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Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)

Despite extensive research on factors influencing Critical Pedagogy (CP) from a positive psychology perspective, the interplay between Emotion Regulation (ER), Psychological Well-Being (PWB), and Cultural Identity (CI) remains underexplored among Iranian English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers. This study investigates the mediating role of CI in a novel model linking ER to PWB, with CP as the dependent variable. It addresses how these variables contribute to advocating for social justice in Eastern educational contexts. Using the quantitative design and Path Analysis (PA), 243 Iranian EFL teachers completed four electronic questionnaires: the CP scale (Roohani & Haghparast, 2020), the CI scale (Taheri, 2013), the PWB scale (Dagenais-Desmarais & Savoi, 2012), and the ER Sscale (Gross & John, 2003). Data analysis via AMOS 26 software revealed strong fit indices indicating robust model fit. Findings indicated that CI partially mediated the relationship between PWB and CP. Both direct (ER to CP) and indirect (PWB to CI to CP) effects were significant, contributing to a significant total effect of ER on CP. It is implied that integrating CI into teacher development programs can promote CP globally by enhancing educators' emotional resilience and commitment to social justice initiatives. This approach supports policymakers seeking inclusive learning environments that advocate for equity in diverse settings.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (in press 2024)

Soil stabilization techniques have traditionally relied on cement or lime, yet there remains a significant knowledge gap regarding the mechanical behavior of soil treated with innovative materials. Addressing this gap, this study delves into the mechanical properties of soil stabilized with polyurethane (PU) foam, nano-silica, and basalt fiber. Through rigorous experimentation, unconfined compressive strength (UCS) and direct shear tests were conducted on reconstituted silica and calcareous samples, each treated with various combinations of these additives. A comprehensive examination of parameters such as additive content and curing time was undertaken to elucidate their effects. The results unveiled a noteworthy enhancement in UCS and shear strength parameters (cohesion and friction angle) with the incorporation of PU foam, nano-silica, or their amalgamation with fiber. Particularly striking was the superior performance observed with the combination of PU and basalt fiber, showcasing remarkable improvements in the mechanical behavior of both silica and calcareous sand, especially when considering shorter curing times. The synergistic effects of PU and basalt fiber proved instrumental in fortifying the soil's structural integrity against environmental challenges. Furthermore, it was consistently observed that calcareous samples exhibited elevated UCS, and shear strength values compared to their silica counterparts. This discrepancy underscores the inherent differences in mechanical behavior between these two types of sand, highlighting the need for tailored stabilization approaches. Moreover, the investigation delved into the failure patterns and microstructural changes within the stabilized samples, employing Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) for detailed analysis. This microscopic examination offered valuable insights into the efficacy of the stabilizing agents and their impact on the soil's mechanical properties. For instance, SEM imaging revealed significant bonding in fiber-reinforced samples, indicating enhanced load transfer mechanisms. Similarly, the presence of clusters of nano-silica particles adhering to sand particles showcased an improved cohesion within the stabilized soil. PU-stabilized samples, on the other hand, exhibited a cohesive layer enveloping sand particle, thereby enhancing interparticle connectivity and overall stability. The superior performance of PU over nano-silica was underscored by its ability to create a more cohesive matrix and foster stronger interparticle bonds, as evidenced by the SEM analysis. In conclusion, this study sheds light on the potential of innovative stabilization materials such as PU foam, nano-silica, and basalt fiber in bolstering the mechanical properties of soil. The findings not only offer valuable insights into the efficacy of these additives but also pave the way for the development of tailored soil stabilization techniques geared towards enhancing infrastructure resilience and sustainability.

