alumnus/Tarbiat modares University
Abstract: (8420 Views)
It’s been a long time that advertising dialogue tends to refer to the advertising message more implicitly and indirectly than explicitly for achieving to their goal. The connotations to the advertising objects can confront the interlocutor with the different surfaces of the system of visual sign and can make more interactions. The goal of this article is to study the applications and displaying of the metaphors in the different surfaces of the system of visual sign and to comprehend the capabilities of it to signifying the posters describing the Ashoura’a as an advertising media. Therefore, here, some of the different posters describing Ashoura’a created in the recent years have been studied. In this research, we are facing with two principal questions: Firstly, can analyzing the different surfaces of the system of visual sign have any application in designing the posters describing Ashoura’a? Secondly, how can the visual and verbal elements and also the interactions between these two create the various displaying of metaphors in the posters? Based on this study it is concluded that methapore has the ability to display in any of the three levels of system of visual sign and the different functions of metaphor in any of these levels created due to the dispositions of the elements and their nature can make the different lectures and it results in appearance of various displaying of metaphor and perception of the dialogues existing in the advertising object for the interlocutors of the posters describing the Ashoura’a. Comprehending any of these concepts can make the possibility of comparison between the different aspects of displaying the metaphor in the different surfaces of the system of visual sign and study the capabilities of any of these surfaces for signifying the art works and the metaphor dialogues.
Article Type:
practical |
Rhetorics|Semiotic Criticism Received: 2012/08/14 | Accepted: 2013/05/2 | Published: 2013/08/23