No. 44,10 Milad St,Sajjad Blvd,Mashhad,Iran
Abstract: (7919 Views)
Suhrawardi’s hermeneutical approach to the elements, components and narratives of the Shahnameh, as they are expressed in his mystical treatises, delineates the metamorphosis of the epico-mythic Weltanschauung into a mystico-gnostic worldview. We will best understand this metamorphosis by contrasting the hermeneutical principles of Suhrawardi with those of Ferdowsi in interpreting various myths and epic narratives. Ferdowsi’s hermeneutics can be described as “logocentric,” a term which highlights the role of λόγος in imposing a rational interpretation on the seemingly illogical and counterfactual aspects of myth and epic narrative. In contrast, Suhrawardi’s hermeneutics is dominated by different ontological and epistemological principles that turn it into what can be designated as “radical hermeneutics,” a theory of reading whose radicality consists in making the Erlebnis of the reader and his or her intentiō lectoris the focal point of interpretation. The paper will scrutinize the way in which Suhrawardi interprets the epico-mythic elements of the Shahnameh as mystical symbols in the context of his Gnostic and illuminationist worldview and thus metamorphoses the epic into the mystical.
Street literature Received: 2009/04/12 | Accepted: 2009/09/13 | Published: 2010/03/18