Volume 5, Issue 19 (2012)                   LCQ 2012, 5(19): 8-26 | Back to browse issues page

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Ecocriticism, A New Approach in Literary Criticism. LCQ 2012; 5 (19) :8-26
URL: http://lcq.modares.ac.ir/article-29-9533-en.html
Abstract:   (11387 Views)
The response from the different branches of humanities to the environmental crisis has led to the formation of a new interdisciplinary topic, Ecolinguistics with its branches such as Environmental Ethics and Ecocriticism in literature. The term Ecocriticism was first coined in 1978 by William Rueckert. It was a reaction to the environmental crisis. Ecocriticism reflects on the relationship between human and physical environment in literary works. It also talks about the relationship between religion, ethic, language, and gender with the environment. This article deals with the necessity of ecocriticism in the humanities and introduces some of the research methods and topics in this field.
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Article Type: Case Report | Subject: Literary Theory|narratology|Semiotic Criticism|contemporary Persian fiction|socioliterature|mythology|feministic criticism
Received: 2012/05/30 | Accepted: 2012/10/1 | Published: 2012/10/9

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