Showing 14 results for Bahadori
Volume 4, Issue 4 (Fall 2018)
Aims: Toxoplasma parasites that extracted from different rodents are the same in immunologic and morphological characteristics but different in pathogenic characteristics. We found that the serum levels of ProBNP and Procalcitonin markers are high among these rodents. The aim of this study was the assessment of the serum levels of ProBNP and Procalcitonin markers among the rodents with myocardial .
Materials & Methods: In this study, we collected 286 rodents and extracted 250g of their heart tissues and blood samples to obtain DNA of T. . We detected the positive samples, using the nested PCR method. Then, we examined serum levels of Pro BNP and Procalcitonin markers, using Electro Chemo Luminescence method (ECL) for assessment of myocardial in this host. Data analysis was also conducted by the statistical analysis method. This study was performed from January to March 2017, based on the prevalence study.
Findings: In this study, 68/286 samples of rodents were positive for GRA6 gene and these positive samples had high levels of Pro BNP and Procalcitonin markers that indicated myocardial and acute inflammation among these animals.
Conclusion: In this study, we found that the GRA6 gene was very useful to follow up in the rodents of the Golestan province, northeast of Iran. Also, ProBNP and Procalcitonin markers were at high levels in myocardial .
Volume 6, Issue 1 (Winter 2020)
Aims: Brucellosis is one of the most common diseases between humans and animals (zoonosis); one of its transmission routs is through the consumption of infected cattle dairy products. Since Sarab city has a large cattle population, and traditional dairy production and processing practices are still prevalent in this region and are known as tourist attractions and souvenirs of the region, this study aimed to investigate the prevalence of infection in employees of traditional dairy products workshops in Sarab in 2018.
Materials & Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on 196 employees of traditional dairy production and packaging workshops. Blood samples were obtained from all subjects in order to determine the serological status of the patients. After sera isolation, Rose Bengal, seroagglutination in tube (Wright), 2-mercaptoethanol (2ME), and ELISA tests were used to evaluate them.
Findings: In this study, the disease prevalence in the subjects with the mean age of 33±4.2 years was determined as 2, 1, 1, and 1% using Rose Bengal, Wright, 2-mercaptoethanol, and ELISA tests, respectively. The mean knowledge score of the employees in dairy products workshops was 31±5.7, and by increasing age and duration of work, knowledge about brucellosis was also increased
Conclusion: In this study, the mean knowledge score showed the average knowledge of the subjects about brucellosis. The disease prevalence in this occupational group was lower than that reported in other studies conducted on other at-risk occupational groups in other parts of Iran and the world. Therefore, health personnel should take the necessary measures against brucellosis.
Volume 7, Issue 3 (12-2017)
Man is considered as a successor to God Almighty on the earth in Islamic teachings. Therefore, man as the Divine Caliph should seek to manifest those qualities that lead to an environment conducive to human life and the development of the earth. When encountering phenomena and his own actions, he must observe some principles, the most important of which such as the observance of justice can be inferred from the nature (as the divine creation). To understand the fundamental of a school of thought that fosters the protection of the nature and natural elements as a strong culture and belief in a given society, one needs to take into account the origins of such a school. When encountering the nature and natural components, the Iranian culture uses the Holy Quran as one of the most important sources whose teaching and doctrines form and direct the Iranian culture.
Addressing the components of natural identity affecting architecture and as emphasized in Quranic verses and traditions, this paper explores natural elements as the main variables of “life” and their role in the Islamic-Iranian residential architecture especially “yards”. In current study, residential architecture of Shiraz is like link in the chain that links two introspective and extrovert architecture in central points and other points of Iran.
In total, Shiraz residential architecture and its houses has been dedicated this city. In general, it can be said that one of the richest examples of residential culture of Iranian architecture is in Shiraz traditional houses.
The historical houses constructed in Zand, Qajar and Pahlavi eras were used as the sample under study. In addition, some solutions were provided for the current period so that thinkers can be able to take into account the pure Islamic life. Selective houses include Mohtasham house, Kazamzadeh house and Akbari house from Zand era, Forough-al-molk house, Manteghi-nejhad house and Atrvash house from Qajar era. Also, Shapouri house, Mohandesi house and Rashali house from Pahlavi era have been studies as other samples.
