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Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)

Some muslim scholars and theologians believe in monotheistic creation, but others believe that Allah The Almighty has inspired monotheism to man after his creation. Aiming to investigate the collection of Mulla Sadra's works on monotheism (tawhid) and its correspondent beliefs, the Topic-based Discourse Analysis Model (See Mazinani, Alizadeh, and Azad, 1397) was applied. The results were categorised in three sections: claims, warrants/topos, and certainty in assertion. Sadra claims that the belief in the monotheism is Man's very nature and a necessity for his existence. He has made most of his claims by refering to Quranic verses and hadiths by their explicit quotation, implication and interpretation. In the maze of this important matter, this philosopher occasionally takes an implicit rational position by denoting the topos such as "benefit", "harm", "fundamental need", "necessity", "fulfillment of treaties", "trustworthiness" "Pressure", and "attribution", which these can also be infered from the quoted verses and hadiths. Of course, such kind of argumentation by Mulla Sadra makes it difficult for non-Muslims and rationalists to accept his claims and theory. In all the data considered, however, an influential decisive declarative tone prevails in the claims so that no words or signs of doubt or any item suggesting Mitigation Strategy were observed. In the same vein, the Intensification Sterategy application was nearly observed in 20% of the data, and the processes of negation and passivization with their specific function were seen in 10% of the data.

Volume 1, Issue 2 (summer 2021)

Today, in the era of the domination of the virtual world over the real world, with the expansion of the Internet and social networks, social communication and subsequent elements of individual identity has undergone extensive quantitative and qualitative changes. Women, as the majority of social media users, are more exposed to threats and psychological harm than ever due to their physical and psychological characteristics. One of the types of harms that can be explained in the context of the knowledge of social psychology is "self-objectification".
     The present study is applied in terms of purpose, and descriptive-survey in terms of implementation. The statistical population of the study is 271 high school girls in Kashan. By distributing a standard questionnaire with closed-ended questions, the necessary information was collected. In the process of objectification, women under the influence of media advertisements, draw ideals for themselves and in the same direction, they constantly evaluate and review themselves, and if they see their appearance closer to current patterns at the media, they gain self-confidence; otherwise, they become involved in physical shame. As a result, their self-confidence appears to be conditioned by the fact that it puts their mental health at risk, and this type of risky behavior based on criminological theories such as the lifestyle theory of Gottfredson and Hindelang is likely Increases victimization; Because the more recreational activities and leisure a person has, and the more she interacts with criminals or in criminal or dangerous environments, the more likely she is to become a victim.
Key words: Women Victimization, Social Networks, Self- objectification, Social Prevention

Volume 1, Issue 3 (Summer 2021)

Throughout the texts of contemporary logicians, it has been explicitly or implicitly stated that the division of propositions into actuality, mental and factual, has no effect on logical syllogisms. In the following text, first, by analyzing the opinions of contemporaries on the division of propositions into actuality, mental and factual, the differences and similarities of the opinions in this regard have been identified. Then we examine the position of the conditional's quantifier and its effect on the conditions of conditional-categorical syllogisms (conjunctive or exceptive) in the opinions of contemporary logicians. In the final step and based on the conditions of conditional-categorical syllogisms (conjunctive or exceptive), we have shown that some of the moods that most contemporaries have declared to be valid have counter-examples, and only with the factual of the categorical premises in all situations and for all samples will result.

Volume 2, Issue 4 (winter 2021)

Aims: This research deals with the delicacies and complexities of recreating the historical cemeteries of cities. In this regard, it tries to know the obvious, hidden dimensions, layers and components in the deep levels of perception by reviewing lived experiences.
Methods: This research is qualitative and has a phenomenological approach. In this way, in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted in Kusenbach's innovative method and in five axes, and also supplementary questionnaires were distributed to record, receive and analyze the meanings of the lived experiences of the landscape visitors.
Findings: The lived experiences of historical landscape cemeteries were studied in five axes: "Reference, ideal image, activity, improvement and mental dimensions" and showed that historical cemeteries have multidimensional qualities and a great variety, multiplicity and complexity in the perceptual layers.
Conclusion: If the role of the cemetery is reduced to the necessary urban infrastructure and becomes only a place for burying the bodies, then the connection between the world of the living and the dead is cut off, and turning it into a landfill for urban waste outside the city. Because of having valuable structures and elements, originality and hidden values that show the interaction of culture and nature over time, and these values preserve the identity and collective memories and historical memory of society, the protection of the historical landscape is very sensitive. Therefore, it is impossible to re-read these features in the re-creation of the cemetery without analyzing the deep perceptual layers hidden in the soul of this place.

