Volume 3, Issue 12 (2010)                   LCQ 2010, 3(12): 171-184 | Back to browse issues page

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dehghani yazdeli H, Amiri M. Decoding Bibis` Narration. LCQ 2010; 3 (12) :171-184
URL: http://lcq.modares.ac.ir/article-29-1261-en.html
1- phd student and lecturer - kurdestan university
2- lecturer Bandar e Lenge Islamic Azad University
Abstract:   (11450 Views)
Decoding Bibis` Narration Abstract Myths and mythical narration have several meaning and several values. This means that myths and mythical narration in meaning horizon of every tex and course , can be changed in term of surface structure and deep structure .Bibis`s narrations have two structures .one concerned custom of marriage and other depends on religious experience. Bibis` myth and narration such as " Bibi Shahr e Banoo " in Rey and " Bibi Shah Zeinab " in Yazdel e Kashan even if they have victimizing deep structure of fairies but in Islamic periods considering the recreation of stories again and also the form and appearance of restructured buildings are the indicator of religious matter and its joint to the holy time atleast tendency to it , " mysterious " , " awe " , and " splendor " which is at extreme the reason of revelation of descriptions of holly time. these signs and revelations in details and structure of narrator stories and related buildings is appeared . Key word : Bibi, sign,narration, religious experience ,myth .
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Article Type: practical | Subject: narratology|Semiotic Criticism|folklore
Received: 2011/05/6 | Accepted: 2011/06/20 | Published: 2011/08/8

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