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Alireza Mohammadi Kalesar,
Volume 11, Issue 42 (9-2018)

Non-methodological applying literary theory is one of the more important weakness’ of the literary studies in the Persian language. This weakness is more related to methodological wrongs of applying literary theory than to correct understanding of the one theory. Investigating the scientific research papers in the field of structural narratology, in this article, we aim to introduce and analyze the major drawbacks in applying to these theories and the causes and consequences of these drawbacks. The results of this research indicate that the nonchalance in applying to these theories lead to methodological wrongs in these articles. The most important of these wrongs are the educational and superficial approach to these theories, inattention to the basis of the theories, reductive approach to them. A Statistical investigating 90 scientific research papers, published from 2011 to 2017, in the end, we indicate these articles have no effective role in the process of forming the following ones.
Mahdi Javidshad, Bahee Hadaegh,
Volume 11, Issue 43 (12-2018)

In a controversial decision, Louis Althusser classifies literature as the apparatuses through which the dominant ideology is disseminated. Yet, is it possible to place the works that explicitly expose State Apparatuses in such classification? Bozorg Alavi’s “Gileh Mard” uncovers power exertion of the dominant system on a character who has ignored and challenged class coalition. The powerful presence of Repressive State Apparatus, and to some extent Ideological Apparatuses, indicate the writer’s awareness of the functions of apparatuses in changing individuals into the system’s desired subject, and this portrayal is probably an indication of his inclination to dissect such power functions for his readers. This claim is supported by the fact that Alavi was self-consciously leftist in politics and realism in depicting social disorders was one of his writing styles. The question that arises is whether Alavi’s “Gileh Mard” is a literary product that shakes the pillars of ideology, or the short story itself becomes finally an Ideological State Apparatus, serving the dominant system? While the present research provides an Althusserian answer to this question through referring to Lenin and Philosophy and “A Letter on Art”, it explores the shortcomings of the Althusserian approach through the “aesthetic of reception”.
Maryam Ameli Rezaei,
Volume 11, Issue 43 (12-2018)

Moral criticism is an approach to the literature presently discussed with a new view. Many contemporary behavioralists and authors didn't yet believe in the former dogmas (moralism and autonamism) but in the way of using art and ethics from each other.  In the past, ethics is defined not based on the emotions and sensations but the speech capability. In this view, literature served the ethics. Moral topics presentation methods in past advising texts were usually directly by relying on the news or compositionsentences or referring to the words of authors. T By appearing the sentimental approaches and paying attention to the role of imagination in sympathy, relation of literature and ethics changed. Nowadays, ethics is not only a collection of composition sentences reflected in the literature, and the purpose of literature is not the promotion of ethics. Literature, narrative and fictional texts promote our recognition and awareness more than others by partial recognition and direct expression of human experiences and emotions and search in the human being, being possible through our simulation with others by the imagination. This research analyzes the moral presentation methods in 20 Persian short stories. Consideration of the different forms of moral conflicts, presentation and description of details, use of objective and subjective point of view, use of metaphor, symbol or simile and ironic situations are the most important techniques of story writing in inspiring the moral message to the audience.
Foad Molooodi,
Volume 11, Issue 43 (12-2018)

Narrating as a third person, limited to the mind of the character, is one of the common methods in Golshiri’s works; (as in Shazde Ehtejab, parts of Christian and Kid, parts of Bare Gomshode Raii and some stories of daste tarik, daste roshan). Golshiri has proved himself as a specialist of this method. So, actualization of all the related facilities of Persian Language in narration is one of the most remarkable aspects of his privilege in fiction of 60s and 70s. Based on the coming up evidences and analysis, in this paper we have stated that in narrating Ayene haye Dar dar, Goshiri has stepped beyond Persian fiction and introduced a restricted narrator:  this restricted narrator narrates not only the main layer, but also the lower layers of the story and links all of them in a complex and multi-layered manner. In addition, all the signs of the presence of “hidden author” in the story is presented to the reader, mediated by this narrator. The whole research has been done to answer a fundamental question: in the midst of all these attempts to establish ties and proximity between these layers and the characters at each level (these characters are mostly writers), why Golshiri, using his restricted narrator, has attempted to draw a boundary –though very pale and not recognizable- between them to claim that they are close but not identical? This article answers this question, considering Golshiri’s theory on the model of  “aesthetic independence of the fiction”.    
Mahdi Javidshad, Alireza Nikouei,
Volume 12, Issue 46 (10-2019)

Nowadays, one of the most fundamental and controversial theoretical discussions in literary criticism is to evade meta-theory in literary practices. The prominent thinkers in this area, known as neo-pragmatists, include Terry Eagleton, Stanley Fish, Steven Knapp, and Walter Benn Michaels who emphasize that the course of theory and criticism has now been diverted from its original aim of advancing social justice in the early eighteenth century and has now become a fetish that solidifies and reproduces the hierarchical society. In 1980s, we witnessed the acme of theoretical discussions and practices in literary studies; yet, in this decade, anti-theory and anti-theoretical discussions come to their acme, knowing Knapp and Michaels’ ideas as one of their key manifestos. Knapp and Michaels believe that theoretical discussions have been the result of the separation of such inseparable terms as meaning-intention, language-speech acts, and theory-practice, leading to “theoretical enterprise.” These two critics argue that since authorial discussions are “empirical” issues, theoretical responses to them do not solve the problem; rather, they are merely a “theoretical temptation.” In this article, following a concise survey of thinkers in the realm of theory and related concepts, in particular anti-theory, meta-theory, and post-theory, we have attempted to explore the two’s ideas, review reactions to them and the errors in their argument, and finally investigate what message Knapp and Michaels’ article can have for our country’s literary society.
Mohammad Reza Hajaghababaei, Samane Abbasi,
Volume 12, Issue 46 (10-2019)

