1- Ghasem Abad-Fallahi Boulvard- Fallah 96- Bo. 15
2- Ferdowsi University Campus-Faculty of Letters & Humanities-English Dept.
3- Mashhad-Azadi SQ- Ferdowsi University Campus- Faculty of Letters & Humanities-English Dept.
Abstract: (13472 Views)
This study is a stylistic narratological analysis of Ravāyat-e Moharram (The Narrative of Moharram) by Seyyed Morteza Aviny based on a framework adopted from Randall’s (1999) Narrative Intelligence Theory. Although many claims have been made about the unique qualities of Aviny’s narratives, none of his works have been academically analyzed to confirm the narratological features of his works. The researchers believe that scientific analysis of Aviny’s works based on reliable theories of narratology can substantially contribute to a better understanding of special qualities of his style, and using them in new forms and contexts. In the present study, mechanisms contributing to the promotion of narrative intelligence and their realization in Ravāyate Moharram are quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed using Labov’s (2001) narratological model as a structural instrument. The linguistic manifestation of some narratological features of Aviny’s prose are discussed from a stylistic perspective.
Received: 2010/02/10 | Accepted: 2010/07/18 | Published: 2010/11/20