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Showing 24 results for Aghagolzadeh

Volume 2, Issue 2 ((Articles in Persian) 2011)

The present paper is an attempt to investigate the methods of passivisation of Persian compound verbs on the one hand and, to introduce Jackendoff’s semantic theory; which is called Theory of Conceptual Semantics on the other. The purpose of introducing this theory is to check Persian data within the framework of this theory to see if the its foundations, as its founder claims, are universal and can justify Persian data or not. To do this, the semantic behaviors of 22 Persian compound verbs were examined when making them passive. There are two methods for the passivization of Persian compound verbs, namely syntactic and semantic. Since the Jackendoff’s semantic theory is unable to explain the unacceptability of grammatical sentences, because the approach it takes for semantic analysis is making semantic components salient, thus we will reason that if sentence is not considered as the unit of semantic analysis, the outputs of such analysis will not be correct.
Hosein Ali Ghobadi, Ferdows Aghagolzadeh , Seyed Ali Desp ,
Volume 2, Issue 6 (Summer 2009)

Discourse analysis has emanated from ideas os scholars od Linguistics, semiotics, hermeneutics and the theories of Michel Foucault (1926-1992), but in contrast to the aforementioned methods, it cover the two aspects of the text: form and meaning and so it is a comprehensive approach for text analysis. Scholars like Fairclough, Wodak, Van Dijk, Fowler and Kress played an important role in introducing and promoting critical discourse analysis as a new approach to text analysis. In this research we have used Norman Fairclough’s approach. In the present study, it was tried to analyze Sovashoon of Simin Daneshvar. In so doing, we discussed the views of the author, and using an innovative approach, we discovered various semantic and thematic layers of meanings closer to this novel. It was concluded that Daneshvar,with her special approach to the political and social changes of her time ,has connected the politico-social factors to mythological ones. This approach is specific to her, different with others' and so we can consider it as her own unique ideology. From a critical discourses analytic perspective, Simin Daneshvar, in her writings, made use of specific terms, epical and mythical dimensions and its connection with religion while generalizing these elements and connecting it to our era, has sought to create an independent Iranian identity. She managed to create an anti-imperialistic hero from the working class and naturally promoted women’s role in the contemporary novels from a housewife to a reformer and activist in the socio-political areas.

Volume 3, Issue 4 ((Articles in Persian) 2012)

Although linguists have been studying the “News” as a type of text for a long period of time, the researches have been mainly of the product-oriented types, which purely analyze the news texts and their linguistic characteristics. Linguists and media researchers have been mainly keen to determine sets of criteria known as “News Values” so far, and the result is various lists of media and linguistic news selection norms. The goal of this article is finding answer for the following questions: How news production process can be orchestrated in a linguistic model? What are the linguistic news values? and How these linguistic values correlate with other selection criteria? In addition to revisiting the theoretical notion of “News Values” and introducing the “Grice Maxims” as the linguistic criteria of news composition, this paper, as a descriptive analytical study based on field work, also represents the multi-level model of news composition and selection based on linguistically oriented findings. The mentioned model not only determines and explains different levels of news composition and selection process from the event to the news, but also puts the role of macro-structural elements of news discourse production such as ideology, relations of power and composition in the center of attention.

Volume 5, Issue 1 (No.1 (Tome 17), (Articles in Persian) 2014)

We examined two assumptions of the "Conceptual Metaphor Theory" (CMT) using corpus-based method. According to the first assumption, linguistic metaphors are merely reflections of conceptual metaphors; so linguistic metaphors have a marginal and secondary role. According to the second assumption, conventional linguistic metaphors are systematic. A 50-milion token sample of Hamshahri collection of Persian texts was selected as the corpus of the study. All of the corpus analyses of calculating the collocations and extracting the concordances were carried out using Ant Conc corpus software. Data analysis failed to find evidence in support of the first assumption provided by CMT, but the second assumption was partially confirmed. The findings suggest that the semantic patterns of linguistic metaphors are more complex than those predicted by CMT, and language use factors play an undeniable role in shaping the semantics of metaphoric expressions.  