In the literary tradition of Iran, literary criticism was never conducted in a systematic wayand what remains bearing the title of “criticism” is mostly the result of the critic’s impression of the text which, instead of having a scientific approach, relies mostly on their literary taste. Starting from the end of Qajar period and with the various cultural and social developments at the time, criticism also experienced changes and literary critics attempted to involve scientific perspectives in their criticisms more and to avoid impression-based and idiosyncratic criticism. A growing number of press were utilized by literary critics of the time to publish their critical articles. Literary critiques published in the first Iranian press can be classified into three categories, namely theoretical discussions about literary criticism, criticism of a literary genre or trend, and criticism of literary works. In theoretical discussions, the critics elaborated on the literal and terminological definition of literary criticism and its purpose, and, outlining the necessary characteristics of a literary critic, focused on the relativeness of criticism, explaining its types, and role of the press in promoting literary criticism. In articles that focused on a particular literary genre or trend, criticism of modernists as well as of the research into literary works, and discussion of the nature of poetry and novel are more prominent. In criticisms of literary works, in addition to the content and verbal and literary features of the works, the critics sometimes focused on the moral and personal characteristics of the authors as well.
Roghaye Bahadori,
Volume 12, Issue 47 (11-2019)

This paper is a comparative study of a modern Persian poet, Forugh Farrokhzād (1935-1967), and a Russian film-maker, Andrei Tarkovsky (1932- 1989). The works of two artists, from two different cultures, across time and space, have been chosen to demonstrate their morbid fear of death and their search for immortality. Following the postulates of comparative cultural studies, as developed by Steven Totosy de Zepetnek, the objective of this search is to find interrelations between two different production of art, namely poetry and film, as communicative acts. To quote Totosy in "the New Humanities," this study "is performed in a contextual and relational construction and with a plurality of methods and approaches…" (60).
Benefiting from the main tenets of comparative literature, cultural studies and psychoanalysis, this research show how the concept thanatophobia and the quest for immortality are treated in the artistic works of Forugh Farrokhzād and Andrei Tarkovsky. In Forugh's poetry, the focus would be on her last two collections of poems, Tavalodi Digar [Another Birth] and Imanan Biāvarim be Āghāz Fasle Sard [Let Us Believe in the Beginning of the Cold Season], in which she illustrates the temporality of life and the urge to be remembered. In Nostalghia, Tarkovsky creates characters like Andrei Gorchakov, the Russian researcher, and Domenicos, the Italian who wants to save the world by sacrificing. Andrei lives his death and joins eternity. This intercultural and interdisciplinary study shows how one can owercom the fear of death by substituting the moral time for the actual time.
Behnam Mirzababazadeh Fomeshi,
Volume 12, Issue 48 (12-2019)

Studies of the reception of a writer in another culture primarily deal with the translation of the works into the target language. Such studies usually ignore the translation of the writer’s image. The present essay focuses on the translation of Walt Whitman’s image into a contemporary Iranian context. In this study, “image” refers both to visual representations, such as pictures or photographs, and the mental conceptions held in common by members of a group, such as is the subject of imagology.
Samane Refahi, Amir Nasri,
Volume 12, Issue 48 (12-2019)

Each architectural element, in a building, is designed and built for a specific purpose. Using these elements in the usual way will create comfort for users. In The Trial, Kafka tries to express his ideas with paradoxical uses of these architectural elements and with an expressionist view. The first point that appears is the concept of contradiction. In this regard, in the world of The Trial, even the window, the wall, the stairs and other elements have lost their usual uses. Another concept that Kafka expresses with the help of these components, is the concept of alienation and loneliness, which is seen in allover The Trial. It seems these architectural elements are built for others and these common uses will be lost for Josef K. in front of the others. This alienation is a reminder of various aspects of Kafka's personal life. The last but not least concept that Kafka expresses with the help of the architectural elements is being subordination that, with disappearance of the private space of Joseph K.'s life, it becomes more apparent.

Mostafa Hosseini,
Volume 12, Issue 48 (12-2019)

Emerson was the first American poet who introduced Rumi to American literary circles in the early 19th-century. After Emerson other American Transcendentalists e.g. Thoreau, Longfellow, Whitman began to study Persian mystical poetry especialy Rumi's poems. in 20th-century translators and poets like Martin, Duncan, Mervin, and Bly tried to re-intriduce Rumi to Amerian people. later, at the the early of 1980s Barks with the aid of Moyne, and based on Arberry and Nicholson scholarly translations tried his hand at re-translations of Rumi's poems. witout doubt, Barks renderings or re-translations made Rumi a very popular poet in America. In the present study the researcher tries to, on the basis of interdisciplinary studies, e. Cl and TS, investigate the reception of Rumi's poems, esp. Barks translations in America. Clearly, reception does not happen in a vaccume. liteary, cultural, social postions play a majoe rule. Rumi's reception in America revolvols on two sets of factors. The first series are related to the source text and the authour and the second series are concerned with the target text, transaltor, and the zeitgeist. One can refer to to the Rumi's universal and elegant themes and subjects, uncommom and bizare images and pictures on the one hand and factors like suitable room for eastern mysticisms, the selection of free verse for re-translation, and defamiliarizing Islam on the other hand.
Seyyed Hossein Jafari, Saeed Zohrehvand, Ali Heidari,
Volume 13, Issue 49 (12-2020)

