Volume 3, Issue 10 (2010)                   LCQ 2010, 3(10): 115-142 | Back to browse issues page

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Sadeghi Esfehani L. The elements of “text world's theory” in cognitive poetics approach In “the panthers who have run with me” by Bijan Najdi. LCQ 2010; 3 (10) :115-142
URL: http://lcq.modares.ac.ir/article-29-8340-en.html
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Abstract:   (6133 Views)
Connecting the literary text world to reader's world as well as reading all signifying aspect of a fiction's world is not achievable by literary criticism, so it seems there is a necessity to have a theory which could study the text world in terms of both scientifically and literary creativity, that is a theory which produces the possibility of scientific survey of literature. To evaluate text world theory, in this article, it is supposed to analyze all the fictions of “the panthers who have run with me” by Bijan Najdi, an Iranian story writer. The question raised in this paper is, therefore, whether text world theory could identify the elements which structure Najdi's fiction narration? Then how he is distinguished from other authors through the production of his text world and understanding them by readers? To answer the first question, every text includes three levels: discourse world, text world and text sub-world to construct a part of the narration. The answer to the second question, Najdi produces a cohesive discourse world in his book by considering some common elements in all his fictions, so the separated fictions would be connected to each other invisibly. The important point in this paper is that, according to Najdi's text world's reading, every world could embed another world inside and create an underlying fiction by different narrative techniques. To conclude, the most important point in Najdi's works is the production of sub-stories by underlying or sub-text worlds, which are activating underlying stories.
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Received: 2010/03/12 | Accepted: 2010/07/7 | Published: 2011/04/13

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