“Tazriq" style is one of the sub-styles of poetry in the popular period of Indian style. But this style did not become popular even during the Indian style era. Therefore, only a few verses of “Tazriq” style poetry are left. And there is little information about this style in biographies. So, with the information written in the biographies, it is not possible to understand what Tazriq poetry is and what are its basics. In the contemporary era, several articles have been written about injection But most of the researchers, without paying attention to the historical, social and literary background of Tazriq, have investigated it with new approaches of literary theories. So the previous ambiguities and questions have not been resolved yet. In this research, we want to find out the basics of Tazriq poetry with a descriptive-analytical method, considering the historical context, especially by studying injection poetry and the opinion of Tazriq poets about Tazriq poetry. For this purpose, we have chosen the manuscript of Otuznameh by Mollah Foqi Yazdi, which is the largest and best source available in this field. Foqi Yazdi stated in the introduction of the book and in the text of the Otuznameh that he wrote all the poems and sentences of his work in the Tazriq style. He gave explanations about the reason for choosing the Tazriq style, based on which we can explain the fundamentals of Tazriq.
Article Type:
Original Research |
Literary types Received: 2024/10/31 | Accepted: 2025/01/27 | Published: 2025/02/28