Volume 5, Issue 4 (No.4 (Tome 20), (Articles in Persian) 2014)

In the present study, which has been done from critical discourse analysis perspective, the authors focus on the media news, since it is the media that puts as a topic of discourse analysis more than other texts. The general purpose of the present paper is based on an analytical framework in order to study the order of the contemporary media discourse. The authors intend to analyze the nonverbal factor influences on the choice of words used in the media news. In general, the data, which have been used in this research, are Persian news of four radios including Iran, USA, Farda, and Israel. The authors are going to analyze them in the framework of the strategies such as lexical generalization, address forms, and over lexicalization. The methodology of the research is comparative  in which the shared news of the studied radios are compared to each other.

Volume 6, Issue 2 (No.2 (Tome 23), (Articles in Persian) 2015)

The goal of this article is to demystify the press texts and discover their hidden layers of meaning in the framework of critical discourse analysis. To do so, using socio-semantic features of Van Leeuwen's model (1996), 40 numbers of four Iranian Persian publications of a two–month period, from July 22 to September 21, 2011 were studied qualitatively. The data analysis results indicated that the ideology dominating the minds of writers and groups is reflected in the text using discursive features as personalization, impersonalization, activation, backgrounding, etc., and the linguistic realization of discursive structures is performed using linguistic structures as nominalization, pre-modifiers, active versus passive structures, coordination, etc. in the texts. Also there is a dialectic relationship between discursive structures and ideology, which can be determined by studying these structures in the texts and social institutions.

Volume 6, Issue 4 (No.4 (Tome 25), (Articles in Persian) 2015)

In this paper, past stem of a number of Persian verbs which seem to be irregular have been investigated in OT theory based on Persian phonotactics. The research questions include: 1) How Persian phonotactics rules are applied to analyze past stems' segment sequences? 2) What phonological processes are applicable to preserve Persian phonotactics patterns after adding past morpheme? To answer these questions, 36 verbs which their final syllables are heavy (cv:cc) are taken into consideration according to syllable structure and phonotactics. In sum, the findings demonstrated that: a) these cases are completely regular and entirely consistent with the Persian phonotactic rules; b)there is a close relation between the nucleus of thec v:cc syllables and their final cluster; c) initial and final consonants play an indispensable role in cv:cc syllable and d)these stems obey sound sonority principle (SSP).

Volume 7, Issue 5 (No.5 (Tome 34), Fall Special, (Articles in Persian) 2016)

In the present study, which aims to promote the critical knowledge of the readers we are going to reveal the ideology of rival discourse based on Faircloughʼs critical discourse analysis approach in journalistic texts by encoding them and discovering the meanings beyond the forms of the language structures. To achieve this goal, we determine to analyze one specific topic which appears in different discourse framework based on Faircloughʼs critical discourse analysis approach. So we select some texts with the subject of offering educational scholarships in the tenth government of Islamic Republic of Iran. The data of this research are collected from two rival journalistic media (Keyhan and Eatamad newspaper) at the specified interval (November 1993). The data analysis demonstrates that Keyhan authors use more ideological structures at the descriptive level such as using punctuations, metaphors, marked syntactic structures and presuppositions to castrate or deny the mentioned discourse. While, the writers of Eatemad try to uphold the said discourse by using quantity strategy and giving instances.

Volume 8, Issue 5 (No. 5 (Tome 40), (Articles in Persian) 2017)

The present paper benefit from an analytical descriptive research methodology conducted in field method with the purpose of examining linguistics competence and its pragmatic approaches application in forensic linguistics discourse in order to assess various persuasion techniques used by lawyers in penal courts of Iran to persuade judges. The data of the research gathered from20 open sessions of Shiraz city court rooms which contains 2112 sentences altogether which 654 sentences belonging to lawyers, 351 sentences to the judges, 987 to the accused and 120 sentences to the plaintiffs. In the present study .only the sentences used by the lawyers have been assessed in terms of verbal and non- verbal persuasion techniques analysis. Also the researcher has  been trying to answer the question :"How actors use verbal(syntax .semantics and pragmatics) and non-verbal methods  to achieve their goals and persuade each other .Findings of the study indicated that the lawyers employ verbal techniques such  as use of legal acts and pragmatics approaches  such as :exclusion ,inclusion ,nominalization , emphasis on  remorse, denial of  accused s offence and non-verbal methods in court room discourse in the realm of forensic linguistics.