Volume 2, Issue 1 (1-2016)

Background: Adhesion and biofilm formation are two important steps in Candida pathogenesis. The aim of the current study was to investigate the presence of bcr1 gene in Candida albicans (C. albicans) isolates from women with vaginal candidiasis and its impact on biofilm formation. Methods: We used 50 clinical isolates which confirmed C. albicans by PCR-RFLP. Then total RNA was extracted from C. albicans isolates by glass bead and lysis buffer, and cDNA was synthesized using reverse transcriptase enzyme. RT-PCR (Reverse Transcriptase PCR) was used to evaluate the expression of bcr1 gene. Biofilm formation was evaluated in 96-well microplate and then tetrazolium reduction was assayed. All data were analyzed using t-test by SPSS software. Results: Fifty clinical isolates out of 150 were confirmed as C. albicans by using PCR-RFLP method. All the isolates were resistant to fluconazole, 47/50(94%) isolates had bcr1 gene by using PCR, and 45(95.7%) out of 47 isolates, showed BCR1 expression by the RT-PCR. Isolates which harbored bcr1 gene was succeed to form a dense biofilm on microplate. Comparison of the results of the tetrazolium reduction assay on the two isolates that had BCR1expression and two isolates that had no BCR1 expression showed significant differences (p=0.014). Conclusion: According to our result, all of the isolates that had bcr1 gene expression according to RT-PCR, were also resistant to fluconazole in disk diffusion test and additionally, their adherence was higher compared to the control group. These results indicate that there is a positive relation between expression of bcr1 gene and biofilm formation.

Volume 2, Issue 1 (7-2021)

Urbanization and population growth in metropolitan areas, on the one hand, and the growth of large-scale industrial activities, on the other hand, have led to changes in the climate of urban areas.This research is based on the classification of types of research in the category of descriptive and explanatory studies. Based on the results in the category of applied studies. It is based on qualitative and quantitative research processes. The research method is a combination of descriptive-analytical methods and software simulation with software Envi-Met software. Data is quantitative and qualitative related to the quality of space. Implementing it includes conceptual and theoretical modeling, software modeling, change in the type and amount of variables and testing the software model to find optimal answers. For this purpose, a basic model based on common urban forms in Tehran is selected and in which indicators such as the location of building blocks, orientation, the distance between blocks, the height of blocks in Envi-Met software are modeled and based on the index of thermal comfort and degree. PMV temperature was evaluated. According to the software outputs, it can be concluded that the location, distance, orientation and height have a positive effect on reducing thermal islands and providing thermal comfort conditions

Volume 2, Issue 3 (9-2014)

Soil and Water Assessment Tool model, SWAT, uses different layers of watershed data which out of soil layer is the important one. Soil layer data should be extracted from detailed soil maps. In most developing countries including Iran, these detailed maps are not available except for irrigation districts and rarely for dry land farming areas and also for some strategic places of development purposes. For larger plains, the available soil maps information are reduced to semi-detailed scale which adds uncertainty in data required for catchments and hydrologic modeling. This research studied the relations between land use (LU) maps, land suitability for agricultural activities (LS) and physiographic soil unit (PU) on one hand and detailed soil maps and their embedded data on the other hand. The research has focused on the replacement of data derived from the detailed soil maps (from large scale soil map information) with those of readily available LS, PU and LU maps. Using these two sets of data for modeling of hydrologic system with SWAT on a 5793 Km2-watershed in west of Iran showed no significant difference between the simulated discharges at the watershed outlet. So the available LS map for the whole country may be used for both plains and catchments in SWAT simulation.

Volume 3, Issue 4 (Fall 2021)

Détente as a policy seeks for decreasing tensions in foreign relations between states. Although there are lots of variables affecting the mentioned policy, this article basically concentrates on the role and status of military power in détente. The main argument is: there was a clear correlation between military power and détente in the Cold War era (especially between the U.S. and the Soviet Union as the two superpower) but in the post-Cold War era, we cannot see such a correlation between these variables, which means there has been substantial change in the correlation between military power and the détente policy. This research shows that, due to changes in the international system on the one hand, and an evolution in state attitudes towards the nature of power on the other, the role and status of military power has declined in the détente policy between states in the post-Cold War era.
Hosein Bayat,
Volume 3, Issue 11 (Fall 2010)

