Ph.D. Student in Comparative Literature, Université Paul Verlaine, Metz
Abstract: (15460 Views)
As a Pioneer story writer, Jamalzadeh by bringing together Western and Eastern techniques in Yeki bud yeki nabud[1] founded a new style that became famous as “short story.” “Veylân od-Dowleh” with a different structure from the other five story of this collection poses the subject of joblessness which is similar to the “Le Vagabond,” the work of French writer, Guy de Maupassant. In these two stories, the joblessness is discussed from two different angles: voluntary joblessness, by emphasizing on the mystical observation, and involuntary unemployment. By posing this question that whether Jamalzadeh, in the writing of this story, was influenced by Maupassant or not, I investigate comparatively these two works, looking at the subject and style of expression. Accordingly, drawing on some textual examples from these two stories, I have investigated the views of the two writers about the subject of unemployment through a study of the personalities, actions, and reactions of the two protagonists struggling with the inner-self and the outside world. [1] Once Upon a Time
Received: 2011/09/19 | Accepted: 2012/05/21 | Published: 2012/06/23