Volume 5, Issue 20 (2012)                   LCQ 2012, 5(20): 171-194 | Back to browse issues page

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A comparative study of poetical theory of Mohammad Taqi Bahar and Ebrahim Abdolqader Almazani. LCQ 2012; 5 (20) :171-194
URL: http://lcq.modares.ac.ir/article-29-8997-en.html
Abstract:   (10510 Views)
Abstract: Poetical theory is a methodical discussion about works the nature and instrument of which are language. Mohammad Taqi Bahar (Malekoshoara) and Ebrahim Abdolqader Mazani explained their poetical theory in a period when there was an intensive struggle between tradition and modernity in all sections and fields. Both of them, as the effective members of an outstanding literary movement (Daneshkade association in Iran and Jama'ate Divan in Egypt), played a role in explaining their poetical theory and the movement they belonged to. The present study can pave the way for literary analysts to compare the conditions of literary movement in different lands. It also provides an exact and scientific analysis of the philosophy of their success in one land and their failure in another land (or at least ups an downs of their movement in literary limits of different nations). So it compares poetical theory of Mohammad Taqi Bahar (Malekoshoara) and Ebrahim Abdolqader Mazani. After extracting and classifying the ideas of Bahar and Mazani about definition of poetry methodically, and about the position and function of poet and address in creating a poem and its content, poetical theory of these two are compared and explained. It is clarified that both of them have paid attention to poetry function rather than to its structural aspects. From the intellectual aspect, Bahar is more introvert but Mazani is extrovert. It should be mentioned that the function of European literary works and also taking effect from European literary schools is evident in Mazani poetic theory. In general, it can be said that Bahar is more traditionalist and Mazani more modernist.
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Article Type: Theoretical | Subject: Literary Theory
Received: 2012/05/24 | Accepted: 2012/11/23 | Published: 2012/12/10

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