Volume 8, Issue 29 (2015)                   LCQ 2015, 8(29): 143-165 | Back to browse issues page

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Razavian H, Ehsani V. A Comparative Study of Al-e-Ahmad’s Modir-e Madrese and Golestan’s Asrar-e Ganj-e Darreye Jenni based on Metaphors of Transitivity. LCQ 2015; 8 (29) :143-165
URL: http://lcq.modares.ac.ir/article-29-10564-en.html
1- Assistant professor of linguistic. Semnan Universiyt
2- MA. Linguistics. Semnan University
Abstract:   (16762 Views)
Scholars have different methods for grouping or determining the style of the literary works. So it sounds inevitable to have disagreement on how to determine the style of a work. In this paper we do not seek to confirm or reject common stylistics methods; rather we are proposing a new criterion as an indicator of style, namely, the metaphor of transitivity as a grammatical metaphor. To this end, Al-e-Ahmad’s Modir-e Madrese and Golestan’s Asrar-e Ganj-e Darreye Jenni are studied through a descriptive-analytical method. The metaphors of transitivity from these works are extracted and compared. The frequency of such metaphor in Asrar-e Ganj-e Darreye Jennicompared to Modir-e Madrese is much less. In Golestan these metaphors represents the conversion of mental processes to the existential ones and then the mental to the relational processes. In Modir-e Madrese, however, there is a unique employment of the metaphors of transitivity that represents the conversion of relational processes to the material ones and then the verbal processes to material.  Our study presents a model for using grammatical metaphor as a stylistic unit. In the chosen works, there is a significant difference between both the frequency and the type of metaphors of transitivity.        
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Article Type: practical | Subject: stylistics
Received: 2014/11/27 | Accepted: 2015/04/13 | Published: 2015/07/25

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