicate that the test of the first model shows a negative relationship between foreign direct investment and crime, which is not statistically significant. In other words, with the increase in crime, the power to attract foreign direct investment in each province decreases. The results of the second model indicate that the logarithm of GDP per capita has a negative and significant effect on the entry of foreign direct investment. In other words, with the increase of GDP in each province, the amount of foreign direct investment attraction decreases. In the third model, in addition to the gross domestic product, the logarithm of the investment of exploitation licenses issued in each province as an industry index of each province has been entered into the model, which has a negative and significant effect on foreign direct investment. In the fourth model, the variable related to the country's infrastructure, which in this study is the amount of electricity subscribers of each province, has a positive and significant effect, and by entering the infrastructure variable, the effect of other variables is the same as before. The variable of the degree of openness of the economy in the fifth model shows a positive and significant effect on foreign direct investment, and it shows that the more suitable the country has for trade with other countries, the more the desire to invest in the country increases and the more foreign direct investment is attracted. GDP per capita variables and industry index have a negative and significant effect, and the infrastructure variable also has a positive and significant effect on foreign direct investment. In final model where the population variable is entered, the results indicate a negative and significant effect of the population on foreign direct investment. In other words, with the increase in population, the power to attract direct investment in each province decreases.
Discussion and Conclusion
The results obtained from the present study indicate that although, based on the data examined in this study, crimes have not had a significant effect on the attraction of foreign direct investment, but the negative effects of GDP per capita and the industry index indicate that despite Iran's capabilities, it requires official and long-term planning to provide the necessary ground for attracting foreign direct investments. It seems that a step can be taken in this direction by applying the reduction of restrictions in the field of commercial policies, especially the foundation through tariff and customs policies and application of protective laws and regulations

Volume 27, Issue 4 (Winter 2023)

Historical tourism is one of the biggest sources of economic development in any region and its rapid growth accompanies abundant changes. As such, it is necessary to value tourism attractions using appropriate methods in order to express the importance of historical tourism as well as convert it into monetary values. In the present study, the recreational value of the largest museum in the southeastern Iran located in Sistan and Baluchistan province was estimated using the conditional valuation method whereas the Logistic regression method was taken into account to investigate the factors affecting the willingness of visitors to pay for the improvement and protection of this museum. For this purpose, first, the sample size was determined based on Cochran's method, and then the data were collected through a questionnaire and face-to-face interviews. The results showed that the variables such as "occupation", "income", "visited season" and "maximum offered amount” have had a significant effect on people's willingness to pay, but the variables like "age", "gender", "marital status", "education”, "number of household members", "conveyance", "being native or non-native", "main purpose of visit" and "attractiveness of the area" have had no significant effect. Also, based on the calculations, the average inclination of each visitor to pay in order to protect and improve the condition of the museum of Southeast Iran was 100,950 Rials per month, and its annual recreational value was estimated to 4,554,860 Rials, which showed the high importance of this museum for visitors.

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