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Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)

Classroom interaction improves the learning process by enhancing opportunities for learning since both instructors and learners are involved in various speech acts. Speech act refers to a functional unit in the form of an act assisting individuals to perceive or promote things with words in interaction. Thus, the current study investigated classroom interaction in terms of types and functions of speech acts performed by Iranian English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers and learners. The data for the study came from audio-recording of twelve 90-minute sessions taught by six experienced Iranian teachers. To analyze the conversational data, Finocchiaro and Brumfit’s (1983) model was used to examine various types of speech acts and Walsh’s (2006) SETT was employed as a framework to explore the functions of speech acts. Following the data analysis, it was unfolded that directives were the most frequent speech acts, including suggestions, requests, warning, and giving instruction, accompanied by interpersonal and personal ones. As to the functions of speech acts, the most frequent mode was the materials mode (42%), followed by skills and systems mode (34%), classroom context mode (16%), and managerial mode (8%). The overall findings indicate the central role of the teacher in teacher-fronted classes in Iran as the most speech acts, i.e. about 79%, were performed by teachers in the form of requestive, suggestive, and advisory to control and promote the learning process. By carrying out the current study, it is hoped that readers gain more insight regarding the pragmatics territory, most notably speech acts.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of cognitive functions on verbal fluency. For this purpose, some cognitive functions and verbal fluency in adult patients with right hemisphere damage were evaluated. The methodological nature of this study is descriptive-analytical. The statistical population of the study consists of 18 adult patients with right hemisphere damage and 18 healthy adults. Selective attention test, memory test, clock drawing test (visual neglect) and verbal fluency test were used to evaluate cognitive functions and linguistic skill of the subjects. Research data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings showed that there is a significant difference between performance of adult patients with right hemisphere damage and healthy adults in the cognitive tests (P< 0.05). Likewise, in the verbal fluency test, there is a significant difference between performance of adult patients with right hemisphere damage and healthy adults (P< 0.05). In addition, the research findings showed that there is a correlation between cognitive functions and verbal fluency. Also, the results showed that damage to the right hemisphere of brain can lead to disorders in cognitive functions of patients with right hemisphere damage. Furthermore, it seems that impairment in cognitive functions can cause problems in language skills.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (in press 2024)

Reactive Powder Concrete (RPC) is recognized as one of the most innovative types of concrete, notable for its exceptional strength and durability. This type of concrete is composed of essential components such as cement, silica fume, quartz powder, silica sand, superplasticizer, and water. Due to its superior mechanical properties, RPC is widely utilized in specialized projects and structures that require outstanding strength and durability. However, the high cost of its components, particularly quartz powder, significantly increases the overall production cost, limiting its widespread application in larger, cost-sensitive projects. Quartz powder is scarce in the Azerbaijan region of Iran and is often sourced from mines in Hamedan and Isfahan. By replacing it with more locally available, affordable materials, final production costs can be reduced. To address this issue and optimize the use of available resources, the possibility of substituting quartz powder with local, cheaper, and more accessible materials has been explored. Micronized quartz powder is crystalline, though some of its finer particles have a minor pozzolanic effect. In contrast, diatomite powder, which contains both amorphous and crystalline particles with a high percentage of amorphous silica, exhibits significantly greater pozzolanic activity. These enhanced reactions contribute to the formation of a denser and stronger concrete matrix, improving its mechanical properties. The purpose of this study was to investigate the feasibility of replacing quartz powder with diatomite powder in different proportions—specifically 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%. The goal was to evaluate how this substitution affects the concrete's strength while also reducing overall production costs. In this research, concrete samples were tested at various curing ages, including 7, 14, and 28 days. Mechanical tests such as compressive strength and tensile strength were conducted to assess the effects of the substitution on the concrete's performance. Additionally, parameters such as standard water absorption, water absorption during curing, density, and consistency were measured. To simulate real-world construction conditions and avoid the use of specialized equipment, the samples were cured in a water tank at 25°C. This curing method not only eliminated the need for expensive equipment like autoclaves but also made the concrete more applicable to typical site conditions, further lowering production costs. The test results were promising. The strength of the modified concrete mixtures improved significantly when diatomite powder replaced quartz powder. In samples where 100% of the quartz powder was substituted with diatomite, the compressive strength increased from 543 MPa to 806 MPa (approximately 49%), and the tensile strength increased from 543 MPa to 806 MPa (approximately 18%) at 28 days. In addition to the improvements in mechanical properties, the use of diatomite powder offers significant economic advantages. Diatomite is abundantly available in various regions, and its accessibility reduces both production and transportation costs. As a result, the overall production cost of the concrete is significantly lowered, which is especially beneficial for large-scale construction projects where cost efficiency is critical. In conclusion, replacing quartz powder with diatomite powder is a practical solution that brings both technical and economic benefits. The enhanced strength of the concrete, coupled with reduced production costs and the efficient utilization of local resources, makes this approach a practical and effective method for producing high-performance concrete.

