Volume 5, Issue 17 (2012)                   LCQ 2012, 5(17): 110-120 | Back to browse issues page

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Jahan didieh kodehi S. A Closet for Ideology: A Semiology and Interpretation of “Giyahi Dar Gharantineh” by Bijan Najdi based on the Theory of Ideology and Power Discourse. LCQ 2012; 5 (17) :110-120
URL: http://lcq.modares.ac.ir/article-29-1362-en.html
Abstract:   (9461 Views)
The interpretation and comprehension of a literary work based on sociological theories usually requires an eclectic approach. Such an approach unveils different aspects of a literary work and at the same time examines the validity of the theories. This article is a structural, semiological, and hermeneutical approach towards “Giyahi dar gharantineh” from the collection of short stories, Yozpalangani ke ba man davideh-and,[1] by Bijan Najdi based on the theory of ideology and power discourse. First, we determined the metatextual and textual signs and then all the signs were interpreted in the web of textual signification. Finally, the meaning-making codes were recognized according to the theory of ideology–in Marx, Althusser, and Žižek–and power discourse in Foucault. The overall aim of the article, apart from recognizing the intertextual aspects and narrative structures, decoding the textual signs, and understanding the hidden textual structure of the story, is to determine the macro-metaphor which can function as a common nucleus for all the stories. The tenors of this metaphor are the dominance of ideology and the illusion of identity.
[1] The Leopards who have Run with Me
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Article Type: practical | Subject: socioliterature
Received: 2011/06/20 | Accepted: 2012/04/15 | Published: 2012/06/16

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