In many of the Iranian and the world stories, both force and guile are operating events comprise the story. Investigate and psychological and symbolic compare of those popular legends which good and evil forces in their beloved reaching over, shows that in these works, however, appear to benefit the beloved hero acts in subtle and cagey narrative infrastructure And before taking functions based on deception, this battle will be in Median dose and involvement of the opposing forces will conduct their own profit. In such stories, the central character is not the brave prince nor vicious Dave, but the beautiful girl that wishes marriage with the hero and have her own child. In this way, despite the apparent physical disability, using various scheming like secrecy, feminine and magical elements, and even sometimes to hire antiheroes, the real initiative and is available on the course of events towards their desired ending. The joint adventure stories generally setup for this peak point and the common ending: they are well and happy years together they live. " This paper uses views of Northrop Frye, Joseph Campbell, and Bruno Bettelheim. regarding the fundamental structure, number forty Farsi folk tales and that compared with a drop of evidence shows that such a common infrastructure indicative of mental concerns of women in patriarchal times and the women place the narrator or audience of this tales, dreams sweet Dream that are impossible in real life were often deprived of it, the story of a woman in the story of the hero in imaginary world have stories appear. Considering the existence of this feature in ancient stories and romances, these tales may have roots in old narrative structures that can lead them to myths about Matriarchy period.

Volume 4, Issue 1 (9-2004)

In most industrial applications, including overhead cranes, two motors with equal speeds are required. To meet this, different traditional and modern methods are used. In the modern methods, work is done with more precision but the cost is remarkably high, also the maintenance of equipment needs specialized personnel. Among traditional methods, the two-motors selsyn method is noteworthy due to its considerable low cost. But this method has some problems in starting with high rotor resistance, working at nominal speed, and braking. In this paper after analyzing of selsyn methods, the stability conditions and some problems that occur in two-motor selsyn have been studied. In continuation, some solutions have been suggested and the effectiveness of the system has been validated through practical tests and simulation results.

Volume 5, Issue 2 (Summer 2021)

Research subject: Ethylene is a very important material in petrochemical industries, whose chief application is producing polymers such as polyethylene. The steam cracking of ethane or naphtha is commonly used to produce ethylene. A small amount of acetylene is produced in this process. The amount of acetylene in the product stream should not exceed 1 ppm, because it is harmful to polymerization catalysts in downstream units. The acetylene hydrogenation unit is designed for acetylene removal in industrial plants. In this unit, the removal of acetylene up to 1 ppm in the product stream and ethylene’s selectivity are of great importance.
Research approach: In this paper, the modeling and the dynamic simulation of acetylene hydrogenation reactors of Marun petrochemical complex with considering catalyst deactivation are presented. Then, here investigated is the effect of the operating conditions such as temperature, pressure and flow rate of the reactor feed on the amount of outlet acetylene as well as ethylene’s selectivity.
Main results: The simulation results show that in order to compensate for catalyst deactivation, it is necessary to gradually increase the reactor inlet temperature. With a linear increase in the inlet temperature of the reactors from 55 to 90 ˚C in a period of 720 operating days, the amount of outlet acetylene and ethylene’s selectivity are decreased. The reactions of acetylene to ethylene and ethylene to ethane are increased by increasing the inlet temperature of acetylene hydrogenation reactors. By increasing the feed flow rate from 50 to 100 kg/s, the amount of outlet acetylene and ethylene’s selectivity are increased. The residence time is decreased by increasing the feed flow rate and thus the conversion of acetylene to ethylene is decreased (increasing the outlet acetylene in the product). The amount of outlet acetylene and ethylene’s selectivity are decreased by decreasing the inlet pressure from 40 to 33 barg.

Volume 6, Issue 2 (Spring 2020)