Volume 8, Issue 6 (No. 6 (Tome 41), (Articles in Persian) 2017)

About half a century of research on im/politeness has resulted in calls, on the one hand, to separate face and im/politeness research, at least at the beginning, and, on the other hand, to redefine them on the basis of their emic understandings by ordinary people (Eelen, 2001; Bargiela-Chiappini, 2003; Haugh, 2009; 2013b; Arundale, 2006, 2009; Kádár and Haugh, 2013). This paper is an attempt to respond to this call and aims to study the emic concept of face among the Persian speaking people in the Iranian culture. Taking an ethnographic approach, it investigates the uses of the lexeme ru (‘face, front part of head’) in Persian and compares them with the uses of āberu (lit. ‘water-of-face’). The data are collected by observing the uses of ru and its idiomatic expressions and collocations (174 tokens of 32 expressions) in daily conversations and Internet searches and are analyzed within their contexts of use and with regard to the researchers' cultural insider knowledge. Ru expressions are divided into four groups according to their meaning: (i) ru (na)shodan (lit. 'face (not) become'), i.e. to have (no) face to do, or not to do, something, (ii) porruyi (lit. 'full-facedness') and rudāri ('to have face'), i.e., cheekiness, (iii) ru zadan/andākhtan (lit. 'to hit/throw one's face') i.e., to make a request and ru zamin zadan/andākhtan (lit. 'hit/throw someone's face on the ground') i.e., to reject someone's request, and (iv) be ru āvardan (lit. 'to bring to face'), i.e., confront someone. It is demonstrated that, unlike āberu which is a metaphor for the positive social image of an individual or group (Hosseini et al., forthcoming), ru is a metonym for the negatively evaluated image of an individual. However, both āberu and ru are assessed according to an individual’s perceived compliance with the norms of the moral order (Garfinkel, 1967), including one's moral integrity and show of competence, relative to one's sha'n or perceived social status. It is concluded that face in the Iranian culture consists of two opposing sides: āberu is the public and positive image of self (Goffman, 1967) and group(s) a person is associated with and is closely connected to one’s feeling of competence, perceived social status and the preservation of the distinction between the two realms of inside (bāten/andarun) and outside (zāher/birun) (Beeman, 1986); ru constitutes the private and personal self of the person, which is negative and, probably, because of Sufi teachings and thanks to centuries of life under totalitarian regimes, should be suppressed and kept hidden. The results also indicate that some of the commonest uses of ru suggest the abnegation of self, disguised as positive cultural values of shekaste-nafsi (Sharifian, 2005) and forutani (roughly, ‘modesty’) and sharm (‘shame’). The paper also shows that ru and āberu expressions serve to save or threaten face but not in the way predicted by Brown and Levinson (1987): ru and āberu and their idiomatic expressions are not linguistic strategies; rather, they invoke the moral order behind im/politeness evaluations expressed with different linguistic strategies in different contexts.

Volume 11, Issue 1 (2-2004)

This paper, largely motivated by Hoey (2001), revisits the issue of Written Discourse Analysis and, in particular, the Problem-Solution Pattern. Much discussion embarrasses the way in which texts are pro-duced and understood. The different functional approaches include Halliday and Hasan’s approach, van Dijk’s process-oriented approach, the procedural approach of de Beaugrande and Dressler, and the Problem Solution approach of Michael Hoey. These approaches attempt to answer the question: what is a text? How is it constructed and how can it be interpreted? According to Hoey, the processes of reading and writing in any discourse are based on culturally popular patterns of organisation between the writer and the reader. The text may be seen as an interaction between the writer and the reader in which the reader seeks to anticipate the questions that the writer is going to answer. In conclusion, analysing some texts indicates that the problem solution method is a comprehensive and easy method for producing narrative and non-narrative texts.

