Volume 6, Issue 24 (2013)                   LCQ 2013, 6(24): 169-198 | Back to browse issues page

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yadolahi shahrah R. تکامل شخصیت وهاب در زمینه عشق در داستان خانۀ ادریسی‌ها بر مبنای الگوی سفر قهرمان جوزف کمپبل. LCQ 2013; 6 (24) :169-198
URL: http://lcq.modares.ac.ir/article-29-1487-en.html
Abstract:   (7776 Views)
A Study about the evolution of Vahhab's Character in the context of love in Khane-ye Edrisiha Based on Joseph Campbell's Theory of Hero's Journey Khane-ye Edrisiha, the symbolic novel by Ghazaleh Alizadeh, has good potentials for symbolic reading. One of the appropriate methods to comprehend this symbolic structure is an analysis based on "Hero's Journey" that Joseph Campbell suggests. the present research aims to show how the scheme of evolution at the context of love for Vahhab, one of the main characters of the novel, adapts with "Hero's Journey" pattern. This adaptation shows itself through analyzing the novel. This pattern doesn’t apply to the novel only in these stages: Atonement with the Father and the stages that come after the Magic Flight. The omission of the latter stages depends on the general plot of the novel and the writer's decision for the ending section, but the omission of Atonement with the Father stage and almost deletion of Vahab's father in this novel is an important and significant issue that needs another psychosocial study. Key Words Kane-ye Edrisiha, Ghazaleh Alizadeh, Joseph Campbell, Hero's Journey, Love
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Article Type: practical | Subject: contemporary Persian fiction|mythology
Received: 2013/05/30 | Accepted: 2013/10/5 | Published: 2013/12/22

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