The concept of determinism has been studied in Hafiz poetry by many scholars. Some considered determinism, like many other concepts, as a means for literary creation, some viewed it as a justification for astute utterances, while others regarded it as the outcome of Hafiz’ own deterministic views. Though the first two accounts seem accurate, the third one seems imprecise. His literary creation style and worldview, indicative of his free will and open-mindedness, which was manifested in his poems, coupled with the inherent paradox between determinism and reformism, makes it hard to presuppose a relation between determinism and Hafiz’ worldview.
By employing an academic and methodological approach, while recognizing different interpretations, one can gain an understanding, which is closely related to Hafiz’ worldview, of deterministic propositions in his poetry. Following this approach, one should refrain from forming arguments on the basis of single verses. Therefore, the current paper has attempted to analyze deterministic propositions in Hafiz poems by applying Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe theory. Moreover, based on CDA’s presuppositions, language plays a major role in forming understandings and its means is not always clear. Hence, the paper was aimed at indicating that Hafiz’ use of deterministic propositions can be interpreted not as an indication of his worldview but as a method and medium to expand the discourse of astuteness and, at the same time, to undermine the hegemony of ascetic discourse, which had dominated the cultural atmosphere of Iran for centuries.

Mojahed Gholami,
Volume 13, Issue 50 (5-2020)

From the early twentieth century in Europe and America and then with a few decades’ delay in Iran, a new understanding of literary criticism was formed on the basis of interdisciplinary theories. Though such a theory was absent in the history of literary criticism in Islam and Iran, it does not imply that there were no literary criticism at that time. Such criticism was traceable in historical and rhetorical accounts. It should be mentioned that this kind of criticism was built on theorization as well, since no literary criticism could be formed without conceptualization. The present paper has explored the book “Naghd Al-Sher” [Poetic Criticism] by Qudama ibn Jafar (260- 337 AH.), to analyze the literary criticism, as a historical account on criticism in Islam and Iran. Upon analysis, the researcher came to conclusion that Qudama’s theory is better be called as a rhetorical literary theory, rather than a theory on the basis of classicism and formalism. His theory was observed to be text-based, and provides the reader with a basis to evaluate poemst to say”.

Leila Sadeghi Esfehani,
Volume 13, Issue 51 (8-2020)

Figure and ground are cognitive devices for text analysis, indicating a phenomenological relation between literature and human beings. So critical research by cognitive poetics approach, on one hand, includes the possibility of analyzing texts considering the author, text and reader simultaneously, although different traditions have emphasized on just one or two of them. On the other hand, it gives phenomenological value to the literary research for the reason that it is created based on body, mind and human life. The concepts of figure and ground were first introduced in Gestalt Theory, and they were later developed in cognitive poetics to make the comprehension of a text possible, as lack of figure in any text can lead to a flat reading. Figure could be created through repetition, unfamiliar naming, innovative metaphor, creative syntactic ordering, use of puns, inner rhyme in a text, or any other technique which results in deviations from the expected use of language.  This paper draws on the function of figure and ground to analyze a poem by Nima Yooshij, entitled “Oh, Humans” through a cognitive poetics approach. It studied how analytical devices of cognitive theory with neurocognitive and psychological bases could explain the cognitive deviation from the Persian classic meter. Furthermore, it embodied a way that "the self" as a core of consciousness is interpreted through the structural arrangement of the words as well as "the other" as the historical memory in the background. Moreover, this poem is cognitively and structurally classified in three episodes based on the figure and ground's usages, so the iconicity (similarity) of the form-meaning could reflect the absence of dialogue between the self and the other through discursive worlds. This proposes that the representation and recreation of the author-reader’s world through the form (structural arrangement) in a literary work equals the meaning that a text’s world tries to create. Therefore, the study of meaning is not disjointed from the form, that is, the cognitive conformity of form-meaning in this poem conceptualizes the self and the other, as it is conceptualized in the society

Neda Azimi, Bahman Namvarmotlagh, Hasan Bolkhari Ghehi, Nasrin Dokht Khattat,
Volume 13, Issue 51 (8-2020)

Karbala has been a multiple and dynamic space and so the writers’ perspective on it was multiple and dynamic as well. Geocriticism is one of the new interdisciplinary approaches that focuses on space in postmodern era. Geocriticism investigates the relation between subject and space and studies the geographical space and the imaginary space of literary texts. The current study was aimed at investigating the effect of space stratification on readers in a selected number of poems. Such stratification was influenced by time as well, creating different layers of texts in space. The researchers tried to unfold the space-time layers in these poems that shaped the space of Karbala, based on the spatiotemporality principle of Westphal theory. The results indicated that poets would identify themselves with these layers of space, as they unveil the dialectic between the self and the other. Moreover, in this study the viewpoint of the Christian poet (exogenous) was studied against the Muslim poet (endogenous), by applying multifocalization principle of Westphalian theory. The principle focuses on different points of views being endogenous, exogenous and allogenous. The study reveals the convergence of selected poets’ perspectives
Kulthum Miriasl, Maryam Musharraf,
Volume 14, Issue 53 (3-2021)