Volume 11, Issue 3 (7-2004)

This paper attempts to introduce the dimensions of bi/multi-lingualism as a cognitive linguis-tic phenomenon, which can be thought over in sociological, biolinguistic, cultural and psy-cholinguistic perspective. The main research question being asked as how bi/multilingualism is a cognitive phenomenon and what are the bilinguality problems and how do they repre-sents in linguistics? Linguistic interference, bilingual acquisition, and mental lexicons notions and multi lingual representation in the brain are the main problems of the subject. There are, at least, two dif-ferent types of linguistic transfer, positive and negative or interference. The mental lexicon is the constituent of the grammar consisting of phonological, morphological, semantic, syntac-tic, and pragmatics information which speakers have stored about individual words and morphemes in their minds.The paper, therefore, is an attempt to answer and deschibe the above questions.

Volume 13, Issue 4 (September & October 2022)

This study is to investigate forensic discourse analysis of the facility contracts like Murabaha, Jaaleh, civil participation and installment sale.The aim of this research is to probe the forensic discourse analysis of the aforementioned texts in the field of forensic linguistics by considering the Van Leeuwen ’s 1996. To do that, the quantity, quality and the mystification of each contract ’s text was probed to discover the factors which ruin the clarity of those texts. The qualitative method of discourse analysis was used to explore the hypothesis of this research. The discoursal elements in the Van Leeuwen ’s (1996) were extracted and the mystification of each contract and different manipulations in each article of contracts were analyzed by using version 21 of SPSS software. The frequency and the percentage of their occurrence was found. The result shows that significant explicit, implicit elements and mystifications in all contracts were seen. The least frequency of explicit elements in the text of Jaaleh by the frequency of 20and the most number of mystification can be observed in the mentioned text by 81.3 percent. The manipulation based on threat was seen 11 times in Murrabeh, Jaaleh. It can be concluded that based on the occurrence of the implicit elements and mystification of all texts of the facility contracts, using implicit elements should be avoided.Consequently, the ambiguity and the mystification will be reduced. The result of the present study helps the banks’ legal experts to write the contracts more apprehensible with less ambiguity.

 1. Introduction
Since all the facility contracts are assumed as legal documents, lack of clarity in their texts lead to serious challenges in terms of perception for the two sides of the contract; subsequently it will be a crucial concern for the bank facilities’ applicants. The significant of the present study is rooted in the afore-mentioned concept and its necessity is the revival of the rights of the bank as the donator of the facility and the customer as its receiver. Therefore, in doing so, the researcher tried to investigate discourse analysis of these facility contracts in the area of forensic linguistics by studying the socio-semantic components and their manipulations.
This study is designed based on Van Leeuwen’s theoretical framework on socio-semantic components (1996) and also the different manipulations of the facility contract texts. The researcher tried to find the suitable answer for these research questions:
  1. Is there any difference between the frequency of explicit elements in facility contract texts of Tejarat Bank?
  2. Is there any difference between the frequency of implicit elements in facility contract texts of Tejarat Bank?
  3. Is there any difference between the frequency of mystification elements in facility contract texts of Tejarat Bank?
  4. Is there any difference between the frequency of manipulation elements in facility contract texts of Tejarat Bank?

2. Literature Review
Theoretical framework applied in this research is Van Leewen socio-semantic components and manipulation of the texts. Also, the studies of the Iranian and foreigner researchers in the areas of forensic linguistics and forensic discourse analysis were reviewed here as Shuy (2001), Shuy (2010). Olsson (2009), Coulthard(2000), Aghagolzadeh(2005), Aghagolzadeh and Farazandehpour (2016), Taghipour (2015) and Habibi (1995).
3. Methodology
In order to find the answers of the research questions, the researcher used the descriptive-analytic method of research. The related data of this study was driven from the most used facility contracts of Tejarat Bank which are: Jallleh, Murabaha, Civil Participation , and Installment Sale
The aim of this study is an investigation of the arrangement of socio-semantic components and manipulations of banking facility contracts. So, the socio-semantic components of Van Leeuven model and manipulation of the paragraphs of each facility contract was found and by using the 21st version of SPSS, their frequency and the percentage were analyzed. Also, by using the socio-semantic components, the mystification of the facility contracts was estimated. The results of the above mentioned analyses were shown in different tables. In the next step, the socio-semantic elements and the mystification of the facility contracts were compared to find which facility contract has the most density of implicit components and subsequently has the most mystification in its text. So, by revising these contracts and omitting the implicit elements, we would be able to increase their clarity.