Volume 3, Issue 1 (No.1 (Tome 5)- 2015)

The present article is an attempt for a comparative reading of Marsiaee Baraye Zhale va Ghatelash By "Abutorab Khosravi", an Iranian contemporary author, and Daroonmaye Khaen va Ghahraman by Jorge Luis Borges, Argentinean author, poet and contemporary scholar, based on the revolutionary theories of Post-modernism, which is one of the most significant theories of the contemporary era. This research, by using comparative method based on the theories of Post-modernism and analyzing the evidence, attempts to prove the hypothesis that the commonality between Daroonmaye Khaen va Ghahraman and Marsiaee Baraye Zhale va Ghatelash that in some cases have got imitating nature is not accidental. This reflects the influence of Daroonmaye Khaen va Ghahraman in creating Marsiaee Baraye Zhale va Ghatelash. Using Post-modern approach, similar plot, same narrative style, and common symbols are some of the features that Marsiaee Baraye Zhale va Ghatelash shares in common with Daroonmaye Khaen va Ghahraman. The main purpose of this essay is investigation and analysis of these common features in order to demonstrate the similarities of these two texts.  

Volume 3, Issue 3 (Summer 2023)

Hypothetical logic has a special place in the tradition of Avicennan logic. In this tradition, various opinions have been presented about the conditions of the truth of hypothetical sentences and the conditions of syllogisms with hypothetical premises. One of the most prominent Avicennan logicians who discussed it is Shams al-Dīn Samarqandī.  The truth of singular cogent hypotheticals is a special topic of Samarqandī about hypotheticals. His analysis of this type of hypotheticals finally led to limiting the number of hypothetical syllogisms. In this article, I compare the opinions of Samarqandī about the conditions for the truth of singular cogent hypotheticals with the opinions of Fakhruddīn Rāzī and Abdullah Jīlanī. I show that the origin of the differences between these logicians is the difference in their interpretations of Avicenna's texts about quantifiers of hypotheticals.

Volume 3, Issue 4 (12-2015)

Aim: The importance of osteoporosis is on its relationship with disability, mortality, adverse effects on quality of life, and also the imposed costs on individuals and society. Osteoporosis begins in early adolescence. Therefore, educational programs should begin at an early age. The present research evaluated the effect of designed pamphlet on the knowledge of female seventh grader students in city of Andisheh, Shahriar County, Iran.
Method: This RCT (Randomized Clinical Trial) study included experimental and control groups, each 70, which were attributed randomly. All participants completed the knowledge part of the questionnaire as pre-test. Then the experimental group received designed osteoporosis pamphlets, and post-test was carried out two months after the intervention, which was conducted on Jan 2016. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS 21.
Findings: The studied groups were similar in terms of demographic characteristics such as educational background, age, job and income. The results of paired t-test showed a significant difference before and two months after the intervention (p<0.001). Independent t-test showed a significant difference between the two groups (≤0.001) after two months.
Conclusion: Pamphlet as an educational tool has a significant effect on the knowledge of osteoporosis on seventh grade girl students. Therefore, being easy and cost-effective, this educational tool can be put on the top priorities of educational interventions.

Volume 4, Issue 2 (No.2 (Tome 14), (Articles in Persian) 2013)

The present paper is an attempt to investigate the concept of intertexuality in Sharyar Mandanipour's Sharghe Banafshe, which is attained with the analytic reading of the text along with the concepts that this work shares in common with the other texts, demonstrating the fact that these similarities have been deliberate, intending to achieve a mystical purpose. The contemporary thinkers are on the belief that each text incorporates in itself the sources taken from various cultures and is replete with the signs leading to the process of text creation. They further believe that no text is created in isolation and that we cannot interpret and read it without considering its connection to other texts around. Accordingly, in Shahryar Mandanipour's Sharghe Banafshe, the traces of other texts are present. In fact, in this work, the author utilizes the signs by which one can find intertextuality in the text. The followings are some of the features that Mandanipour's Sharghe Banafshe has in common with the other works of art: the same plot, common mysticism, belief in being within nothingness, and the path of annihilation. Investigation and analysis of these similarities existent in this work with the other works is the achievement of this essay.  

