Volume 8, Issue 32 (2015)                   LCQ 2015, 8(32): 53-84 | Back to browse issues page

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Dehghanpour P. Text on Screen: The Novel Sāl-e Balvā and Its Influence on the TV Series Gohar-e Kamāl. LCQ 2015; 8 (32) :53-84
URL: http://lcq.modares.ac.ir/article-29-8299-en.html
M.A. in Persian Language and Literature, Ghiasodin Jamshid Kashani Institute of Higher Education, Abyek, Iran
Abstract:   (13356 Views)
The Iranian TV series, Gohar-e Kamāl (1998), is written and directed by Abbas Ranjbar and was shown on IRIB. Parts of this TV series resemble Abbas Maroufi’s novel Sāl-e Balvā (1992); nevertheless, there are no references to this novel in the credits of the show. This article studies Maroufi’s novel and Gohar-e Kamāl and points out some possible influences of Maroufi’s novel on Ranjbar’s series. As the screenwriter, Ranjbar borrows certain phrases and dialogues from the novel. Furthermore, some of his characters, such as “Raziye Nobakht,” “Hatam Khanpour,” and “Ghobad” are modeled after characters such as “Noushafarin Niloufari,” “Hosseina Kouzeh-gar” and “Dr. Masoum” from the novel. However, certain themes and motifs of the novel have been modified so that they comply with the cultural norms of society.
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Article Type: practical | Subject: contemporary Persian fiction
Received: 2015/07/24 | Accepted: 2015/12/22 | Published: 2016/01/7

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