4. Results
The first two research questions were investigating the difference between the frequency of the implicit and explicit socio-semantic components in the texts of the banking facilities contracts. The results had been proven that the frequency of the implicit components in the text of Jaaleh contract is more than the other contracts. So, the first and second research hypothesis had been had been proven. The third research question was the comparison between the mystification of the facility contracts. Also, the facility contract of Jaaleh had the most number of implicit components so its mystification was more than the other contracts. Therefore, by probing those analysis, we can conclude that we should reduce the number of implicit components to reduce the mystification of the contracts as it may cause the creation of unclarity and it may cause legal problems for the customers of the bank.
Finally, it is concluded that the threatening manipulation could be observed in all the contracts; however, encouraging manipulation could be observed only in text of Morabehe contract. It means that in banking system of Iran, we assume only threatening as the only tool. So, the fourth hypothesis was proven, too.

Volume 13, Issue 6 (January & February 2023 2022)

Cognitive-critical discourse analysis approaches can lead us to figure out how financial problems can be caused verbally. The main purpose of this article is to investigate the recent economic crisis in Iran through Norman Fairclough model (1989). A text produced on february 26, 2012 by Mahoud Bahmani, the governor of the central bank of the 10th administration was analyzed by means of persuasive tools linguistically. Then, a comparison was done between the rate of the dollar before and after his speech. The result indicated that the economic actors in charge of power, by means of persuasion, can target the mind of people and make them excited to exchange their capitals into dollar, bringing inflation expectations to happen. Data in this research was chosen from five initial sentences of a text from “asre Iran” under code no. 195709. This text was analyzed from three dimentions: description, interpretation, and explanation.
1. Introduction
This article will examine the living conditions of people through investigating a text produced by an economic actor causing inflation expectation. The results of this research will help the country and people in order to make better decisions in society. The main issue of this research is the description of the current economic problems in the society, which can be caused by the weakness of management in the type of discourse in terms of the linguistic constructions of economic actors who may influence people's attitudes from the position of power with the tools of persuasion. We will investigate this issue borrowing Norman Fairclough’s approach (1989). The question is to figure out which category of economic actors can have an effect on people's cognition (mind) and how? Those economic actors who are equipped with the power mechanism can play a significant role in stimulating people's minds with the help of persuasive tools in discourse. The selection of data is based on the beginning of currency fluctuations after the issue of this text.
2. Literature Review
In recent years, many researches have been conducted on the approach of critical discourse analysis and many books and articles have been published. For example, Khadim et al. (2016) extracted the metaphors of 600 political and social articles with a cognitive-critical approach, examining the way of using the metaphors of power, anti-power and their interactions with the process of persuasion. In this article, Khadim et al. showed how people legitimize their own discourse and delegitimize the rival discourse through mental concepts. The similarity of the work in this article with the present article can be in the application of the process of persuasion through cognition. Zairi et al. (2016) have studied the strategies of language usage in court discourse to investigate the types of persuasion methods of lawyers in Iranian criminal courts in order to convince judges. The research data has been collected from twenty public sessions of Shiraz city court, which aims to answer the question of how activists use linguistic knowledge (syntax, semantics, pragmatics, etc.) and meta-linguistics to achieve the goal of persuading each other. In this research, it was discovered that by hiding and removing the active and passive from the sentence, and turning the known sentence into unknown, lawyers try to create a positive or negative attitude in the mind of the judge by downplaying and hiding some facts from the eyes of the judge regarding the crime that occurred, which can lead to the persuasion of the judge. Zairi et al.'s research is similar to the current study in the use of persuasion tools in discourse.
The method in this research is a qualitative analysis and discourse analysis type, which has been done emphasizing on the content analysis of the economic text to show the role of language along with the tool of persuasion as well as the power mechanism in creating inflation and inflation expectations in society.
4. Results
After analyzing this text from the Governor of the Central Bank, it was achieved that language is not only a tool for processing and transmitting information, but it is a constructional group of meaningful categories to help the audience process the cognitive dimensions of Bahmani's message by comparing what they have in their mind from old experiences about economy, society, expensiveness, cheapness, profit, etc. and start trying new experiences. This article could be the first research in the field of economic discourse order and economic text analysis in the framework of critical-cognitive discourse analysis, which emphasizes the effect of language on the audience's mind. The inflation expectation we see in the economy of today's society can be due to the text produced by the head of the central bank of the 10th government, by enoucraging inflation in the framework of his ideology to keep the rate of dollar fixed with persuasive tools, stimulating people's mind and making them buy dollars and sell at a higher price. 
In this research, according to the following model, adapted from Fairclough, we examined the relationship between language and inflation from the perspective of linguistics and interaction, and analyzed the economic text in three dimensions: description, interpretation, and explanation. The effect of language on exchange rate for dollar was investigated in three levels as social, institutional, and situational. In this model, the concept of economic text/language deals with linguistic concepts in the economic text. The concept of economic discourse order deals with economic issues with a discursive approach to create order in the economic text, and finally, the concept of socio-economic behavior which covers the previous two concepts, examines people's understanding of the interpretation of meaning in society in terms of behavior.