Volume 5, Issue 1 (Winter 2025)

Mulla Sadra has addressed the subject of nature in his philosophical and interpretative works and has established various principles on it. Martin Heidegger has also explored the call of conscience in his fundamental ontology. The main question of this article is whether it is possible to find commonalities between Mulla Sadra’s theory of nature and the call of conscience in Heidegger’s thought. To answer this question, the call of conscience in Heidegger’s thought is examined through the analysis of Dasein and his existential states. Then, the meaning of nature in Mulla Sadra’s philosophy and its results are explained. The findings of this research indicate that there are many commonalities between the call of conscience in Heidegger’s thought and nature in Mulla Sadra’s philosophy. Making man transcendent, discovering the meaning of life, discovering the inherent deficiency and poverty of man, adapting to the fluid existence and instability of human nature, and finding a foundation based on awareness are some of the commonalities of these two concepts. But the most important difference between these two concepts is that God has an important place in the doctrine of nature, but in Heidegger's concept of conscience, God has no role. Of course, some interpreters of Heidegger's thought have presented a religious and mystical interpretation of his works, in which case a greater affinity can be established between these two concepts.

Volume 5, Issue 3 (9-2017)

Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of socioeconomic factors on the constructs of the modified Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) in relation to reproductive health in adolescents.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 578 female students aged 12-16 years, recruited through a multistage random cluster sampling method, in Tehran, Iran. A self-administered TPB-based constructed questionnaire was designed and used for data gathering. Multivariate regression analyses were conducted to examine the association between family size, number of siblings, birth rank, and family closeness, source of information, and reproductive health behavior.
Findings: The mean age of the participants was 14.1 years. None of the participants obtained a perfect score in relation to reproductive health. In addition, they achieved average scores less than half the rates. Number of siblings, family size, birth rank, mother education and information source were factors associated with TPB the constructs (p<0.001).
Conclusion: The results of this study emphasize that Socioeconomic factors can have an effective role in students' sexual and reproductive health behaviors.

Volume 6, Issue 1 (7-2016)

The aim of this study, investigate the relationship between organizational commitment and entrepreneurial orientation. Organizational commitment from the perspective of Allen and Meyer include (emotional, continuous and normative) dimension and entrepreneurial orientation include (risk taking, innovation, independence, proactiveness and aggressive competition) dimension. Research community includes all employees of the municipal welfare organization of recreational and art in Isfahan city. The statistical sample include 91 number of employees which is randomly selected and for data gathering have been using the questionnaire. The main research hypothesis is existence meaningful relationship between organizational commitment and entrepreneurial orientation. The results of this study suggest that there is a significant and positive relationship between the emotional and continuous dimension of organizational commitment and entrepreneurial orientation dimensions. However there is no significant relationship between normative commitments and entrepreneurial orientation.
Fateme Heidari, Behnaz Amani, Bita Darabi,
Volume 6, Issue 22 (Summer 2013)

According to the theory of intertextuality: a text is not created in isolation and cannot be read or interpreted without making references to the other texts. In reading the story of Paykare Farhad the influence of Boofe Koor is clearly noticeable. In fact, there are some signs presented in Paykare Farhad, which can be utilized to find the sources of intertextuality in the text. This Research by using comparative Methods based on the theory of intertextuality and analyzing the evidence attempts to prove the hypothesis, that the Commonality between Paykare Farhad and Boofe Koor that in some cases has got imitating nature is not accidental. And this reflects the influence of Boofe Koor in creating Paykare Farhad: Similar plot, same narrative style (stream of consciousness), the belief in reincarnation, the use of common symbols such as the blue Lily and… are some of the features that Paykare Farhad shares in common with Boofe Koor. The main achievement of this essay is investigation and analysis of these similarities, in order to demonstrate the intertextuality of these two texts.

Volume 8, Issue 2 (9-2018)

Simulation Modeling is Useful Tools to Analyze and Evaluate the Dynamic Behavior of the Complex Systems. In this Paper a Simulation Model Developed for Material Handling Equipment in the Sulphid Ore Process of Sarcheshmeh Open-Pit Copper Mine in Sarcheshme Kerman Province of Iran for Increase its Productivity. The Optimum Operating Setting of Sulphid ore Process of an Open-Pit Mine Is Determined Using Simulation Based Optimization Meta Modeling Approach. In the Developing Meta Model Step of this Paper, Design of Experiment (DOE) is used to Identify Critical Variable of the System by Fitting a Quadratic Polynomial Model. Absolute Relative Error (ARE) used to Verification and Validation Meta model. Validation Step Shown That Meta Model Provides Good Estimation to Simulation Results, Therefore It is Validate. Experimental Results Shown That by Using Current Situation Resources, the Optimization Simulation Model Generates Improving Monthly Throughput Rate of Production System and also Decrease Transportation Cost Up 8%.