Aim: Cereals and cereal-based products are prone to be infected by mycotoxin-producing fungi. The aim of this study was to investigate the level of contamination caused by 11 major mycotoxins in wheat samples collected from wheat silos in Tehran and Alborz provinces using UHPLC-MS/MS device.
Materials & Methods: Samples preparation was performed based on the extraction and purification procedures using acetonitrile/water/acetic acid solvents and Myco6in1 immunoaffinity columns, respectively. Selected mycotoxins were detected simultaneously using reversed phase ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS/MS) with electrospray ionization technique in positive-ion mode in a 15-minute run in the MRM program. Spiked samples calibration curve was used to overcome the matrix effects and to determine the residual mycotoxins.
Findings: Quantification and detection limits for AFB1 and OTA mycotoxins were 2 and 0.7 ppb; for DON, FB1, and FB2 were 100 and 33.3 ppb; for ZER were 50 and 16.6 ppb: for AFB2, AFG1, AFG2, and T-2 were 5 and 1.6 ppb; and for HT-2 were 20 and 6.6 ppb, respectively. Good precision and linearity was observed for mycotoxins. The average recovery rate of mycotoxins was in the range of 72-123 %, and the relative standard deviation (RSDr), indicating the method accuracy, was between 0.6-24.2 %. The validated method for analyzing the 30 wheat samples was used to evaluate the residual mycotoxins. OTA, T-2, and HT-2 mycotoxins were found in wheat samples. Only in one sample, the level of residual OTA exceeded the allowable limit set by the Iranian National Standards Organization.
Conclusion: The present study results highlighted the need for monitoring wheat and wheat-based products and the implementation of control and preventive measures in wheat fields, storage warehouses, and flour factories.


Volume 8, Issue 5 (No. 5 (Tome 40), (Articles in Persian) 2017)

Standardization of Language has two general forms: Sometimes a language comes to be standard language and maintains its standard status without direct and conscious involvement, influenced by various linguistic, cultural, social and political factors, and sometimes this process is fulfilled with some kind of planning and previous preparation. Usually these two forms of standardization are at work simultaneously. These forms, therefore, can be seen as different modes of standardization not types of it.
In this paper, we attempt to explain various aspects of planned standardization of Persian in contemporary period, comparing the standardization of Persian in pre and post Constitution periods. The main objective is to clarify conscious aspects of the standardization of Persian language in contemporary period in light of comparative study of pre and post Constitution periods, and to provide the ground for criticizing planning for standardization of Persian language in contemporary period. The comparison of these two periods is accompanied with an overview of the historical, social and cultural background, and is based on Haugen’s theory of language standardization and language planning phases.
The standardization of Persian language in pre-Mashrute period, although sometimes has planned aspects, and some related activities accompany with linguistic, social and cultural insights, in general is considered natural standardization; therefore the process is not ruled by planned mode of standardization.
Post Constitution period is the period of planned standardization; although some planned activities were failed, and some natural processes maintain Persian language in standard status.
This paper has adopted a macro view and is based upon the theories of sociolinguistics and sociology of language.
Hosein Bayat,
Volume 8, Issue 30 (Summer 2015)

In recent years, more than twenty articles have been published in scientific Persian journals on stream of consciousness as a narrative mode. But in some of these articles, there is little knowledge about the theoretical aspects of this mode of narrative. This paper reviews 18 articles published in scientific journals on the subject and studies their errors. Some of these errors are as follows: misperception of the concept of the unconscious and its place in the internal monologue narrative, mistaking dramatic monologue for stream of consciousness, confusing internal monologue with other forms of first-person narratives, and misunderstanding the concept of soliloquy. One of the causes of these problems is that the authors do not refer to reliable sources. Another problem is the evaluation procedure of some journals that allows these articles to be published.
Hosein Bayat,
Volume 8, Issue 32 (Winter 2015)

In classical Persian literature, there are many references to the “green” sky. However, many Persian speakers today use the color blue to refer to the sky. Several researchers have discussed the status of the green color in mythological, astrological, poetic visualization, and religious beliefs of Iranians to explain this difference. Nevertheless, they have ignored the fact that this discrepancy is not limited to classical texts and still can be observed in different parts of the country and, moreover, there are similar examples in languages and cultures all around the world. This article studies the colors attributed to the sky in Persian literature drawing on linguistic relativity theory about the influence of language on color perception. I conclude that Persian speakers in the absence of a word indicating all shades of blue have associated the color of the sky with a type of green color. This, however, was not just a linguistic choice. Older generations under the influence of linguistic relativity perceived the color of the sky as a shade of green color.