Conceptual model
 Text explanation through Fairclough model in 3 levels: social, institutional & situational
      Socio-economic behavior
   Economic discourse order
     Economic text

      Economic stability/economic crisis (Inflation Expectation)

5. Discussion
It is suggested that economic actors persuade people in such a way that both are equal without any of them having a superiority over the other. In this way, an interactive relationship is established between them. Economic actors can use modals in their text and speech such as: “maybe…, it is possible…., perhaps…”, when they are uncertain about an idea.

6. Conclusion
The economic actors equipped with power mechanism should take care of their speech, for they can stimulate people's minds and make them excited by means of persuasive tools, to change their capitals into dollar and sell them at a higher price later. This phenomenon brings inflation expectation to happen which can cause prices to increase.
The result showed that the economic text which could lead to the creation of economic stability or economic crisis, has resulted in inflation expectations.

Volume 15, Issue 1 (1-2008)

How does a journalist or an editor decide which news is worthy and which is not? According to some media researchers, they refer to a set of news values. One of the best known lists of such news values have been supplied by Johan Galtung and Marie H. Ruge. An analytical discussion on news values always refers to this list, which initially intended to cover international events. These factors include: 1- Frequency 2- Threshold 3- Unambiguity 4- Meaningfulness 5- Consonance 6- Unexpectedness 7- Continuity 8- Composition 9- Reference to elite nations 10- Reference to elite people 11-Reference to persons 12- Negativity. The current research collected 303 headlines from the front pages of four widely circulated Iranian newspapers: Hamshahri, Keyhan, Shargh and Iran. Out of these headlines, 426 news were distinguished and considered. As such, results show that the factors like reference to elite people (F10) and consonance (F5) play main role in Iranian press. Further Iranian press do not focus on Galtung and Ruge’s news values although, in general, headlines possess one or more of above factors. However, two factors (F10 and F5) show that Iranian press follow traditional process in news selection.

Volume 16, Issue 2 (5-2009)

This paper provides an Optimality-Theoretic account of dissimilation in standard Persian as well as some other accents and dialects of Persian. As such, this work starts by introducing Optimality Theory (henceforth OT) and its basic concepts and then it investigates dissimilation in this framework. It argues for the superiority of OT over derivational approaches regarding a case in which both dissimilation and assimilation, with no clear feeding order, are involved.

