Volume 2, Issue 8 (2009)                   LCQ 2009, 2(8): 53-72 | Back to browse issues page

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Mohabbati M. Interpretation of the Automatic Writing. LCQ 2009; 2 (8) :53-72
URL: http://lcq.modares.ac.ir/article-29-3576-en.html
NO. 57, ST. Fakuri, St. Kardar shomali, Tehra, Iran.
Abstract:   (10544 Views)
Eyn-ol Ghozat Hamedani is one of the prominent scholars and theosophists in the field of literary theory with lots of in-depth studies in this area. In his four excellent works, he has introduced fresh and unique ideas regarding the criticism and interpretation of the literary texts, among which one can point out: the relationship between expression and meaning; words’ connective and separative forms with respect to the meaning and content; the relation between poem and prose, and the mentality and the viewpoint of the reader; the impromptu writing especially in three stags including childhood, the state of wisdom, and the state of being in love. This study intends to analyze Eyn-ol Ghozat Hamedani’s works based on the frameworks proposed by him.
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Received: 2009/06/14 | Accepted: 2010/02/14 | Published: 2011/03/20

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