Volume 9, Issue 2 (Issue 2 (Tome 39)- 2005)

The lean production is a philosophy and new view of product, which its birthplace is in Japan. This approach was prevailed in Europe and U.S.A. later on and highly welcomed there by many vehicle manufactures. In this method, it is tried to minimize the wastes and maximum productivity is obtained by all facilities, human resources and capital. The present article while introducing factors and particularities of lean production, tries to present a model which can compare the rate of compatibility of productive factories with criterions and specialties of lean production by using dimensional analysis (DA). According to researches done in this regard, the factors of lean production are divided into 9 major factors and 85 minor criterions. Then, integrity of effective factors is analyzed using statistical techniques of corelalion coefficient, multi-regression coefficient and analysis factor. One of the particularities and innovations in this article is the usage of lean production in factories for made to order. Because, most of the past researches have been a car manufacturing which has continues and based on product. The statistical society of this research is Sadid Industrial Group which has many large productive companies and is considered as one of the big productive companies in Iran. The obtained results state the importance of organization and leadership in lean production and information technology, management information system, human resources and supply chain management are considered respectively as other important factors in achieveing to lean production. Also the obtained result from factor analysis states that major factors of lean production are divided into two clusters. The first group includes information technology factors, leadership and organization, human resources, organization, purchasing and logistics, supply chain management, production process management and maintenance. And the second group includes total quality management, equipment and hardware management.

Volume 9, Issue 3 (2-2020)

IT governance is the ability to direct and organize information technology and identify the responsibilities between IT and business align with the organizational goals. This research intends to "survey the mediating role of operational coordination in the effect of strategy alignment on IT governance maturity”. The statistical population in the qualitative sector includes the IT experts and in the quantitative part is the senior managers of the IT and business departments of TCI. This study is an applied-developmental purpose and it is descriptive-survey in nature as well. The data collection tools are library resources, interviews, and a researcher-made questionnaire whose content validity has been verified by experts. The innovation of this study is to introduce the variable "Operational coordination" that leads to objectification of the "IT-Business strategy alignment” in order to realize the IT governance maturity. The research model was designed in two dimensions as a combination of Loftman's strategy alignment and business process management methodology (including 10 key components and 55 indicators). Its content validity and reliability were confirmed by experts using Cronbach's alpha coefficient (0.936). Structural validity, structure and fit of the model were investigated by using structural equation modeling with SmartPLS software and the research hypotheses were tested. The results showed that the effects of both strategy alignment and operational coordination variables on the IT governance maturity were positive and significant. The Sobel test results also confirmed the mediating role of variable operational coordination in the effect of strategy alignment on IT governance maturity.

Volume 9, Issue 3 (8-2020)

The aim of this study was to measure the level of Arsenic, Cadmium, Nickel and Mercury in gill, muscle and hepatopancrease tissue of Aras dam Astacus leptoductylus and compare of them concentration in different body tissues. For this purpose, 271 samples of Astacus leptoductylus were randomly collected in Aras dam from December 1 to December 31, 2017 and transferred to the laboratory. After that tissue samples processed for injection in atomic absorption for apparatus for measuring the level of Arsenic, Cadmium, Nickel and Mercury. For measuring the protein, ash and moisture content of the samples AOAC method was conducted. The results showed that Arsenic, Cadmium, Nickel and Mercury were present in the Astacus leptoductylus samples and the highest level of these metals was in the muscle and the lowest in the gills. The highest level of metals existing in Astacus leptoductylus muscle was related to Cadmium (0.338± 79 0.79 ppb), and also Nickel (0.285±0.066 ppb) was in the second rank. The level of Arsenic and Mercury in muscle were ranked third and fourth. However, it was found that the total moisture content of the gills was higher than muscle and hepatopancrease tissue. On the other hand, the results of correlation between metals of different tissues of Astacus leptoductylus showed that the correlation between Cadmium and Nickel was higher than Arsenic and Nickel. The level of total protein and ash in Astacus leptoductylus muscles was higher than other tissues. The present study showed that analyzed Arsenic, Cadmium, Nickel and Mercury level were in the muscle, gill, and hepatopancrease tissue samples of the Aras dam A. leptoductylus in detectable concentrations, and Nickel and Mercury in the samples were lower than the WHO standard. As a result, the levels of metals in the Astacus leptoductylus samples collected from Aras dam were safe and reliable and therefore there is no problem.
Hosein Bayat,
Volume 9, Issue 33 (Spring 2016)