Volume 1, Issue 1 (3-2012)

This study was conducted to evaluate the age-specific functional response of Psyllaephagus zdeneki Noyes & Fallahzadeh (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) at different nymph densities of olive psyllid, Euphyllura pakistanica Loginova (Hemiptera: Psyllidae). Due to parasitoid behaviour of feeding and parasitizing the host, both traits were separately explored on a daily functional response. Results of logistic regression revealed a type II functional response of the wasp independent of their ages. The handling time (Th) and searching efficiency (a) were estimated using the Rogers equation. The highest searching efficiency for both parasitism and feeding was observed in the first five days of the adult age. The handling time for parasitism and host feeding increased with the age of female wasp. The highest searching efficiency and shortest handling time for host attacked (Parasitism and feeding) were gained in day 5 and day 2 and maximum parasitism and host feeding in days 2 and 3 of adult female age, respectively. We conclude that P. zdeneki demonstrated a reasonable performance as a potential biocontrol agent by feeding and parasitism of E. pakistanica which gained its maximum efficiency within 2 to 5 days of its life.


Volume 1, Issue 1 (Spring & Summer 2014)

The Nahj al-Balagha (Arabic: نهج البلاغة‎ Nahj ul-Balāghah) (“Way of Eloquence") is the most famous collection of sermons, letters and narrations of Imam Ali. This book is Known for its eloquent content and considered a masterpiece of literature in Arabic language and literature. This valuable book many times has been translated into Persian by capable translators and scholars. One of the most famous Persian translations of Nahj al-Balagha was done by Sayyed Jafar Shahidi, distinguished scholar of the Persian language and literature and a renowned historian of Islam. Nahj al-Balagha employs many stylistic, linguistic and rhetorical features, and this use of linguistic and rhetorical features such as simile, metaphor, irony, challenges the translators of Nahj al-Balagha. Meanwhile Shahidi’s translation of Nahj al-Balagha has been a faithful translation in a way that he has tried to convey it faithfully on the one hand, and to find the exact Persian equivalents on the other hand. Using the descriptive and attributive method, this article analyzes the diction, figures of speech, and literary graces of the 114 elementary sermon of Shahidi’s translation. Shahidi has carefully translated figures of speech of Nahj al-Balagha into Persian, to some extent that, the eloquence of this translation draws everybody’s attention.  Shahidi has benefited from the Baligh simile and Makniyah Metaphor frequently. He has also used different types of figures of speech and rhetorical features such as rhyme, symmetry, contrast… which makes this translation more valuable and precious. And finally the authors have come to this conclusion that the rhyme is the most striking feature in this translation.  