The main questions:
Are there any climate elements in Shiraz residential architecture of zand, Qajar and Pahlani eras?
How climate elements have been effective on identity of architectural form in each period?
So, in this article climatic components and elements effective in Iranian traditional architecture have been studied. These components include wind, sunlight, humidity and plants and some climatic components such as balcony, central courtyard, windows area, height difference between building and courtyard. These parameters have been analyzed in samples case studies.
Research study:
A qualitative research method was used and the data were collected through library sources and documents.
In field studies structure of Shiraz residential architecture has been attention in Zand, Qajar and Pahlavi periods. In sample case studies natural components of identity in architecture have been analyzed as the main parameters.
The results suggest that there is a relationship between verses of the Quran and hadiths and paying attention to “life” and “the issue of residence in the Islamic-Iranian architecture” as manifested in the elements of natural identity in each climate.
Volume 7, Issue 4 (Fall 2018)
The present study was conducted to assess the influence of dietary manganese sulfate nanoparticles on the growth performance, hematology, and blood biochemistry of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). 240 rainbow trout with an average initial weight of 0.8±0.1gr distributed into four treatments with three replicates and were fed with four diets including a control diet (without manganese), Mn-M (containing 10mg/kg manganese sulfate), Mn-N10 (containing 10mg/kg nano manganese), Mn-N15 (containing 15mg/kg nano manganese) for 6 weeks. The fish were hand-fed to satiation four times daily. At the end of the experiment, the average final weight of fish fed diets containing nano Manganese were significantly higher compared to control treatment (p<0.05), however, there was no significant difference compared to the group fed with manganese sulfate (p>0.05). Condition factor (CF) in juveniles fed diets containing Mn sulfate nanoparticles did not show a significant difference compared to those fed with manganese sulfate (Mn-M; p>0.05). The levels of hemoglobin (Hb) in fish fed Mn-N10 diet was significantly higher than fish fed with the control diet. Fish fed diets Mn-N10 and Mn-N15 showed higher plasma albumin compared to the control and Mn-M diets. In general, the results of this study showed that dietary supplementation of manganese sulfate nanoparticles compared to manganese sulfate had no significant impact on growth performance, hematological and biochemical composition of rainbow trout.
Roghaye Bahadori,
Volume 12, Issue 47 (Fall 2019)
This paper is a comparative study of a modern Persian poet, Forugh Farrokhzād (1935-1967), and a Russian film-maker, Andrei Tarkovsky (1932- 1989). The works of two artists, from two different cultures, across time and space, have been chosen to demonstrate their morbid fear of death and their search for immortality. Following the postulates of comparative cultural studies, as developed by Steven Totosy de Zepetnek, the objective of this search is to find interrelations between two different production of art, namely poetry and film, as communicative acts. To quote Totosy in "the New Humanities," this study "is performed in a contextual and relational construction and with a plurality of methods and approaches…" (60).
Benefiting from the main tenets of comparative literature, cultural studies and psychoanalysis, this research show how the concept thanatophobia and the quest for immortality are treated in the artistic works of Forugh Farrokhzād and Andrei Tarkovsky. In Forugh's poetry, the focus would be on her last two collections of poems, Tavalodi Digar [Another Birth] and Imanan Biāvarim be Āghāz Fasle Sard [Let Us Believe in the Beginning of the Cold Season], in which she illustrates the temporality of life and the urge to be remembered. In Nostalghia, Tarkovsky creates characters like Andrei Gorchakov, the Russian researcher, and Domenicos, the Italian who wants to save the world by sacrificing. Andrei lives his death and joins eternity. This intercultural and interdisciplinary study shows how one can owercom the fear of death by substituting the moral time for the actual time.
