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Volume 2, Issue 4 (12-2017)

Background: Identifying the health problems of governmental organizations staff, their health needs, and prioritizing these needs are the first step in intervention planning in order to improve their health. This study was conducted to identify health problems and health-related needs of Mellat Bank employees in Yazd, Iran.
Methods and Materials: For this cross sectional study, 179 eligible employees were selected from 34 branches of Mellat Bank in Yazd province. The data collection tool was a questionnaire containing an open question as "What problems affect your health in your workplace". The questionnaire was sent to all employees of the Mellat Bank through official automation system, to which 167 people ultimately responded. Then the problems were combined, listed, and sorted based on their frequency.
Results: In this study, from a total of 167 employees (92%) responded to the questionnaire, of which 152 (91%) cases were man and 15 (9%) cases were woman. Most of the studied subjects had a bachelor's degree of education. A total of 86 (51.4%) subjects suffered from musculoskeletal problems, among which low back pain (n = 61, 71%), neck pain (n = 39, 45%), and knee pain (n = 26, 30%) were the most frequent. In addition, about 47 (28.1%) and 32 (19.1%) cases suffered from stress and psychological disorders, respectively.
Conclusion: According to the results of this study, the most important identified health problem was musculoskeletal pains. Therefore, in addition to further research to be carried out in order to confirm these results, it is suggested that the causes of these problems be investigated in analytical research in order to be able to design and implement appropriate interventions to address these problems.
Majid Bahrevar,
Volume 6, Issue 21 (Spring 2013)

The never-ending magical discourse of Hāfiz of Shiraz has become an artistic puzzle and through the analysis of his words, many have provided with recurring themes. Particularly, the ghazals of Hooshang Ebtehāj (H. A. Sāyeh) bear the rich textual and extra-textual resemblances to the ghazals of Hāfiz and declare a historical and inmost dialogue with the Hāfizian art and thought. In this paper, I aim to present dialogism to put Mikhail Bakhtin's literary-social theory of the text in practical use by application of a Persian poetical tradition, "Javāb-Gooyee" and Sāyeh's approaching to Hāfiz. By this we can also criticize some remarks on the decadence and imitational style of his poetry. In general, the Sāyeh’s dialogical Hāfiz-oriented ghazals will be studied intertextually and discursively on the basis of some views of structuralists as Roland Barthes and Julia Kristeva. I should conclude briefly that Sāyeh's dialogism haunts between the text and the community. On one hand, his intertextual references are often restricted to the syntagmatic axis, especially to reproduction of lingual codes, rhetorical devices, and prosody of Hāfiz and on the other hand, his historical discourse, especially on three characteristics namely society, human, and love take a polemical stand against discourse of Hāfiz.

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