Reading the critical views of poets with the aim of classifying and analyzing their approaches to literary criticism, while identifying their evaluation criteria in literary criticism, can be used as a criterion for evaluating their works. In addition to being a poet, Akhavān-Sāles had critical views in the field of literary criticism. The authors of this article, due to the special position of Akhavān-Sāles as a poet-critic, have classified and analyzed his theories based on Jacobson 's theory. Then the approaches and characteristics of criticism were discussed, regarding in his views. In expressing his critical views, Akhavān-Sāles emphasized the four elements of sender, receiver, context, and message. He considered successful poetry to be a poem arising from the poet's feeling (emotive function), of social and human subject (referential function), with literary language (poetic function) and the power to influence a wide range of receivers (conative function). In his critical views, Akhavān-Sāles has not fallen into the trap of pure formalism, nor has accepted non-literary poetry. As a result, it can be said that his thorough knowledge of the subject is positive and his subjectivity in criticism could be considered as a negative aspect of approach
 Keywords: Akhavān-Sāles, critical opinions, communication theory, critical characteristics, critical approaches
  1. Introduction
Akhavān-Sāles is one of the most prominent contemporary poets who wrote numerous articles in defense of Nimā and poetry critique of different periods. The study is an attempt to answer the following questions: Which elements of verbal communication have been emphasized in Akhavan’s critical views and opinions?  What approaches did he use to critique literary works? What are the reasons for his inclination to such approaches and what are the characteristics of his critique and critical method?
In the research conducted by critics such as Barāheni, Zarrin-koub, Hoghoghi, Movahed, Shivā, Jabbāri-Moghaddam and others, some critical views of Akhavān-Sāles were examined and analyzed. However, the vacancy of an independent study that examines and analyzes the critical views of Akhavān-Sāles And to address its strengths and weaknesses encouraged the authors in this study to conduct the research.
2- Classification of the views of Akhavān-Sāles
Akhavān-Sāles did not have clear methods and principles in expressing his views and expressed his views in a scattered manner. Gathering his views, we found that his critical views revolved around the four axes of sender, receiver, message, and context. Therefore, in order to have a more coherent structure and classification, we classified his views based on Roman Jacobsen's theory of "communication".
 Akhavān-Sāles considers the artist and the poet to be the most sensitive branch of the tree of humanity, whose poetry and art should express the pains and sufferings of the people and society. From Akhavān-Sāles point of view, the poet's feelings and perceptions must be born of this time, and this emphasis on the speaker's perceptions and feelings and the honesty in expressing feelings and emotions stem from the importance of the poem's emotional function.
Akhavān-Sāles states that the criterion of good and bad poetry is the acceptance of the audience and its breadth, and considers the poet's success in communicating with the audience. Akhavān has considered the role of the audience as a determining factor in the poetic language and one of the reasons for the emergence of poetic currents (Akhavān-Sāle, 1348: 31-32) when he called poetry "grabbing and conquering the heart of the audience" (Akhavān-Sāle , 1382:56) he emphasizes on the emotive function of poetry.
Akhavān considers one of the most important evaluation criteria for any literary work to be its social and moral content. Akhavān does not accept beautiful poetry devoid of meaning and considers a work valuable that "has social and human effects" (Akhavān, 1372: 355 and 252). Regarding the influence of the context of the text on the message, he believes in the dialectical relationship between literature and society, which is due to the importance of the referential function of the literary work in his opinion.
Akhavān has a special emphasis on the literary aspect (poetic function) of the message and the literary work:
 A:  Music and rhyme
Akhavān believes that it gives rhythm to poetry and music and causes more impact, rhetoric and beauty.
B: Objectivity and subjectivity
Another feature of a valuable work of art from Akhavān's point of view is the aspect of objectivism and representation of things in poetry.
C: The language of poetry
Akhavān finds it difficult to find moderation in the use of new combinations, similes, new proportions and observations that lead to the richness of language and the value of speech, and moderation must be observed in this regard. He believes in the appropriateness of the language of poetry to its content and does not ignore the structure.
D: Imagination and ambiguity
 Akhavān considers the element of imagination as the special meaning of poetry, but does not consider any kind of ambiguity as a factor in creating the beauty of poetry. He considers the ambiguity caused by beliefs in classical poetry as its defect and considers the ambiguity resulting from literature and poetic forms of imagination as beautiful.
E: Innovative techniques
Akhavān divides innovative techniques into two types: universal and artistic poetry (similes, metaphors, ambiguities and repetitions in place) and other imitations and useless arrangements.
In general, Akhavān in his views pays attention to two aspects of the form and content of the literary work, which is influenced by two currents in his artistic life: familiarity and influence of Nimā poetry with political and social activities and the influence of ideologies of literary discourse and his interest in poetry and rhetoric of classical poetry.
3- Characteristics of Akhavān criticism
- The language of humor
 –The use of rhetorical science in criticism
- Mastery of the topic under discussion
 - Criticism of other critics
- Paying attention to the context and using a comparative approach
 - The use of myths and folklore literature
 – A combination of unscientific, scientific and constructive criticism
 - Scattering and eloquence
 - Contradiction in views
Akhavān-Sāle, Mehdi. (1348). The best hope (Behtarain Omid). Tehran: Mihan.
  ........................ (1372). The Privacy of Green Shadows (Harym-e Sayehāy-e Sabz) (Collection of Articles 1). Under the supervision of Mortezā Kākhi. Tehran: Zemestan.
.................... (1382). The voice of astonished astonishment  (Sedāy-e Hirat-e Bidār) (conversations of Mehdi Akhavān-Sāle). Under the supervision of Mortezā Kākhi. Tehran: Zemestan.
Soolmaz Moeini, Ahmad Razi, Reza Cheraghi,
Volume 14, Issue 54 (7-2021)

