Associate professor in Persian Language and Literature, Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran ,
Abstract: (92 Views)
Advanced research based on the model of "contextual interpretation" and relying on the rule of "tradition as context" to investigate the reflection of the "tradition of reciting poetry” in the language of the first surviving Arabic translation of the Poetics. The premise of the research is that the reciting of poetry has a dramatic nature in the tradition and Matta has paid attention to it, therefore, the art of reciting poetry should be regarded as the "textual texture" that dominates his mind and perception, and the "hidden text" of his translation language of Aristotle's Poetics. The study shows that the rendering of word comedy to satire in the translation of Abu Bishr Matta has roots in two things: a) the connection of comedy and satire in the textual network of source language, that is, the Greek literature, reference to this historical fact that Signs of satire can be seen in Ancient Greek comedies. b) dramatic nature of reciting satire in the target textual network i.e. Arabic literature, referring to numerous reports about the dramatic pattern of poets in reciting satire. The distinction of Matta's work is his combination method in translating the specialized terms of the Poetics, such as "comedy"; a method that has led to preserving the dramatic nature of comedy in translation; The translation of comedy into satire is a "hybrid and threshold" translation and is close to the linguistic-literary context of source and target, that is, has roots in the cultural, literary and social contexts of both.
Article Type:
Original Research |
Literary theory Received: 2024/09/25 | Accepted: 2025/01/27 | Published: 2025/02/28