Showing 11 results for Daneshgar
Volume 1, Issue 2 (10-2013)
Indo-european worldview has been reflected considerably in the formation of the Persian poem and prose, because of its literary and contextual grandeur. It has affected many works in various aspects, so that its mythology has been used in the prominent works such as Firdausi's Shahnameh and the Kyrgyz epic of Manas. However, the way of possessing such a worldview by Shahnameh and Manas is the subject of current research. In this regard, we have described and considered the behavior of heroes in the two works based on the George Dumezil's Three Functions Theory. Our study reveals that the tree functions of the theory have been applied all over the stories of these two epics. This theory is based on the two vises: coordination and contrast; meanwhile Shahnameh and Manas are based on goodness and evil, which are symbolized in heroes such as Siavash/Bakai as well as Rostam/Manas. The first section consists of the wisdom, intellect and calmness symbols, and the second section is related to the symbols of violence, stringency warmness, militancy, and self discipline; while ordering the Quadruplet elements system, provides the people with peace and self-coordination by its force. Moreover, there are invulnerable Demons and Personages in both epics such as Esfandiar (in Shahnameh) and Malgun and Mady Khan (in Manas). However, their only vulnerable spots are their eyes through which they must be killed and their dominance must be ended. This is the motif of “Killing the Demon by blinding him”, which forms one of the worldview's elements mentioned in Indo-european mythology.
Maryam Daneshgar,
Volume 2, Issue 5 (Spring 2009)
Ph.D. Student of Persian Language and Literature , Tehran University & Researcher of the Academy of Persian Language and Literature Romanticists have been the center of global attention for two decades by providing a new viewpoint in the fields of literal, cultural, social and political global studies. Romanticism as a live school of thought is a fundamental Part of modern culture more than being a real phenomenon of 19th century. Actually it is a new approach in global studies more than a mere literal school. The most important principle of this school is individualism, individual perfection and individual unlimitation,with emphasizing the role of imagination. From the literary aspect it is a new and ontological evaluation through poetry. Imagination has an important place in the aesthetics of Romanticism, actually the special approach of this school to Imagination, should have specified and distinguished it from the others. Modern art and literature in Iran comes from our familiarity with western thought which lead us to understand western culture and Philosophy. Definitely it is very important to understand different origins of this thought for a better understanding of it. In this article, we survey one of the Romanticism aesthetic features, i.e. "imagination" and its emergence in Persian poetry during the "constitutional time", as the earliest time of this style evolution.
Volume 8, Issue 1 (No. 8 (Tome 36), (Articles in Persian) 2017)
This study was conducted to evaluate the literary and linguistic skills of high school graduates. The authors believe the main problem is the formal evaluation system, failure of the assessment processes, and the lack of accurate and sufficient information from capabilities of users of language.
Research questions include: 1. the level of achievement of high school graduates in four skills of writing, reading, listening and speaking. 2. Do the variables of gender and field of study make any change in the status of the four skills above? 3. Based on the research hypothesis, at the end of the twelve year period of study, graduates should have achieved the minimum criteria of educational objections in the four skills. It is expected that the field variable, make a significant difference in skill level and it is also expected that students of human sciences according to their specialized courses, have significantly higher linguistic and literary skills.
Research method in addition to library study, includes a cross-sectional survey. The statistical community includes students graduating high schools ( at the end of the fourth year) from public and private schools in Tehran(in the districts, one, four, seven, twelve, fourteen, sixteen, nineteen) in the academic year of 92-93 with 49 540 students and the statistic sample of 366 individuals who were selected using multistage cluster sampling method. It was done based on the final exam scores of courses of Persian language 3 and Persian literature 3.
For this particular study, a test with the following three characteristics was designed for the first time in Persian, 1. Considering the international evaluation standards (common reference framework in EU), according to Iran's official goals of education in teaching Persian.2.Internet-based teaching-learning 3. Being four-skilled. Materials and components of the test content were prepared based on the two guiding objectives in the education curriculum and content pattern of official books.