The environmental criticism that emerged in response to the environmental crisis, traces the origins of many environmental problems in its cultural roots and by bridging the gap between science and culture, seeks to halt or slow down the growing trend of the environmental crisis. This criticism has attracted the attention of Iranian researchers in the last decade, but it seems that this type of research in Iran is still far from international standards. Due to its connection with political and economic issues and many other complexities, this criticism has its own special capacities, but since less attention is paid to its contexts and fundamental issues in Iran, it has become more decorative and its various principles and dimensions have not been considered. In order to bring the principles of this criticism closer to its global meanings in Iran, this study tries to investigate and survey the problems and shortcomings of this criticism with its strengths and weaknesses by reviewing the perspectives of prominent global theorists and evaluating a number of articles published in Iran on ecological criticism. The result of the study reveals that the lack of proper understanding of the concept of ecocriticism and the environment, ignoring the value and inherent position of the non-human world regardless of the humanistic view, ignoring the interdisciplinary aspects of ecological criticism, the lack of pragmatic and practical dimension of criticisms and the wrong choice of works for this criticism are some of the problems that environmental criticism faces in Iran.
Research Background
Environmental criticism was introduced to the Iranian scientific community in 2008 with a study by Davood Emarati Moghaddam in introducing the book “Ecocriticism” by Greg Gerrard. Later on, some studies entitled “An Introduction to Ecocriticism” and “The Theory of Literary Ecocriticism – An Introduction to New Research Schools in Studying and Analyzing the Form and Content of Literary Works” by Masih Zekavat (2011), “An Interdisciplinary Movement between Environment and Literature” by Mohammad Naser Maududi (2011), “Ecocriticism, a New Approach in Literary Criticism” (2012) and the books “Ecocriticism” (2013), “About Eco-Criticism” (2013) and “Green Literature” (2015) by Zahra Parsapour introduced Ecocriticism and some of its dimensions and contexts.
Objectives, Questions, Assumptions
The history of the presence of nature in Persian and world literature is as old as literature itself and their nexus is inseparable. As a result, many researchers have analyzed this relationship based on the poet and the writer's interest in nature and their impression from the environment, but the problem is that most of these studies have been published under the title “Environmental Criticism”. Now the question is if expressing the interest and respect of a poet or writer towards nature can be considered as an environmental criticism, or whether this is a new problem that has not been addressed before. What kind of approach and perspective towards these works can place them within the sphere of environmental criticism? What is new about this criticism, and what sets it apart from the old approaches towards nature? Are the ecological studies or environmental criticism that is known in Iran correctly interpreted? What are the problems and shortcomings of addressing this criticism in research in Iran and what are the missing subjects in this field? 
This study critically examines fifteen articles published under the title of “Ecological Criticism in Iran”, and deals with the problems and shortcomings of such studies in Iran and tries to introduce this type of criticism correctly and offers suggestions for improving the situation of ecological criticism.
The basis of the problems of environmental criticism in Iran is related to the problems of translation and also a group of intellectuals’ presumptions, thinking environmental criticism is not yet a serious issue. First of all, it is required to provide a definition of environmental criticism. In addition, the necessities of environmental criticism should be taken into consideration as well.
If this criticism is a study of the relationship between human and inhuman world in literature, it is necessary to know the essence and the meaning of the inhuman world and the extent of its boundaries in ecocriticism. Ignoring it in many local and foreign studies has made it fundamentally difficult to properly understand this type of criticism. The interdisciplinary aspects of environmental criticism, the intrinsic value of nature, choosing the right work and author for an analysis and being pragmatic and practical are some of the principals that should be considered in environmental criticism.
Studying these fifteen articles published in the field of ecocriticism in Iran reveals that many of these articles have difficulty not only in providing a correct definition and an accurate knowledge of the work, but also in complying with the requirements of environmental criticism. Accepting the environment and nature as an independent entity beyond the humanistic view was not observed in the studies, and although the practical and pragmatic ideals are the two basic features of ecological criticism and a guarantee for saving the environment, they have not been reflected in Iranian environmental studies as they should have been. Translating basic texts and resources in the field of environmental criticism and combining it with indigenous cultural features in the country is essential to recognize the extensive dimension of this framework. It can also pave the way not only for solving the current problems, but also for enhancing the effectiveness of studies in protecting the environment and creating a culture to prevent its destruction.

Behnaz Vahabian, Masoud Dehghan, Ebrahim Badakhshan,
Volume 14, Issue 55 (10-2021)