Volume 1, Issue 2 (10-2013)

Literary works are good sites for cultural energies; to live, negotiate, and challenge the dominant discourse and each other, sometimes this presence is reproduced and sometimes, if is challenged. P. Machery’s “The Unconscious of the Text” and A. Sinfield’s theory of Faultliness show that how literary works trouble the dominant discourse.Some women – in Shakespeare’s tragedies- revolt against the dominant discourse of Elizabethan patriarchal ideology; they question its basic assumptions and its very ideology. On the other hand, S. “Greenblatt in Circulation of Social Energies” states that the dominant social energies or discourses are continually reproduced in the literary works. In Safarbeygi’s poetry – although the socio-political ground-works have been changed in the favour of women rights – the patriarchal ideology is reproduced in a circular movement; men have constructed that ideology centyries ago, then it came into their collective unconsciousness, and finally, via the help of literary works, it entered the society again  

Volume 1, Issue 2 (winter 2018)

Nowadays, investigating and researching on energetic polymers in order to increase mechanical, thermodynamic, and detonational properties of them have been highly regarded. One of these energetic polymers is GAP. In this paper, molecular dynamics simulation has been used to compare the properties of GAP and GTP energetic polymers. GTP, in principle is the modified form of GAP, in which functional group of triazolium methyl nitrate has been added instead of azide. The mechanical properties of GAP is a challenging topic in the field of energetic materials. Due to the attributes of the 3 azoliom methyl nitrate ring, the mechanical and thermodynamic properties of GTP are expected to be higher than GAP. The results obtained by molecular dynamics simulation showed that GTP is a stable material and its mechanical properties such as Young, and shear modulus compared to GTP have been decreased 27% and 32% respectively, and bulk modulus, Poisson coefficient, and K/G ratio compared to GTPhave been increased 17%, 42%, and 71% respectively. It was also found that the detonation speed, detonation pressure, and oxygen balance of energetic polymer compared to GAP, have been increased 5%, 14%, and 21% respectively. As a result, usage of GTP will increase as a modified GAP material in applications such as clean and chlorine-free propellants for the solid propellant rockets and also safety systems of automobiles.

Volume 2, Issue 1 (4-2014)

The influence of one literature on the other is the   consequence of cultural interaction in different nations. No literary dynamics can keep itself away from the influence of other literature. When both sides of the equation interact through the cultural and literary language of the two nations, the issue will be more serious.  Since the Literature and language of Iran and Tajikistan have the same origin, then this can be a subject for a comparative study. So in this article, we will investigate similarities and differences in how to apply mythology, poetic language, its functions and its application in both quantity and quality in the poetry language of two contemporary poet from Iran and Tajikestan ( Forough Farrokhzad, Golrokhsar Safi-Ava). The main question is that how is each of these poet`s  attitude to myth, mythological themes and  their origins, and to what extent do they have used from these mythological motifs in their poems. These motifs are: God, goddesses, gods, prophets and entrepreneurs, mythological figures, historical and epic creatures, plants and animals and mythological mythology as well as certain areas.

Volume 2, Issue 3 (Autumn 2019)

Due to increase in global demand of propylene, many extensive studies and research have been done to find alternative method for lower energy consumption and efficiency. In this research, gamma alumina is used for molybdenum catalyst base in oxidative dehydrogenation process of propane, in order to produce the propylene. The catalysts are prepared based on wet impregnation method. The analysis of  FTIR, XRD, BET, SEM, and XRF are done to evaluate and determine the  characteristics of prepared catalysts. Central composition method is employed to study the influence of reaction temperature, molybdenum loading percentage, oxygen to propane ratio, and the effect of interactions between them in propylene production. The molybdenum in the range of 4-16%, propane to oxygen ratio in ‎the range of 1-3%, and temperature in the range of 380-540 ºC are the input parameters of ‎the central composite method. Finally, according to reactor test and analysis of the results of the Design expert software, it is shown that the predicted models for propane conversion, propylene selectivity, and efficiency persentage of oxidation dehydrogenation are about 95%. Maximum of efficiency percentage with a value of 14.02% is obtained at 487 ºC, 11.22% molybdenum percentage, and propane to oxygen ratio of 1.5, which in experimental results, achieving an accuracy of 94% is possible as compared to the optimal design of the test design model.