Volume 13, Issue 57 (0-0)
Doogh is a traditional Iranian fermented milk drink, which is produced by lactic fermentation of pasteurized milk. In order to isolate and identify the microorganisms present in Iran industrial Doogh samples, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was applied. Doogh samples were 17 name brands. After conducting the preliminary identification by microscopic observations and biochemical tests, in order to verify the obtained results the samples were pure-cultured which was followed by PCR and sequencing. According to the results obtained through sequencing of 16S rRNA, the identified bacteria belonged to lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus brevis, L. fermentum, L. paracaseiand L. gallinarum); gram-posetive spore-forming bacteria (Bacilluslicheniformis, B. anthracis and B. subtilis) and acetic acid bacteria (Acetobacter tropicalis and A. indonesiensis). Moreover, based on the results obtained by sequencing of D1/D2 26S rDNA the identified yeasts were including Pichia fermentans, Saccaromyces unisporous and Cryptococcus magnus. The obtaining of present study illustrated that in addition to identified non-starter lactic acid bacteria, other types of bacteria and yeasts were found in Iran industrial Doogh samples.
Volume 14, Issue 14 (Second Special Issue 2015)
The measurement of hydrodynamic loads on submerged bodies is one of the principal uses of water tunnels. Due to the limitations of the water tunnel, an accurate force balance is necessary. This paper describes the design, fabrication and calibration of a new six-component force moment balance system for measuring the forces and moments acting on the model, in static and dynamic water tunnel testing. A balanced team performed many areas for designing balance system such as structural design, balance technology, design of calibration mechanism, balance calibration etc. A six-component balance, ability to measure the three elements of force and three components of moment simultaneously and instantly on cavitating and non- cavitating models in a water tunnel. The concept used in the balance design is the bending beam and the strain gage principle. The electrical signals are proportional to the forces applied to the model. By considering the relationship between the applied force and the balance’s output signal and by using the calibration models, the forces and moments exerted on the model in the water tunnel can measure directly. For calibrate multi component balance, a new six-degree of freedom calibration rig designed and constructed. The system is designed based on applicability of formal experimental design techniques, using gravity for balance loading and balance position and alignment relative to gravity. The six-component balance was calibrated by this rig. The standard error between the measured values and the values obtained from calibration model is less than 0.1 percent of maximum loading was achieved.
Volume 15, Issue 2 (Summer 2011)
After the change in the basis of government's legitimacy from divine right of monarchs to people's or nation's right to sovereignty in European's Political Philosophy, “Separation of Powers” has been raised as the basic principle of government by scholars and philosophers of politics. Later it leads to the birth of the term “Executive Power” in the legal-political literature.
This term has encountered several changes in practical arena and has undergone many implications in different circumstances and eras.
In this article, besides reviewing the nature of “Executive Power” from the attitude of the originators of the “Separation of Powers” theory, its bases and main tasks are analyzed, and by employing these study's results, the current approaches, i.e. classical/traditional and modern approaches are evaluated toward interpretation of the concept of “Executive Power”.
Finally, highlighting the modern approach, which believes in extensive interpretation of this concept according to its possible purposes and main tasks, we emphasized that it is essential for parliament to appropriately supervise on the executive power to prevent it from derogation, not limiting it, which may decrease its efficiency.
Roghaye Bahadori, Fatemeh Sadeghi Naghdali Olya,
Volume 17, Issue 65 (4-2024)
Due to the temporal gap between the author's childhood and that of the child reader, children's literature defies age limits and thus exemplifies crossover literature. Post-structural criticism and deconstruction are amongst critical approaches that can spotlight such contradictory gaps in a text. Mohammad-Reza Shams is a distinguished and influential icon in contemporary Iranian children's literature. In this research, a selection of his works has been examined by using Derrida's deconstructive approach. This research has applied a descriptive and interpretive method with purposeful sampling. Deconstructive features such as binary oppositions, indecidability, aporia, intertextuality, deauthorization, and iterability have been traced in Shams' works. Intertextuality seems to be the dominant deconstructive feature in his fictional world. The findings of this research indicate that Shams' works expose readers to multiple meaning and confront them with the unending chain of signifiers. Intertextual fluidity and multiple layers of meaning in Shams' fiction reveal that the implied reader of his works far from being a passive consumer of the text, is actively involved in the process of meaning construction.