The purpose of the present study is to investigate the sub-worlds in Werth's Text Worlds Theory (1999) based on Cognitive Poetics Approach. Upon analysis, the authors showed that up to what extent the writer of Blind owl has used the sub-worlds including deictic, attitudinal, and epistemic. The methodological nature of this qualitative research is descriptive-analytic. It should be noted that all the clauses have been examined. But due to the limitation of the paper volume, in only 20 clauses of this story, the three sub-worlds have been analyzed as one of the semantic layers in Werth's Text Worlds Theory. The authors sought to illustrate the representation of the three sub-worlds in Blind owl and the way the writer has used these three layers in the story. The findings indicated that the epistemic sub-world has been used significantly more than other two sub-worlds, i.e. deictic and attitudinal. Also, the results showed that most of the clauses are narrative and discursive, and the epistemic sub-world has been reflected widely in this story.
Extended Abstract
The Aim of Research: The purpose of the present study is to investigate the sub-worlds in Werth's Text Worlds Theory (1999) based on Cognitive Poetics Approach. With this investigation, the authors showed that up to what extent the writer of Blind owl has used the sub-worlds including deictic, attitudinal, and epistemic. The present study seeks to show that any text based on Text Worlds Theory in the cognitive poetics approach can be examined in the form of three layers of text world, discourse world and sub-worlds which the authors have tried to explore the three layers of the semantic layer of sub-worlds including, deictic, attitudinal, and epistemic in the story of Blind owl. In this regard, we try to use the theory of cognitive poetics to achieve a correct reading of these texts that is far from any personal interpretations. It is worth noting that showing different semantic layers and understanding them correctly is possible only by applying this theory.
Methodology: The methodological nature of this qualitative research has been descriptive-analytical. The authors collected data by reading and analyzing the text of the story of “Blind Owl” by Sadegh Hedayat. In reviewing the clauses of this story, due to the limited volume of the article, the authors considered 20 clauses of the story from the perspective of the three layers of the sub-worlds as one of the semantic layers in the theory of text worlds in the cognitive approach from the perspective of Werth (1999).
Theoretical Framework: The theoretical framework of this research is informed by the approach of cognitive poetics in linguistics and Werth’s Text World Theory (1999). What makes this theory unique is its comprehensive application of cognitive principles in analysis. Text worlds Theory is a discourse framework, in the sense that its attention is not only focused on a particular text, but also on the contextual context and its surroundings that influence its production and acceptance. The purpose of this theory is to provide a framework for studying discourse in which situational, social, historical and psychological factors are involved and play an important role in language cognition (Gavins, 2007). Werth’s book was published after his death by Short in 1999 titled Text Worlds: Representation of Conceptual Space in Discourse, that includes Werth's full account of this theory. According to Johnson (1987), the cognitive approach shows that language is a product that is not produced from a separate structural system in the mind, but from cognitive processes that enable the human mind to make perceptions of experiences which linguists call them embodied cognition (Freeman, 2000, p. 281). Also, Stockwel (2002) states a broader concept of cognitive poetics and introduces all approaches that provide a framework for describing literary texts based on the tools of cognitive science, with the label of cognitive poetics. Text worlds are mental structures that form conceptual representations of certain aspects of reality. Werth's model is based on the distinction between two prominent functions of language: the informative function and modal function. Werth considers the informative function as what is often called the propositional meaning.
Conclusion: In this study, we have examined and evaluated the story of Blind Owl, by Sadegh Hedayat, based on the theory of ​​Text Worlds in the cognitive poetics approach, and it has been determined how the writer of the story has acted in order to understand the reader. It is worth noting that the three sub-worlds of deictic, attitudinal and epistemic, represent an important part of the construction and formation of the worlds of the story text. In order to fully understand the text, one must describe and analyze a part of it in order to determine the idea of ​​the text through the text itself, and not through utterances that are formed outside the text. The theory of ​​text worlds based on the approach of cognitive poetics opens a new path in literary criticism, the discovery of how the mind works, the relationships between time, and anything else that helps to build the reader's mental representation. Hence, this approach is a bridge between literary studies and the field of cognitive linguistics. To answer the first question, it should be said that Sadegh Hedayat has used more narrative and discursive text in this story. Regarding the second question, it must be acknowledged that although the three sub-worlds of deictic, attitudinal and epistemic are observed in the Blind Owl, but the sub-world of epistemic plays a decisive role through conditional sentences, frequency adverbs, cognitive metaphors and repetition. The findings indicated that three sub-worlds including 29.63% deictic, 33.33% attitudinal and 37.04% epistemic, have been used in the story of Blind Owl. The results also showed that the epistemic sub-world has the highest usage and the deictic sub-world has the lowest usage in this story.
Seyyed Mehdi Dadras,
Volume 14, Issue 55 (10-2021)

