Volume 12, Issue 48 (2019)                   LCQ 2019, 12(48): 175-207 | Back to browse issues page

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molooodi F, Yazdkhasti H, ghorbani N. Metaphor and Time. LCQ 2019; 12 (48) :175-207
URL: http://lcq.modares.ac.ir/article-29-34144-en.html
1- Institute for Research and Development of Humanities , f_molowdi@yahoo.com
2- payame nur uuniversity
3- Azad university of khurasgan
Abstract:   (6315 Views)
The effects and actions of the two words used in the process of creating a metaphor have always been considered, how the transfer of meanings from one word to another is questioned by the researchers; there are two groups of theorists; a group forms the metaphor formation process Symmetrical and believe that the two words of the foundation and purpose play a balanced role in the process of metaphor, in contrast to the other group, they believe that in formulating the metaphor and creating the meaning of that base word, more and more, they impose their meaning on the word of the target. Slowly The main question of this article is what determines the symmetry or asymmetry of the process of metaphor? In this paper, some of the concepts in Einstein's theory of relativity such as space-time, line of world, gravity and tensor were used to study this question. Following theoretical reviews in this article, one can conclude that the "time" factor in the asymmetry of the metaphor process can be affected. In fact, in the process of metaphor, the basic word is more familiar, in other words older, more gravitational force than the meaning of its meaning on the word of the target and its meaning is affected
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Metaphysics
Received: 2019/06/23 | Accepted: 2019/12/11 | Published: 2019/12/31

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