Based on these findings, the mean scores of graduates were significantly lower than the standard level. Between the results of this test and the official results, there was a significant difference in reducing the scores. Considering all the skills, girls' performances have been the most favorable which correspond with the global results. Investigation of the graduates in the three disciplines of mathematics, science and humanities shows a better performance in the field of science against the two other academic disciplines. Analysis of the results of this evaluation shows the inability of Ministry of Education in the use of existing capacities; the younger generation turning to oral literature; Incapability of them to understand what they have read and heard. Therefore, because of the correlation between the four skills along with continuing national evaluations, monitoring the educational status of children and teenagers, planned systematic changes, with professionals helps, in order to revise the national curriculum(especially a standardized Persian language and literature curriculum), are suggested.
Volume 10, Issue 6 (Vol. 10, No. 6 (Tome 54), (Articles in Persian) 2019)
The main purpose of the present study was to examine reading problems of senior high school graduates of Tehran based on ‘AMZA’ test data regarding the variables of gender and major. AMZA’ test is known as the first test for assessing the language and literary skills of senior high school graduates which was held by Academy of Persian Language and Literature in academic year of 2013-14. For the purpose of this study, the AMZA data for a sample size of 377 students (197 females and 180 males) in three disciplines of humanities, sciences and mathematics (106, 90 and 181participants, respectively) was analyzed. At first, the test items were categorized with respect to the type of text and micro-skills involved. Then, using the descriptive and inferential statistics the data was analyzed with regard to the participants’ gender and major, which yielded in the overall weakness of the participants in reading skill. The results of data analysis showed that the mean score of participants’ reading skills was 10.25 out of 20, which in comparison to the standard band score of ministry of education (12) is indicative of the participants’ inability in acquiring the least amount of education. There was no significant difference between the participants’ overall mean scores and their scores in micro-skills of reading regarding their gender, though according to the descriptive statistics, the overall mean score of females was higher than males. Similarly, there was no significant difference between the participants’ overallmean scores with respect to their major. However, among the mean scores of reading micro-skills, there was a significant difference between the students of Humanities and Sciences in the area of "direct comprehension of the text", which shows a better performance of the former group. Moreover, there was a significant difference among participants’ overall results in the four types of text used in the test questions, so that their mean score in answering the questions of linguistic texts was higher than those of the old literary text. However, no such significant difference was found with regard to the participants’ major. The results of the present study showthat strategies like reforming the curriculum of the senior high school, choosing an appropriate educational program, changing the teachers’ teaching methods, and holding systematic and standard assessment courses for the reading skill, can prove helpful in enhancing the students’ reading skills .
Keywords: AMZA Test, Reading skill, Reading problems, Senior high school graduates
Volume 12, Issue 1 (April & May 2021 (Articles in Persian) 2021)
The current research has been conducted to analyze the status of the literary and linguistic skills among the high school graduates. Based on research questions, the four skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking of the graduates, the impact of gender and major have been investigated in 7 provinces including East Azarbijan, Kurdistan, Kohguiluye-Boyer Ahmad, Mazandaran, Fars, Yazd and Markazi through directed sampling, for a sample size of 327 females and 282 males in three disciplines of humanities, sciences and mathematics, in 1396-1397. The findings indicated that the graduates have not reached the mastery in any one of the linguistic skills. However, they achieved the minimum score in at least three skills of writing, listening and speaking and could overcome the level of insufficiency. Females got higher score in all four skills. Regarding their majors, in the humanities, the highest score went to speaking and writing, while in mathematics and natural sciences, writing held the highest score. Meanwhile, the most focus of educational construction is on reading. The results show that the lowest score belongs to reading in all majors. The analysis of the present evaluation stated that achieving the minimum mastery level in literary and linguistic skills was not successful enough and the policy of teaching Persian language and literature have been failed as well.