Volume 2, Issue 3 (Autumn 2019)

One of the miniaturization of heat transfer equipment is enhancing the convective heat transfer coefficient. The main aim of this study is design and producing a kind of nanofluid based on water and ethylene glycol. Graphene was synthesized via electrochemical method and its successful production was confirmed with XRD, FTIR spectrum and, SEM and TEM images. By using different amount of graphene i.e. 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, and 1.5%, water/ethylene glycol/graphene nanofluid was produced. Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) was used as surfactant to improve graphene stability in the base fluid. The designed experimental setup was composed of spiral tube with constant wall temperature and equipped with flow meter and pressure and temperature indicators. Nusselt number and pressure drop were measured for pure water and compared with those obtained from theoretical relations and it was found that the setup works properly. Convective heat transfer coefficient, Nusselt number, and heat transfer rate were investigated for water/ethylene glycol (60/40 wt.%) and nanofluid with different amount of graphene using experimental setup. The results showed that by adding 1 wt.% graphene into the based fluid the convective heat transfer coefficient increased about 50% while pressure drop was also increased about 50%. Overall, the findings of this research work support the potential of water/ethylene glycol/graphene nanofluid for using in heating/cooling equipment.

Volume 2, Issue 3 (8-2017)

The present study seeks to analyze the components of black poetry in the poems of Simin Behbahani and Nazak al-Malaek as two contemporary Persian and Arabic poets. The reason for choosing and adapting the lyrics of these two poets in this study is that each of them, in a period of their own literary life, somehow faced with some currents, which have in turn raised a sense of despair and Nihilism in humankind. Affected by the suffocation and tyranny of society in their era, they have extensively reflected the components of black poetry in their poems.

Volume 2, Issue 4 (12-2014)

Since, proverbs are composed of bits, line, concise sentences and musical metaphor: they are considered a type of Persian literature. One of the reasons for the spread of proverbs is that they indicate the general and pervasive thought or experience in the shortest terms. In addition, the music (the use of the balance of sound in speech) has a big impact on the development and spread of proverbs, and causes the listener to enjoy the magical word. Sometimes, the music is so strong that the collective memory of the community, regardless of the meaning of some words, enjoys the harmony and melody within it. Shafie Kadkani named it "magic vicinity". In this study, the book "Dästännämeye Bahmanyäry" by Ahmad Bahmanyary, which is about six thousand proverbs, is examined from this perspective. The results of research show that fifty proverbs in this book enjoy a variety of musical balance and literary industries as parallelogram rhyme, pun, and phonological layout and repeat, which are the largest in the musical of proverbs. Also by presenting numerous examples, the theory of Shafie Kadkani about the formation of some proverbs based solely on magic vicinity is proved.

Volume 2, Issue 4 (Winter 97 2019)

Dehydrogenation of alkane to alkene is a key process in petrochemical industry. Propylene has intermediate role to production many industrial polymers. In this research applying oxidative dehydrogenation method for propylene production and CO2 used as oxidant. By use of XRD, Raman, TEM, BET and EDX techniques the results have been analyzed. In XRD and Raman tests anatase phase and Titania nanotubes have been distinguished. TEM confirmed TiNTs with pure structure. Vanadium catalyst with 5% of vanadia synthesized by impregnation method. Adding silicon in support increased thermal stability of catalyst. Raman and XRD method confirmed good distribution of active phase on supports. VSiTi catalyst have 28.31% conversion and 51% selectivity in 550 oC. Improvement in yield of propylene production would be in result of higher surface area and good distribution of vanadia over modified Titania nanotubes.  
Fa'zel Asadi Amjad, Yasser Zolfiqari ,
Volume 2, Issue 7 (Fall 2009)

