Volume 5, Issue 18 (2012)                   LCQ 2012, 5(18): 138-169 | Back to browse issues page

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ghasemi M, Esmaili E. .The Interpretation of Dreams in Derakht-e Anjir-e Ma’ābed. LCQ 2012; 5 (18) :138-169
URL: http://lcq.modares.ac.ir/article-29-1767-en.html
1- Assistant prof.
Abstract:   (8804 Views)
. Dream is one of the most important elements of modern novel. In Derakht-e anjir-e ma’ābed, the only modern novel by Ahmad Mahmoud, this element plays a key role. At the beginning of the novel, Alamdar-e Avval, mentions his dreams and the Alamdar of the next generation narrates those dreams and finally the Alamdar of the third generation writes down those narrations. Alamdar’s dreams are obscure and complicated and challenge the reader. Besides, later in the book two dreams by Mard-e Digar and Sarmast-e Bakhtiari are narrated. The major dreams form the first chapter of the novel have not been studied analytically yet. This research offers an analysis of these dreams by summarizing the dream in the author’s own language and with the help of Freud’s method in the Interpretation of Dreams based on genetic structuralism according to which different parts of the novel find their meaning only in a general structure.
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Received: 2011/10/13 | Accepted: 2012/04/24 | Published: 2012/04/24

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