1. Introduction
Accurate teaching of the four language skills of reading, writing, listening, and speaking, is the first expectation in children and adolescents' education. Students are not able to develop different aspects of their competences without linguistic tools. The identification role of language and its impact on establishing the national pride is considered as another value which emphasizes the importance of teaching language skills. The current research renders the effectiveness of the twelve-year education on the graduates' literary and language skills by analyzing the status of the literary and language skills of the output of Iran's high school education system. The research questions are as follows:
1. How good are the graduates at four language skills, discretely?
2. How is any of the skills regarding the gender and field of study of the graduates?
The main hypothesis is that the output of the education system has reached the dominance level in four skills, after twelve years of education.
2. Methodology
The methodology of this research is based on cross-sectional survey. The statistical society is 34481 and the statistical sample is 609 graduates of governmental and non-governmental schools among 7 provinces including East Azarbaijan, Kurdistan, Kohguiluye-Boyer Ahmad, Mazandaran, Fars, Yazd and Markazi in three disciplines of humanities, sciences and mathematics, in 1396-1397 who are selected through cluster and multistage sampling.
Research tools are: 1. a researcher-made test (AMZA), including the four language skills, whose standardization has been done in the Academy of Persian Language and Literature. (For more information about the validity and reliability of the test refer to Daneshgar, 1395, pp. 86-106; Daneshgar, 1396, pp. 236-237); 2. a polling questionnaire for experts.
3. Results
The findings indicated that the graduates have not reached the dominance level in any one of the language skills. However, they achieved the minimum score in at least three skills of writing, listening and speaking and could overcome the level of insufficiency. Females got higher score in all four skills. Regarding their majors, the groups of natural sciences and mathematics held the highest score, respectively. The group of humanities performed the weakest in all skills.
4. Conclusion
In this research, the output of the education system, with provincial statistical sample, regarding the four language skills has been evaluated online and web-based for the first time in Iran. According to the main hypothesis, the output should have been reached the dominance level in using language skills after twelve years of education. However, the results show that no acceptable language competence is gained.
Reading, an acquired perceptual skill, is the most fundamental one that the formal educational construction aims at and plans for. Meanwhile, a general comparison indicate that the lowest score belongs to reading, especially in males. They failed at obtaining the minimum score (50%) and passing the level of insufficiency.
The graduates of humanities got the weakest performance among all and as in all branches of this discipline, language competence is the most significant tool for discussion, analysis and presentation, this weakness should be taken seriously.
Since this weak result in teaching Persian language and literature is far different from aims and objectives of "national curriculum", "Fundamental Reform Document of Education (FRDE)" and "Persian Language and Literature Secondary school curriculum guide", it is necessary for the formal organization of education to find solutions and actions to come out of current undesirable situation through revision of its macro/micro plannings and also ask for other related organizations contributions
Volume 14, Issue 3 (11-2024)
Objective: Timely delivery of medications, medical equipment, and other essential supplies is critical to patient care and can often be life-saving. Delivery delays in the healthcare supply chain can lead to increased costs and operational challenges for healthcare organizations and affect patient care and financial stability. Efficient and reliable supply chain management is critical to reduce these risks and ensure integrated performance in the health industry. This research addresses the delay in the delivery of health commodities in the global health supply chain of the United States Agency for International Development. It presents a framework based on the support vector machine technique and Bayesian optimization to predict the delivery status of health commodities. It also determines the features that have had the greatest impact in predicting the status of commodities delivery for data-driven health supply chain management.
Method: The study's research method is design science, which presents a framework based on the support vector machine technique and Bayesian optimization to predict the delivery status of health commodities. It also compares the performance of different classification algorithms to predict the transportation status.
Findings: The results indicate that the presented framework based on the support vector machine technique and Bayesian optimization leads to a classification accuracy of 95%, outperforming other techniques to predict delivery delay. The results showed that the features of the destination country, shipping method, supplier, and production location are the most influential features in predicting the delivery status.