Among contemporary playwrights, screenplay writers, and film directors, David Mamet is undoubtedly one of the best and most famous, especially in America. This study tries to analyze Glengarry Glen Ross, the best-known work of Mamet, which received Pulitzer Prize. We have chosen New Historicism as our main approach and we resort to Foucault's views and ideas in order to have a richer conceptual framework. The main concern of this paper is to analyze the concept of gender identity, the direct interrelation between power and sexuality, and the trace of this interrelation in social and business challenges. This study also discusses the traces of American capitalism as a circulating and dominant discourse and the way it exercises its power over different classes. Furthermore, it tries to give an account of David Mamet's attitude on gender roles. Finally, the paper deals with the question of language as a means of linking and signifying gender and power.

Volume 3, Issue 1 (6-2014)

A 12-week feeding trial was carried out in 500 L fiberglass tanks  to evaluate the effect of dietary choline at 0, 2, 4, and 8 g kg -1 levels on growth rate, body composition and total liver lipid of juvenile Acipenser baerii (37.67±0.67 g). A semi purified basal diet was formulated using vitamin free casein and wheat gluten as a protein source, a mixture of animal and plant oils as a lipid source and dextrin as a carbohydrate source. Four isonitrogenous (40% protein) and isoenergetic (18 MJ kg-1) diets were prepared and fed to the fish three times daily to apparent satiation. Weight gain, feed conversion ratio (FCR), specific growth rate (SGR) and protein efficiency ratio (PER) were significantly affected by dietary choline (p<0.05). The best growth performance was observed in fish fed diets containing 2 and 8 g kg -1 choline (p<0.05). Fish fed with 2 and 4 g kg -1 choline showed higher lipid content compared with the control diet (p<0.05), but not significantly different in body protein (p>0.05). Total lipid of liver and plasma, plasma cholesterol, triglyceride and phospholipids levels showed an increasing trend with increasing levels of dietary choline, but not significantly different among treatments (p>0.05). Based on the results, we recommend adding a 1.5 gkg-1 choline to commercial diet of juvenile Acipenser baerii.

Volume 3, Issue 1 (Spring 98 2019)

Research Subject: Removal of industrial wastewater especially from textile and dyeing factories is always important actions to control of pollutions. Using of polymeric adsorbents is an important method for removal of dyes from industrial wastewater. In this research work, designing and fabrication of PVA-based adsorbent with proper potential for removal of green malachite from industrial wastewater has been reported.
Research Approach: For fabrication of adsorbent 4 wt.% PVA was gelled in the present of 10 wt.% glutaraldehyde as cross-linker and punched. The punched hydrogels were porous with freeze drying method. For improving the adsorption ability, graphene and TiO2 were used. The adsorption of green malachite with prepare adsorbent was measured timely to determine the optimum percentage of nanoparticles. In addition, the effect of contact time and the presence of UV on the adsorption of pollution was investigated. Finally, the adsorption isotherms and thermodynamics study were investigated in different time.
Main Results: The results of adsorption of pollution with PVA/graphene adsorbent in different times showed that 0.5 wt.% is the optimum loading of graphene in the PVA matrix. This value was 3 wt.% for TiO2. The adsorption percentage via optimum adsorbent in dark condition showed that one minute after addition of adsorbent the adsorption percent increased to 75% indicating the high capability of the adsorbent in adsorption of tested pollution. The porous structure was confirmed via SEM image. By comparing the correlation coefficient for Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms it was found that Freundlich isotherm has better agreement with the findings of the current study. In other words, adsorption of green malachite with fabricated adsorbent was done multi layered. The thermodynamics studies showed that due to negative value of Gibbs energy the adsorption reaction of green malachite with fabricated absorbent is automatically.

