Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Tarbiat Modares University
Abstract: (10917 Views)
At the end of the nineteenth century, a new social movement was being formed among the Muslims of the Russian Empire. Under the influence of the innovative approach of its founder, Ismail Gasprinski, this movement was called ‘Jadidism’. In order to publicize its beliefs, this movement created fine works of modern poetry and fiction. This paper analyzes The Muslims of the Abode of Felicity [Därürrähat Müsülmänlarї] (1906)—Gasprinski’s most famous utopian work. Fitrat (1886-1938) translated this novel into Persian, Musulmänän-e Därul-rähat, in 1915. In this novel, Gasprinski presents his aspirations as the framework of the ideal Muslims community, or the utopia. The novel is here reviewed with an analytical-descriptive method and a critical approach using a special model designed for the analysis of such novels.
Article Type:
practical |
contemporary Persian fiction Received: 2014/01/1 | Accepted: 2014/07/18 | Published: 2014/10/23