Volume 11, Issue 42 (2018)                   LCQ 2018, 11(42): 85-112 | Back to browse issues page

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yaghoobi janbeh saraei P, Rahimi M. Discursive Construction of the Plot in Mystical Biographical Reports: Hallaj Riwāyāt/Narratives. LCQ 2018; 11 (42) :85-112
URL: http://lcq.modares.ac.ir/article-29-23788-en.html
1- - , p.yaghoobi@uok.ac.ir
Abstract:   (8778 Views)
Biographical reports are a form of mystical narrativization that interpellates subjects with the aim of legitimization or delegitimization and organizes a fact or some facts in their favor or against them. A better understanding of these constructed facts requires explanation of the methods through which the plot of these reports are made from a discursive point of view. This study classifies and analyzes the discursive construction of plot in Hallaj narratives as a prototype of the two levels of legitimization and delegitimization in the biographical reports/accounts of fifthteen mystical books. To describe the process of signification and interpretation, some references are made to the concepts of Max Weber and Theo-Won Lyon for the legitimization process; some concepts by Foucault and Mary Douglas are also cited for delegitimization process. The result suggests that a group with a romantic-qalandari attitude have tried to legitimize Hallaj with the attribution of a form of authority, along with a positive moral assessment and mythologization to his narratives. Another group with an ascetic-religious attitude citing examples of religious-sharia and cultural-conventional disorder attributed to Hallaj, or his representation with an aim of removal or secrecy, have served the discourse of his exclusion and delegitimization. A third group have taken a middle standpoint. Although they have often defended Hallaj, in some cases they have raised some negative aspects of his life without any defense. Looking at these standpoints, it can be assumed that the type of stances are based on the epistemic-ideological world of the biographers...

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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Sociological critique
Received: 2018/08/4 | Accepted: 2018/09/23 | Published: 2018/09/15

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