Sufi narratives are ever susceptive to psychoanalytic studies per the extent of their detailed experiences and also their main function, which is to incite a kind of “mystical experience” in the reader. Accordingly, the present study attempts to introduce a novel classification of these narratives in line with the psychoanalytic concept of “transference”. In this classification, the selection of Sufi narratives and the anecdotes of Asrār-al-Tawḥid in particular, are regarded as a macro-narrative that depicts the process of psychotherapy with a focus on the concept of transference. Each micro-narrative could be categorized under one of the stages involved within the process. In this point of view, the function of most of the anecdotal narratives (Taḍkiras) is apt to be seen as corresponding to one or a number of these stages. In effect, the reader of a single text encounters all these stages in different ways, albeit in a non-linear process, by the end of the reading. These stages, defined by reference to Freudʼs views and his structuralist follower, Lacan's, are listed as: 1) establishing the subject supposed to know, 2) resistance/denial, 3) the random object of the sign, and 4) mission. Yet, the choice of Asrār al-Tawḥid in this case study has been due to several reasons, including the inclusion of morer diverse narratives than other anecdotal narratives as well as the profound impact of this text on the later Sufi narratives.
Extended Abstract
Introduction: Farzi and Pourkhaleghi Chatroudi (2009) have studied “the imaginaryˮ and “the realˮ in the personality of “Harun al-Rashid”, which is relevant to some remarks of this study. Paul (2014, translated by Ghafoori, 2016, p. 28) has implicitly highlighted the status similarity between the psychoanalyst and “walī” i.e. Sufi master. Dehghani Yazdeli and Edraki (2019, p. 149) have adopted the term “impulse” to refer to the stimulus for the evolution of narrative characters, which is corresponding to the interpretation of “the random object of the sign” in this study. Barati Khansari and Ebnali Charmhini (2020, p. 287) have referred to the “occult knowledge of the helping person” in Proppʼs views, which is linked to the concept of the “subject supposed to know,” in the present study.
Goals, Questions, Assumptions: The present discussion is subject to the reader-response psychological critique. In terms of psychoanalytic critique, the anecdote genre occupies a unique status within the Sufi texts. In the present article, the collection of Sufi narratives is regarded as a macro-narrative that depicts the process of psychotherapy with a focus on the concept of “transference,” and each micro-narrative is categorized as one of the stages involved in this process.
Discussion: Classification of Narratives
1. Establishing the Subject Supposed to Know
The subject supposed to know (cf. Evans, 2006, p. 214) is, in fact, the psychoanalyst himself/herself, to whom the patient attributes such authority. The main function of many Sufi narratives is to establish the very subject. These narratives are divided into two groups: (1) Narratives in which the mystic conceals his identity from a common persona, and the person never recognizes the identity and name of the mystic. (2) Narrations in which the common persona recognizes the identity of the mystic by the denouement of the narrative. In the first category’s narratives, the mystical enjoyment and experience pertain solely to the “mystic” and the “reader.” In such narratives, the mystic/reader perceives the happenings from the level of the “absolute conscious,” i.e. God. In the second category’s narratives, the common persona also partakes in this mystical enjoyment and experience.
2. Resistance/Denial
For Lacan, resistance pertains to the “the imaginary.” The Sufiʼs aim in provoking denial in the disciple is to solidify the subject supposed to know. The author distinguishes two distinct patterns in resistance-oriented narratives: (1) “I know it is legitimate, but I do not do it.” In this model, the Sufi acts or speaks against common sense or custom or the authority of Sharia. (2) “I know it is illegitimate, but I do it.” Such narratives often include Malamati themes.
3. Random Object of the Sign
At this point, the resistance is broken and the object enters the signifying chain. The Aristotelian interpretation of this incident is “anagnorisis,” which implies the “transition from ignorance to knowledge” (Payendeh, 2018, p. 72). Lacan upholds two types of knowledge, namely the imaginary knowledge and symbolic knowledge (Evans, 2006, p. 96), the former of which pertains to the ego and the latter to the subject (ibid.); and achieving the latter is deemed as the aim of psychoanalysis. The only means of achieving this knowledge is through a particular form of speech designated as “free association” (ibid.). From a mystical point of view, the individual is pre-guided too, and the mystic presents the individual simply with random objects that act as the signifier of “that sign.” In many Sufi narratives, a particular theme is portrayed: the object sent by the mystic is regarded as a sign from God, leading to the transformation of the individual.
4. Mission
At this stage, the therapy/transformation process concludes and the individual’s pursuit/mission begins. The hero of such narratives is not a commoner on the verge of a spiritual revolution, but a mystic who has risen as the Caliph of God and bestows meaning upon creation and people’s deeds with his presence and effort, as the master signifier. According to Lacan, the mystic has evolved into a subject who fills the void of “the big Other”.
Conclusion: In classification and adaptation of the narratives to the psychoanalytic stages (both Freudian and Lacanian), the author highlights the association of each stage with the concept of “transference” - either as its preparation or consequence. Altogether, the study examines the entirety of the Asrār al-Tawḥidʼs narratives from the perspective of a single process (psychoanalysis), in which each narrative represents a fragment of the macro-narrative. The main function of the text in such a view is evoking the mystical experience in the reader, rediscovering symbolic knowledge, guiding, and ultimately, reminding one of one’s mission.

