Volume 7, Issue 27 (2014)                   LCQ 2014, 7(27): 157-181 | Back to browse issues page

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Dehghanpour P. A Subtext in Symphony-e Mordegan : A Study of the Reflection of Ardabil darGozargah-e Tarikh in Abbas Maroufi’s Novel. LCQ 2014; 7 (27) :157-181
URL: http://lcq.modares.ac.ir/article-29-2324-en.html
M.A. in Persian Language and literature, Ghiasodin Jamshid Kashani Institute of Higher Education
Abstract:   (16461 Views)
One of the texts that has played an important role in the conception of Maroufi’s Symphony of the Dead (1989) is Ardabil dar Gozargah-e Tarikh[1] by Baba Safari (1920-2003). The two texts are so much interwoven that at times it becomes impossible to distinguish Safari’s voice from Maroufi’s. Although Marouf’s novel is not a historical one, it depicts the events occurring in Ardabil between 1934 and 1976.  At first look, Ardabil seems to be whatconnects the two works. But beyond this, Maroufi not only reconstructs some of the historical events narrated in this book, but also creates some of his fictional characters borrowing from the descriptions of the historical figures that Safari has brought into life in his book. This article studies the influence of Safari’s historical work on Maroufi’s novel.  
[1]. Ardabil in the Passageway of History
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Article Type: practical | Subject: contemporary Persian fiction
Received: 2014/07/13 | Accepted: 2014/08/21 | Published: 2014/10/23

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