A number of Persian literary studies in the recent years have connected the unconscious to the internal monologue and stream-of-consciousness narratives. Conversely, psychoanalysis has taught us that the content of the unconscious has a nonverbal, obscure, and hidden character and, in fact, because of the resistance from the human conscious psyche, this content do not have a way to become conscious and only perhaps someone like a psychiatrist or therapist can interpret it through intermediaries such as dreams or psychosis symptoms. Since such a claim is limited mainly to Persian articles and books, the present article has critically reviewed some of these studies and their theoretical resources. My conclusion is that this error is sometimes caused by lack of proficiency on theoretical issues and often is the result of untrustworthy and secondary theoretical resources. In contrast, in the more reliable scholarships on the stream of consciousness in fiction, the claim of imitating unconscious in this kind of fiction—unlike certain psychological and surrealist stories—is refuted.

Volume 10, Issue 1 (Winter 2019)

Aims: There are several cell disruption methods for intracellular protein extraction. The aim of this study was to select the best approach for recombinant teriparatide fusion protein extraction from E. coli and achieve the best purification conditions.
Materials & Methods: In this experimental research, bacterial cells were disrupted by different methods such as sonication in different cycles, grinding with liquid nitrogen in two different cell culture volumes, and homogenization at two different pressures. The supernatant and pellet samples were run on sodium dodecyl sulphate gel. All the cell lysates were cultured on LB agar medium and stained with Gram staining method. The Ni2+ affinity chromatography of recombinant teriparatide fusion protein was done under denaturing and non-denaturing conditions, using pH and imidazole concentration gradient, respectively. All samples were taken on sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel and the amount of purified protein was calculated by Micro-Bradford assay.
Findings: In the 20 and 25 cycles, a large part of the fusion protein led to protein solubilization. In the method of grinding with liquid nitrogen, proteins were more likely to enter the sediment part. The cell disruption was complete in a chemical method. The cell disruption under 50bar homogenization was more than that of 15bar. In chemical degradation and sonication, a large amount of fusion protein led to protein solubilization. In non-denaturing conditions, no recombinant fusion protein was removed from the column with the isolation buffer, but in the denaturing conditions, a large amount of proteins was purified.
Conclusion: The combined method of chemical degradation and sonication leads to approximately 97.7% of protein solubilization, and the purification in denaturing condition has also the suitable result in contrast to non-denaturing condition.

Volume 10, Issue 1 (Winter 2019)

Aims: Calcitonin is a small peptide hormone that is produced by parafollicular thyroid cells in human and regulates the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus. It is therapeutically used in treatment of calcium-related disorders and osteoporosis. Recombinant calcitonin production encounters with several difficulties due to instability and low molecular weight, and also needs further treatment in prokaryotic systems. Microalgae have recently garnered high attention for their potential in expression of recombinant proteins. The aim of present study was to assess the ability of Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii to express recombinant human calcitonin.
Materials & Methods: The optimized calcitonin coding sequence and carbonic anhydrase secretory signal was cloned in Pchlamy­_3 and Pchlamy_4 vectors. The recombinant plasmids were transformed to wild type and also a cell wall deficient strain of Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii by electroporation. Transformed strains were screened by colony PCR method and selected strains were cultivated to produce recombinant calcitonin. Culture media have been collected after cells growth and assayed by ELISA method.
Findings: Pchlamy_3 vector could not express the target sequence as desired and all the recombinant strains were resulted from Pchlamy_4 vector. The wild type strain also did not show desired yield and only cell wall deficient strain was successfully transformed. The yield of recombinant calcitonin produced by positive strain was about 1 pg/ml.
Conclusion: The results of this study show that the used strategy for secretory production of recombinant calcitonin was successful and it could be used in further studies.

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