Extended Abstract
What makes "children literature" different from "adult literature" is the role and position of the audience in children's literature. The creators of literature that is characterized by the childishness of the audience are adults who maintain their authoritative relationship in the work unintentionally. This point will inevitably lead to two-sidedness of children's literature. One of the methods that can provide a proper analysis of children's literature texts and respond to the dual confrontations of children's literature and at the same time show its depth is Derrida's deconstruction.
Using the method of deconstruction in the analysis of literary texts does not mean the destruction of meaning, but the concept of describing the instability and pluralism on which the foundations of the texts are formed. In this research, we intended to examine the selected works of Mohammad Reza Shams, with a poststructuralist reading and Derrida's deconstruction approach. He is one of the prominent authors in the field of children's and adolescent literature. Mohammad-Reza Shams has tried to write differently in his creative works by avoiding stereotypes.
Data and Method
In this research, we examine Derrida's poststructuralist and deconstructionist concepts, including binary oppositions, indecidability, aporia, intertextuality, deauthorization, and iterability and recognize these features and concepts in the selected works of Mohammadreza Shams' works. Mohammadreza Shams has implemented some of Derrida's theories in his creative works.
For this purpose, after the explanation of post-structuralism and Derrida's deconstruction, we have studied the poststructuralist reading of four works written by Mohammad Reza Shams for the teenage age group, from the two perspectives of indication and narrative, in order to show how they deconstruct themselves. These works, which are well attuned to the criticism of Derrida's deconstruction, include: Divāneh and Chāh; Sobhāne-ye Khiāl; Man, Man-e Kale Gonde; Man Zan-Bābā o Damāq-e Bābā.
Results and Discussion
The post-structuralist reading of texts can be done from the two perspectives of indication and narration. In the deconstruction of signification, the endless reference of signifier brings about the plurality of meaning and the birth of meaning; therefore, it includes the components of binary oppositions, indecidability, aporia, all of which indicate the absence of ultimate meaning. The deconstruction of binary oppositions questions the concepts derived from metaphysical thinking and creates a new interpretation. In the studied works of Shams, the author has tried to present a different and new interpretation by collapsing the opposites of sane/insane, man/his shadow, death/life, text/margin and man/woman.
indecidability opens the way for any decision and gives it the possibility to be different. In the works of Shams, there are many characters who are stuck in their affairs and do not have the ability to make decisions, and this inability sometimes involves the narrator as well. Aporia are the blind spots that prevent definitive meaning, and the text remains uninterpretable, like secrets that remain unsealed and questions that are never answered. In the works of Shams, there are many behaviors that have no reason and relationships whose nature is ambiguous. There are many questions that remain unanswered.
In the deconstruction of the narrative, the narrative is just one of the infinity of narratives that are being built and destroyed one after another. Shams usually does not use linear narration and cause and effect logic in his works, and the circular structure is usual in his works. In his works, we are usually faced with several narratives, and sometimes a part of the narrative can be removed without adversely affected the entire narrative; the seeming insignificance of the story itself and the importance of its plot and how to narrate it by choosing a non-linear, complex and irregular method are some of the features that perceived in some of Shams' narratives. The components that are investigated in this context are intertextuality, de-authorization and iterability.
In general, intertextuality means that no speech or writing creates meaning by itself, but its meaning is created by referring to other speeches and writings. The intertextuality in Shams' works are generally references to proverbs, folk tales, stories of prophets, characters from the Shāhnāmeh and other literary works, sometimes they refer to other works of the author himself.
In de-authorization, attention is directed from the author to the text. Therefore, it is no longer possible to claim that the text has a center or a point that can be considered the origin; the text is a combination of pre-existing fragments of text. The existence of this point of view in post-structuralism degrades the position of the author. Sometimes, by leaving the work of art incomplete or expressing the inability to create, the artist himself attested the invalidity of the author's role; In this situation, the text ends in a way that gives the reader the opportunity of different readings, or in the text, different endings are put in front of the reader to choose from. We see both modes in the works of Shams. In all these stories, we are facing an open ending. Sometimes this open ending is clearly stated in the text.