Volume 15, Issue 79 (9-2018)
Volume 17, Issue 9 (11-2017)
In this study, the microstructural and tribological properties of surface Al/(SiC+BNh) hybrid composite was investigated. Al/(SiC+BNh) hybrid composite was produced on the surface of Al-1050 substrate via friction stir processing to achieve simultaneous high hardness of SiC particle and lubricating property of BNh particles. Microstructural studied revealed that grain refinement and significant reduction of grain size occurred in the stirred zone. Micro hardness evaluation illustrated that friction stir processing (FSP) increased hardness of stirred zone to about 60± 5HV that was 70% more than the hardness of base metal. Wearing and corrosion properties of Al/(SiC+BNh) hybrid composite were investigated and compared with those of base metal, friction stir processed, Al/SiC and Al/BNh surface composite. Evaluation of wearing property indicated that the wear rate of base metal, Al/SiC surface composite, Al/BNh surface composite and Al/(SiC+BNh) surface composite were 0.075, 0.047, 0.046 and 0.039mg/m, respectively which indicated the highest wearing resistance of Al/(SiC+BNh) in comparison to the base metal and mono SiC or BNh surface composite. This could be related to the simultaneous increase of hardness and reduction in the friction coefficient of hybrid surface composite. . Investigations of corrosion properties showed that FSP improved the corrosion resistance of base metal more than 30%.
Volume 17, Issue 69 (1-2021)
The purpose of this study is examining the writing skills in AMZA test in comparison with the two tests of the British National Curriculum Assessment (NCA) and National Curriculum assessment (NAEP) and analyzing the writing skills assessment and providing a model for evaluating writing skill and sub-skills. Comparison of these three tests showed that more sub-skills were considered in NAEP than the other two tests in the UK and Iran. The statistical sample is 270 high school graduates of Tehran. Their Manuscripts were corrected and analyzed based on a researcher-made evaluation table including 6 sub-skills and 17 micro-skills based on highlighting written sub-skills. Findings show that girls' writing skills were better than boys and experimental science graduates were better than the other two field's graduates. The manuscripts of humanities graduates are better in terms of "content". The manuscripts of experimental graduates are better in terms of "coherence" and mathematics graduates in terms of "grammar". The Inaccuracies of "grammar" in the manuscripts of humanities students, and "content" and "form" in mathematical and experimental sciences are also significant. These results show that proper writing training is essential. Standard assessments should be performed every year at all ages and levels of education. The results should be used to modify and complete the "writing" curriculum.
Volume 19, Issue 8 (August 2019)
The aim of this article is to present the methodology for modeling and simulation of start effects in spacecraft or satellite's propulsion system on the fuel sloshing in the tank by pendulum model in microgravity conditions. In other words, the main aim of this paper is pure sloshing study of fuel and ullage gas relative movement, neglecting the role of Propellant Management Device (PMD). To this end, fuel sloshing in tank is performed by utilizing the Fluent software based on pendulum model. Firstly, algorithm inputs are determined (exiting input, fuel and ullage gas volume, loading, dimensional specifications, etc.); then, tank is modeled and designed and, finally, fuel sloshing simulation in micro-gravity conditions is developed. Fuel sloshing modeling and simulation outputs include determining the sloshing damping rate and its value in the simulation at 20 sec, velocity variation contour, velocity direction contour in the tank, and also ullage gas and fuel relative location in 0.2, 0.4, and 1 sec. The accuracy of the obtained results has been evaluated with the similar experimental results.
Volume 19, Issue 77 (12-2022)
In this paper, the rage and violence against women have been studied in two different cultures (Western-Iranian) in an analytic-comparative manner, which explicitly depicts how this rage and violence strengthens the patriarchal foundations and sacrifices or even eliminates women. After investigating the theories connected with the feminist criticism and specifically its most significant component i.e. violence against women, the present research analyzes the examples of typical and thematic violence in the two novels of “The Infatuations” by Javier Marias and “On Foot” by Belgheis Soleimani, so that it can unveil the violence against women in these two novels. The analyses show that notwithstanding the different beliefs in the two communities, violence against women is far identical but only different in their type of imposition.