Masoud Algooneh Juneghani,
Volume 14, Issue 56 (12-2021)

Introducing narrative as a possible world, while emphasizing its self-sufficiency, the present study aims to provide an alternative to those theories that consider narrative as a reflection of the state of the affairs in the real world. Accordingly, having discussied the self-sufficiency of narrative configured through its internal forces, the research explores the subject of contextualism from a macro-cultural, phenomenological, and linguistic point of view. This research methodologically uses a combination of phenomenological and linguistic approaches in the study of literary context to apply the principles of the possible literary world in the light of topics such as symbolic forms, wholeness, semantic heterogeneity, probable impossibility, internal logic of the work and semiotic reading. In this study, it is found that in the semantics of the possible literary world, the consistency theory of truth is more effective than the coherency theory of truth, and narrative, while suspending the referential function of the text, is better understood via its internal orderings.
  1. Introduction
In the mimetic reading of literary works, an attempt is always made to find a reasonable relationship between the narrative and the outside world. Accordingly, most thinkers, working in the field of literature and history, try to investigate the historical origins and real contexts of literary works and to reveal the objective considerations from which the narrative is thought to have originated. That is why, narrative¸ according to such a view, is regarded as a mirror in front of the nature or the world, and therefore the identity of fictional characters, images, events and narrative situations are reduced to a shadow, or else a copy for which one could find a corresponding or equivalent phenomenon in the world.
For this reason, historical events, personalities, and the state of affairs in the outside world, are supposed to be the source or foundation on which the narrative is constructed and represented. Since at the core of this theory lies the principle of reference, and the truth or falsity of propositions depends on the conformity of such representations with the particular affairs of the world, the historical reading of the narrative is more dominant. In this approach every phenomenon in the narrative is interpreted to be a reflection of an invulnerable reality. Thus, such an approach not only negates the independence and self-sufficiency of the narrative, but also reduces it to the level of history. But that is not all. Indeed, sometimes, there is an allegorical approach which seems to be more quasi-philosophical than the mimetic reading. From this perspective, narrative as a special literary world is regarded as a place for the re-presentation or re-emergence of some universal phenomena. In fact, when it is not possible to identify a particular event or real character behind the representations of a narrative, the reader, researcher, or the literary critic shifts from a mimetic to an interpretive or allegorical approach. Accordingly, fictional characters or events acquire their originality not by reference to specific historical phenomena, but by reference to universal themes.
In this way, "fictional particular represents actual universal" (Doležel, 1988: 477). Such a view leads to the formation of a kind of literary typology according to which a particular phenomenon is considered to be correspondent to universal affairs. In this way, in a narrative, characters are regarded to be equivalent to different social types, character traits are equivalent to general psychological characteristics, and specific or partial situations or events are equivalent to general and universal historical situations. Thus, from this perspective, the narrative contains abstract categories that are manifested in the guise of fictional events and characters. For this reason, in the allegorical reading of a work, it seems necessary to rely to elevate the narrative facts to the level of general affairs on the basis of an interpretive or allegorical approach.
In other words, the components, present in the narrative, are distanced from their narrative identity in the allegorical approach. These elements are, instead, reformulated as sociological, moral, or psychological types or generalities. Obviously, such an approach deprives the narrative of its special charms due to the exclusion of the particular. For this reason, in what follows, relying on the principle of self-sufficiency of the work, I try to provide an approach to reading narratives, which not only maintains the individuality of the work, but do not reduce the narrative to real or allegorical affairs, as well. According to such a view, narrative as a possible world is self-sufficient and has a real identity, and has therefore the power to be configured through its own regulative rules. Therefore, in this research, it is assumed that the validity or cogency of the characters and events in the narrative is guaranteed by its internal system. Accordingly, in the following, while rethinking the concepts of "self-sufficiency" and "contextualism" of the narrative, and emphasizing the independence of the work, I would try to elucidate and highlight the axioms of the narrative semantic.
  1. Review of Literature
In fact, shortly after Kripke reinterpreted Leibniz's classical concept of possible worlds in a formal logical system, the study of literature and the analysis of the fictional world from the perspective of possible worlds have been prevalent since 1970s. In this regard, Pavel (1975), as a beginner, tries to clarify the relationship between narrative and the real world. He critiques the tendency to analyse literary works in the light of the referential function due to its reducing the art work to the mere reflection of the outside world. Instead, he proposes a specific ontology by which the self-sufficiency of literary works is guaranteed, as well. Another research which is of high significance especially for its explanatory power and also its coherent reasoning is that of Doležel (1988). The research is to explain the nature of the narrative and its related ontology. In this study, Doležel emphasizes that the origin of representation is the author himself. He believes that fictional characters are real in a hypothetical world before the author turns to them, and that the creator of the work has not necessarily experienced examples of them in the real world. He avows that the fiction writer creates his characters in exactly the same way as the historian constructs historical characters, with this difference that the writer is the historian of the realms of fiction. I do not quite agree with the outcomes of this research because of its reduction of the ontology of the possible world to the reception theory, though I may refer to some of his findings while I give my own suggestions. In any case, Doležel considers the fictional world to be something different from the real world, emphasizing that fictional characters are possible and not real. However, the position of Wolterstorff (1988) is in opposition to this principle. He provides the reader with some reasons to show how believing in non-existent, but probable characters, whose being is manifested only by the narrative, is objectionable. Another research which is of high importance in terms of its historical aspects of the theory and also its explanatory power is that of Ronen (1994). In a comprehensive study, Ronen emphasizes that employing philosophical teachings about the possible world could be useful in literary theory due to the similarities between the two. While examining the historical course of the theory of possible worlds, he explains its rules and finally applies the teachings of this field in the field of narration. There are a number of notable criticisms of Ronen, including Van Peer (1996), who addresses one of the key terms he uses and argues that asserting the fictional elements to be non-real is exactly in contrast with what the possible world theory is likely to prove. In a book review, Earnshaw (1997) also shows that taking a pragmatic viewpoint, Ronen ultimately leaves it up to the reader to determine the possibility or probability of fictional characters, and he thus ignores the main issue, i.e. the real state of affairs.
3. Methodology
In any case, the present study is an original research which is the outcome of my own personal reflections and, except in one or two cases where I have taken some terms from Doležel research, I am not indebted to any research in terms of my theoretical framework.
4. Results
The present study shows that regarding the literary world as a possible world implies the self-sufficiency of the work, and therefore the difference between a literary work and, say, a historical work, is that internal forces play an important role in its construction. This, in itself, entails the suspension of the referential function of the language. In this way, the particular signification of a literary work is not achieved by its correspondence to the outside world, but generally by the internal order of the work. For this reason, explaining the mechanism of truth and falsity of propositions in a possible literary world shows greater efficiency when it is based on the consistency theory of truth. Examining the axioms of the possible literary world shows that the self-sufficiency of a literary work is not only in line with contextualism in its phenomenological and linguistic sense, but also reveals some of the most important features of this world. For example, the form of thought in the possible literary world, although it has similarities with scientific thought, but as long as the work tends towards self-sufficiency, the form of thought is based on different perceptions of concepts such as objectivity, time, place and causality. In terms of semantic as well as ontological integrity, the possible literary world expands along a continuum, in which the tendency for wholeness in the work is maximal in one end and minimal on the other. What makes the possible literary world different from the real word is the fact that unlike the real world, in which imperfection is considered as an existential or semantic defect, in the literary world, imperfection is considered as an aesthetic feature. This is firstly because a part or parts of the identity of phenomena and characters are existentially revealed in such a world, which allows the generation of prototypical or ideal examples, and on the other hand, from the point of view of perception theory, imperfection itself acts as a factor which increases the range of a reader's collaboration in the recreation of the final meaning and thus makes the meaning more plural and fluid. This issue justifies the semantic and ontological heterogeneity, the presence of phenomena and the possible characters in the possible literary world. In fact, as long as the intellectual, linguistic or stylistic system of the author and the work act as a macro-structure which deprives the subject of his/her agency, the literary tradition acts as a channel that leads to the creation of similar formal and thematic works, but the literary world due to its lack of adherence to homogeneity becomes dynamic. This dynamism is basically the result of the absorption of paradox in the literary system. Obviously, the presence of paradox in the literary world leads to a constant dialectical becoming. Accordingly, paradox, as an estrange object, enters the system, upsets it, and eventually becomes a part of it. Thus, although the literary tradition entails fixation and stagnation, the literary world is always elusive due to the lack of adherence to ontological or semantic similarity. In the end, it became clear that when we examine the literary world from the perspective of the theory of reception, understanding the cohesion and coherence of the text and thus the textual significance of the work entails superseding the mimetic reading- which is common to historical and scientific texts- and adapting a semiotic reading. Such a reading focuses on those signs that gain their value through ungrammaticality and non-coexistence with the other components of the literary work.

Volume 14, Issue 56 (12-2021)

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