2- professer of payame noor university
Abstract: (9711 Views)
One of the most effective approaches for critical studies of literary works is Critical Discourse Analysis. This article studies Madār-e sefr darajehwithin this framework by analyzing some of the most important aspects of the novel such as semiology of its title, images, characters (actor, affected, and narrator), narratology, structure and the theme of the story. Furthermore, the status of this novel in the field of political fiction is studied. Based on Fairclough’s approach, the findings of the article suggest that Madār-e sefr darajeh,as a literary text, is in direct relation with the dominant social discursive practices and social hegemony.
Article Type:
practical |
Semiotic Criticism Received: 2011/03/12 | Accepted: 2012/04/15 | Published: 2012/05/7