Volume 10, Issue 4 (Fall 2022)

Aims: The success of COVID-19 vaccination depends on public acceptance of the vaccine. It is necessary to evaluate the factors affecting vaccine acceptance to increase the acceptance of vaccination. The current study aimed to determine the relationships between the three components of the COM-B (capability, motivation, and opportunity) model and the explanatory domains of each component.
Instrument & Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 1102 adults aged 18 years and older were selected through multi-stage sampling and received an online questionnaire on the WhatsApp platform in February 2021. Structure equation modeling was used to investigate the factors affecting vaccine acceptance.
Findings: Of the 1102 respondents, 938 respondents (85.1%) wanted to get vaccinated. The main indicators for the COM-B components were "behavioral regulation"(capability), "subjective norms and social support" (opportunity) and "social role" (motivation). Opportunity strongly predicted motivation (93%) and Covid-19 vaccine acceptance (74%). Motivation and capability were mediator for opportunity on vaccine acceptance.
Conclusion: Providing environmental and interpersonal conditions by creating capability and motivation in people increases vaccine acceptance.

Volume 12, Issue 1 (1-2005)

Learning vocabulary constitutes a crucial step in language learning. Amongst different word categories, compound words have failed to attract the attention they deserve. This led us to conduct a study trying to pinpoint the difficulties learning these words and to suggest some techniques facilitating their acquisition. To that effect, a questionnaire as well as a vocabu-lary test were given to two groups of FFL (French as a Foreign Language) learners. Carried out from a descriptive and analytical point of view, this study was based on a real corpus and led to the following results: Firstly, learners showed little tendency towards making use of compound words, both in writing and in speaking. Secondly, teachers can contribute to a better learning by providing learners with convenient strategies. Thirdly, familiarity with Greco-Latin roots enormously help learners to guess the meaning of an unknown word.

Volume 12, Issue 3 (Summer 2024)

Aims: Osteoporosis is one of the most common diseases among women, and dietary patterns, especially during adolescence, significantly impact its occurrence and prevention. The present study examined the determinants of osteoporosis in female students at the first secondary school level in Ilam City based on the health belief model.
Instrument & Methods: This cross-sectional study involved 819 participants selected by a two-stage cluster random sampling approach. Data were collected using a 52-item researcher-developed questionnaire based on the health belief model and analyzed using descriptive tests, Pearson’s correlation, multiple linear regression, one-way analysis of variance, and Chi-square test by SPSS 22 software.
Findings: The average age of participants was 13.72±0.97 years, with an age range of 12 to 16 years. Also, 22.2% of participants had a family history of osteoporosis. Additionally, 29.2% and 22.6% of the participants reported a history of calcium and vitamin D supplement intake in the last month, respectively. The health belief model constructs accounted for a total of 18.9% of the variance in behavior. Perceived barriers and perceived self-efficacy were identified as the most important predictors of behavior, while other constructs were not significant predictors despite showing significant correlations with behavior.
Conclusion: The constructs of self-efficacy and perceived barriers directly affected nutritional behavior preventing osteoporosis among teenage girls in Ilam City, while another construct had an indirect effect.

Volume 19, Issue 3 (March 2019)

In this article, an exact analytical approach is presented to analyze free vibration of a thin piezoelectric spherical shell, using thin shallow shell theory. The piezoelectric spherical shell is modeled as a sensor or an actuator. The piezoelectric material is polarized through the thickness of the shell. Using the separation of variables method as well as some new potential functions, the equations of motion and Maxwell’s equation are exactly solved, simultaneously. First, the equation of the transverse displacement of the shell is separately obtained and after extracting the transverse displacement, other unknowns such as the in-plane displacements and electrical potential function are obtained. Then, applying mechanical and electrical boundary conditions, the natural frequencies of the shell are obtained for the sensor and actuator cases. In order to validate the accuracy of the present method, the obtained results are compared to those obtained by a finite element analysis in ABAQUS software. Also, the effects of various parameters such as inner radius to radius of curvature of the shell ratio, thickness to inner radius ratio, and different boundary conditions on the natural frequencies are considered. Results show that piezoelectricity effect causes an increase in strain energy of the structure leading to increasing the natural frequencies for both sensor and actuator shells. Also, by changing the conditions from actuator state to sensor one, the structure experiences an increase in the natural frequencies.

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