Volume 6, Issue 21 (2013)                   LCQ 2013, 6(21): 111-135 | Back to browse issues page

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hessampour S, Pirsoufi Z, Asadi S. A Study Of The Implied Reader In The Book In Two Of Ahmadreza Ahmadi's Stories. LCQ 2013; 6 (21) :111-135
URL: http://lcq.modares.ac.ir/article-29-11150-en.html
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Abstract:   (9437 Views)
This paper uses the theory of "the implied reader in the book" by Aiden Chambers to analyze two of Ahmadi's latest works, "The butterfly had fallen asleep on my pillow" and "The girl, the fish, and the loneliness". To know the implied reader and his/her characteristics, Chambers suggests studying the four factors of style, point of view, partialityand and empty spaces. These factors play an important role in children's books and help the author communicate with the reader. The results show the implied readers in his books are thoughtful and capable children with pure imaginations and innovative souls who are able to enjoy the beauties of the story and discover the hidden concepts in it. Also the depth and complexity in Ahmadi's books provoke the adults and the young adults to read and enjoy his works. Keywords: Aidan Chambers, Ahmadreza Ahmadi, Children Story, Implied Reader, The butterfly had fallen asleep on my pillow, The girl, the fish, and the loneliness.
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Article Type: practical | Subject: Literary Theory|child Literature
Received: 2012/01/31 | Accepted: 2012/12/20 | Published: 2013/03/21

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