Iterability is the repetitions that are both similar to the repeated sign and different from it and make the reader continue reading; each repetition produces a difference. It can be said that Shams intends to establish a link between the scattered pieces of the narrative by bringing the repeated scenes, dialogues or events in his long stories. In addition to recurring factors in a story, some scenes or themes are repeated in several works of Shams, which is a sign of infinity. The existence of this feature keeps the narratives from being straightforward and definiteness.
The temporal gap between the author and the audience leads to two-sidedness of children's literature and adds to its complexity; however, this duality itself can cause binary oppositions and multiple meanings. One of the approaches of literary criticism that can show this duality is post-structuralism and Derrida's deconstructive approach. In this way of reading, new meanings and interpretations of the text show themselves and it leads to pluralization and generation of meaning. Mohammad-Reza Shams, one of the prominent writers in the field of children and adolescence literature, has tried to write differently in his authored and creative works by avoiding stereotypes.
In addition to the fact that the presence of components of deconstruction in the works causes multiplicity, discontinuity, and birth of meaning, the structure of the stories is also generally in a form that allows the reader the possibility of different readings. Sometimes the author gives several endings for the stories and gives the reader the right to choose. In the most cases, by leaving the narrative unfinished, he gives the reader the chance to determine the end of the narrative at his own will.
The plurality of meanings in Shams' works provides the possibility of several different interpretations for the reader. In fact, the works of Mohammad-Reza Shams directs the reader towards the plurality of meanings and the continuous generation of meanings by taking advantage of these indicative and narrative features. The intertextual fluidity and multiple layers of meaning in these works indicate that the hidden audience of the text is not a static consumer, but plays an effective and dynamic role in constructing the meaning of the text.
Volume 19, Issue 5 (12-2019)
Today, the use of waste tires mixed with soil has been expanded in various geotechnical projects to absorb and reduce the vibration caused by seismic and dynamic loads. Therefore, the objective of this work was to evaluate the dynamic properties of such mixtures prior to practical applications. Given that the different kinds of exterior cyclic loading affect the natural soil, such as earthquakes, high buildings, high speed rails, wave loads, oil tanks, reservoirs and so on, and they demonstrate different wave patterns. So far independent research on the effect of loading frequency on the dynamic properties of the sand-tire mixture has not been carried out. Therefore, in this paper, 1-g shaking table tests were employed to investigate the effect of loading waveform on dynamic properties of sand-tire mixture. A hydraulic shaking table with a single degree of freedom, designed and constructed at the Crisis Management Center of Urmia University, was used to conduct the experiments. Firoozkuh No. 161 sand was used in all the experiments and tire powders were used as a soil reinforcement material. Tire powders are made from discarded tires that have been broken into pieces and sieved by an industrial tire-shredder system. Also, accelerometers were used to measure the acceleration of the input to the sample as well as to record the acceleration caused by the input excitation at different depths of the soil sample. The displacement transducers (LVDT sensors) were also used to measure linear displacement. To record information, all sensors were plugged into a 16-channel dynamic data logger ART-DL16D. Samples were constructed in both unreinforced (pure sand) and reinforced form and with a relative density of zero. In reinforced samples, tire powders were added to the sand with 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% in gravimetric basis. To prepare the sample, a wet tamping method was utilized in both the unreinforced (pure sand) and the reinforced (sand mixed with tire powders) specimens. In this method, first, the sand was mixed with 5% water. Samples were subjected to rectangle, sinusoidal and triangle waveform at constant frequency of 2 Hz and input acceleration of 0.1g and 0.3g. The results showed that in all cases, soil samples exhibit the highest shear modulus and damping ratio under rectangle loading. Therefore, the values of G and D for the rectangular waveforms are greater than those of the sinusoidal and triangle waveforms. The shear modulus and damping ratio for the sinusoidal waveforms are marginally greater than those of triangle waveforms. The effect of loading waveform on the damping ratio of the soil at low levels of strain is negligible, but it increases with increasing strain levels. The shear modulus reduced by increasing the tire powder and the highest reduction is observed in the mixture with 10% to 15% of tire powder. By increasing the tire powder, the damping ratio values of samples increased so that the mixture with 20% of the tire powder has the highest damping ratio. In all cases, the shear strain increased by increasing the amplitude of the input acceleration, and as a result, the shear modulus decreased and the damping ratio increased. In addition, with increasing acceleration, the difference between the values of the shear modulus and the damping ratio increases between different loading waveforms.