Volume 3, Issue 11 (Autumn 2022)

The current research aimed to provide a model of the social responsibilities of the table tennis federation. The method of the current study was a mixed method that used a mixed-exploratory strategy. The statistical population was sports management professors, social science professors, elite athletes and sports managers, and in the qualitative part, 14 people were selected by purposeful sampling. In the quantitative part, 387 samples were included in the study. The tool of the qualitative part was a semi-structured interview. In the quantitative section, a researcher-made questionnaire, which had 36 questions, was used. In this research, thematic analysis was used to analyze the qualitative data. In the quantitative part, descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, frequency, frequency percentage, etc.) and inferential statistics (Cronbach's alpha coefficients, first- and second-order confirmatory factor analysis, one-sample t-tests, and Friedman's test) were used. The results showed that 53 subcategories were obtained from qualitative data analysis, which were placed in 12 main categories. Finally, from the obtained categories, five main concepts of sustainable development, diplomatic, social, health and organizational responsibilities were obtained. It was also found that the final research model has sufficient fit. According to the results, the social responsibility dimensions of the table tennis federation are prioritized as follows: sports, organizational, legal and economic, political, international, social-cultural, media, environmental, humanitarian, health and ethical. The results of this research can serve as a road map for the table tennis federation to fulfill its social responsibilities.

Volume 4, Issue 1 (spring 2023)

Aims: Urban spaces in the age of technology are changing in all dimensions due to the addition of connected users, and neglecting to recognize these developments has distanced us from the current content of the urban space and deprived the city planners of the possibility of efficient planning and appropriate use of technology. Therefore, the purpose of the research is to explain the changes made in public spaces based on the dimensions of the urban space of Carmona under the influence of modern communication and information technologies.
Methods: This research is looking for the theories of public space in a historical process and by adopting an interpretative approach and benefiting from qualitative content analysis in the context of Atlas analytical software to analyze the changes of public space in the age of technology according to the six dimensions. Carmona urban space.
Findings: findings indicate that the impact of the technology paradigm was not the same in all aspects of the urban space. Among the most important ones, we can mention the transfer of social interactions from the space of place to the space of flow, the flexibility of the functional space, the formation of an independent perceptual system, and the weakening of the concept of access.
Conclusion: The results show that because of technology in urban areas, although all dimensions of urban spaces have undergone changes in some way, but the most changes have taken place in functional and social areas. Based on these changes, a redefinition of public spaces has been explained and presented in accordance with the characteristics of the technological era.

Volume 4, Issue 2 (Summer 2020)

Research Subject: One of the important methods in the treatment of skin wounds is the use of wound dressings. Recently, the use of polymer-based wound dressings has become increasingly common. The use of natural polymers is very important in wound dressings. The aim of the present study is to design and manufacture a polyvinyl alcohol/aloe vera wound dressing with the capability of healing skin wounds.
Research Approach: The electrospinning method was applied to prepare the samples. Aloe vera gel was first extracted, purified, and powdered by freeze-drying. In all samples, the amount of polyvinyl alcohol and aloe vera powder was fixed at 8 wt.%. This value was selected empirically based on the quality of the produced fibers. Different samples including different amounts of polyvinyl alcohol and aloe vera were produced and their properties including morphology, tensile strength, swelling, degradability, and antimicrobial properties were investigated.
Main Results: The results showed that the dropless random oriented fibers with uniform diameter were produced. The diameter increased with increasing aloe vera contribution, which was attributed to an increase in viscosity due to the presence of aloe vera. With increasing aloe vera contribution in the samples, tensile strength decreased and the elongation percentage increased. The swelling behavior of the specimens was evaluated by measuring the weight of the specimens in a simulated skin environment and the results showed that the presence of aloe vera increased the hydrophilic properties of the specimens. Antimicrobial activity of the samples against two gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus and Gram-negative Pseudomonas aeruginosa was investigated using the disk diffusion method and it was found that the presence of Aloe vera in the samples brought antimicrobial activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Finally, the findings of this study confirm the feasibility of using polyvinyl alcohol /aloe vera for the production of the electrospun wound dressing.

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