kashan univercity
Abstract: (10128 Views)
Writing, along with fiction, editorial, translation, and writing research papers and critical literary career jamalzade forms. Impact on language practices jamalzade fiction writing and literary issues as one of the main themes, the author of a literary privileged position makes. Major topics include literary criticism, review and introduce new fiction writers have noted that different motivations for jamalzade were sent. . Critical jamalzade impressionistic style in these letters (Tasrgra) and is a hobby which is based on his personal beliefs and preferences as often, and as a professor and veteran informal tone sometimes intimate and loving tone, as Written friends and colleagues. In recent chat critical and scholarly discussion between the two is similar. Issues of language and writing, the main topics of this review. This letter, along with critical essays jamalzade complete picture of him as a literary critic, offers and shows in jamalzade principles and Persian prose fiction, literary manifesto issued from time Until the end of his life, without The same principles remain the same, the assessment criteria for the new generation, he has been criticized for fiction.
Article Type:
Theoretical |
structuralism Received: 2012/11/2 | Accepted: 2013/12/8 | Published: 2013/12/22