Volume 19, Issue 129 (November 2022)
Corn starch derivatives, including glucose syrups, are nowadays widely used in food industry. Glucose syrup is used in food industry, not only due to its sweetening power and nutritional value, but also for its functional properties (moisture stabilization, softening ability, improving texture and preventing sucrose crystallization). Floury (soft) corn is usually used to produce glucose syrup, but the most imported corn in Iran is flint or hard corn which is all the year round available and consequently, using both corn flour types would be inevitable. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of using flint (hard) and floury (soft) corn flour to produce glucose syrup. Four treatments including hard flour + soft flour in four ratios of 30% + 70%, 50% + 50%, 70% + 30% and 100% soft flour as control were prepared and the physicochemical and organoleptic properties of the produced syrups were evaluated. According to the obtained results, using flint corn flour affected physicochemical and organoleptic properties of the samples. Increasing the ratio of flint corn flour had significantly decreased DE (Dextrose Equivalent), soluble solids and pH of glucose syrups. Also induced the increasing of color parameters and sulfated ash values of the produced syrups. However, cost estimates indicated a reduction in the cost of raw materials and consequently general reduction in production costs by replacing hard corn flour. It can be concluded from the results that hard flour can be used on all surfaces, but the best treatment was 50% replacement level or a bit more, in the production which had a good effect on the properties of glucose syrup and showed more similarity with the control sample. All of these, along with being cost effective, appeared this treatment to have the potential of supposing as a sugar substitute in food industry.
Volume 20, Issue 4 (11-2020)
Impact of Enhancement with Calcium Chloride Solution on the Electrolysis and Electro-Osmosis Mechanisms of Clayey Solis in Electrokinetics Process
Electrokinetics is known as a common method for improvement of soil engineering properties and contaminant removal from soils. In carbonated soils due to the soil buffering capacity, the acid front does not form through the soil sample. Therefore, the soil improvement usually caused by hydrogen ion effect will not occur. Consequently, a reduction in electrokinetics efficiency happens. One of the methods to overcome this problem is the application of enhancement methods. In this paper the influence of enhancement by the use of calcium chloride solution on two mechanisms of electrolysis and electro osmosis in electrokinetics remediation of carbonated clay is experimentally investigated. For this purpose, an un enhancement and enhance electrokinetics process with 0.2, and 0.5 molar concentrations of calcium chloride has been applied on carbonated natural clay samples. The calcium chloride solutions were added to anode reservoir. The achieved results of this paper indicate that due to the noticeable percentages of carbonate calcium in soil sample, not only the pH of soil in electrokinetics process has not decrease, but also because of alkaline condition of soil sample due to the presence of calcium carbonate and calcium chloride solution, the pH of soil has increased. Furthermore, in enhancement electrokinetics with calcium chloride, the presence of calcium ions and an increase in electro migration process have caused an increase in efficiency of electro osmosis. For this reason, the volumetric flow rate of enhanced electrokinetics experiments with 0.5 molar calcium chloride has been almost 250% more than that of for un-enhanced experiments.
Keywords: Electro osmosis, Electrolysis, Electrokinetics, Enhancement, Carbonated Clay.