Volume 18, Issue 1 (2-2011)

This study aims at ascertaining a framework that would account for the Persian data. We scrutinize all data occurring in the selected corpus, and describe how they usually work on the basis of the two following variables: power and intimacy. According to our investigation, the use of terms of address in Persian is affected by age, sex, occupation, ideology, political and social position of the interlocutors. These variables can be stated as a result of the investigation of older material – such as qualitative analysis of observations followed by unobtrusive note taking of contemporary use, a corpus of several plays, travel accounts, interviews, TV, radio and careful observation terms used to address today. The above-mentioned variables indicate a strong relationship between social structures and address terms in Persian.

Volume 22, Issue 1 (1-2015)

Through uncovering the underlying elements of language, this research aims to reveal the hidden layers of meaning in press texts in the framework of a critical discourse analysis. Having used socio-semantic features of Van Leeuwen's model (1996), this paper has studied, qualitatively, 40 issues of four Iranian Persian publications for a period of two months, from July 22 to September 21, 2011. These publications were 'E'temad', 'Sharq', Resalat' and Keyhan. The analyses included recognizing discursive structures in the texts, determining the linguistic realizations of structures, and explaining along with uncovering the hidden layers of meaning and the ideology behind the texts. The research results out of the data analysis indicate that the ideology dominating the minds of writers and groups is reflected in the texts using discursive features as exclusion, activation, passivation, personalization and impersonalization. Exclusion has been the most frequently used feature in 'E'temad and 'Sharq', whereas activation has had the highest frequency of occurrences in 'Resalat' and 'Keyhan'. The discursive structures take place using linguistic instruments like pre-modifiers, active vs. passive structures, coordination and circumstantials, in the texts. Besides, the relationship between discursive structures and ideology is dialectal, which can be determined by studying these structures in the texts and social institutions.

Volume 22, Issue 4 (10-2015)

Legal translation is a special type of Language for Special Purposes (LSP) translation involving cross-linguistic communication in the legal context and it tends to involve more cultural specific components. Since the main functions of legal language are normative and performative, it is important to make sure what the actual purpose of the translation of a legal text is. On the other hand, legal translators are expected to produce not parallel texts but texts that are equal in legal effect. So, they must be able to understand not only the legal concepts and the legal effects they are supposed to have, but also how to achieve those legal effects in the target language, especially when it is based on a different legal system. The vast differences in Persian and English legal systems and legal cultures, and consequently the associated incongruity of terminology, highlight the many challenges in legal translation. This paper aims at presenting a strategy through which we can convey the legal culture of SL (Persian) to TL (English) and while creating similar legal effect in TL, improve the quality of legal translation, relying on the two notions inspired by Venuti (1998), i.e. domestication and foreignization. In this regard we analyzed legal translation of 20 Persian to English Divorce Decrees within the domain of Private law, the study of which has been seldom attempted despite the customary presence of these instruments in the legal routine. As a result of this analysis we can conclude that legal texts in different legal systems are translatable and a similar legal effect can be created in TL provided that the legal genre of the source text is preserved and also functional and conceptual equivalences are employed through foreignization and domestication.

Volume 23, Issue 4 (10-2016)

This research is to analyze the effects of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) on reading comprehension of Iranian EFL learners. After providing a useful synopsis, this research is to contextualize CDA in two ranges of learning situations and classifies how CDA can shed new perceptions on learning. Detailed systematic measures are included to clarify the procedure of conducting CDA. The participants were 61 male and female M.A. English students of Boroujerd Islamic Azad University, selected on a non- random basis by applying a TOEFL test among over 91 EFL M.A. students considered to be at the same level. Those whose scores on the test were from 224 to 316 with the mean of 273.736 were considered as the participants of this study. They had received instructions on English language for 16 sessions at Boroujerd Islamic Azad University. The participants were native speakers of Farsi. Any word, phrase, or structure can have different possible meanings, which is known as the meaning range. Focusing on the implied meaning of the text, the learners of the second language reach a better understanding of the text and consequently of the second language. The present research shows how seven elements offered by Fairclough's model in critical discourse analysis can affect reading ability of Iranian EFL learners. Also,besides scrutinizing the effect of CDA in EFL learners, the researcher introduces the seven elements of Fairclough's model as well.

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