Volume 21, Issue 5 (11-2021)
The structure must be able to maintain its stability and resistance in the event of a fire to protect human life. From time immemorial, concrete has been known to have fire-retardant properties. Thatchr('39')s why the biggest concern with concrete structures at the time of the fire was the reinforcement and their non-flow. But with the development of concrete technology, the focus has also shifted to improving the mechanical properties of concrete to increase its fire resistance. The use of pozzolans and additives in concrete to achieve high-strength and durable concrete has been in the concrete industry for several years. In this study, the role of seashell and lumashell powder and their effects on the mechanical properties of concrete and achieving the optimal percentage of using shellfish powder to achieve high fire resistance and durability have been studied. For this purpose, laboratory tests involving slump evaluation, water absorption percent, and compressive strength under high temperature were conducted on samples in which the replacement ratios of Portland cement with the same weight of shell powder were 2.5, 5, 10, 15 and 20% weight percent. Experimental results showed that seashell and lumashell powder increase the hydration rate and consequently caused an increase in the heat of hydration which resulted in a faster loss of water in the concrete. Furthermore, Seashell and Lumashell powder absorbed more water than cement due to their finer particles. All these ultimately resulted in a reduction in concrete slump such that regardless to the shell powder type, adding 2.5, 5 and 15% of shell powder, in average led to 13.5, 27.5 and 52% reduction in concrete slump respectively and it became approximately constant when the used shell powder was in excess of 15%. In addition, results showed that the presence of seashell and lumashell powder decrease water absorption in samples and made them more impenetrable. It happened because by filling the void in the cement paste with fine powder particles, the permeable cavities have been reduced and the connection paths of the cavities have been somewhat blocked. Replacement of cement with 2.5%, 5% and 10% of Seashell and Lumashell powder led to (27%, 44%, 73%) and (7%, 59%, 73%) reduction in concrete water absorption values respectively and it became approximately constant when the used shell powder was in excess of 10%. The results of this study also showed that the replacement of cement with Seashell and Lumashell powder slightly increases the thermal resistance of concrete and the amount of replacement of 5% by weight of cement with shell powder is reported as the optimal percentage. Adding more than 5% shell powder as a substitute for cement, regardless of its type, is harmful and significantly reduces the thermal resistance of concrete. Also, the results of laboratory tests showed that when concrete is exposed to high temperatures, properties such as load-bearing capacity and durability are reduced, leading to cracking, loss of compressive strength and concrete divot. Finally, it can be concluded that the optimal percentage of using seashell and lumashell powder instead of Portland cement can lead to a suitable concrete in terms of respect for the environment.
Volume 28, Issue 2 (6-2024)
Numerous urban centers within the nation are contending with the predicament of compromised urban fabric. Tackling this challenge necessitates the development of an innovative model capable of leveraging the comprehensive potential of society through interdisciplinary collaboration. Consequently, this investigation emphasizes the significance of effective urban governance in the revitalization of degraded urban fabric. This scholarly inquiry evaluates the influence of sound governance on the rejuvenation of dilapidated and ineffective urban fabric within the Nematabad locality. The research design integrates both quantitative and qualitative methodologies (mixed-methods) and is fundamentally applied in nature. Initially, the MAXQDA software was employed to discern indicators (qualitative analysis). A comprehensive total of 13 dimensions and 40 indicators were delineated to evaluate the ramifications of effective governance on the restoration of compromised urban fabric. The collected data was subsequently scrutinized within the SPSS environment utilizing single-sample T-tests and Kendall's coefficient. The results of the T-test indicated that the mean for all indicators of effective urban governance, with the exception of the place attachment indicator (3.030), was below the average threshold. This outcome implies that the Nematabad locality does not exhibit a favorable condition relative to effective urban governance metrics. Furthermore, the findings from the Kendall test disclosed a significant association between the indicators of effective urban governance and the rejuvenation of deteriorated fabric in Nematabad. The most pronounced positive and direct effects were noted in the environmental-ecological indicators (0.270), cultural-social indicators (0.227), and physical-spatial indicators (0.186), whereas the economic indicators exhibited no significant impact, evidenced by a Kendall coefficient of -0.047. In light of these findings, it is advisable that governmental initiatives be directed accordingly.